const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyDefaultDisplayIndex |
| Key to access the default display index of the system configuration. More...
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyDefaultSurfaceBitsAlpha |
| Key to access the default surface bits alpha of the system configuration. More...
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyDefaultSurfaceBitsBlue |
| Key to access the default surface bits blue of the system configuration. More...
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyDefaultSurfaceBitsDepth |
| Key to access the default surface bits depth of the system configuration. More...
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyDefaultSurfaceBitsGreen |
| Key to access the default surface bits green of the system configuration. More...
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyDefaultSurfaceBitsRed |
| Key to access the default surface bits red of the system configuration. More...
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyDefaultSurfaceBitsStencil |
| Key to access the default surface bits stencil of the system configuration. More...
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyDefaultSurfaceSamplesAntialiasing |
| Key to access the default surface anti-aliasing sample count of the system configuration. More...
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyDefaultSurfaceType |
| Key to access the default surface type of the system configuration. More...
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyDefaultWindowClassName |
| Key to access the default window class name of the system configuration. More...
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyDefaultWindowHeight |
| Key to access the default window height parameter of the system configuration. More...
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyDefaultWindowOrder |
| Key to access the default window order parameter of the system configuration. More...
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyDefaultWindowStyle |
| Key to access the default window style of the system configuration. More...
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyDefaultWindowTitle |
| Key to access the default window title of the system configuration. More...
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyDefaultWindowWidth |
| Key to access the default window width parameter of the system configuration. More...
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyDefaultWindowX |
| Key to access the default window X coordinate parameter of the system configuration. More...
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyDefaultWindowY |
| Key to access the default window Y coordinate parameter of the system configuration. More...
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyEGLContextClientVersion |
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyEGLEnumerateConfigurations |
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyEGLGraphicsFormatID |
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyEGLIMGContextPriority |
| Key to access the EGL IMG context priority of the system configuration. More...
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyEGLSurfaceType |
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyQnxEnableSlogger2 |
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyQnxEnumerateDisplays |
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyQnxPipelineID |
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyQnxSlogger2MaxRetries |
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyQnxSlogger2VerbosityLevel |
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeySurfaceColorSpace |
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyWaylandInputMode |
| Key to access the Wayland immediate input mode of the system configuration. More...
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyWaylandIviLayerId |
| Key to access the IVI layer ID of the system configuration. More...
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyWaylandIviLayerOpacity |
| Key to access the IVI layer opacity of the system configuration. More...
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyWaylandIviLayerVisibility |
| Key to access the IVI layer visibility of the system configuration. More...
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyWaylandIviSurfaceId |
| Key to access the IVI surface ID of the system configuration. More...
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyWaylandIviSurfaceOpacity |
| Key to access the IVI surface opacity of the system configuration. More...
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyWaylandIviSurfaceVisibility |
| Key to access the IVI surface visibility of the system configuration. More...
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyWaylandShell |
| Key to access the Wayland shell of the system configuration. More...
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyWGLGraphicsFormatID |
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationKeyWin32EnumerateDisplays |
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationValueSlogger2VerbosityLevelCritical |
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationValueSlogger2VerbosityLevelDebug1 |
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationValueSlogger2VerbosityLevelDebug2 |
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationValueSlogger2VerbosityLevelError |
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationValueSlogger2VerbosityLevelInfo |
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationValueSlogger2VerbosityLevelNotice |
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationValueSlogger2VerbosityLevelShutdown |
const string | kanzi::ConfigurationValueSlogger2VerbosityLevelWarning |
const string | kanzi::SystemConfigurationKeyMmapMode |
const string | kanzi::SystemConfigurationValueMmapDefault |
const string | kanzi::SystemConfigurationValueMmapEager |
const string | kanzi::SystemConfigurationValueMmapLazy |