Kanzi  3.9.9
Kanzi Engine C++ API
kanzi Namespace Reference




class  AbstractAnimation
 Interface for abstract animations. More...
class  AbstractBinding
 AbstractBinding is the base class for binding classes. More...
class  AbstractBindingRuntime
 Base class for binding runtimes. More...
class  AbstractBindingVariableSource
 Abstract interface for VariableBindingSources and VariableExpressionValueSource. More...
class  AbstractExpressionValueSource
 Value source base for use in bindings with multiple sources. More...
class  AbstractExpressionValueSourceRuntime
 Runtime base class for expression value sources. More...
class  AbstractIndexedRange
 Abstract indexed range interface. More...
class  AbstractLogger
 To implement a logger, inherit from this class. More...
class  AbstractMessageType
 AbstractMessageType is a homogeneous message type handle to an existing message type. More...
class  AbstractMessageTypeDescriptor
 An instance of a AbstractMessageTypeDescriptor represents a single message type in the Kanzi message system in an abstract homogeneous form. More...
class  AbstractNodeReference
class  AbstractProfiler
 AbstractProfiler. More...
class  AbstractPropertyNotificationHandler
 Abstract property notification handler. More...
class  AbstractPropertyType
 AbstractPropertyType is a homogeneous property type handle to an existing property type. More...
class  AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor
 AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor is used internally by the property type system to manage property types. More...
class  AbstractRange
 Abstract range interface. More...
class  AbstractRangeIterator
 Abstract range iterator interface. More...
class  AbstractRangeLocation
 Location into a range. More...
class  AbstractResourceReference
class  AbstractValueProfiler
 Abstract value profiler. More...
class  Action
 Actions are small operations that Kanzi executes when the trigger event that contains that action occurs and the trigger conditions are met. More...
class  ActionBase
 Base abstraction class for Action classes. More...
class  Activity2D
 An Activity is a part of application UI that is responsible for a task. More...
class  Activity3D
 An Activity is a part of application UI that is responsible for a task. More...
class  ActivityBrowserController
 ActivityBrowserController is an interface class for implementing runtime data exchange between the Kanzi Studio Preview and the ActivityBrowser Kanzi Studio plugin. More...
class  ActivityCodeBehind
 ActivityCodeBehind is code that is associated with a particular Activity node, and has access to the properties of that Activity node. More...
class  ActivityConcept
 Base class for Activity classes. More...
class  ActivityConceptImpl
 Implementation class for ActivityConcept. More...
class  ActivityElement
 ActivityElement is the base class for all Activity and Activity Host classes. More...
class  ActivityElementHistory
 Encapsulates serialized data for activity elements. More...
class  ActivityElementImpl
 ActivityElement implementation class. More...
class  ActivityHistoryManager
 ActivityHistoryManager encapsulates functionality of serialization of activities. More...
class  ActivityHostConcept
 Base class for Activity Host classes. More...
class  ActivityHostConceptImpl
 Implementation class for ActivityHostConcept. More...
class  ActivityHostControllerPropertyManager
 Encapsulates management of activities through a controller property. More...
class  ActivityPrefabLoader
 Helper class for the Activity Host class types. More...
class  ActivitySourceController
 Encapsulates the management of data provider for Data-Driven Exclusive Activity Host. More...
class  ActivityStatusAnimationFinishedHandler
 Encapsulates dispatching of messages when an activating or a deactivating activity animation is finished. More...
class  ActivityStatusManager
 Covers the management of the StatusProperty in the State Manager that the prefab of an Activity node uses for transition animations. More...
class  ActivitySwitchingSynchronizer
 Encapsulates the synchronization of animations for activating and deactivating Activity nodes. More...
class  AndroidLogger
class  AnimationBindingProcessor
 Animation binding processor executes an animation and calculates the value for use in expression bindings. More...
class  AnimationBindingProcessorRuntime
 Holds the runtime state of an AnimationBindingProcessor. More...
class  AnimationPlayer
 Use the Animation Player to play back an animation timeline that you set using the TimelineProperty property in that Animation Player. More...
class  AnimationResource
 A Resource wrapper class for animations. More...
class  Application
 Application class is the base class for Kanzi applications. More...
struct  ApplicationProperties
 Configurable application properties. More...
struct  AppliedStyleEntry
 Applied style entry. More...
class  ApplyAction
 Base abstraction for Actions for DataTrigger, such as ForwardingApplyAction and ApplyActivationAction. More...
class  ApplyActivationAction
 An ApplyActivationAction keeps an Activity node activated for as long as the condition is met in a DataTrigger that contains this action. More...
class  ApplyPropertyAction
 An ApplyPropertyAction sets a property to the requested value for as long as the condition is met in the DataTrigger that sets off this action. More...
class  AutoClosingModalScope
 Implements the auto-closing modal scopes. More...
class  AutoClosingModelessScope
 Implements the auto-closing modeless focus scope. More...
struct  BackEasingFunction
 Changes the value back slightly before moving it toward the target. More...
struct  BezierEasingFunction
 Changes the value according to a Bezier curve. More...
class  BinaryResource
class  Binding
 Binding is the simplest form of binding. More...
class  BindingBaseRuntime
 Base runtime class for simple one-on-one bindings. More...
struct  BindingExpressionOpCode
 Expression binding operation. More...
struct  BindingExpressionOpCodeParameters
 Runtime Parameters for binding expression opcodes. More...
class  BindingHostConcept
 BindingHostConcept specifies an interface for adding and removing bindings to the binding host. More...
class  BindingHostConceptImpl
 Implementation class for BindingHostConcept. More...
struct  BindingLoadInfo
 Use the BindingLoadInfo to create the information for a binding that you need when adding the binding to an object. More...
class  BindingLookupContext
 Lookup context for bindings. More...
class  BindingLookupNotificationBase
 Base class for notifications on binding lookup. More...
class  BindingNodeEffect2DLookupContext
 Binding lookup context for NodeEffect2D. More...
class  BindingNodeLookupContext
 Binding lookup context for Node. More...
class  BindingProcessor
 Binding processor. More...
class  BindingProcessorRuntime
 Holds the runtime state of a binding processor. More...
class  BindingRenderPassLookupContext
 Binding lookup context for RenderPass. More...
class  BindingRenderValueLookupContext
 Binding lookup context for render value associations. More...
class  BindingRuntime
 Runtime for binding. More...
class  BindingRuntimeHandle
 Handler for binding runtimes. More...
class  BindingSource
 Binding source contains all the persistent data that you need to access a source value for the binding. More...
class  BindingSourceRuntime
 Binding source runtime interface. More...
class  BindingTargetRuntime
 Binding target runtime interface. More...
class  BindingToken
 Helper class that manages the lifetime of the runtime binding owned by a Node or a RenderPass, by removing the owned binding on the destruction of that Node or the RenderPass. More...
class  BindingTriggerLookupContext
 Binding lookup context for Node. More...
class  BindingValueSourceOwner
 Owner for value source bindings. More...
class  BitmapFontFile
 Font implementation for bitmap fonts. More...
class  BitmapFontLoader
 FontLoader implementation for bitmap fonts. More...
class  BitmapImage
 Image is the basic runtime primitive to load, hold, and convert image data in memory. More...
class  BlendModeRenderStatePropertyNotificationHandler
 Custom render state property notification handler for blend mode. More...
class  BlendModeRenderValueBindingTargetRuntime
 Custom render value binding target runtime for blend mode. More...
class  BlitRenderPass
 Use the Blit Render Pass to blit one or more textures to the screen of the current rendering context using a material. More...
class  BlurEffect2D
 Use BlurEffect2D to apply a Gaussian blur post-processing effect to 2D nodes. More...
class  BlurEffectRenderer2D
 Blur effect renderer class. More...
struct  BounceEasingFunction
 Changes the value as a sequence of bounces. More...
class  Box
 Class for box volume. More...
class  Brush
 Use a brush to fill a Node2D. More...
class  BrushRenderer
 An interface for specialized brush renderers, which implement brush rendering. More...
class  BufferObjectStream
 Specifies stream to GL buffer object. More...
class  Button2D
 Use the Button 2D node to create a 2D UI control that the user can interact with through clicking, tapping, or pressing a key. More...
class  Button3D
 Use the Button 3D node to create a 3D UI control that the user can interact with through clicking, tapping, or pressing a key. More...
class  ButtonConcept
 Button nodes provide an area that receives key and touch input which Kanzi translates to state events. More...
class  ButtonConceptImpl
 Implementation class for ButtonConcept. More...
class  CallbackBindingProcessor
 Callback processor. More...
class  CallbackProcessorRuntime
 Holds the runtime state of a CallbackBindingProcessor. More...
class  Camera
 Use a Camera to define the view transform to use to render a 3D Scene. More...
struct  CharacterLayout
 Structure for layout of a single character for text rendering. More...
struct  CircleEasingFunction
 Changes the value using a circular function. More...
class  ClassPropertyDefaultValue
 ClassPropertyDefaultValue is a helper for installing property values as class metadata. More...
class  ClearRenderPass
 Use a Clear Render Pass to clear the color, depth, and stencil buffers of the current render context before passing the control to the descendants of this render pass. More...
class  ClickConcept
 Use the ClickConcept properties to control how nodes handle click and double-click. More...
class  ClickConceptImpl
 Implementation of base Click Concept class for derived classes. More...
class  ClickManipulator
 Click input manipulator recognizes the click and tap gestures from the incoming touch events. More...
class  ClickManipulatorComponent
 ClickManipulatorComponent installs a ClickManipulator to a node. More...
class  Clock
 Represents a monotonic, high resolution clock that advances steadily as the physical time moves forward. More...
class  CodeBehind
 Code Behind is a workflow where you associate code with an instance of a node instead of a type. More...
class  CodeBehindRegisterGuard
 RAII class for attaching code behind to an Activity or Activity Host node. More...
class  ColorBrush
 Color brush class. More...
class  ColorBrushRenderer
 Color brush renderer class. More...
class  ColorRGBA
 Color with 4 floating point components: red, green, blue and alpha (r, g, b, a). More...
class  CombinerObjectSource
 Combiner object source. More...
class  CombinerObjectSourceRuntime
 Runtime for combiner object source. More...
class  Command
 Command class defines property and message types used in implementation of commands. More...
class  CompositionBrush
 Texture brush class. More...
class  CompositionBrushRenderer
 OpenGL texture brush renderer class. More...
struct  CompositionContentRequirements
 Holds the requirements for the composition target. More...
class  CompositionManager
 Composition manager. More...
class  CompositionRequirements
 Composition requirements represent the required buffers for composition. More...
class  CompositionStack
 Composition stack for managing current render context. More...
class  CompositionTargetRenderPass
 Use the Composition Target Render Pass to set one to four composition targets and render all descendant render passes to the composition targets that the Composition Target Render Pass created. More...
class  Condition
 Condition for triggers. More...
class  ConstraintBindingProcessor
 Binding processor structure for constraints. More...
struct  ConstraintBindingProcessorRuntime
 Holds the runtime state of a ConstraintBindingProcessor. More...
class  Constraints
 Contains property types of Constraints. More...
class  ContainsPropertyFilter
 Use the Contains Property Filter to collect 3D nodes that contain, or do not contain a specific property. More...
class  ContainsPropertyFilterRuntime
 Runtime for contains property node filter. More...
class  ContentBrush
 Texture brush class. More...
class  ContentBrushRenderer
 Content brush renderer class. More...
class  ContentItemCollectionModel
 Base class for exposing abstract access to collections of items of UI controls with content. More...
class  ContentItemModel
 Base class for exposing abstract access to content of UI controls with single content item model. More...
class  ContentLayout2D
 Use the Content Layout 2D node to present content in a 2D UI control as a single item. More...
class  ContentLayout3D
 Use the Content Layout 3D node to present content in a 3D UI control as a single item. More...
class  ContentLayoutConcept
 Use the Content Layout nodes to present complex content as one element in the UI. More...
class  ContentLayoutConceptImpl
 ContentLayoutConceptImpl is an abstract class for implementing the Content Layout node concept. More...
class  ContentReference
class  ControllerPropertySource
 Abstract class whose implementation encapsulates management of controller property source for an activity host controller property. More...
class  CoutLogger
 This logger class writes log messages to standard output. More...
class  CubeMapRenderPass
 Use the Cubemap Render Pass to create a cubemap texture that represents the scene from some location. More...
struct  CubicEasingFunction
 Changes the value based on the cube of time using the function f(t) = t^3. More...
class  CurveReparametrization
 Kanzi uses curve reparametrization to subdivide a spline or a line into a series of samples. More...
class  DataContext
 DataContext acts as a container for data. More...
class  DataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost2D
 A type of Exclusive Activity Host node, that uses a list of Activity nodes provided by setting a list DataObject, from a DataSource, to the ActivitySourceProperty property. More...
class  DataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost3D
 A type of Exclusive Activity Host node, that uses a list of Activity nodes provided by setting a list DataObject, from a DataSource, to the ActivitySourceProperty property. More...
class  DataDrivenExclusiveActivityHostConcept
 Base class for the Data-Driven Exclusive Activity Host classes. More...
class  DataDrivenExclusiveActivityHostImpl
 Implementation class for DataDrivenExclusiveActivityHostConcept and ExclusiveActivityHostConcept. More...
class  DataObject
 DataObject is the base class for data. More...
class  DataObjectBool
 Implementation of DataObjectTyped<bool, DataObject::Bool>. More...
class  DataObjectEnum
 Provides functions to the host, set, and get values of the given type. More...
class  DataObjectEnumBase
 DataObjectEnumBase is the base class for enum data. More...
class  DataObjectInt
 Implementation of DataObjectTyped<int32_t, DataObject::Int>. More...
class  DataObjectList
 DataObjectList is the base class for list data object. More...
class  DataObjectReal
 Implementation of DataObjectTyped<double, DataObject::Real>. More...
class  DataObjectString
 Implementation of DataObjectTyped<string, DataObject::String>. More...
class  DataObjectTyped
 Template class that you can use with the standard types. More...
struct  DataObjectTypeTraits
 DataObjectTypeTraits Provides type information for how a data type should be stored, passed as a parameter, etc. More...
struct  DataObjectTypeTraits< double >
 A specialization for double, because PropertyDataTypeTraits<T> does not have double. More...
class  DataSource
 Use data sources to separate the user interface from the application data and to remove the dependencies between a Kanzi Studio project and the application code which define the Kanzi application. More...
class  DataSourceBindingSource
 Data source binding source. More...
class  DataSourceBindingSourceRuntime
 Runtime for object property binding source. More...
class  DataSourceControllerPropertySource
 Implementation of ControllerPropertySource, for controller property value provided by a data source field. More...
class  DataSourceExpressionValueSource
 Data Source expression value source. More...
class  DataSourceExpressionValueSourceRuntime
 Runtime for object property expression value source. More...
class  DataSourceListItemGenerator
class  DataSourceListItemGenerator2D
class  DataSourceListItemGenerator3D
class  DataTrigger
 Use a DataTrigger to apply an action to either set a property value of a target node or activate an Activity node. More...
class  DataTriggerComponent
 Base class for the DataTrigger class. More...
class  DataTriggerTemplate
 DataTriggerTemplate is the base class for the Data Trigger templates. More...
class  DebugRenderRegistry
 Use the debug render registry to register debug rendering functions for your custom Node3D nodes. More...
class  DefaultListBoxItemContainerGenerator
class  DefaultListBoxItemGenerator
class  DefaultLogger
 Use this class to access the Default Logger. More...
class  DefaultProfilerRegistry
 The default profiler registry placeholder. More...
class  DispatchMessageAction
 DispatchMessageAction dispatches a message of specified type to a specified target. More...
class  DistanceFilter
 Distance filter. More...
class  DistanceFilterRuntime
 Runtime for distance filter. More...
class  DockLayout2D
 Use the Dock Layout 2D node to place nodes relative to each other along the sides of a Dock Layout 2D node. More...
class  DockLayout3D
 Use the Dock Layout 3D node to place nodes relative to each other along the sides of a Dock Layout 3D node. More...
class  DockLayoutConcept
 Dock layout concept base class. More...
class  DockLayoutConceptImpl
 Dock layout concept implementation base class. More...
class  Domain
 Domain binds Kanzi subsystems and objects together. More...
class  DomainProfilerCollection
 The domain profiler collection. More...
class  DragAndDropManipulator
 Drag-and-drop input manipulator recognizes the drag-and-drop gesture from incoming touch events. More...
class  DrawObjectsRenderPass
 Use the Draw Objects Render Pass to render only nodes in a Scene node provided by an object source you set in this render pass. More...
class  DrawObjectsWithMaterialRenderPass
 Use the Draw Objects With Material Render Pass to render nodes provided by an object source using a material. More...
class  DummyBindingTargetRuntime
 Runtime for dummy binding target. More...
class  DynamicMessageType
 DynamicMessageType is a handle to an existing message type. More...
class  DynamicPropertyType
 DynamicPropertyType is a handle to an existing property type. More...
class  EffectStack2D
 Use EffectStack2D to apply multiple post-processing effects to 2D nodes. More...
class  EffectStackRenderer2D
 Use the Effect Stack Renderer to render a sequence of child effect renderers. More...
struct  EGLCapabilities
 EGL capabilities. More...
class  EGLConfig
 Class representing a single EGL configuration. More...
class  EGLContext
 Class representing an EGL context. More...
class  EGLDisplay
 Class representing an EGL display connection. More...
class  EGLPBufferSurface
 Class representing EGL PBuffer surface. More...
struct  EGLVersion
 Struct holding EGL version information. More...
class  EGLWindowSurface
 Class representing EGL window surface. More...
struct  ElasticEasingFunction
 Changes the value that resembles an oscillating spring until it comes to rest. More...
class  EmptyNode2D
 Empty Node 2D can be used to group other 2D nodes. More...
class  EmptyNode3D
struct  enable_bitmask_operators
 Enabler template for bitmask operators over an Enum class. More...
class  EventFilter
 EventFilter class. More...
class  EventQueue
 The EventQueue class implements a queue of Kanzi input events gathered by EventSource instances. More...
class  EventSource
 EventSource class. More...
class  EventSourceDecorator
 The EventSourceDecorator declares the interface for the EventSource decorators. More...
struct  EventSourceProperties
 Configurable event source properties. More...
class  ExampleApplication
class  ExclusiveActivityHost2D
 An Activity Host that displays Activity nodes one at a time. More...
class  ExclusiveActivityHost3D
 An Activity Host that displays Activity nodes one at a time. More...
class  ExclusiveActivityHostBaseImpl
 Implementation of common functionality of ExclusiveActivityHost and DataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost classes. More...
class  ExclusiveActivityHostConcept
 This is the base class for all Exclusive Activity Host nodes. More...
struct  ExclusiveActivityHostContentHandler
 Helper class used to modify the ExclusiveActivityHostContent of an ExclusiveActivityHost. More...
class  ExclusiveActivityHostImpl
 Implementation class for ExclusiveActivityHost. More...
class  ExecuteLuaAction
 You can use ExecuteLuaAction to run a Lua script that implements application logic. More...
struct  ExponentialEasingFunction
 Changes the value with an exponential function with power that you can configure. More...
class  ExpressionBinding
 ExpressionBinding enables you to bind from multiple sources to one target, and to modify the values before writing them to target values. More...
class  ExpressionBindingProcessor
 Expression binding processor. More...
class  ExpressionBindingRuntime
 Runtime for expression binding. More...
class  ExpressionBindingSource
 Expression binding source collects expression value sources and executes operations on the values to produce a read result. More...
class  ExpressionBindingSourceRuntime
 Runtime for expression binding source. More...
class  ExpressionCondition
 Use trigger conditions to set which conditions must be met for a Trigger to set off. More...
class  File
 Interface class for files. More...
class  FilterObjectSource
 Filter object source. More...
class  FilterObjectSourceRuntime
 Base class for filter runtime classes. More...
class  FixedString
 String that points to a string literal. More...
class  FlagScopeGuard
 Scope guard for boolean value. More...
class  FloatValueAccumulator
 Use a FloatValueAccumulator to increase the value of a float property type or a property field over time. More...
class  FlowLayout2D
 Flow Layout 2D arranges 2D items along a line and continues to the next line when it runs out of space. More...
class  FlowLayout3D
 Flow Layout 3D arranges 3D items along a line and continues to the next line when it runs out of space. More...
class  FlowLayoutConcept
 Flow layout concept base class. More...
class  FlowLayoutConceptImpl
 Flow layout concept implementation base class. More...
struct  FocusChainIndex
 Contains the focus order and focus order offset information of a node in a focus scope. More...
struct  FocusChainNode
 The focus chain node of a focus scope consists of the node of the focus scope, its focus order, and the focus order offset. More...
class  FocusFence
 Implements the focus fences. More...
class  FocusGroup
 Implements the focus groups. More...
class  FocusManager
 Focus Manager enables you to set and change the key focus between attached nodes. More...
struct  FocusNavigationGesture
 Declares a focus navigation gesture. More...
class  FocusNavigationManipulator
 FocusNavigationManipulator converts key gestures into focus chain navigation actions to move the focus between focusable nodes. More...
class  FocusScope
 The FocusScope class holds the attributes of a focus scope: More...
class  FocusScopeVisitor
 Focus scope visitor for UI scene traversal of focus scopes. More...
class  FontEnginePlugin
 FontEnginePlugin is the interface definition for font engine plugins. More...
class  FontFamily
 A font family resource contains font files. More...
class  FontFile
 FontFile is the base class for different font file resource implementations. More...
class  FontLoader
 Use FontLoader to create FontFile objects from memory or a file. More...
class  FontManager
 Use the FontManager class to: More...
class  FontRuntime
 Runtime font. More...
class  FontStyleConcept
 FontStyleConcept is the base class for the nodes that draw text with different font styles. More...
class  FontStyleConceptImpl
 Implementation class for FontStyleConcept. More...
class  FontStyleDefinition
 FontStyleDefinition provides a collection of font characteristics. More...
class  ForwardingAction
 ForwardingAction is the base class for the action classes that read and send arguments, such as SetPropertyAction or DispatchMessageAction. More...
class  ForwardingApplyAction
 ForwardingApplyAction is the base class for the ApplyAction classes that read and send an argument, such as ApplyPropertyAction. More...
class  Framebuffer
 Framebuffer attachment state. More...
class  FrameDescription
 Description of a frame, the remaining area of a quad with another quad cut out. More...
class  FrameTimeQueue
 Helper class for calculating the frame rate. More...
class  FreeTypeFontEnginePlugin
 FreeTypeFontEnginePlugin is the FreeType font engine plugin implementation. More...
class  FreeTypeFontFile
 Font implementation using the Freetype rasterizer. More...
class  FreeTypeFontLoader
 FontLoader implementation for the Freetype rasterizer. More...
class  FreeTypeTextShaper
 TextShaper implementation using these open source libraries: More...
struct  from_chars_result
 Holds the status result of a call to from_chars. More...
class  FromToAnimation
 Template class for from-to animations. More...
class  FromToAnimationBase
 Template base class for from-to animations. More...
class  FrustumCullFilter
 Frustum cull filter. More...
class  FrustumCullFilterRuntime
 Runtime for frustum cull filter. More...
class  GatherLightsRenderPass
 GatherLightsRenderPass is a class for generating light properties for rendering nodes. More...
class  GatherNearestLightsRenderPass
 GatherNearestLightsRenderPass is an implementation of light gathering. More...
class  GenericResourceProfilingContext
 Generic resource profiling context. More...
class  Geometry
 Geometry represents 2D coordinate data that you can use to render 2D nodes and text. More...
class  GlBlendModeRenderValue
 Custom blend mode render value implementation. More...
class  GLBufferHandle
 GLBufferHandle manages RAII ownership for GL buffer object. More...
class  GLFramebufferHandle
 GLFramebufferHandle manages RAII ownership for GL framebuffer object. More...
class  GlGraphicsAdapter
 Base class for handling calls to OpenGL family. More...
class  GlGraphicsAdapterCallGles
 OpenGL API call handler which calls the implementation from dynamically loaded GLES library. More...
class  GlGraphicsAdapterCheckForErrors
 Check for GL errors. More...
class  GlGraphicsAdapterLogger
 Logs OpenGL API calls. More...
class  GlGraphicsLogScope
 Scoped OpenGL log enable/disabler. More...
class  GLGraphicsOutput
 GLGraphicsOutput class. More...
class  GLProgramHandle
 GLProgramHandle manages RAII ownership for GL program object. More...
class  GLRenderbufferHandle
 GLRenderbufferHandle manages RAII ownership for GL renderbuffer object. More...
class  GlRenderState
 OpenGL render state. More...
class  GlRenderValue
 Individual render value container. More...
class  GlRenderValue< TextureSharedPtr >
 Specialization of GlRenderValue. More...
class  GlRenderValueBase
 Base class for render value information. More...
struct  GlRenderValueBinding
 GlRenderValueBinding is a binding from shaders/materials into values in GlRenderState. More...
class  GLShaderHandle
 GLShaderHandle manages RAII ownership for GL shader object. More...
class  GLTextureHandle
 GLTextureHandle manages RAII ownership for GL texture object. More...
class  GlyphCache
 Glyph cache renders different characters on a texture with the font and font size that you use in your Kanzi application. More...
class  GlyphCacheManager
 GlyphCacheManager creates and maintains glyph caches for different font file and font size combinations. More...
class  GlyphRun
 GlyphRun contains the memory structures that are needed to render a text string. More...
class  GPUBuffer
class  GPUResource
 GPUResource is a resource that must be deployed to the GPU. More...
class  GraphicsOutput
 GraphicsOutput class. More...
class  GridLayout2D
 Grid Layout 2D arranges 2D items in a grid. More...
class  GridLayout3D
 Grid Layout 3D arranges 3D items in a grid. More...
class  GridLayoutConcept
 Base class for the Grid Layout nodes. More...
class  GridLayoutConceptImpl
 Implementation class for GridLayoutConcept. More...
class  GridListBox2D
 Use the Grid List Box 2D node to create scrollable lists of 2D items arranged in a grid. More...
class  GridListBox2DTraits
class  GridListBox3D
 Use the Grid List Box 3D node to create scrollable lists of 3D items arranged in a grid. More...
class  GridListBox3DTraits
class  GridListBoxConcept
 GridListBoxConcept provides the common properties and messages for the GridListBox2D and GridListBox3D nodes. More...
class  HudDebugEvent
 The event toggles the head-up display debugging status. More...
class  Image2D
 Image2D node. More...
class  ImmutableIteratorRange
 Iterator location range pointing to a particular location of an iterator range. More...
class  ImmutableSplitStringRange
 ImmutableSplitStringRange is an analogue to the ImmutableIteratorRange for a SplitStringRange. More...
class  ImmutableString
 Immutable string container. More...
class  IndexedPropertyAccessRange
 Indexed property access range. More...
class  IndexedViewRange
 View over another indexed range. More...
class  InputEvent
 Base event class providing the core functionality of the Kanzi input events. More...
class  InputManager
 Input Manager converts the events from the given event queue into input specific messages. More...
class  InputManipulator
 The base class for the Kanzi input manipulators. More...
class  InputMethod
 The InputMethod class defines the interface of the Kanzi input methods. More...
class  InputMethodBackend
 The InputMethodBackend defines the interface of the input method backends. More...
class  InputMethodListener
 The InputMethodListener defines the communication interface of Kanzi input methods. More...
class  InputMethodManager
 The InputMethodManager keeps track of the input method backends registered in Kanzi. More...
class  Instantiator3D
 Use the Instantiator node to replicate the appearance of a 3D node, or a tree of 3D nodes, that the Instantiator node targets. More...
class  InstructionBindingProcessor
 Instruction binding processor is the top-level class for all instruction-like binding processors. More...
class  InstructionBindingProcessorRuntime
 Holds the runtime state of an InstructionBindingProcessor. More...
class  InterpolatedValue
 Core component for smooth interpolation in code. More...
class  IntervalProfiler
 The interval profiler. More...
struct  IntervalProfilerSampleData
 The interval profiler data sample. More...
struct  IntervalProfilerSampleStatistics
class  IntervalProfilingSampler
 The main loop task profiling sampler collects interval measurement to produce IntervalProfilerSampleData sample. More...
class  IntValueAccumulator
 Use an IntValueAccumulator to increase the value of an integer property type over time. More...
class  InvalidKZBFileException
 Kanzi throws this exception when it tries to load an invalid kzb file. More...
struct  IrisImageHeader
class  IteratorRange
 Iterator is an range that references a location in another range. More...
class  ItypeFontEnginePlugin
 ItypeFontEnginePlugin is the IType font engine plugin implementation. More...
class  ItypeFontFile
 Font implementation using the iType rasterizer. More...
class  ItypeFontLoader
 FontLoader implementation for Monotype's iType rasterizer. More...
class  ItypeTextShaper
 TextShaper implementation using Monotype's WTShaper library. More...
class  JavaException
 Exception class that can be used to wrap a Java generated exception. More...
class  JavaModule
class  JNIError
struct  JniLibrary
class  JvmModule
class  KanziComponentsModule
class  Keyboard
 Keyboard declares the messages dispatched to the nodes when Kanzi handles a hardware key event. More...
class  KeyEvent
 The KeyEvent holds a pressed, released, or auto-repeated key event that occurs in the host operating system. More...
class  KeyframeAnimation
 Template class for keyframe animations. More...
struct  KeyGestureInfo
 This class defines the elements that compose a key gesture, key values, and key modifiers. More...
class  KeyManipulator
 KeyManipulator class is a key input manipulator that detects key gestures. More...
class  KeyManipulatorComponent
 The KeyManipulatorComponent node component installs a KeyManipulator to the attached node, and configures the key gesture of the manipulator. More...
struct  KeyMap
 Defines the keys to map from a {LogicalKey, KeyModifier} pair to a simple LogicalKey. More...
class  KeyMapEventFilter
 The KeyMapEventFilter provides key translation in Kanzi. More...
class  KeyRepeatGenerator
 The KeyRepeatGenerator is an event source decorator that scans the event queue of the EventSource it extends for key-press events and generates from them key-press repetitions. More...
class  KzbFile
 Kzb file loader. More...
class  KZBFileException
 Kanzi throws this exception when an error occurs while loading a kzb file. More...
class  KzbMemoryParser
 Parser for kzb files. More...
class  LegacyError
class  LegacyEventSource
 LegacyEventSource class. More...
class  LegacyGraphicsOutput
 LegacyGraphicsOutput class. More...
class  LegacyRenderPass
 Legacy Render Pass is phased out in favor of specialized render passes that perform individual operations, which are combined in a Legacy Render Pass into a single render pass. More...
class  LevelOfDetail3D
 Level of detail selector node is a 3D node that changes the appearance of its child nodes based on the viewing distance. More...
struct  LibJPEGParameters
 Parameters that Kanzi passes to libjpeg to use when loading jpg image files. More...
struct  LibPNGParameters
 Parameters that Kanzi passes to libpng to use when loading png image files. More...
class  Light
 Light node is a source of light for a 3D scene. More...
struct  LinearEasingFunction
 Changes the value with constant velocity. More...
class  ListBoxConcept
 Properties and messages for list boxes. More...
class  ListBoxConceptImpl
 ListBoxConceptImpl provides the common base implementation for the List Box nodes, such as GridListBox2D, GridListBox3D, and TrajectoryListBox3D. More...
class  ListBoxGridPresenter
class  ListBoxItemContainer
 Use the List Box Item Container prefab to create common functionality and decoration for all items in a List Box. More...
class  ListBoxItemContainer2D
 List Box Item Container for 2D List Box nodes. More...
class  ListBoxItemContainer3D
 List Box Item Container for 3D List Box nodes. More...
class  ListBoxItemContainerGenerator2D
class  ListBoxItemContainerGenerator3D
class  ListBoxItemContainerImpl
 Implementation of base List Box Item Container class for List Box. More...
class  ListBoxItemGenerator2D
class  ListBoxItemGenerator3D
class  ListBoxScrollingConcept
 Messages for the List Box nodes that implement scrolling. More...
class  ListBoxScrollPresenterConceptImpl
 ListBoxScrollPresenterConceptImpl is the base class concept implementation for the List Box presenters that use Scroll View in their presentation. More...
class  ListBoxTrajectoryPresenter
class  LongPressManipulator
 Long-press input manipulator recognizes the long-press gesture from the incoming touch events. More...
class  LongPressManipulatorComponent
 LongPressManipulatorComponent installs a LongPressManipulator to a node. More...
class  LuaInstance
 Loads and runs Lua scripts. More...
class  LuaModule
 The Lua plugin enables you to program Kanzi applications using the Lua programming language. More...
class  MainLoopProfiler
 MainLoopProfiler implements profiling for tasks of MainLoopScheduler. More...
class  MainLoopProfilingAggregateData
 MainLoopProfilingAggregateData implements profiling data aggregation for MainLoopProfiler. More...
struct  MainLoopProfilingSampleData
 MainLoopProfilingSampleData implements profiling sample data for MainLoopProfiler. More...
class  MainLoopProfilingSampler
 MainLoopProfilingSampler implements profiling sampler for MainLoopProfiler. More...
class  MainLoopScheduler
 MainLoopScheduler implements the Kanzi application main loop in form of a customizable sequence of stages, each consisting of a sequence of tasks, where a task is any callable, including functions, function objects, and lambdas. More...
class  ManualBinding
 Manual binding is a one-to-one binding that caches the value that was written to the target. More...
class  ManualBindingRuntime
 Runtime for binding. More...
class  ManualBindingSource
 Manual binding source. More...
class  ManualBindingSourceRuntime
 Runtime for manual binding source. More...
class  ManualBindingTargetRuntime
 Runtime for manual binding target. More...
class  MaskEffect2D
 Use MaskEffect2D to apply a mask to 2D nodes. More...
class  MaskEffectRenderer2D
 Mask effect renderer class. More...
class  Material
 A material is an instance of a material type (ShaderProgram) that contains the property values for the material type properties. More...
class  MaterialBrush
 Freeform shader brush. More...
class  MaterialBrushRenderer
 Material brush renderer. More...
class  MaterialSetupRenderPass
 Use the Material Setup Render Pass to set properties to a material for further render operations using that material. More...
class  Matrix3x3
 Matrix with 3x3 elements. More...
class  Matrix4x4
 Matrix with 4x4 elements. More...
class  MemoryParser
class  MemoryWriter
class  Mesh
 Mesh stores the geometry data for rendering Model3D nodes. More...
class  MeshVertexAttribute
 MeshVertexAttribute describes how Kanzi stores mesh vertex and instance data in memory. More...
class  MessageArguments
 MessageArguments is the base class for arguments passed in messages. More...
class  MessageBindingSource
 Message binding source. More...
class  MessageBindingSourceRuntime
 Runtime for message binding source. More...
class  MessageBindingTargetRuntime
 Runtime for message binding target. More...
class  MessageTrigger
 Message handler trigger. More...
class  MessageType
 An instance of a MessageType represents a single message type in the Kanzi message system. More...
class  Metaclass
 Metaclass provides type inspection mechanism for Kanzi classes. More...
class  MetaclassAbstractBase
class  MetaclassAbstractImpl
class  MetaclassImpl
class  MetaclassStaticBase
class  MetaclassStaticImpl
class  MetadataGeneratedName
 This class is used to disambiguate a constructor which takes a non-literal string argument from an overload which takes a string-literal i.e. FixedString. More...
class  MetaMethod
 MetaMethod provides method invocation mechanism for Kanzi classes. More...
class  MetaObject
 MetaObject is the base class for classes that provide type reflection. More...
class  MethodArgument
 Holds argument type and value information. More...
class  MethodArguments
 Holds arguments applied on metamethod invocation. More...
class  ModalScope
 Implements the modal scopes. More...
class  Model3D
 Node for rendering meshes in 3D space. More...
class  ModelessScope
 Implements the modeless overlay focus scopes. More...
class  Module
 Module is a class representing a functional module with its own metadata about the types it contains. More...
struct  ModuleDeleter
 Module deleter for shared_ptr. More...
class  Morph
class  MorphRuntime
 Contains morph weights for a morph. More...
class  MorphWeightTimeline
 Timeline for animating morph weights. More...
class  MorphWeightTimelinePlayback
 Timeline Playback for morph timeline. More...
class  MoveFocusAction
 Use the MoveFocusAction action to transfer focus from the currently focused item to another focusable item in the focus navigation chain. More...
class  MultiClickManipulator
 Multi-click input manipulator recognizes multi-click and multi-tap gestures from incoming touch events. More...
class  MultiClickManipulatorComponent
 MultiClickManipulatorComponent installs a MultiClickManipulator to a node. More...
class  NamedIntervalProfiler
 The named interval profiler. More...
struct  NamedIntervalProfilerSampleData
 The named interval profiler data sample. More...
class  NamedIntervalProfilerSampler
 This sampler collects interval measurement to produce NamedIntervalProfilerSampleData sample. More...
struct  NamedIntervalProfilerSampleStatistics
 Named Interval profiler sample statistics. More...
class  NamedResourceProfilingContext
 Named resource profiling context. More...
class  NativeDeploymentTarget
 Reference to a backend implementation specific memory storage type for deployment. More...
struct  NativeDesktopProperties
 Properties for a desktop. More...
struct  NativeWindowProperties
 Properties for a window. More...
struct  NavigationGesture
 Declares a navigation gesture. More...
class  NavigationManipulator
 The NavigationManipulator supports these navigation directions and default keyboard keys for them: More...
class  NavigationManipulatorComponent
 The NavigationManipulatorComponent node component installs a NavigationManipulator to a node, and configures the navigation key gestures of the manipulator. More...
class  NinePatchImage2D
 A nine-patch image is a 3x3 grid of images. More...
class  Node
 Base class for Kanzi nodes. More...
class  Node2D
 Node2D is the base class of 2D nodes. More...
class  Node3D
 Base class for all 3D nodes. More...
class  NodeComponent
 NodeComponent is the base class for all node components. More...
class  NodeComponentTemplate
 NodeComponentTemplate is the base class for all node component templates. More...
class  NodeCompositor2D
 Composition functionality for 2D nodes. More...
class  NodeEffect2D
 Use node effects to apply post-processing effects to 2D nodes. More...
class  NodeEffectPrefab2D
 Use node effect prefabs to create node effects that define post-processing effects for 2D nodes. More...
class  NodeEffectRenderer2D
 Node effect renderer class. More...
class  NodeEffectTemplate2D
 Use NodeEffectTemplate2D to instantiate a node effect. More...
class  NodeList
 NodeList is a container that works as input and output node listing for filtering and rendering. More...
class  NodeListRenderPass
 Use the Node List Render Pass to filter and hold a list of nodes that you want to render using other render passes. More...
class  NodePropertyNotificationHandler
 Node property notification handler. More...
class  NodeReference
 Provides functionality for a reference to any attached node that you can access using a relative path. More...
class  NodeVisual2D
 Data and functionality required for rendering Node2D visuals. More...
class  NullBrush
 Null brush class. More...
class  NullGraphicsOutput
 NullGraphicsOutput class. More...
class  nullptr_t
 nullptr_t is the type of the null pointer literal, nullptr. More...
class  Object
 Object is the base class for Kanzi UI classes that implement association with a Domain. More...
class  ObjectControllerPropertySource
 Implementation of the ControllerPropertySource, for ControllerProperty value provided as a property field, either on the Activity Host node or, if the Activity Host node does not have that property, its nearest ancestor that does have that property. More...
class  ObjectFactory
class  ObjectLoader
 ObjectLoader loads objects from KZB. More...
class  ObjectPropertyBindingSource
 Object property binding source. More...
class  ObjectPropertyBindingSourceRuntime
 Runtime for ObjectPropertyBindingSource. More...
class  ObjectPropertyExpressionValueSource
 Object Property expression value source. More...
class  ObjectPropertyExpressionValueSourceRuntime
 Runtime for object property expression value source. More...
class  ObjectPropertyListenerImpl
 Object property listener implementation. More...
class  ObjectSource
 Structure for object source. More...
class  ObjectSourceRuntime
 Runtime for an object source. More...
class  ObjectTypeFilter
 Use the Object Type Filter to collect 3D nodes based on their type. More...
class  ObjectTypeFilterRuntime
 Runtime for object type filter. More...
class  OnAttachedTrigger
 On Attached Trigger. More...
class  OnPropertyChangedTrigger
 Invokes associated actions on setting of a property type, specified by SourcePropertyTypeProperty, on a source node, specified by SourceNodeProperty. More...
class  OrientationChangedEvent
 Specialized event that reports the orientation change of a window. More...
class  OrientedBoundingBox
 An oriented bounding box represents a bounding box that has been transformed by a transformation matrix. More...
class  OutlineEffect2D
 Use OutlineEffect2D to apply an outline to the content of 2D nodes. More...
class  OutlineEffectRenderer2D
 Outline effect renderer class. More...
class  OverlayScope
 Implements the base of overlay focus scopes. More...
class  Page
 Use Page nodes to create the structure of an application user interface. More...
class  PageHost
 Use a PageHost node to group Page and PageHost nodes, and to manage navigation requests and transitions in a tree of Page nodes under a PageHost node. More...
class  PageTransitionCollection
 Transition collection is used to define transitions within a Page Host. More...
class  PanManipulator
 Pan input manipulator recognizes a pan gesture from the incoming touch events. More...
class  PanManipulatorComponent
 PanManipulatorComponent installs a PanManipulator to a node. More...
class  ParallelActivityHost2D
 An Activity Host that can display multiple Activity nodes at a time. More...
class  ParallelActivityHost3D
 An Activity Host that can display multiple Activity nodes at a time. More...
class  ParallelActivityHostConcept
 This is the base class for Parallel Activity Host nodes. More...
struct  ParallelActivityHostContentHandler
 Helper class used to modify the ParallelActivityHostContent of a ParallelActivityHost. More...
class  ParallelActivityHostImpl
 ParallelActivityHostConcept implementation class. More...
class  ParallelTimeline
 Kanzi animation system consists of animations and timelines: More...
class  ParallelTimelinePlayback
 Playback control class for parallel timelines. More...
class  PatchingNotificationHandler
 Patching notification handler interface. More...
class  PerformanceInfo
 HUD class allows drawing information on top of tests. More...
struct  PerformanceInfoProperties
 Configurable performance info display properties. More...
class  PinchManipulator
 Pinch input manipulator recognizes the pinch gesture from the incoming touch events. More...
class  PipelineStateRenderPass
 Use the Pipeline State Render Pass to set for its child render passes the depth and stencil testing, transparency, and culling. More...
class  Plane
 The equation of a plane in 3D space is defined with a normal vector (perpendicular to that plane) and a known point on the plane. More...
struct  PlanePlaneIntersection
 Stores the intersection of two planes. More...
struct  PlaneRayIntersection
 Stores the result of an intersection between a plane and a ray. More...
class  Plugin
class  PointerEvent
 The event holds a pointer event data and typically originates from a mouse or other pointing device. More...
class  Portal
 Portal node. More...
class  PosixDynamicLibrary
 POSIX dynamic library. More...
struct  PowerEasingFunction
 Changes the value with a configurable power function using the function f(t) = t^p, where p is equal to the power parameter. More...
class  PrefabTemplate
 A prefab template contains information that is required to create a tree of Node instances. More...
class  PrefabTemplateNode
 A prefab template node contains information that is required to create node instances: the metaclass of the node, the (initial) property values of the node, information about the bindings and node components of the node, and the list of of child nodes. More...
class  PrefabView2D
 Prefab view 2D node. More...
class  PrefabView3D
 Prefab view 3D node. More...
class  PrefabViewConcept
 Prefab view concept class. More...
class  PrefabViewConceptImpl
 Base class for prefab views. More...
class  PreviewTimeline
 Preview timeline,. More...
class  PreviewTimelinePlayback
 Preview timeline playback controls child timeline playbacks based on preview instructions. More...
class  ProfilerRegistry
 Profiler registry. More...
class  ProfilingCategory
 Represents the runtime state of the profiling category. More...
class  ProfilingScopeHelper
 The profiling scope helper. More...
class  ProgressiveRenderingViewport2D
 Progressive rendering viewport 2D is a viewport which splits rendering its scene across multiple frames. More...
class  PropertyAccessRange
 Property access range wraps the access of properties from another range. More...
class  PropertyAnimationTimeline
 The Kanzi animation system consists of animations, which define how to animate properties, and timelines, which map animations to time and to the objects that you want to animate. More...
class  PropertyAnimationTimelinePlayback
 Playback class for PropertyAnimationTimeline. More...
struct  PropertyDataTypeTraits
struct  PropertyDataTypeTraits< AbstractRangeSharedPtr >
struct  PropertyDataTypeTraits< bool >
struct  PropertyDataTypeTraits< ColorRGBA >
struct  PropertyDataTypeTraits< float >
struct  PropertyDataTypeTraits< int >
struct  PropertyDataTypeTraits< Matrix3x3 >
struct  PropertyDataTypeTraits< Matrix4x4 >
struct  PropertyDataTypeTraits< ResourceSharedPtr >
struct  PropertyDataTypeTraits< SRTValue2D >
struct  PropertyDataTypeTraits< SRTValue3D >
struct  PropertyDataTypeTraits< string >
struct  PropertyDataTypeTraits< Vector2 >
struct  PropertyDataTypeTraits< Vector3 >
struct  PropertyDataTypeTraits< Vector4 >
struct  PropertyDataTypeTraits< void * >
class  PropertyDrivenAnimationPlayer
 Use Property Driven Animation Player when you want to use a property type to control a keyframe animation. More...
class  PropertyFieldAnimationTimeline
 Kanzi animation system consists of animations and timelines: More...
class  PropertyFieldAnimationTimelinePlayback
 Playback control class for Property Field Animation timelines. More...
class  PropertyFieldTargetInterpolationTimelinePlayback
 Playback for property target interpolation timeline for interpolating specific property field. More...
class  PropertyIsEqualFilter
 Use the Property Is Equal Filter to collect 3D nodes that contain, or do not contain a specific property whose value matches a specific value. More...
class  PropertyIsEqualFilterRuntime
 Runtime for contains property node filter. More...
class  PropertyListener
class  PropertyModifierBindingTargetRuntime
 Base class for property modifier binding target runtimes. More...
class  PropertyObject
 PropertyObject is the base class that supports setting and retrieving of property types. More...
class  PropertyObserver
 Helper class for observing certain property in nodes. More...
class  PropertyTargetEasingInterpolator
 Use a Property Target Easing Interpolator when you want to create a smooth transition between the current value of a property and a value that you set dynamically. More...
class  PropertyTargetEasingTimeline
 Property Target Easing Timeline interpolates a property gradually from its old value to a new value using an easing curve each time a new value is set to the property. More...
class  PropertyTargetEasingTimelinePlayback
 Playback for PropertyTargetEasingTimeline. More...
class  PropertyTargetInterpolationTimeline
 Property target interpolation timeline is a timeline that gradually interpolates specified property from its old value to new one each time new value is set to the property. More...
class  PropertyTargetInterpolationTimelinePlayback
 Playback for property target interpolation timeline. More...
class  PropertyTargetInterpolator
 Use a Property Target Interpolator when you want to dynamically set the target value of a property and want to interpolate the current value to the target value over time. More...
class  PropertyType
 An instance of a PropertyType represents a single property type in the Kanzi property system. More...
class  PropertyType< Type, typename enable_if< is_enum< Type >::value >::type >
 Specialization for PropertyType for enums. See PropertyType. More...
class  PropertyTypeDescriptor
 PropertyTypeDescriptor is used internally by the property system to implement all operations required for property types that have the same data type. More...
struct  PropertyTypeEditorInfo
 Editor information for metadata. More...
class  QnxLogger
class  QuadDescription
 Use QuadDescription to create renderable quad geometry. More...
struct  QuadraticEasingFunction
 Changes the value based on the square of time using the function f(t) = t^2. More...
struct  QuarticEasingFunction
 Changes the value based on the 4th order polynomial using the function f(t) = t^4. More...
class  Quaternion
 Quaternions represent rotation around an axis, defined by quaternion components x, y, z and w. More...
struct  QuaternionLongerPath
 Quaternion for interpolating rotation along longer path. More...
struct  QuinticEasingFunction
 Changes the value based on the 5th order polynomial using the function f(t) = t^5. More...
class  RangeAccumulateBindingProcessor
 Runs a binary operation for each value in a range in sequence. More...
class  RangeAccumulateBindingProcessorRuntime
 Holds the runtime state of a RangeAccumulateBindingProcessor. More...
class  RangeBindingProcessor
 Range binding processor is a binding processor for accessing properties from property objects in ranges. More...
class  RangeBindingProcessorRuntime
 Holds the runtime state of a RangeBindingProcessor. More...
class  RangeConcept
 RangeConcept represents a number range with an optional step. More...
class  RangeConceptImpl
class  Ray
 Ray can be mathematically defined as a point (the origin of the ray in space) and a direction. More...
struct  RayBoxIntersection
 Stores the result of an intersection between a box and a ray. More...
class  ReadOnlyDiskFile
 Implements the File interface for files residing on a disk. More...
class  ReadOnlyMemoryFile
 The ReadOnlyMemoryFile class provides a (read-only) file interface to a block of memory. More...
class  Rectangle
 2-dimensional integer rectangle. More...
class  ReferenceCountScopeGuard
 Reference count scope guard. More...
class  RelativeNodeResolver
 Enables you to get the current node in relative path. More...
class  Renderbuffer
 Renderbuffers provide the images that can be rendered to by attaching them to the framebuffer as color or depth stencil images. More...
class  RenderEntry3D
 Host container for render states for 3D rendering. More...
class  RenderEntryRegistry
 Registry used to keep track of DrawObjectsRenderPass objects that contain render entries. More...
class  Renderer
class  Renderer3D
 Renderer is the core component for assigning lights, meshes, cameras, skin animations etc. to lower level rendering. More...
class  RendererStatisticsScope
class  RenderPass
 RenderPass is the base class for Kanzi render passes. More...
class  RenderPassPrefab
 Use render pass prefabs to create render pass trees that define how Kanzi renders 3D content in your project. More...
class  RenderPassTemplate
 Use RenderPassTemplate to instantiate a single render pass. More...
class  RenderPassView
 Use the Render Pass View to instantiate a RenderPassPrefab. More...
class  RenderPropertyBindingSource
 Render property binding source. More...
class  RenderPropertyBindingSourceRuntime
 Runtime for RenderPropertyBindingSource. More...
class  RenderPropertyExpressionValueSource
 Render property expression value source. More...
class  RenderPropertyExpressionValueSourceRuntime
 Runtime for render property expression value source. More...
class  RenderStatePropertyNotificationHandler
 Render value updater for render state. More...
class  RenderValueBindingTargetRuntime
 Runtime for render value binding target. More...
class  Resource
 Represents the base class for all resources. More...
class  ResourceBindingProcessor
 Resource binding processor creates a resource reference that is used to resolve a string into a resource. More...
class  ResourceBindingProcessorRuntime
 Holds the runtime state of a ResourceBindingProcessor. More...
class  ResourceBindingSource
 Resource binding source. More...
class  ResourceBindingSourceRuntime
 Runtime for object property binding source. More...
class  ResourceDictionary
 A resource dictionary is a container that maps resource IDs to resources. More...
class  ResourceDictionarySelector
 A resource dictionary selector is a type of a resource dictionary that redirects resource queries to its only nested dictionary. More...
class  ResourceID
 Resource ID. More...
class  ResourceLoaderFactory
 Factory for resource loader tasks. More...
struct  ResourceLoaderThreadContext
 Resource loader thread local data. More...
class  ResourceManager
 Use the resource manager to access and use resources in kzb files. More...
class  ResourceProfiler
 The resource profiler. More...
class  ResourceProfilingAcquireContext
 The profiling context of resource acquirement. More...
class  ResourceProfilingAttributes
 Container for resource profiling attributes. More...
class  ResourceProfilingContext
 The resource profiling context. More...
class  ResourceProfilingContextFactory
 Resource profiling context factory. More...
class  ResourceProfilingDataSample
 The resource profiling data sample. More...
class  ResourceProfilingDeployContext
 The profiling context of resource deployment. More...
class  ResourceProfilingLoadContext
 The profiling context of resource loading. More...
class  ResourceProfilingLoadTask
 Resource profiling wrapper for load task. More...
class  ResourceProfilingMainLoopContext
 The main loop resource profiling context. More...
struct  ResourceProfilingPtreePopulator
 Resource profiling ptree populator. More...
class  ResourceReference
class  Sampler
 Sampler provides the sampling parameters, such as minification and magnification filters, mipmap mode, and texture addressing mode for textures. More...
class  Scene
 Scene is a 3D node that is the root node for other 3D nodes. More...
class  SceneGraphTimelinePlaybackContext
 Helper class to resolve objects for animation timelines. More...
class  ScopedRefCounter
 Scoped reference counter, which takes an unsigned integer value as argument on construction to track. More...
class  ScopeValue
 ScopeValue template class sets a value to a variable of Type for the lifetime of the ScopeValue object, and restores the previous value of the variable when destroyed. More...
class  Screen
 The screen represents the metrics of the target device and acts as the root node for the whole node tree. More...
class  ScrollView2D
 Use the Scroll View 2D node to create an input plane to enable user input from gestures. More...
class  ScrollView3D
 Use the Scroll View 3D node to create an input plane to enable user input from gestures. More...
class  ScrollViewConcept
 ScrollViewConcept is the base class that provides the functionality for the ScrollView2D and ScrollView3D classes. More...
class  ScrollViewConceptImpl
 Implementation class for ScrollViewConcept. More...
class  SetPropertyAction
 SetPropertyAction sets the value of a property of a target node based on: More...
class  ShaderProgram
 ShaderProgram defines programmable vertex and fragment operations done by the GPU for a draw call. More...
struct  ShaderTextureUniform
 Specifies single texture uniform entry. More...
class  ShaderVertexAttribute
 ShaderVertexAttribute describes the attributes that shader program will read when executed by graphics device. More...
class  ShadowEffect2D
 Use ShadowEffect2D to apply drop- and inner-shadow post-processing effects to 2D nodes. More...
class  ShadowEffectRenderer2D
 Shadow effect renderer class. More...
class  SharedImmutableString
 Shared immutable string container. More...
struct  SineEasingFunction
 Changes the value with a sine formula. More...
class  Slider2D
 Use the Slider 2D node as a building block for a 2D UI control that lets the application user change a numerical value using a visual indicator between a minimum and a maximum value. More...
class  Slider2DConceptImpl
class  Slider3D
 Use the Slider 3D node as a building block for a 3D UI control that lets the application user change a numerical value using a visual indicator between a minimum and a maximum value. More...
class  Slider3DConceptImpl
class  SliderConcept
 SliderConcept contains the trajectory ResourceID property. More...
class  SliderTrajectoryPresenter
struct  SmootherStepEasingFunction
 Changes the value quickly without instant changes in velocity. More...
struct  SmoothStepEasingFunction
 Changes the value quickly without instant changes in velocity. More...
class  SortByShaderObjectSource
 Sort by shader object source. More...
class  SortByShaderObjectSourceRuntime
 Runtime for sort by shader object source. More...
class  SortByZObjectSource
 Z-sorting object source. More...
class  SortByZObjectSourceRuntime
 Runtime for z-sort object source. More...
class  SortObjectSource
 Sort object source. More...
class  SortObjectSourceRuntime
 Base class for sort runtime classes. More...
class  span
class  SpeedMeasurer
 Speed measurer estimates the rate of change from a series of measurements. More...
class  Spline
 Spline is a piecewise polynomial curve that defines a path in a 3-dimensional space. More...
class  SplitStringRange
 SplitStringRange is a range that iteratively performs a string split. More...
class  SRTValue2D
 A structure that describes the scale, rotation and translation transformation in 2D space. More...
class  SRTValue3D
 A structure that describes the scale, rotation and translation transformation in 3D space. More...
class  SRTValue3DLongerPath
class  StackLayout2D
 Stack Layout 2D arranges its items on a line along the axis you specify in the DirectionProperty. More...
class  StackLayout3D
 Stack Layout 3D arranges its items on a line along the axis you specify in the DirectionProperty. More...
class  StackLayoutConcept
 Stack layout concept base class. More...
class  StackLayoutConceptImpl
 Stack layout concept implementation base class. More...
struct  Stage
 Stage instances represent a Stage in the Kanzi main loop. More...
class  StandardMaterial
 Contains property types of Standard material. More...
class  StandardPbrMaterial
 Contains property types for the Kanzi Physically Based Rendering (PBR) shaders. More...
class  StartupProfilerRegistry
 The registry of startup profilers. More...
class  StateManager
 State manager for managing states of nodes or application. More...
struct  StepEasingFunction
 Changes the value instantly. More...
class  StopWatch
 Stop watch is a class for measuring time. More...
class  Style
 Style applying properties, node components and bindings to nodes. More...
class  Surface
 Surfaces provide images for Framebuffers where to render to. More...
class  Tag
 Tag represents a mark that can be added to a node to mark that the node is of certain kind. More...
class  TagFilter
 Use the Tag Filter to collect 3D nodes that have a specific tag assigned. More...
class  TagFilterRuntime
 Runtime for tag filter. More...
class  TaskDispatcher
 Task dispatcher. More...
class  TaskDispatcherBase
 Base class for TaskDispatcher implementation. More...
class  TextBlock2D
 Text Block 2D displays a small amount of text in 2D. More...
class  TextBlock3D
 Text Block 3D displays a small amount of text in 3D. More...
class  TextBlockConcept
 Base class for the Text Block nodes that you can use to show a small amount of text in your application. More...
class  TextBlockConceptImpl
 Implementation class for TextBlockConcept. More...
class  TextBox2D
 TextBox2D provides the required overrides to handle 2D rendering and gesture handling for the 2D text input. More...
struct  TextBox2DTraits
class  TextBox3D
 TextBox3D provides the required overrides to handle 3D rendering and gesture handling for the 3D text input. More...
struct  TextBox3DTraits
class  TextBoxConcept
 Use the Text Box nodes to add single-line text input to your application. More...
class  TextBoxConceptImpl
 TextBoxConceptImpl is an abstract class for implementing the Text Box node concept. More...
class  TextBreakIterator
class  TextConcept
 TextConcept is the base class for the nodes that implement text rendering. More...
class  TextConceptImpl
 TextConceptImpl provides the common base implementation for text rendering nodes. More...
class  TextEditBuffer
 TextEditBuffer is a model for text input. More...
class  TextFormat
 Text format combines the data required for text layouting and the data required for rendering the text. More...
struct  TextInputGesture
 The text input key gesture. More...
class  TextInputLayout
 Use TextInputLayout to precalculate information on text layout properties, such as glyph directionality, width, buffer index to glyph mapping, and so on. More...
class  TextInputManipulator
 The text input manipulator handles key gestures used with TextBox nodes to move the cursor, select text, and delete text, and provides the basics of text editing capabilities in Kanzi. More...
struct  TextLayout
 Structure for layout of arbitrary number of characters for text rendering. More...
class  TextLayouter
 Use the TextLayouter to create layouts for display text strings, including line breaks, bidirectional text shaping, and similar. More...
class  TextManager
 Use the TextManager class to: More...
class  TextResource
 Text resource. More...
class  TextShaper
 TextShaper encapsulates different shaping libraries, used by TextLayouter to perform BiDi layouting, text shaping and glyph substitution. More...
class  Texture
 Textures provide images that can be used with image nodes, texture brushes and materials for use in 3D rendering or material brushes. More...
class  TextureBrush
 Texture brush class. More...
class  TextureBrushRenderer
 Texture brush renderer class. More...
class  TextureSwizzleMask
 Use the texture swizzle mask to reorder the color channel values returned by the texture function in a shader. More...
struct  TimeInterval
 Interval in time specified as start and end timestamps. More...
class  Timeline
 The Kanzi animation system consists of animations and timelines: animations define how the values of specific type change in time, and timelines map the animations to properties of objects you want to animate. More...
class  TimelineClock
 Use TimelineClock to update a Timeline based on time. More...
class  TimelinePlayback
 Playback object for Timelines. More...
class  TimelinePlaybackContext
 Use TimelinePlaybackContext helper interface class to defines the context of an animation playback. More...
class  TimelineResource
 A Resource wrapper class for animation timelines. More...
class  TimerTrigger
 Use the TimerTrigger to execute actions at the time interval that you set with the IntervalProperty. More...
class  ToggleButton2D
 Use the Toggle Button 2D node to create a 2D UI control that the user can interact with through clicking, tapping, or pressing a keyboard key, and that has multiple toggle states. More...
class  ToggleButton3D
 Use the Toggle Button 3D node to create a 3D UI control that the user can interact with through clicking, tapping, or pressing a keyboard key, and that has multiple toggle states. More...
class  ToggleButtonGroup2D
 Toggle Button Group 2D allows users of your application to select only one option from a set of options that are mutually exclusive. More...
class  ToggleButtonGroup3D
 Toggle Button Group 3D allows users of your application to select only one option from a set of options that are mutually exclusive. More...
class  ToggleButtonGroupConcept
 Use a Toggle Button Group to control a collection of Toggle Buttons so that only one Toggle Button can be toggled on at a time. More...
class  ToggleButtonGroupConceptImpl
 Implementation class for ToggleButtonGroupConcept. More...
class  ToSourceBinding
 To Source bindings are one-way bindings that have an extra source to which to write the result value. More...
class  ToSourceBindingRuntime
 Runtime for ToSourceBinding. More...
class  TouchEvent
 The event holds the information about a touch event occurrence. More...
struct  TouchPoint
 The structure describes the attributes for a touch point or mouse hit. More...
struct  TouchPointIdEquals
 Helper predicate functor which you can use to search for a touch point within a touch point container using the identifier of a touch point. More...
struct  TouchPointStateEquals
 Helper predicate functor which you can use to search within a touch point container using the state of a touch point. More...
class  Trajectory
 Trajectory defines a series of points following a geometrical path. More...
class  Trajectory2DInputHandler
class  Trajectory2DInputLogic
class  Trajectory3DInputHandler
class  Trajectory3DInputLogic
class  TrajectoryLayout2D
 Trajectory Layout 2D arranges its items along a trajectory. More...
class  TrajectoryLayout3D
 Trajectory Layout 3D arranges its items along a trajectory. More...
class  TrajectoryLayoutConcept
 Base class for TrajectoryLayout classes. More...
class  TrajectoryLayoutConceptImpl
 TrajectoryLayoutConceptImpl provides the common base implementation for Trajectory Layout nodes. More...
class  TrajectoryListBox3D
 Use the Trajectory List Box 3D node to create scrollable lists of items arranged along a Trajectory. More...
class  TrajectoryListBox3DTraits
class  Trigger
 Trigger is the base class for defining events, conditions and actions for content-driven logic programming. More...
class  TriggerTemplate
 TriggerTemplate is the base class for trigger templates. More...
class  TrySetFocusAction
 Use the TrySetFocusAction action to transfer focus to any focusable item in a node tree. More...
class  TwoWayBinding
 Two-way binding causes changes to either the source value or the target value to automatically update the other. More...
class  TwoWayBindingRuntime
 Runtime for two-way binding. More...
class  TypedManualBindingSourceRuntime
 Typed runtime for manual binding source. More...
class  TypedManualBindingTargetRuntime
 Typed runtime for manual binding target. More...
class  TypedMessageBindingSourceRuntime
 Runtime for message binding source. More...
class  TypedMessageBindingTargetRuntime
 Typed runtime for message binding target. More...
class  TypedObjectPropertyBindingSourceRuntime
 Runtime for object property binding source. More...
class  TypedObjectPropertyExpressionValueSourceRuntime
 Typed runtime for object property expression value source. More...
class  TypedPropertyModifierBindingTargetRuntime
 Specialized binding target for property modifiers installed to objects. More...
class  TypedRenderPropertyBindingSourceRuntime
 Runtime for render property binding source. More...
class  TypedRenderPropertyExpressionValueSourceRuntime
 Typed runtime for render property expression value source. More...
class  TypedRenderStatePropertyNotificationHandler
 Specialized property notification handler for render state. More...
class  TypedRenderStateRangePropertyNotificationHandler
 Specialized notification handler for render state. More...
class  TypedRenderValueBindingTargetRuntime
 Typed runtime for render value binding target. More...
class  TypedValueRange
 TypedValueRange is a template class for holding one type of object in a range. More...
class  TypedValueSourceBindingTargetRuntime
 Specialized binding target for value sources where the binding target itself is the value source. More...
class  TypedVariableBindingSourceRuntime
 Typed runtime for variable binding source. More...
class  TypedVariableBindingTargetRuntime
 Typed runtime for variable binding target. More...
class  TypedVariableExpressionValueSourceRuntime
 Typed runtime for variable expression value source. More...
class  UnableToOpenFileException
 Kanzi throws this exception when it tries to load a file that cannot be opened or does not exist. More...
class  UsingIntrusivePtr
 Class that should be inherited by objects using intrusive_ptr. More...
class  ValueAccumulatorBase
 ValueAccumulatorBase is the base class for the Value Accumulator implementations for different data types. More...
class  ValueAccumulatorTimeline
 Use ValueAccumulatorTimeline to create an animation that continuously adds the value of the input property to the target property. More...
class  ValueAccumulatorTimelinePlayback
 Playback for ValueAccumulatorTimeline. More...
class  ValueAnimation
 Interface template for value animations. More...
class  ValueBindingSource
 Constant value as binding source. More...
class  ValueBindingSourceRuntime
 Runtime for ValueBindingSource. More...
class  ValueControlledExclusiveActivityHostConcept
 Base class for the Exclusive Activity Host classes. More...
class  ValueRange
 ValueRange is an abstract range implementation that stores variant values. More...
class  ValueSourceBindingTargetRuntime
 Base class for value source binding target runtimes. More...
class  VariableBindingHost
 Binding variable host. More...
class  VariableBindingSource
 Variable binding source. More...
class  VariableBindingSourceRuntime
 Runtime for variable binding source. More...
class  VariableBindingTargetRuntime
 Variable binding target runtime. More...
class  VariableExpressionValueSource
 Variable expression value source. More...
class  VariableExpressionValueSourceRuntime
 Runtime for variable expression value source. More...
struct  Variant
 Union container for manipulating an object from a heterogeneous set of types in a uniform manner. More...
class  Vector2
 Vector with 2 floating point components: (x, y). More...
class  Vector3
 Vector with 3 floating point components: (x, y, z). More...
class  Vector4
 Vector with 4 floating point components: (x, y, z, w). More...
class  VertexAttribute
 Base class for the vertex and instance attributes of mesh and shader program. More...
class  Viewport2D
 Use a Viewport 2D to set the size of a render target surface onto which content is projected. More...
class  Viewport3D
 Use the Viewport 3D node to render 2D nodes in 3D space. More...
class  ViewRange
 View over another range. More...
class  ViewRangeImpl
 View range internal implementation class. More...
class  VisitorFunction
 Wraps a focus scope visitor function into a FocusScopeVisitor. More...
class  VulkanGraphicsOutput
 VulkanGraphicsOutput class. More...
class  Watermark
 Watermark. More...
class  Win32DebugLogger
 This logger class writes log messages to the Windows debugger console. More...
class  WindowedGraphicsOutput
 WindowedGraphicsOutput class. More...
class  WindowEvent
 The WindowEvent class holds window specific events. More...
class  WindowPlacementRequestEvent
 Specialized window event with InputEvent::WindowPlacementRequest type. More...
class  WindowRedrawRequestEvent
 Specialized window event with InputEvent::WindowRedrawRequest type. More...
class  WindowResizedEvent
 Specialized window event with InputEvent::WindowResized type. More...
class  WindowResizeRequestEvent
 Specialized window event with InputEvent::WindowResizeRequest type. More...
class  WindowsIme
class  WindowsImeBackend
class  WriteLogAction
 Use the WriteLogAction class to attach logging functionality to a trigger. More...
class  WriteOnlyDiskFile
 Implements the File interface for writing files to a disk. More...


using AbstractAnimationSharedPtr = shared_ptr< AbstractAnimation >
using AbstractBindingRuntimeSharedPtr = shared_ptr< AbstractBindingRuntime >
 AbstractBindingRuntime shared pointer type. More...
using AbstractBindingRuntimeWeakPtr = weak_ptr< AbstractBindingRuntime >
 AbstractBindingRuntime weak pointer type. More...
using AbstractBindingSharedPtr = shared_ptr< AbstractBinding >
 Abstract binding shared pointer type. More...
typedef unique_ptr< AbstractExpressionValueSourceRuntimeAbstractExpressionValueSourceRuntimePtr
 Abstract expression value source unique pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< AbstractExpressionValueSourceAbstractExpressionValueSourceSharedPtr
 Abstract expression value source shared pointer type. More...
using AbstractIndexedRangeSharedPtr = shared_ptr< AbstractIndexedRange >
 AbstractIndexedRange shared pointer type. More...
typedef unique_ptr< AbstractLoggerAbstractLoggerUniquePtr
 Typedef of the kanzi::AbstractLogger unique pointer. More...
typedef ProfilerRegistry< AbstractProfilerAbstractProfilerRegistry
 AbstractProfilerRegistry declaration. More...
typedef shared_ptr< AbstractProfilerAbstractProfilerSharedPtr
 The shared pointer to the abstract profiler source. More...
typedef shared_ptr< AbstractPropertyNotificationHandlerAbstractPropertyNotificationHandlerSharedPtr
 Abstract property notification handler shared pointer. More...
using AbstractRangeLocationPtr = unique_ptr< AbstractRangeLocation >
 AbstractRangeLocation unique pointer type. More...
using AbstractRangeSharedPtr = shared_ptr< AbstractRange >
 Abstract range shared pointer type. More...
using AbstractRangeWeakPtr = weak_ptr< AbstractRange >
 Abstract range weak pointer type. More...
using ActionBaseSharedPtr = shared_ptr< ActionBase >
using ActionBaseWeakPtr = weak_ptr< ActionBase >
using ActionConstIterator = ActionContainer::const_iterator
using ActionContainer = vector< ActionSharedPtr >
using ActionSharedPtr = shared_ptr< Action >
using ActionWeakPtr = weak_ptr< Action >
typedef shared_ptr< Activity2DActivity2DSharedPtr
 Activity2D shared pointer. More...
typedef shared_ptr< Activity3DActivity3DSharedPtr
 Activity3D shared pointer. More...
using ActivityBrowserControllerSharedPtr = shared_ptr< ActivityBrowserController >
 ActivityBrowserController shared pointer. More...
using ActivityCodeBehindSharedPtr = shared_ptr< ActivityCodeBehind >
 ActivityCodeBehind shared pointer. More...
using ActivityElementSharedPtr = shared_ptr< ActivityElement >
using AnimationBindingProcessorRuntimePtr = unique_ptr< AnimationBindingProcessorRuntime >
 AnimationBindingProcessorRuntime unique pointer type. More...
using AnimationBindingProcessorSharedPtr = shared_ptr< AnimationBindingProcessor >
 Animation binding processor shared pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< AnimationPlayerAnimationPlayerSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< AnimationResourceAnimationResourceSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< AppliedStyleEntryAppliedStyleEntrySharedPtr
 AppliedStyleEntry shared pointer type. More...
using ApplyActionSharedPtr = shared_ptr< ApplyAction >
using ApplyActivationActionSharedPtr = shared_ptr< ApplyActivationAction >
using ApplyPropertyActionSharedPtr = shared_ptr< ApplyPropertyAction >
typedef map< string, int > AttributeNameToIndex
typedef AttributeNameToIndex::const_iterator AttributeNameToIndexConstIterator
typedef AttributeNameToIndex::iterator AttributeNameToIndexIterator
using BinaryResourceSharedPtr = shared_ptr< BinaryResource >
typedef shared_ptr< BindingBase > BindingBaseSharedPtr
typedef bool(* BindingExpressionFunction) (BindingExpressionOpCodeParameters &params)
 Expression function pointer type. More...
using BindingHostConceptSharedPtr = shared_ptr< BindingHostConcept >
using BindingHostConceptWeakPtr = weak_ptr< BindingHostConcept >
using BindingLookupContextPtr = unique_ptr< BindingLookupContext >
 BindingLookupContext unique pointer type. More...
using BindingProcessorRuntimePtr = unique_ptr< BindingProcessorRuntime >
 BindingProcessorRuntime unique pointer type. More...
using BindingProcessorSharedPtr = shared_ptr< BindingProcessor >
 BindingProcessor shared pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< BindingRuntimeBindingRuntimeSharedPtr
 BindingRuntime shared pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< BindingBindingSharedPtr
 Binding shared pointer type. More...
typedef unique_ptr< BindingSourceBindingSourcePtr
 Binding source unique pointer type. More...
using BindingSourceRuntimePtr = unique_ptr< BindingSourceRuntime >
 Binding source runtime pointer type. More...
using BindingTargetRuntimePtr = unique_ptr< BindingTargetRuntime >
 Binding target runtime unique pointer type. More...
using BindingTokenSharedPtr = shared_ptr< BindingToken >
using BindingTokenUniquePtr = unique_ptr< BindingToken >
using BindingTokenWeakPtr = weak_ptr< BindingToken >
using BitmapFontLoaderPtr = unique_ptr< BitmapFontLoader >
typedef shared_ptr< BitmapImageBitmapImageSharedPtr
 Image shared pointer type. More...
typedef unique_ptr< BitmapImageBitmapImageUniquePtr
 Image unique pointer type. More...
typedef vector< BitmapImageUniquePtrBitmapImageVector
 Image shared pointer vector type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< BlitRenderPassBlitRenderPassSharedPtr
 BlitRenderPass shared pointer type. More...
using BlurEffect2DSharedPtr = shared_ptr< BlurEffect2D >
 Blur effect shared pointer type. More...
using BlurEffectRenderer2DUniquePtr = unique_ptr< BlurEffectRenderer2D >
 Blur effect renderer unique pointer type. More...
using BoolAnimation = ValueAnimation< bool >
using BoolAnimationSharedPtr = shared_ptr< BoolAnimation >
typedef KeyframeAnimation< bool > BoolKeyframeAnimation
typedef shared_ptr< BoolKeyframeAnimationBoolKeyframeAnimationSharedPtr
typedef FromToAnimation< bool, LinearEasingFunctionBoolLinearFromToAnimation
typedef shared_ptr< BoolLinearFromToAnimationBoolLinearFromToAnimationSharedPtr
using BrushRendererPtr = unique_ptr< BrushRenderer >
 Brush renderer unique pointer. More...
using BrushSharedPtr = shared_ptr< Brush >
 Brush shared pointer. More...
typedef shared_ptr< BufferObjectStreamBufferObjectStreamSharedPtr
using Button2DSharedPtr = shared_ptr< Button2D >
using Button3DSharedPtr = shared_ptr< Button3D >
typedef unsigned char byte
using ByteSpan = span< byte >
 ByteSpan refers to contiguous sequence of bytes. More...
using CallbackBindingProcessorSharedPtr = shared_ptr< CallbackBindingProcessor >
 CallbackBindingProcessor shared pointer type. More...
using CallbackProcessorRuntimePtr = unique_ptr< CallbackProcessorRuntime >
 CallbackProcessorRuntime unique pointer type. More...
using CameraSharedPtr = shared_ptr< Camera >
 CameraNode shared pointer. More...
using CameraWeakPtr = weak_ptr< Camera >
 CameraNode weak pointer. More...
typedef shared_ptr< ClearRenderPassClearRenderPassSharedPtr
 ClearRenderPass shared pointer type. More...
using ClickManipulatorComponentSharedPtr = shared_ptr< ClickManipulatorComponent >
using ClickManipulatorSharedPtr = shared_ptr< ClickManipulator >
typedef shared_ptr< CodeBehindRegisterGuardCodeBehindRegisterGuardSharedPtr
 CodeBehindRegisterGuard shared pointer. More...
using CodeBehindSharedPtr = shared_ptr< CodeBehind >
 CodeBehind shared pointer. More...
typedef shared_ptr< ColorBrushColorBrushSharedPtr
using ColorRGBAAnimation = ValueAnimation< ColorRGBA >
using ColorRGBAAnimationSharedPtr = shared_ptr< ColorRGBAAnimation >
typedef KeyframeAnimation< ColorRGBAColorRGBAKeyframeAnimation
typedef shared_ptr< ColorRGBAKeyframeAnimationColorRGBAKeyframeAnimationSharedPtr
typedef FromToAnimation< ColorRGBA, LinearEasingFunctionColorRGBALinearFromToAnimation
typedef shared_ptr< ColorRGBALinearFromToAnimationColorRGBALinearFromToAnimationSharedPtr
using CombinerObjectSourceRuntimeSharedPtr = shared_ptr< CombinerObjectSourceRuntime >
 Combiner object source runtime shared pointer type. More...
using CombinerObjectSourceSharedPtr = shared_ptr< CombinerObjectSource >
 Combiner object source shared pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< CompositionBrushCompositionBrushSharedPtr
 Shared pointer type. More...
typedef unique_ptr< CompositionStackCompositionStackPtr
 Composition stack shared pointer. More...
typedef shared_ptr< CompositionTargetRenderPassCompositionTargetRenderPassSharedPtr
 CompositionTargetRenderPass shared pointer type. More...
template<bool B, typename T , typename F >
using conditional_t = typename boost::conditional< B, T, F >::type
using ConditionConstIterator = ConditionContainer::const_iterator
using ConditionContainer = vector< ConditionSharedPtr >
using ConditionSharedPtr = shared_ptr< Condition >
using ConstByteSpan = span< const byte >
 ConstByteSpan refers to constant contiguous sequence of bytes. More...
using ConstCharArrayUniquePtr = unique_ptr< const char[]>
 Alias for a unique_ptr to array of const char. More...
using ContainsPropertyFilterRuntimeSharedPtr = shared_ptr< ContainsPropertyFilterRuntime >
 Contains property node filter runtime shared pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< ContainsPropertyFilterContainsPropertyFilterSharedPtr
 Contains Property Filter shared pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< ContentBrushContentBrushSharedPtr
 Shared pointer type. More...
using ContentLayout2DSharedPtr = shared_ptr< ContentLayout2D >
using ContentLayout3DSharedPtr = shared_ptr< ContentLayout3D >
using CubeMapRenderPassSharedPtr = shared_ptr< CubeMapRenderPass >
 CubeMapRenderPass shared pointer type. More...
typedef unique_ptr< CurveReparametrizationCurveReparametrizationPtr
 CurveReparametrization unique pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< DataContextDataContextSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< DataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost2DDataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost2DSharedPtr
 DataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost2D shared pointer. More...
typedef shared_ptr< DataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost3DDataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost3DSharedPtr
 DataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost3D shared pointer. More...
using DataObjectBoolSharedPtr = shared_ptr< DataObjectBool >
typedef shared_ptr< DataObjectEnumBaseDataObjectEnumBaseSharedPtr
using DataObjectIntSharedPtr = shared_ptr< DataObjectInt >
typedef shared_ptr< DataObjectListDataObjectListSharedPtr
using DataObjectRealSharedPtr = shared_ptr< DataObjectReal >
using DataObjectSharedPtr = shared_ptr< DataObject >
 DataObject shared pointer type. More...
using DataObjectStringSharedPtr = shared_ptr< DataObjectString >
using DataObjectWeakPtr = weak_ptr< DataObject >
 DataObject weak pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< DataSourceExpressionValueSourceDataSourceExpressionValueSourceSharedPtr
 DataSourceExpressionValueSource shared pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< DataSourceListItemGenerator2DDataSourceListItemGenerator2DSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< DataSourceListItemGenerator3DDataSourceListItemGenerator3DSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< DataSourceDataSourceSharedPtr
typedef weak_ptr< DataSourceDataSourceWeakPtr
using DataTriggerComponentSharedPtr = shared_ptr< DataTriggerComponent >
using DataTriggerSharedPtr = shared_ptr< DataTrigger >
using DataTriggerTemplateConstSharedPtr = shared_ptr< DataTriggerTemplate const >
using DataTriggerTemplateSharedPtr = shared_ptr< DataTriggerTemplate >
typedef boost::mt19937 default_random_engine
typedef shared_ptr< DispatchMessageActionDispatchMessageActionSharedPtr
using DistanceFilterRuntimeSharedPtr = shared_ptr< DistanceFilterRuntime >
 Frustum cull filter runtime shared pointer type. More...
using DistanceFilterSharedPtr = shared_ptr< DistanceFilter >
 Distance filter shared pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< DockLayout2DDockLayout2DSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< DockLayout3DDockLayout3DSharedPtr
 DockLayout shared pointer. More...
using DragAndDropManipulatorSharedPtr = shared_ptr< DragAndDropManipulator >
using DrawObjectsRenderPassSharedPtr = shared_ptr< DrawObjectsRenderPass >
 DrawObjectsRenderPass shared pointer type. More...
using DrawObjectsRenderPassWeakPtr = weak_ptr< DrawObjectsRenderPass >
typedef shared_ptr< DrawObjectsWithMaterialRenderPassDrawObjectsWithMaterialRenderPassSharedPtr
 DrawObjectsWithMaterialRenderPass shared pointer type. More...
using EffectStack2DSharedPtr = shared_ptr< EffectStack2D >
 Effect stack shared pointer type. More...
using EffectStackRenderer2DUniquePtr = unique_ptr< EffectStackRenderer2D >
typedef shared_ptr< EmptyNode2DEmptyNode2DSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< EmptyNode3DEmptyNode3DSharedPtr
using EventSourceSharedPtr = shared_ptr< EventSource >
 EventSource shared pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< ExclusiveActivityHost2DExclusiveActivityHost2DSharedPtr
 ExclusiveActivityHost2D shared pointer. More...
typedef shared_ptr< ExclusiveActivityHost3DExclusiveActivityHost3DSharedPtr
 ExclusiveActivityHost3D shared pointer. More...
using ExecuteLuaActionSharedPtr = shared_ptr< ExecuteLuaAction >
typedef shared_ptr< ExpressionBindingProcessorExpressionBindingProcessorSharedPtr
 Expression binding processor shared pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< ExpressionBindingRuntimeExpressionBindingRuntimeSharedPtr
 ExpressionBindingRuntime shared pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< ExpressionBindingExpressionBindingSharedPtr
 ExpressionBinding shared pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< ExpressionConditionExpressionConditionSharedPtr
using FilterObjectSourceRuntimeSharedPtr = shared_ptr< FilterObjectSourceRuntime >
 Filter object source runtime shared pointer type. More...
using FilterObjectSourceSharedPtr = shared_ptr< FilterObjectSource >
 Filter object source shared pointer type. More...
using FloatAnimation = ValueAnimation< float >
using FloatAnimationSharedPtr = shared_ptr< FloatAnimation >
typedef FromToAnimation< float, function< float(float)> > FloatCustomFromToAnimation
typedef shared_ptr< FloatCustomFromToAnimationFloatCustomFromToAnimationSharedPtr
typedef KeyframeAnimation< float > FloatKeyframeAnimation
typedef shared_ptr< FloatKeyframeAnimationFloatKeyframeAnimationSharedPtr
typedef FromToAnimation< float, LinearEasingFunctionFloatLinearFromToAnimation
typedef shared_ptr< FloatLinearFromToAnimationFloatLinearFromToAnimationSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< FloatValueAccumulatorFloatValueAccumulatorSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< FlowLayout2DFlowLayout2DSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< FlowLayout3DFlowLayout3DSharedPtr
 FlowLayout shared pointer. More...
using FocusNavigationManipulatorSharedPtr = shared_ptr< FocusNavigationManipulator >
using FocusScopePtr = unique_ptr< FocusScope >
using FontEnginePluginSharedPtr = shared_ptr< FontEnginePlugin >
using FontFamilySharedPtr = shared_ptr< FontFamily >
using FontFileSharedPtr = shared_ptr< FontFile >
using FontLoaderPtr = unique_ptr< FontLoader >
using FontRuntimeSharedPtr = shared_ptr< FontRuntime >
typedef shared_ptr< ForwardingActionForwardingActionSharedPtr
using ForwardingApplyActionSharedPtr = shared_ptr< ForwardingApplyAction >
using FramebufferSharedPtr = shared_ptr< Framebuffer >
 Framebuffer shared pointer type. More...
using FrustumCullFilterRuntimeSharedPtr = shared_ptr< FrustumCullFilterRuntime >
 Frustum cull filter runtime shared pointer type. More...
using FrustumCullFilterSharedPtr = shared_ptr< FrustumCullFilter >
 Frustum cull filter shared pointer type. More...
using GatherLightsRenderPassSharedPtr = shared_ptr< GatherLightsRenderPass >
 GatherLightsRenderPass shared pointer type. More...
using GatherNearestLightsRenderPassSharedPtr = shared_ptr< GatherNearestLightsRenderPass >
 GatherLightsRenderPass shared pointer type. More...
using GeometrySharedPtr = shared_ptr< Geometry >
 Geometry shared pointer type. More...
using GLGraphicsOutputSharedPtr = shared_ptr< GLGraphicsOutput >
 GLGraphicsOutput shared pointer type. More...
using GLSwizzleMask = array< int, 4 >
using GlyphCacheManagerPtr = unique_ptr< GlyphCacheManager >
using GlyphCacheSharedPtr = shared_ptr< GlyphCache >
 Glyph cache shared pointer type. More...
using GlyphCacheUniquePtr = unique_ptr< GlyphCache >
 Glyph cache unique pointer type. More...
using GlyphKey = tuple< unsigned int, FontHintingPreference >
 Key type of a glyph cache map. More...
using GPUBufferUniquePtr = unique_ptr< GPUBuffer >
using GraphicsOutputSharedPtr = shared_ptr< GraphicsOutput >
 GraphicsOutput shared pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< GridLayout2DGridLayout2DSharedPtr
 GridLayout2D shared pointer. More...
typedef shared_ptr< GridLayout3DGridLayout3DSharedPtr
 GridLayout3D shared pointer. More...
typedef shared_ptr< GridListBox2DGridListBox2DSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< GridListBox3DGridListBox3DSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Image2DImage2DSharedPtr
 Image2D shared pointer type. More...
using ImmutableIteratorRangeSharedPtr = shared_ptr< ImmutableIteratorRange >
 Shared pointer type for ImmutableIteratorRange. More...
using ImmutableSplitStringRangeSharedPtr = shared_ptr< ImmutableSplitStringRange >
 Immutable split string range shared pointer type. More...
using IndexedPropertyAccessRangeSharedPtr = shared_ptr< IndexedPropertyAccessRange >
 Indexed property access range shared pointer type. More...
using IndexedViewRangeSharedPtr = shared_ptr< IndexedViewRange >
typedef shared_ptr< InputManipulatorInputManipulatorBaseSharedPtr
using InputManipulatorSharedPtr = shared_ptr< InputManipulator >
using InputManipulatorWeakPtr = weak_ptr< InputManipulator >
using InputMethodBackendSharedPtr = shared_ptr< InputMethodBackend >
using InputMethodSharedPtr = shared_ptr< InputMethod >
using InputMethodWeakPtr = weak_ptr< InputMethod >
using Instantiator3DSharedPtr = shared_ptr< Instantiator3D >
 Instantiator3DNode shared pointer. More...
using InstructionBindingProcessorRuntimePtr = unique_ptr< InstructionBindingProcessorRuntime >
using IntAnimation = ValueAnimation< int >
using IntAnimationSharedPtr = shared_ptr< IntAnimation >
typedef ProfilerRegistry< IntervalProfilerIntervalProfilerRegistry
 The interval profiler registry type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< IntervalProfilerIntervalProfilerSharedPtr
 The shared pointer to the interval profiler. More...
typedef KeyframeAnimation< int > IntKeyframeAnimation
typedef shared_ptr< IntKeyframeAnimationIntKeyframeAnimationSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< IntValueAccumulatorIntValueAccumulatorSharedPtr
using IteratorRangeSharedPtr = shared_ptr< IteratorRange >
 Iterator iterator shared pointer type. More...
using IteratorRangeWeakPtr = weak_ptr< IteratorRange >
 Iterator iterator weak pointer type. More...
using ItypeThaiDictionarySharedPtr = shared_ptr< TsThaiDict >
using JNI_CreateJavaVMPtr = jint(*)(JavaVM **pvm, void **penv, void *args)
using JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMsPtr = jint(*)(JavaVM **, jsize, jsize *)
using KeyManipulatorComponentSharedPtr = shared_ptr< KeyManipulatorComponent >
typedef shared_ptr< KeyManipulatorKeyManipulatorSharedPtr
typedef struct TouchPoint KzuInputTouchPoint
using LegacyGraphicsOutputSharedPtr = shared_ptr< LegacyGraphicsOutput >
 LegacyGraphicsOutput shared pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< LegacyRenderPassLegacyRenderPassSharedPtr
 LegacyRenderpass shared pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< LevelOfDetail3DLevelOfDetail3DSharedPtr
 LevelOfDetail3D shared pointer type. More...
using LightSharedPtr = shared_ptr< Light >
 Light shared pointer type. More...
using LightWeakPtr = weak_ptr< Light >
 Light weak pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< ListBoxItemContainer2DListBoxItemContainer2DSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ListBoxItemContainer3DListBoxItemContainer3DSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ListBoxItemGenerator2DListBoxItemGenerator2DSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ListBoxItemGenerator3DListBoxItemGenerator3DSharedPtr
using LongPressManipulatorComponentSharedPtr = shared_ptr< LongPressManipulatorComponent >
using LongPressManipulatorSharedPtr = shared_ptr< LongPressManipulator >
using LuaInstancePtr = unique_ptr< LuaInstance >
using MainLoopProfilerSharedPtr = shared_ptr< MainLoopProfiler >
 Alias for shared pointer to Main Loop Profiler. More...
using MainLoopProfilingScopeToken = shared_ptr< MainLoopProfilingScopeData >
 Alias for token used to identify a main loop profiling scope. More...
using MainLoopTaskToken = weak_ptr< void >
 Type alias for an opaque handle to a MainLoopScheduler task. More...
using MainLoopTimerToken = MainLoopTaskToken
 Type alias for an opaque handle to a MainLoopScheduler timer. More...
typedef shared_ptr< ManualBindingRuntimeManualBindingRuntimeSharedPtr
 ManualBindingRuntime shared pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< ManualBindingManualBindingSharedPtr
 Manual binding shared pointer type. More...
using MaskEffect2DSharedPtr = shared_ptr< MaskEffect2D >
 Mask effect shared pointer type. More...
using MaskEffectRenderer2DUniquePtr = unique_ptr< MaskEffectRenderer2D >
 Mask effect renderer unique pointer type. More...
using MaterialBrushSharedPtr = shared_ptr< MaterialBrush >
 Shared pointer definition. More...
typedef shared_ptr< MaterialSetupRenderPassMaterialSetupRenderPassSharedPtr
 MaterialSetupRenderPass shared pointer type. More...
using MaterialSharedPtr = shared_ptr< Material >
 Material shared pointer type. More...
using MaterialWeakPtr = weak_ptr< Material >
 Material shared pointer type. More...
typedef vector< MeshVertexAttributeMeshAttributeCollection
typedef MeshAttributeCollection::const_iterator MeshAttributeCollectionConstIterator
typedef MeshAttributeCollection::iterator MeshAttributeCollectionIterator
typedef shared_ptr< const MeshMeshConstSharedPtr
using MeshSharedPtr = shared_ptr< Mesh >
typedef shared_ptr< MessageTriggerMessageTriggerSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< MetaObjectMetaObjectSharedPtr
 MetaObject shared pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< Model3DModel3DSharedPtr
 Model3D shared pointer type. More...
using ModuleSharedPtr = shared_ptr< Module >
using MorphRuntimePtr = unique_ptr< MorphRuntime >
 Morph runtime unique pointer type. More...
using MorphSharedPtr = shared_ptr< Morph >
typedef shared_ptr< MorphWeightTimelinePlaybackMorphWeightTimelinePlaybackSharedPtr
using MorphWeightTimelineSharedPtr = shared_ptr< MorphWeightTimeline >
typedef shared_ptr< MoveFocusActionMoveFocusActionSharedPtr
using MultiClickManipulatorComponentSharedPtr = shared_ptr< MultiClickManipulatorComponent >
using MultiClickManipulatorSharedPtr = shared_ptr< MultiClickManipulator >
typedef int NativeEventHandle
typedef TextureNativeFramebufferHandle
typedef void * NativeTextureHandle
using NavigationManipulatorComponentSharedPtr = shared_ptr< NavigationManipulatorComponent >
using NavigationManipulatorSharedPtr = shared_ptr< NavigationManipulator >
typedef shared_ptr< NinePatchImage2DNinePatchImage2DSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Node2D const > Node2DConstSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Node2DNode2DSharedPtr
typedef weak_ptr< Node2DNode2DWeakPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const Node3DNode3DConstSharedPtr
 Node3D const shared pointer type. More...
using Node3DSharedPtr = shared_ptr< Node3D >
 Node3D shared pointer type. More...
using Node3DWeakPtr = weak_ptr< Node3D >
 Node3D weak pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< NodeComponent const > NodeComponentConstSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< NodeComponentNodeComponentSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< NodeComponentTemplate const > NodeComponentTemplateConstSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< NodeComponentTemplateNodeComponentTemplateSharedPtr
using NodeCompositor2DPtr = unique_ptr< NodeCompositor2D >
 NodeCompositor2D unique pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< Node const > NodeConstSharedPtr
 Alias for shared pointer of const Node. More...
typedef weak_ptr< Node const > NodeConstWeakPtr
 Alias for weak pointer of const Node. More...
using NodeEffect2DConstSharedPtr = shared_ptr< NodeEffect2D const >
using NodeEffect2DSharedPtr = shared_ptr< NodeEffect2D >
using NodeEffectPrefab2DSharedPtr = shared_ptr< NodeEffectPrefab2D >
 Node effect prefab shared pointer type. More...
using NodeEffectRenderer2DSharedPtr = shared_ptr< NodeEffectRenderer2D >
using NodeEffectRenderer2DUniquePtr = unique_ptr< NodeEffectRenderer2D >
 Node effect unique pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< NodeEffectTemplate2DNodeEffectTemplate2DSharedPtr
 NodeEffectTemplate2D shared pointer type. More...
using NodeListRenderPassSharedPtr = shared_ptr< NodeListRenderPass >
 NodeListRenderPass shared pointer type. More...
using NodeListSharedPtr = shared_ptr< NodeList >
 NodeList shared pointer type. More...
using NodeListWeakPtr = weak_ptr< NodeList >
 NodeList weak pointer type. More...
using NodeSharedPtr = shared_ptr< Node >
 Node shared pointer. More...
using NodeVisual2DPtr = unique_ptr< NodeVisual2D >
 NodeVisual2D unique pointer type. More...
using NodeWeakPtr = weak_ptr< Node >
 Alias for weak pointer of Node. More...
using NodeWeakPtrContainer = vector< NodeWeakPtr >
typedef shared_ptr< NullBrushNullBrushSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ObjectPropertyExpressionValueSourceObjectPropertyExpressionValueSourceSharedPtr
 ObjectPropertyExpressionValueSource shared pointer type. More...
using ObjectSharedPtr = shared_ptr< Object >
 Object shared pointer type. More...
using ObjectSourceRuntimeSharedPtr = shared_ptr< ObjectSourceRuntime >
 Shared pointer type for object source runtime. More...
using ObjectSourceSharedPtr = shared_ptr< ObjectSource >
 Object source shared pointer type. More...
using ObjectSourceWeakPtr = weak_ptr< ObjectSource >
 Object source weak pointer type. More...
using ObjectTypeFilterRuntimeSharedPtr = shared_ptr< ObjectTypeFilterRuntime >
 Object type filter runtime shared pointer type. More...
using ObjectTypeFilterSharedPtr = shared_ptr< ObjectTypeFilter >
 Object Type Filter shared pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< OnAttachedTriggerOnAttachedTriggerSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< OnPropertyChangedTriggerOnPropertyChangedTriggerSharedPtr
template<typename Type >
using OptionalDynamicPropertyType = optional< DynamicPropertyType< Type >>
using OutlineEffect2DSharedPtr = shared_ptr< OutlineEffect2D >
 OutlineEffect2D shared pointer type. More...
using OutlineEffectRenderer2DUniquePtr = unique_ptr< OutlineEffectRenderer2D >
 OutlineEffectRenderer2D unique pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< PageHostPageHostSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< PagePageSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< PageTransitionCollectionPageTransitionCollectionSharedPtr
typedef weak_ptr< PagePageWeakPtr
using PanManipulatorComponentSharedPtr = shared_ptr< PanManipulatorComponent >
using PanManipulatorSharedPtr = shared_ptr< PanManipulator >
typedef shared_ptr< ParallelActivityHost2DParallelActivityHost2DSharedPtr
 ParallelActivityHost2D shared pointer. More...
typedef shared_ptr< ParallelActivityHost3DParallelActivityHost3DSharedPtr
 ParallelActivityHost3D shared pointer. More...
typedef shared_ptr< ParallelTimelinePlaybackParallelTimelinePlaybackSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ParallelTimelineParallelTimelineSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< PatchingNotificationHandlerPatchingNotificationHandlerSharedPtr
 Shared pointer to PatchingNotificationHandler. More...
using PinchManipulatorSharedPtr = shared_ptr< PinchManipulator >
typedef shared_ptr< PipelineStateRenderPassPipelineStateRenderPassSharedPtr
 PipelineStateRenderPass shared pointer type. More...
using PopupScope = AutoClosingModalScope
 Implements the popup scopes. More...
typedef shared_ptr< PortalPortalSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< PrefabTemplateNodePrefabTemplateNodeSharedPtr
typedef weak_ptr< PrefabTemplateNodePrefabTemplateNodeWeakPtr
using PrefabTemplateSharedPtr = shared_ptr< PrefabTemplate >
typedef shared_ptr< PrefabView2DPrefabView2DSharedPtr
 Prefab view 2D shared pointer. More...
typedef shared_ptr< PrefabView3DPrefabView3DSharedPtr
 Prefab view 3D shared pointer. More...
typedef shared_ptr< PreviewTimelinePlaybackPreviewTimelinePlaybackSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< PreviewTimelinePreviewTimelineSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ResourceProfilingLoadTaskProfiledLoadTaskSharedPtr
 Profiled load task shared pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< ProgressiveRenderingViewport2DProgressiveRenderingViewport2DSharedPtr
using PropertyAccessRangeSharedPtr = shared_ptr< PropertyAccessRange >
 Property access range shared pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< PropertyAnimationTimelinePlaybackPropertyAnimationTimelinePlaybackSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< PropertyAnimationTimelinePropertyAnimationTimelineSharedPtr
typedef function< void()> PropertyChangedFunction
typedef shared_ptr< PropertyDrivenAnimationPlayerPropertyDrivenAnimationPlayerSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< PropertyFieldAnimationTimelinePlaybackPropertyFieldAnimationTimelinePlaybackSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< PropertyFieldAnimationTimelinePropertyFieldAnimationTimelineSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< PropertyFieldTargetInterpolationTimelinePlaybackPropertyFieldTargetInterpolationTimelinePlaybackSharedPtr
using PropertyIsEqualFilterRuntimeSharedPtr = shared_ptr< PropertyIsEqualFilterRuntime >
 Contains property node filter runtime shared pointer type. More...
using PropertyIsEqualFilterSharedPtr = shared_ptr< PropertyIsEqualFilter >
 Property Is Equal Filter shared pointer type. More...
using PropertyObjectSharedPtr = shared_ptr< PropertyObject >
 PropertyObject shared pointer type. More...
using PropertyObjectWeakPtr = weak_ptr< PropertyObject >
 PropertyObject weak pointer type. More...
using PropertyTargetEasingInterpolatorSharedPtr = shared_ptr< PropertyTargetEasingInterpolator >
using PropertyTargetEasingTimelinePlaybackSharedPtr = shared_ptr< PropertyTargetEasingTimelinePlayback >
using PropertyTargetEasingTimelineSharedPtr = shared_ptr< PropertyTargetEasingTimeline >
typedef shared_ptr< PropertyTargetInterpolationTimelinePlaybackPropertyTargetInterpolationTimelinePlaybackSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< PropertyTargetInterpolationTimelinePropertyTargetInterpolationTimelineSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< PropertyTargetInterpolatorPropertyTargetInterpolatorSharedPtr
typedef PropertyTypeEditorInfoPropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr
using PropertyTypeRegistry = unordered_map< string_view, AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor * >
 Alias for map of all property types. More...
using RangeAccumulateBindingProcessorRuntimePtr = unique_ptr< RangeAccumulateBindingProcessorRuntime >
 RangeAccumulateBindingProcessorRuntime unique pointer type. More...
using RangeAccumulateBindingProcessorSharedPtr = shared_ptr< RangeAccumulateBindingProcessor >
 Iterator begin binding processor shared pointer type. More...
using RangeBindingProcessorRuntimePtr = unique_ptr< RangeBindingProcessorRuntime >
 RangeBindingProcessorRuntime unique pointer type. More...
using RangeBindingProcessorSharedPtr = shared_ptr< RangeBindingProcessor >
 RangeBindingProcessor shared pointer type. More...
typedef tuple< NodeSharedPtr, Ray, float > RayPickResult
 RayPick hit test result tuple. More...
typedef unique_ptr< ReadOnlyDiskFileReadOnlyDiskFileUniquePtr
using ReadOnlyMemoryFilePtr = unique_ptr< ReadOnlyMemoryFile >
 ReadOnlyMemoryFile unique pointer type. More...
typedef Rectangle< float > RectangleFloat
 Float type rectangle. More...
typedef Rectangle< int > RectangleInteger
 Integer type rectangle. More...
using RenderbufferSharedPtr = shared_ptr< Renderbuffer >
 Renderbuffer shared pointer type. More...
using RenderEntry3DPtr = unique_ptr< RenderEntry3D >
 Render state association unique pointer type. More...
using RendererSharedPtr = shared_ptr< Renderer >
typedef shared_ptr< RenderPass const > RenderPassConstSharedPtr
 RenderPass const shared pointer type. More...
using RenderPassPrefabSharedPtr = shared_ptr< RenderPassPrefab >
 Render pass template shared pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< RenderPassRenderPassSharedPtr
 RenderPass shared pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< RenderPassTemplateRenderPassTemplateSharedPtr
 RenderPassTemplate shared pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< RenderPassViewRenderPassViewSharedPtr
 RenderPassView shared pointer type. More...
typedef weak_ptr< RenderPassRenderPassWeakPtr
 RenderPass weak pointer type. More...
using RenderPropertyExpressionValueSourceSharedPtr = shared_ptr< RenderPropertyExpressionValueSource >
 ObjectPropertyExpressionValueSource shared pointer type. More...
using RenderStatePropertyNotificationHandlerPtr = unique_ptr< RenderStatePropertyNotificationHandler >
 Render state property notification handler unique pointer type. More...
using ResourceBindingProcessorRuntimePtr = unique_ptr< ResourceBindingProcessorRuntime >
 ResourceBindingProcessorRuntime unique pointer type. More...
using ResourceBindingProcessorSharedPtr = shared_ptr< ResourceBindingProcessor >
 Resource binding processor shared pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< ResourceDictionarySelectorResourceDictionarySelectorSharedPtr
 Resource dictionary selector shared pointer. More...
typedef shared_ptr< ResourceDictionaryResourceDictionarySharedPtr
 Resource dictionary shared pointer. More...
using ResourceIDAnimation = ValueAnimation< ResourceID >
using ResourceIDAnimationSharedPtr = shared_ptr< ResourceIDAnimation >
typedef KeyframeAnimation< ResourceIDResourceIDKeyframeAnimation
typedef shared_ptr< ResourceIDKeyframeAnimationResourceIDKeyframeAnimationSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ResourceManagerResourceManagerSharedPtr
 Resource manager shared pointer type. More...
typedef unique_ptr< ResourceProfilerResourceProfilerUniquePtr
 The resource profiler unique ptr type. More...
typedef unique_ptr< ResourceProfilingContextFactoryResourceProfilingContextFactoryUniquePtr
 The resource profiling context factory unique pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< ResourceProfilingContextResourceProfilingContextSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ResourceProfilingDataSampleResourceProfilingDataSampleSharedPtr
 Profiled resource shared pointer type. More...
using ResourceSharedPtr = shared_ptr< Resource >
 Resource shared pointer type. More...
using ResourceWeakPtr = weak_ptr< Resource >
 Resource weak pointer type. More...
using SceneSharedPtr = shared_ptr< Scene >
 Scene shared pointer. More...
using ScreenSharedPtr = shared_ptr< Screen >
 Screen shared pointer. More...
using ScriptingContextSharedPtr = shared_ptr< void >
 Alias for an opaque handle to the scripting context of an object. More...
typedef shared_ptr< ScrollView2DScrollView2DSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ScrollView3DScrollView3DSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< SetPropertyActionSetPropertyActionSharedPtr
typedef vector< ShaderVertexAttributeShaderAttributeCollection
typedef ShaderAttributeCollection::const_iterator ShaderAttributeCollectionConstIterator
typedef ShaderAttributeCollection::iterator ShaderAttributeCollectionIterator
using ShaderProgramSharedPtr = shared_ptr< ShaderProgram >
 Shader program shared pointer type. More...
typedef unordered_map< ShaderProgram *, vector< int > > ShaderProgramToAttributeMapSet
using ShaderProgramWeakPtr = weak_ptr< ShaderProgram >
 Shader program weak pointer type. More...
using ShadowEffect2DSharedPtr = shared_ptr< ShadowEffect2D >
 Shadow effect shared pointer type. More...
using ShadowEffectRenderer2DUniquePtr = unique_ptr< ShadowEffectRenderer2D >
 Shadow effect renderer unique pointer type. More...
typedef Slider2DConceptImpl< RangeConceptImpl< Node2D, Slider2D >, Slider2DPresenterType, Slider2DSlider2DConceptImplType
typedef SliderTrajectoryPresenter< TrajectoryLayout2D, Slider2D, Trajectory2DInputHandler< TrajectoryLayout2D, Slider2D > > Slider2DPresenterType
typedef shared_ptr< Slider2DSlider2DSharedPtr
 Trajectory Slider shared pointer. More...
typedef Slider3DConceptImpl< RangeConceptImpl< Node3D, Slider3D >, Slider3DPresenterType, Slider3DSlider3DConceptImplType
typedef SliderTrajectoryPresenter< TrajectoryLayout3D, Slider3D, Trajectory3DInputHandler< TrajectoryLayout3D, Slider3D > > Slider3DPresenterType
typedef shared_ptr< Slider3DSlider3DSharedPtr
 Trajectory Slider shared pointer. More...
using SortByShaderObjectSourceRuntimeSharedPtr = shared_ptr< SortByShaderObjectSourceRuntime >
 Frustum cull filter runtime shared pointer type. More...
using SortByShaderObjectSourceSharedPtr = shared_ptr< SortByShaderObjectSource >
 Sort object source shared pointer type. More...
using SortByZObjectSourceRuntimeSharedPtr = shared_ptr< SortByZObjectSourceRuntime >
 Frustum cull filter runtime shared pointer type. More...
using SortByZObjectSourceSharedPtr = shared_ptr< SortByZObjectSource >
 Sort object source shared pointer type. More...
using SortObjectSourceSharedPtr = shared_ptr< SortObjectSource >
 Sort object source shared pointer type. More...
typedef unique_ptr< SplineSplinePtr
 Spline unique pointer type. More...
using SplitStringRangeSharedPtr = shared_ptr< SplitStringRange >
 Split string range shared pointer type. More...
using SRTValue2DAnimation = ValueAnimation< SRTValue2D >
using SRTValue2DAnimationSharedPtr = shared_ptr< SRTValue2DAnimation >
using SRTValue3DAnimation = ValueAnimation< SRTValue3D >
using SRTValue3DAnimationSharedPtr = shared_ptr< SRTValue3DAnimation >
typedef shared_ptr< StackLayout2DStackLayout2DSharedPtr
 Stack layout shared pointer. More...
typedef shared_ptr< StackLayout3DStackLayout3DSharedPtr
 StackLayout shared pointer. More...
typedef unique_ptr< StartupProfilerRegistryStartupProfilerRegistryUniquePtr
 The startup profiler registry unique ptr type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< StateManagerStateManagerSharedPtr
typedef weak_ptr< StateManagerStateManagerWeakPtr
using StringAnimation = ValueAnimation< string >
using StringAnimationSharedPtr = shared_ptr< StringAnimation >
typedef KeyframeAnimation< string > StringKeyframeAnimation
typedef shared_ptr< StringKeyframeAnimationStringKeyframeAnimationSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< StyleStyleSharedPtr
 Style shared pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< SurfaceSurfaceSharedPtr
 Surface shared pointer type. More...
using SystemConfiguration = int unordered_map< string, string >
typedef vector< string_view > SystemProperties
 Read-only values from the system. More...
using TagFilterRuntimeSharedPtr = shared_ptr< TagFilterRuntime >
 Tag filter runtime shared pointer type. More...
using TagFilterSharedPtr = shared_ptr< TagFilter >
 Tag Filter shared pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< TextBlock2DTextBlock2DSharedPtr
 TextLayer shared pointer. More...
typedef shared_ptr< TextBlock3DTextBlock3DSharedPtr
 TextBlock shared pointer. More...
using TextBox2DSharedPtr = shared_ptr< TextBox2D >
typedef shared_ptr< TextBox3DTextBox3DSharedPtr
using TextBreakIteratorObjectPtr = unique_ptr< TextBreakIteratorObject >
typedef unique_ptr< TextFormatTextFormatPtr
 Text format unique pointer. More...
using TextInputManipulatorSharedPtr = shared_ptr< TextInputManipulator >
using TextManagerShareedPtr = shared_ptr< TextManager >
using TextManagerUniquePtr = unique_ptr< TextManager >
typedef shared_ptr< TextResourceTextResourceSharedPtr
 Text resource shared pointer. More...
typedef unique_ptr< TextShaperTextShaperPtr
typedef shared_ptr< TextureBrushTextureBrushSharedPtr
 Shared pointer definition. More...
using TextureSharedPtr = shared_ptr< Texture >
 Texture shared pointer type. More...
using TextureWeakPtr = weak_ptr< Texture >
typedef std::thread::native_handle_type ThreadNativeHandleType
typedef shared_ptr< TimelineClockTimelineClockSharedPtr
using TimelinePlaybackSharedPtr = shared_ptr< TimelinePlayback >
typedef shared_ptr< TimelineResourceTimelineResourceSharedPtr
using TimelineSharedPtr = shared_ptr< Timeline >
using TimePoint = Clock::time_point
typedef shared_ptr< TimerTriggerTimerTriggerSharedPtr
using ToggleButton2DSharedPtr = shared_ptr< ToggleButton2D >
using ToggleButton3DSharedPtr = shared_ptr< ToggleButton3D >
using ToggleButtonGroup2DSharedPtr = shared_ptr< ToggleButtonGroup2D >
 ToggleButtonGroup2D shared pointer. More...
using ToggleButtonGroup3DSharedPtr = shared_ptr< ToggleButtonGroup3D >
 ToggleButtonGroup3D shared pointer. More...
typedef shared_ptr< ToSourceBindingRuntimeToSourceBindingRuntimeSharedPtr
 ToSourceBindingRuntime shared pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< ToSourceBindingToSourceBindingSharedPtr
 ToSourceBinding shared pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< TrajectoryLayout2DTrajectoryLayout2DSharedPtr
 TrajectoryLayout shared pointer. More...
typedef shared_ptr< TrajectoryLayout3DTrajectoryLayout3DSharedPtr
 TrajectoryLayout shared pointer. More...
typedef shared_ptr< TrajectoryListBox3DTrajectoryListBox3DSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< TrajectoryTrajectorySharedPtr
 Trajectory shared pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< TriggerTriggerSharedPtr
using TriggerTemplateConstSharedPtr = shared_ptr< TriggerTemplate const >
using TriggerTemplateSharedPtr = shared_ptr< TriggerTemplate >
typedef shared_ptr< TrySetFocusActionTrySetFocusActionSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< TwoWayBindingRuntimeTwoWayBindingRuntimeSharedPtr
 TwoWayBindingRuntime shared pointer type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< TwoWayBindingTwoWayBindingSharedPtr
 TwoWayBinding shared pointer type. More...
using TypedFloatValueRange = TypedValueRange< float >
using TypedFloatValueRangeSharedPtr = shared_ptr< TypedFloatValueRange >
typedef unique_ptr< InputEventUniqueEventPtr
typedef unordered_set< string > UrlContainer
using ValueRangeSharedPtr = shared_ptr< ValueRange >
 Value iterator shared pointer type. More...
using ValueRangeWeakPtr = weak_ptr< ValueRange >
 Value iterator weak pointer type. More...
using VariableBindingHostSharedPtr = shared_ptr< VariableBindingHost >
 Shared pointer type for variable binding host. More...
using VariableExpressionValueSourceSharedPtr = shared_ptr< VariableExpressionValueSource >
 ObjectPropertyExpressionValueSource shared pointer type. More...
using Vector2Animation = ValueAnimation< Vector2 >
using Vector2AnimationSharedPtr = shared_ptr< Vector2Animation >
typedef KeyframeAnimation< Vector2Vector2KeyframeAnimation
typedef shared_ptr< Vector2KeyframeAnimationVector2KeyframeAnimationSharedPtr
using Vector3Animation = ValueAnimation< Vector3 >
using Vector3AnimationSharedPtr = shared_ptr< Vector3Animation >
typedef KeyframeAnimation< Vector3Vector3KeyframeAnimation
typedef shared_ptr< Vector3KeyframeAnimationVector3KeyframeAnimationSharedPtr
using Vector4Animation = ValueAnimation< Vector4 >
using Vector4AnimationSharedPtr = shared_ptr< Vector4Animation >
typedef KeyframeAnimation< Vector4Vector4KeyframeAnimation
typedef shared_ptr< Vector4KeyframeAnimationVector4KeyframeAnimationSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Viewport2DViewport2DSharedPtr
 Viewport2D shared pointer type. More...
using Viewport3DSharedPtr = shared_ptr< Viewport3D >
typedef Rectangle< int > ViewportRectangle
 Viewport rectangle definition. More...
using ViewRangeSharedPtr = shared_ptr< ViewRange >
typedef string Win32String
typedef string_view Win32StringView
using WindowedGraphicsOutputSharedPtr = shared_ptr< WindowedGraphicsOutput >
 WindowedGraphicsOutput shared pointer type. More...
using WindowsImeSharedPtr = shared_ptr< WindowsIme >
typedef shared_ptr< WriteLogActionWriteLogActionSharedPtr
typedef unique_ptr< WriteOnlyDiskFileWriteOnlyDiskFileUniquePtr
using NamedIntervalProfilerSharedPtr = shared_ptr< NamedIntervalProfiler >
 The shared pointer to the interval profiler. More...
using NamedIntervalProfilerRegistry = ProfilerRegistry< NamedIntervalProfiler >
 The interval profiler registry type. More...


enum  AnimationEasingMode { AnimationEaseIn, AnimationEaseOut, AnimationEaseInOut }
 Easing mode to use to apply an easing function. More...
enum  BindingBinaryTargetType { BindingTargetTypeValueSource, BindingTargetTypeModifier, BindingTargetTypeRenderValue, BindingTargetTypeVariable }
 Binding precedence (binary file). More...
enum  BindingExpressionArgumentType : int16_t {
  BindingExpressionArgumentTypeTemporaryRegister0, BindingExpressionArgumentTypeTemporaryRegister1, BindingExpressionArgumentTypeTemporaryRegister2, BindingExpressionArgumentTypeTemporaryRegister3,
  BindingExpressionArgumentTypeTemporaryRegister4, BindingExpressionArgumentTypeTemporaryRegister5, BindingExpressionArgumentTypeTemporaryRegister6, BindingExpressionArgumentTypeConstantRegister0,
  BindingExpressionArgumentTypeConstantRegister1, BindingExpressionArgumentTypeConstantRegister2, BindingExpressionArgumentTypeConstantRegister3, BindingExpressionArgumentTypeConstantRegister4,
  BindingExpressionArgumentTypeConstantRegister5, BindingExpressionArgumentTypeConstantRegister6, BindingExpressionArgumentTypeSourceRegister0, BindingExpressionArgumentTypeSourceRegister1,
  BindingExpressionArgumentTypeSourceRegister2, BindingExpressionArgumentTypeSourceRegister3, BindingExpressionArgumentTypeSourceRegister4, BindingExpressionArgumentTypeSourceRegister5,
  BindingExpressionArgumentTypeSourceRegister6, BindingExpressionArgumentTypeDataSourceRegister0, BindingExpressionArgumentTypeDataSourceRegister1, BindingExpressionArgumentTypeDataSourceRegister2,
  BindingExpressionArgumentTypeDataSourceRegister3, BindingExpressionArgumentTypeDataSourceRegister4, BindingExpressionArgumentTypeDataSourceRegister5, BindingExpressionArgumentTypeDataSourceRegister6
 Runtime expression validator argument type. More...
enum  BindingMode { BindingModeInvalid, BindingModeOneWay, BindingModeTwoWay, BindingModeToSource }
 Binding mode (binary file). More...
enum  BlendAdvancedEquation : int32_t { BlendAdvancedEquationNone, BlendAdvancedEquationComponentMask }
 Specifies the blend equations for the advanced blend modes. More...
enum  BlendAlphaEquation : int32_t {
  BlendAlphaEquationNone, BlendAlphaEquationAdd, BlendAlphaEquationSubtract, BlendAlphaEquationReverseSubtract,
  BlendAlphaEquationMin, BlendAlphaEquationMax, BlendAlphaEquationComponentMask
 Blend equation for alpha. More...
enum  BlendColorEquation : int32_t {
  BlendColorEquationNone, BlendColorEquationAdd, BlendColorEquationSubtract, BlendColorEquationReverseSubtract,
  BlendColorEquationMin, BlendColorEquationMax, BlendColorEquationComponentMask
 Blend equation for color. More...
enum  BlendComponentBitShift : int8_t {
  BlendComponentBitShiftSrcColor, BlendComponentBitShiftSrcAlpha, BlendComponentBitShiftDstColor, BlendComponentBitShiftDstAlpha,
  BlendComponentBitShiftEquationColor, BlendComponentBitShiftEquationAlpha, BlendComponentBitShiftEquationAdvanced
 Blend component bit shifts. More...
enum  BlendDstAlphaFactor : int32_t {
  BlendDstAlphaFactorZero, BlendDstAlphaFactorOne, BlendDstAlphaFactorSrcAlpha, BlendDstAlphaFactorOneMinusSrcAlpha,
  BlendDstAlphaFactorDstAlpha, BlendDstAlphaFactorOneMinusDstAlpha, BlendDstAlphaFactorConstantAlpha, BlendDstAlphaFactorOneMinusConstantAlpha,
 Blend factor for destination alpha. More...
enum  BlendDstColorFactor : int32_t {
  BlendDstColorFactorZero, BlendDstColorFactorOne, BlendDstColorFactorSrcColor, BlendDstColorFactorOneMinusSrcColor,
  BlendDstColorFactorDstColor, BlendDstColorFactorOneMinusDstColor, BlendDstColorFactorSrcAlpha, BlendDstColorFactorOneMinusSrcAlpha,
  BlendDstColorFactorDstAlpha, BlendDstColorFactorOneMinusDstAlpha, BlendDstColorFactorConstantColor, BlendDstColorFactorOneMinusConstantColor,
  BlendDstColorFactorConstantAlpha, BlendDstColorFactorOneMinusConstantAlpha, BlendDstColorFactorSrcAlphaSaturate, BlendDstColorFactorMask
 Blend factor for destination color. More...
enum  BlendEquation : int8_t {
  BlendEquationNone, BlendEquationAdd, BlendEquationSubtract, BlendEquationReverseSubtract,
  BlendEquationMin, BlendEquationMax, BlendEquationMask
 Blend equation. More...
enum  BlendEquationAdvanced : int8_t {
  BlendEquationAdvancedNone, BlendEquationMultiply, BlendEquationOverlay, BlendEquationDarken,
  BlendEquationLighten, BlendEquationColorBurn, BlendEquationColorDodge, BlendEquationHardLight,
  BlendEquationSoftLight, BlendEquationDifference, BlendEquationExclusion, BlendEquationHSLHue,
  BlendEquationHSLSaturation, BlendEquationHSLColor, BlendEquationHSLLuminosity
 Specifies the advanced blend modes. More...
enum  BlendFactor : int8_t {
  BlendFactorZero, BlendFactorOne, BlendFactorSrcColor, BlendFactorOneMinusSrcColor,
  BlendFactorDstColor, BlendFactorOneMinusDstColor, BlendFactorSrcAlpha, BlendFactorOneMinusSrcAlpha,
  BlendFactorDstAlpha, BlendFactorOneMinusDstAlpha, BlendFactorConstantColor, BlendFactorOneMinusConstantColor,
  BlendFactorConstantAlpha, BlendFactorOneMinusConstantAlpha, BlendFactorSrcAlphaSaturate, BlendFactorMask
 Blend mode representation. More...
enum  BlendSrcAlphaFactor : int32_t {
  BlendSrcAlphaFactorZero, BlendSrcAlphaFactorOne, BlendSrcAlphaFactorSrcAlpha, BlendSrcAlphaFactorOneMinusSrcAlpha,
  BlendSrcAlphaFactorDstAlpha, BlendSrcAlphaFactorOneMinusDstAlpha, BlendSrcAlphaFactorConstantAlpha, BlendSrcAlphaFactorOneMinusConstantAlpha,
 Blend factor for source alpha. More...
enum  BlendSrcColorFactor : int32_t {
  BlendSrcColorFactorZero, BlendSrcColorFactorOne, BlendSrcColorFactorSrcColor, BlendSrcColorFactorOneMinusSrcColor,
  BlendSrcColorFactorDstColor, BlendSrcColorFactorOneMinusDstColor, BlendSrcColorFactorSrcAlpha, BlendSrcColorFactorOneMinusSrcAlpha,
  BlendSrcColorFactorDstAlpha, BlendSrcColorFactorOneMinusDstAlpha, BlendSrcColorFactorConstantColor, BlendSrcColorFactorOneMinusConstantColor,
  BlendSrcColorFactorConstantAlpha, BlendSrcColorFactorOneMinusConstantAlpha, BlendSrcColorFactorSrcAlphaSaturate, BlendSrcColorFactorMask
 Blend factor for source color. More...
enum  CachingMode { CachingModeDisabled, CachingModeEnabled, CachingModeAutomatic }
 Caching modes for nodes. More...
enum  CapsLockState { CapsLockState::Ignore, CapsLockState::On, CapsLockState::Off }
 The required Caps Lock state for a key gesture. More...
enum  ColorWorkflow { ColorWorkflow::Legacy, ColorWorkflow::Linear }
 The Color Workflow for an application. More...
enum  DrawBuffers { DrawBuffersNone, DrawBuffersDefault, DrawBuffersExt, DrawBuffersNV }
 Draw multiple buffers support code path in Renderer. More...
enum  EchoMode { EchoMode::Normal, EchoMode::NoEcho, EchoMode::Password }
 Echo modes that specify how to format the display text in a TextEditBuffer. More...
enum  EGLContextClientVersion : int
 EGL context client versions. More...
enum  EGLIMGContextPriority : int { EGLIMGContextPriority::High, EGLIMGContextPriority::Medium, EGLIMGContextPriority::Low }
 EGL IMG context priorities. More...
enum  EGLSurfaceType : int { EGLSurfaceType::Window, EGLSurfaceType::Pbuffer, EGLSurfaceType::Pixmap }
 EGL surface types. More...
enum  FixedMatrix {
  FixedMatrixProjection, FixedMatrixCamera, FixedMatrixWorld, FixedMatrixCameraWorld,
  FixedMatrixProjectionCameraWorld, FixedMatrixCount
 List of active matrices renderer keeps track of. More...
enum  FloatTexture { FloatTextureNone, FloatTextureARB, FloatTextureES3, FloatTextureES2Ext }
 Float texture support code path in Renderer. More...
enum  FocusChainDirection { FocusChainDirection::Previous, FocusChainDirection::Next }
 Specifies the directions of focus move. More...
enum  FocusFallback { FocusFallback::None, FocusFallback::Parent, FocusFallback::Overlay }
 Fallback behavior to follow if node fails to gain focus. More...
enum  FocusOnPress { FocusOnPress::None, FocusOnPress::Node, FocusOnPress::NodeOrAncestor, FocusOnPress::NodeOrOverlay }
 Focus behavior on node press. More...
enum  FocusReason {
  FocusReason::Force, FocusReason::FocusChainNavigation, FocusReason::Hidden, FocusReason::ForceToRootNode,
 Specifies the reason the node is focused. More...
enum  FocusScopeType : int {
  FocusScopeType::NoScope, FocusScopeType::Group, FocusScopeType::Fence, FocusScopeType::Modal,
  FocusScopeType::AutoClosingModal, FocusScopeType::Popup, FocusScopeType::Modeless, FocusScopeType::AutoClosingModeless
 Specifies focus scope types. More...
enum  FocusState { FocusState::NoFocus, FocusState::LogicalFocus, FocusState::KeyboardFocus, FocusState::KeyFocus }
 Specifies the focus states of a node. More...
enum  FontHintingPreference : int8_t { FontHintingPreference::NoHinting, FontHintingPreference::NativeHinting, FontHintingPreference::AutoHinting }
 Font hinting options. More...
enum  FontStyle : int8_t { FontStyle::Normal, FontStyle::Italic }
 Font style options. More...
enum  FontWeight : int8_t {
  FontWeight::Thin, FontWeight::ExtraLight, FontWeight::Light, FontWeight::Normal,
  FontWeight::Medium, FontWeight::SemiBold, FontWeight::Bold, FontWeight::ExtraBold,
 Font weight options. More...
enum  FramebufferAttachmentPoint {
  FramebufferAttachmentPointColor0, FramebufferAttachmentPointColor1, FramebufferAttachmentPointColor2, FramebufferAttachmentPointColor3,
  FramebufferAttachmentPointDepthStencil, FramebufferAttachmentPointCount
enum  FramebufferTarget { FramebufferTargetReadAndDraw, FramebufferTargetRead, FramebufferTargetDraw }
 Framebuffer target selects draw or read framebuffer, or both. More...
enum  GraphicsClearTarget {
  GraphicsClearTargetColor0, GraphicsClearTargetColor1, GraphicsClearTargetColor2, GraphicsClearTargetColor3,
  GraphicsClearTargetDepth, GraphicsClearTargetStencil, GraphicsClearTargetCoverage
 Clear target options for renderer. More...
enum  GraphicsColorWriteMode {
  GraphicsColorWriteModeNone, GraphicsColorWriteModeRGB, GraphicsColorWriteModeRGBA, GraphicsColorWriteModeR,
  GraphicsColorWriteModeG, GraphicsColorWriteModeB, GraphicsColorWriteModeGB, GraphicsColorWriteModeA
 List of color write modes. More...
enum  GraphicsCompareFunction {
  GraphicsCompareFunctionNever, GraphicsCompareFunctionAlways, GraphicsCompareFunctionLess, GraphicsCompareFunctionLessOrEqual,
  GraphicsCompareFunctionGreater, GraphicsCompareFunctionGreaterOrEqual, GraphicsCompareFunctionEqual, GraphicsCompareFunctionNotEqual,
 Renderer stencil modes. More...
enum  GraphicsContextAPI { GraphicsContextAPI::Unspecified, GraphicsContextAPI::WGL, GraphicsContextAPI::EGL, GraphicsContextAPI::GLX }
 Graphics context API for a surface. More...
enum  GraphicsCullMode { GraphicsCullModeNone, GraphicsCullModeBack, GraphicsCullModeFront }
 List of available cull modes. More...
enum  GraphicsDataType {
  GraphicsDataTypeNone, GraphicsDataTypeUNORM8, GraphicsDataTypeSNORM8, GraphicsDataTypeUNORM16,
  GraphicsDataTypeSNORM16, GraphicsDataTypeUNORM32, GraphicsDataTypeSNORM32, GraphicsDataTypeUNORM_PACK16_5_6_5,
  GraphicsDataTypeCOMPRESSED, GraphicsDataTypeUINT8, GraphicsDataTypeSINT8, GraphicsDataTypeUINT16,
  GraphicsDataTypeSINT16, GraphicsDataTypeUINT32, GraphicsDataTypeSINT32, GraphicsDataTypeSFLOAT16,
  GraphicsDataTypeSFLOAT32, GraphicsDataTypeUNORM24, GraphicsDataTypeUNORM24_UINT8, GraphicsDataTypeUNORM_PACK32_2_10_10_10,
  GraphicsDataTypeSNORM_PACK32_2_10_10_10, GraphicsDataTypeNative
 GraphicsDataType is used to specify type of data in textures and vertex buffers. More...
enum  GraphicsElementType { GraphicsElementTypeUINT, GraphicsElementTypeSINT, GraphicsElementTypeFLOAT }
 GraphicsElementType is used to specify type of element of data consumed by shaders. More...
enum  GraphicsFillMode { GraphicsFillModeSolid, GraphicsFillModeWireframe }
enum  GraphicsFormat {
  GraphicsFormatNone, GraphicsFormatLUMINANCE8_UNORM, GraphicsFormatALPHA8_UNORM, GraphicsFormatLUMINANCE8_ALPHA8_UNORM,
  GraphicsFormatR8_UNORM, GraphicsFormatR8_UINT, GraphicsFormatR8_SINT, GraphicsFormatR8G8_UNORM,
  GraphicsFormatR8G8_UINT, GraphicsFormatR8G8_SINT, GraphicsFormatR8G8B8_UNORM, GraphicsFormatR8G8B8_SRGB,
  GraphicsFormatR8G8B8_UINT, GraphicsFormatR8G8B8_SINT, GraphicsFormatR8G8B8A8_UNORM, GraphicsFormatR8G8B8A8_SRGB,
  GraphicsFormatR8G8B8A8_UINT, GraphicsFormatR8G8B8A8_SINT, GraphicsFormatR16_UINT, GraphicsFormatR16_SINT,
  GraphicsFormatR16_SFLOAT, GraphicsFormatR16G16_UINT, GraphicsFormatR16G16_SINT, GraphicsFormatR16G16_SFLOAT,
  GraphicsFormatR16G16B16_UINT, GraphicsFormatR16G16B16_SINT, GraphicsFormatR16G16B16_SFLOAT, GraphicsFormatR16G16B16A16_UINT,
  GraphicsFormatR16G16B16A16_SINT, GraphicsFormatR16G16B16A16_SFLOAT, GraphicsFormatR5G6B5_UNORM_PACK16, GraphicsFormatETC1_R8G8B8_UNORM,
  GraphicsFormatETC2_R8G8B8_UNORM, GraphicsFormatETC2_R8G8B8A1_UNORM, GraphicsFormatETC2_R8G8B8A8_UNORM, GraphicsFormatBC2_UNORM,
  GraphicsFormatBC3_UNORM, GraphicsFormatPVRTC1_RGB_2BPP, GraphicsFormatPVRTC1_RGB_4BPP, GraphicsFormatPVRTC1_RGBA_2BPP,
  GraphicsFormatPVRTC1_RGBA_4BPP, GraphicsFormatPVRTC2_RGBA_2BPP, GraphicsFormatPVRTC2_RGBA_4BPP, GraphicsFormatATC_RGB,
  GraphicsFormatATC_RGBA_EXPLICIT_ALPHA, GraphicsFormatATC_RGBA_INTERPOLATED_ALPHA, GraphicsFormatD16_UNORM, GraphicsFormatD24_UNORM,
  GraphicsFormatD32_SFLOAT, GraphicsFormatD24_UNORM_S8_UINT, GraphicsFormatS8_UINT, GraphicsFormatASTC_4x4_UNORM_BLOCK,
  GraphicsFormatASTC_4x4_SRGB_BLOCK, GraphicsFormatASTC_5x4_UNORM_BLOCK, GraphicsFormatASTC_5x4_SRGB_BLOCK, GraphicsFormatASTC_5x5_UNORM_BLOCK,
  GraphicsFormatASTC_5x5_SRGB_BLOCK, GraphicsFormatASTC_6x5_UNORM_BLOCK, GraphicsFormatASTC_6x5_SRGB_BLOCK, GraphicsFormatASTC_6x6_UNORM_BLOCK,
  GraphicsFormatASTC_6x6_SRGB_BLOCK, GraphicsFormatASTC_8x5_UNORM_BLOCK, GraphicsFormatASTC_8x5_SRGB_BLOCK, GraphicsFormatASTC_8x6_UNORM_BLOCK,
  GraphicsFormatASTC_8x6_SRGB_BLOCK, GraphicsFormatASTC_8x8_UNORM_BLOCK, GraphicsFormatASTC_8x8_SRGB_BLOCK, GraphicsFormatASTC_10x5_UNORM_BLOCK,
  GraphicsFormatASTC_10x5_SRGB_BLOCK, GraphicsFormatASTC_10x6_UNORM_BLOCK, GraphicsFormatASTC_10x6_SRGB_BLOCK, GraphicsFormatASTC_10x8_UNORM_BLOCK,
  GraphicsFormatASTC_10x8_SRGB_BLOCK, GraphicsFormatASTC_10x10_UNORM_BLOCK, GraphicsFormatASTC_10x10_SRGB_BLOCK, GraphicsFormatASTC_12x10_UNORM_BLOCK,
  GraphicsFormatASTC_12x10_SRGB_BLOCK, GraphicsFormatASTC_12x12_UNORM_BLOCK, GraphicsFormatASTC_12x12_SRGB_BLOCK, GraphicsFormatALPHA1_LUMINANCE7_UNORM,
  GraphicsFormatALPHALUMINANCE4_UNORM, GraphicsFormatALPHALUMINANCE8_UNORM, GraphicsFormatA1R5G5B5_UNORM, GraphicsFormatR5G5B5A1_UNORM,
  GraphicsFormatA4R4G4B4_UNORM, GraphicsFormatR4G4B4A4_UNORM, GraphicsFormatA8R8G8B8_UNORM, GraphicsFormatCLUT8_UINT,
  GraphicsFormatCLUT4_UINT, GraphicsFormatCLUT2_UINT, GraphicsFormatCLUT1_UINT, GraphicsFormatR8_SNORM,
  GraphicsFormatR32_UINT, GraphicsFormatR32_SINT, GraphicsFormatR32_SFLOAT, GraphicsFormatR8G8_SNORM,
  GraphicsFormatR32G32_UINT, GraphicsFormatR32G32_SINT, GraphicsFormatR32G32_SFLOAT, GraphicsFormatR8G8B8_SNORM,
  GraphicsFormatR32G32B32_UINT, GraphicsFormatR32G32B32_SINT, GraphicsFormatR32G32B32_SFLOAT, GraphicsFormatR8G8B8A8_SNORM,
  GraphicsFormatR32G32B32A32_UINT, GraphicsFormatR32G32B32A32_SINT, GraphicsFormatR32G32B32A32_SFLOAT, GraphicsFormatR16_UNORM,
  GraphicsFormatR16_SNORM, GraphicsFormatR16G16_UNORM, GraphicsFormatR16G16_SNORM, GraphicsFormatR16G16B16_UNORM,
  GraphicsFormatR16G16B16_SNORM, GraphicsFormatR16G16B16A16_UNORM, GraphicsFormatR16G16B16A16_SNORM, GraphicsFormatETC2_R8G8B8_SRGB,
  GraphicsFormatETC2_R8G8B8A1_SRGB, GraphicsFormatETC2_R8G8B8A8_SRGB, GraphicsFormatPVRTC1_SRGB_2BPP, GraphicsFormatPVRTC1_SRGB_4BPP,
  GraphicsFormatPVRTC1_SRGBA_2BPP, GraphicsFormatPVRTC1_SRGBA_4BPP, GraphicsFormatPVRTC2_SRGBA_2BPP, GraphicsFormatPVRTC2_SRGBA_4BPP,
  GraphicsFormatA8R8G8B8_UINT, GraphicsFormatA8R8G8B8_SINT, GraphicsFormatA16R16G16B16_UINT, GraphicsFormatA16R16G16B16_SINT,
  GraphicsFormatA16R16G16B16_SFLOAT, GraphicsFormatA8R8G8B8_SNORM, GraphicsFormatA32R32G32B32_UINT, GraphicsFormatA32R32G32B32_SINT,
  GraphicsFormatA32R32G32B32_SFLOAT, GraphicsFormatA16R16G16B16_UNORM, GraphicsFormatA16R16G16B16_SNORM, GraphicsFormatGlRangeBegin,
  GraphicsFormatGlRangeEnd, GraphicsFormatR_DRW2D_PIXELFORMAT_ALPHA8, GraphicsFormatR_DRW2D_PIXELFORMAT_LUM8, GraphicsFormatR_DRW2D_PIXELFORMAT_AL17,
  GraphicsFormatR_DRW2D_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA5551, GraphicsFormatR_DRW2D_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB4444, GraphicsFormatR_DRW2D_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA4444, GraphicsFormatR_DRW2D_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888,
  GraphicsFormatR_DRW2D_PIXELFORMAT_CLUT_1, GraphicsFormatFullRangeBegin, GraphicsFormatFullRangeEnd
 GraphicsFormat specifies format of graphics data used for example in textures and vertex attributes. More...
enum  GraphicsFormatFeature {
  GraphicsFormatFeatureRenderbuffer, GraphicsFormatFeatureSampledImage, GraphicsFormatFeatureSampledImageFilterLinear, GraphicsFormatFeatureColorAttachment,
  GraphicsFormatFeatureColorAttachmentBlend, GraphicsFormatFeatureDepthStencilAttachment, GraphicsFormatFeatureBlitSource, GraphicsFormatFeatureBlitDestination,
  GraphicsFormatFeatureVertexBuffer, GraphicsFormatFeatureUniformTexelBuffer, GraphicsFormatFeatureStorageTexelBuffer, GraphicsFormatFeatureStorageTexelBufferAtomic,
  GraphicsFormatFeatureStorageImage, GraphicsFormatFeatureStorageImageAtomic, GraphicsFormatFeatureRenderbufferMask, GraphicsFormatFeatureTextureMask
 How GraphicsFormat is used. More...
enum  GraphicsPrimitiveType {
  GraphicsPrimitiveTypeInvalid, GraphicsPrimitiveTypePoints, GraphicsPrimitiveTypeLines, GraphicsPrimitiveTypeLineLoop,
  GraphicsPrimitiveTypeLineStrip, GraphicsPrimitiveTypeTriangles, GraphicsPrimitiveTypeTriangleStrip, GraphicsPrimitiveTypeTriangleFan,
 Enumeration for index buffer primitive type. More...
enum  GraphicsScalar { GraphicsScalarClearDepth, GraphicsScalarCameraNearPlane, GraphicsScalarCameraFarPlane, GraphicsScalarCount }
 List of active renderer scalars for fixed functionality. More...
enum  GraphicsStencilOperation {
  GraphicsStencilOperationKeep, GraphicsStencilOperationZero, GraphicsStencilOperationReplace, GraphicsStencilOperationIncrement,
  GraphicsStencilOperationIncrementWrap, GraphicsStencilOperationDecrement, GraphicsStencilOperationDecrementWrap, GraphicsStencilOperationInvert
 Renderer stencil operations. More...
enum  HalfFloatTexture { HalfFloatTextureNone, HalfFloatTextureARB, HalfFloatTextureES3, HalfFloatTextureES2Ext }
 Half float texture support code path in Renderer. More...
enum  HalfFloatVertexAttribute { HalfFloatVertexAttributeNone, HalfFloatVertexAttributeDefault, HalfFloatVertexAttributeOES }
 Half float vertex attribute code path in Renderer. More...
enum  ImageFlipAxis { FlipAxisNone, FlipAxisHorizontal, FlipAxisVertical, FlipAxisHorizontalAndVertical }
 Image axis to flip over. More...
enum  ImageResizeFilter { ResizeFilterNearestNeighbor, ResizeFilterBilinear, ResizeFilterWeightedAverage }
 Image resizing filter methods. More...
enum  IndexBufferType { IndexBufferTypeUInt16, IndexBufferTypeUInt32 }
 List of available types available for index buffers. More...
enum  InputMethodAction {
  InputMethodAction::Default, InputMethodAction::Go, InputMethodAction::Next, InputMethodAction::Search,
  InputMethodAction::Send, InputMethodAction::Done
 Specifies the available input method actions. More...
enum  InputTranslation {
  TranslateNone, TranslatePointerToTouch, TranslateTouchToPointer, TranslatePointerToTouchPreserve,
 Enumeration to select translation of events. More...
enum  InputType { InputType::Default, InputType::Numeric, InputType::Email, InputType::URL }
 The input type used by the input method listener. More...
enum  InvalidateFramebuffer { InvalidateFramebufferNone, InvalidateFramebufferARB, InvalidateFramebufferES3, InvalidateFramebufferES2Ext }
 Framebuffer invalidation support code path in Renderer. More...
enum  KeyMatchResult { KeyMatchResult::NoMatch, KeyMatchResult::Match, KeyMatchResult::PartialMatch }
 Key matching result values. More...
enum  KeyModifier : size_t {
  KeyModifier::Undefined, KeyModifier::CapsLock, KeyModifier::LeftShift, KeyModifier::RightShift,
  KeyModifier::LeftControl, KeyModifier::RightControl, KeyModifier::LeftAlt, KeyModifier::RightAlt,
  KeyModifier::LeftSuper, KeyModifier::RightSuper, KeyModifier::Shift, KeyModifier::Control,
  KeyModifier::Alt, KeyModifier::Super
 Key modifier flags. You can set more than one modifier at a time for a KeyEvent. More...
enum  KeyState { KeyState::Pressed, KeyState::Released }
 Indicates the states of a hardware key. More...
enum  KzbProgramType { KzbProgramTypeSeparate, KzbProgramTypeCombined }
 Internal enum that is used to describe the data in the kzb file. More...
enum  KzuExpressionValidatorBinaryArgumentType {
 Expression argument type from binary data. More...
enum  KzuExpressionValidatorOperation : int16_t {
 Expression operation. More...
enum  KzuPropertyBinaryTargetAttribute {
 Binding property field (binary file). More...
 Playback type of the timeline. More...
 Enumeration for viewport coordinate unit type (exact pixel coordinates / percentages from window) More...
enum  LogicalKey {
  LogicalKey::Unknown, LogicalKey::Number0, LogicalKey::Number1, LogicalKey::Number2,
  LogicalKey::Number3, LogicalKey::Number4, LogicalKey::Number5, LogicalKey::Number6,
  LogicalKey::Number7, LogicalKey::Number8, LogicalKey::Number9, LogicalKey::Comma,
  LogicalKey::Period, LogicalKey::Semicolon, LogicalKey::Pipe, LogicalKey::Quote,
  LogicalKey::DecimalSeparator, LogicalKey::ThousandsSeparator, LogicalKey::A, LogicalKey::B,
  LogicalKey::C, LogicalKey::D, LogicalKey::E, LogicalKey::F,
  LogicalKey::G, LogicalKey::H, LogicalKey::I, LogicalKey::J,
  LogicalKey::K, LogicalKey::L, LogicalKey::M, LogicalKey::N,
  LogicalKey::O, LogicalKey::P, LogicalKey::Q, LogicalKey::R,
  LogicalKey::S, LogicalKey::T, LogicalKey::U, LogicalKey::V,
  LogicalKey::W, LogicalKey::X, LogicalKey::Y, LogicalKey::Z,
  LogicalKey::Space, LogicalKey::Backspace, LogicalKey::Enter, LogicalKey::Tab,
  LogicalKey::BackTab, LogicalKey::Escape, LogicalKey::CapsLock, LogicalKey::NumLock,
  LogicalKey::PrintScreen, LogicalKey::ScrollLock, LogicalKey::Break, LogicalKey::Insert,
  LogicalKey::Delete, LogicalKey::Home, LogicalKey::End, LogicalKey::PageUp,
  LogicalKey::PageDown, LogicalKey::Plus, LogicalKey::Minus, LogicalKey::Multiply,
  LogicalKey::Divide, LogicalKey::ArrowUp, LogicalKey::ArrowDown, LogicalKey::ArrowLeft,
  LogicalKey::ArrowRight, LogicalKey::Numpad0, LogicalKey::Numpad1, LogicalKey::Numpad2,
  LogicalKey::Numpad3, LogicalKey::Numpad4, LogicalKey::Numpad5, LogicalKey::Numpad6,
  LogicalKey::Numpad7, LogicalKey::Numpad8, LogicalKey::Numpad9, LogicalKey::NumpadDivide,
  LogicalKey::NumpadMultiply, LogicalKey::NumpadPlus, LogicalKey::NumpadMinus, LogicalKey::NumpadComma,
  LogicalKey::NumpadEnter, LogicalKey::F1, LogicalKey::F2, LogicalKey::F3,
  LogicalKey::F4, LogicalKey::F5, LogicalKey::F6, LogicalKey::F7,
  LogicalKey::F8, LogicalKey::F9, LogicalKey::F10, LogicalKey::F11,
  LogicalKey::F12, LogicalKey::VolumeUp, LogicalKey::VolumeDown, LogicalKey::Softkey1,
  LogicalKey::Softkey2, LogicalKey::Softkey3, LogicalKey::Softkey4, LogicalKey::Shift,
  LogicalKey::Control, LogicalKey::Alt, LogicalKey::Super, LogicalKey::Menu,
  LogicalKey::LeftAlt, LogicalKey::LeftControl, LogicalKey::LeftShift, LogicalKey::LeftSuper,
  LogicalKey::RightAlt, LogicalKey::RightControl, LogicalKey::RightShift, LogicalKey::RightSuper,
  LogicalKey::ButtonA, LogicalKey::ButtonB, LogicalKey::ButtonC, LogicalKey::ButtonX,
  LogicalKey::ButtonY, LogicalKey::ButtonZ, LogicalKey::ButtonL1, LogicalKey::ButtonL2,
  LogicalKey::ButtonR1, LogicalKey::ButtonR2, LogicalKey::ButtonSelect, LogicalKey::ButtonStart,
  LogicalKey::ButtonThumbL, LogicalKey::ButtonThumbR, LogicalKey::ButtonMode, LogicalKey::Max
 Platform independent key enumeration. More...
enum  LogLevel { LogLevelError, LogLevelWarning, LogLevelInfo, LogLevelTrace }
 The log levels. More...
enum  MainLoopState { MainLoopState::Running, MainLoopState::Paused, MainLoopState::Quitting }
 Enumeration for application states. More...
enum  MessageRouting { MessageRoutingTunneling, MessageRoutingBubbling, MessageRoutingTunnelingBubbling }
 Message routing modes. More...
enum  MmapMode { MmapMode::Default, MmapMode::Lazy, MmapMode::Eager }
 Specifies the available methods for memory mapping files. More...
enum  Multisample {
  MultisampleNone, MultisampleARB, MultisampleES2NVidia, MultisampleES3,
  MultisampleES2Ext, MultisampleES2Img
 Multisample support code path in Renderer. More...
enum  MultisampleCount {
  MultisampleCount::NoMSAA, MultisampleCount::MSAAx2, MultisampleCount::MSAAx4, MultisampleCount::MSAAx8,
  MultisampleCount::MSAAx16, MultisampleCount::MSAAx32
 Specifies the available numbers of samples for multisample anti-aliasing (MSAA). More...
enum  NavigationDirection : size_t {
  NavigationDirection::Up, NavigationDirection::Down, NavigationDirection::Left, NavigationDirection::Right,
  NavigationDirection::Home, NavigationDirection::End, NavigationDirection::PageUp, NavigationDirection::PageDown
 Specifies the navigation directions supported by the manipulator. More...
enum  PointerButton : size_t {
  PointerButton::Undefined, PointerButton::Left, PointerButton::Right, PointerButton::Mid,
  PointerButton::Extended1, PointerButton::Extended2
 Pointer device button identifiers. More...
enum  PointerState {
  PointerState::Pressed, PointerState::Moved, PointerState::Dragged, PointerState::Released,
 Indicates the states of a pointing device. More...
enum  ProgramBinary { ProgramBinaryNone, ProgramBinaryARB, ProgramBinaryES3, ProgramBinaryES2Ext }
 Program binary support code path in Renderer. More...
enum  PropertyDataType {
  PropertyDataTypeFloat, PropertyDataTypeInt, PropertyDataTypeBool, PropertyDataTypeColor,
  PropertyDataTypeVector2, PropertyDataTypeVector3, PropertyDataTypeVector4, PropertyDataTypeMatrix3x3,
  PropertyDataTypeMatrix4x4, PropertyDataTypeString, PropertyDataTypePointer, PropertyDataTypeResource,
  PropertyDataTypeSRT2D, PropertyDataTypeSRT3D, PropertyDataTypeRange
 Enumeration of data types that can be stored as properties. More...
enum  PropertyField {
  PropertyFieldWhole, PropertyFieldTranslationX, PropertyFieldTranslationY, PropertyFieldTranslationZ,
  PropertyFieldScaleX, PropertyFieldScaleY, PropertyFieldScaleZ, PropertyFieldRotationX,
  PropertyFieldRotationY, PropertyFieldRotationZ, PropertyFieldColorR, PropertyFieldColorG,
  PropertyFieldColorB, PropertyFieldColorA, PropertyFieldVectorX, PropertyFieldVectorY,
  PropertyFieldVectorZ, PropertyFieldVectorW, PropertyFieldRotation
 Property field. More...
enum  PropertyNotificationReason { PropertyNotificationReasonChanged, PropertyNotificationReasonRemoved }
 Property notification reason. More...
enum  PropertyTypeChangeFlag {
  PropertyTypeChangeFlagFinalTransformation, PropertyTypeChangeFlagMeasure, PropertyTypeChangeFlagParentMeasure, PropertyTypeChangeFlagArrange,
  PropertyTypeChangeFlagRender, PropertyTypeChangeFlagDraw, PropertyTypeChangeFlagConstraint
 Each property type can have one or more change flags that indicate the effects of changing the value of that property. More...
enum  PropertyValuePrecedence { PropertyValuePrecedenceClass, PropertyValuePrecedenceStyle, PropertyValuePrecedenceLocal }
 Property value precedence. More...
enum  QnxChannelIDFlags : unsigned int {
  QnxChannelIDFlags::Default, QnxChannelIDFlags::Priority, QnxChannelIDFlags::Unblock, QnxChannelIDFlags::ThreadDeath,
  QnxChannelIDFlags::Disconnect, QnxChannelIDFlags::NetMsg, QnxChannelIDFlags::SenderLen, QnxChannelIDFlags::CoIdDisconnect,
  QnxChannelIDFlags::ReplyLen, QnxChannelIDFlags::AsyncNonblock, QnxChannelIDFlags::Async, QnxChannelIDFlags::Global,
  QnxChannelIDFlags::Private, QnxChannelIDFlags::MsgPausing, QnxChannelIDFlags::UnblockTimer
 Qnx channel ID flags. More...
enum  RendererState {
  RendererStateDepthTest, RendererStateCullFace, RendererStateBlend, RendererStateDepthWrite,
  RendererStateStencilTest, RendererStateStencilWrite, RendererStateMultisample, RendererStateScissorTest,
  RendererStateCoverageWrite, RendererStateCount
 Renderer state enumerations. More...
enum  RendererSupport {
  RendererSupportHalfFloatTextureFormatLinear, RendererSupportHalfFloatColorAttachment, RendererSupportNPOTTextureFilter, RendererSupportRenderToMipmapLevels,
  RendererSupportDepth16Renderbuffer, RendererSupportDepth16Texture, RendererSupportDepth24Renderbuffer, RendererSupportDepth24Texture,
  RendererSupportDepth24Stencil8Renderbuffer, RendererSupportDepth24Stencil8Texture, RendererSupportDepth32Renderbuffer, RendererSupportDepth32fRenderbuffer,
  RendererSupportDepth32fTexture, RendererSupportStencil8Renderbuffer, RendererSupportStencil8Texture, RendererSupportExternalTexture,
  RendererSupportTexture2DArray, RendererSupportTexture3D, RendererSupportTextureCubeMapArray, RendererSupportTextureMultisample2D,
  RendererSupportTextureMultisample2DArray, RendererSupportTextureFilterAnisotropic, RendererSupportTextureSwizzle, RendererSupportTextureSwizzleComponent,
  RendererSupportSeamlessCubeMap, RendererSupportRGB8Renderbuffer, RendererSupportRG8Formats, RendererSupportRGFormats,
  RendererSupportIntegerFormats, RendererSupportRGB8Texture, RendererSupportRGBA8Renderbuffer, RendererSupportRGBA8Texture,
  RendererSupportDiscardFramebuffer, RendererSupportInvalidateFramebuffer, RendererSupportImplementationColorRead, RendererSupportKHRDebug,
  RendererSupportShaderBinary, RendererSupportSRGB, RendererSupportSRGB8Texture, RendererSupportSRGB8TexStorage,
  RendererSupportETC1NPOT, RendererSupport10_10_10_2VertexAttribute, RendererSupportDepthComparison, RendererSupport32BitIndexBuffer,
  RendererSupportMapBufferRange, RendererSupportSNORMFormats, RendererSupportFloatTextureFormatLinear, RendererSupportFloatColorAttachment,
  SupportTextureNorm16Formats, RendererSupportTextureMirrorClampToEdge, RendererSupportUnpackRowLength, RendererSupportClearBuffer,
  RendererSupportKHRBlendEquationAdvanced, RendererSupportInstancing, RendererSupportGeometryShader, RendererSupportTessellationShader,
  RendererSupportES30, RendererSupportES31, RendererSupportES32, RendererSupportCount
 List of optionally supported renderer features. More...
enum  RenderTargetMode { RenderTargetModeNone, RenderTargetModeInternal, RenderTargetModeExternal }
 RenderTarget mode for Texture. More...
enum  ShaderType {
  ShaderTypeInvalid, ShaderTypeVertex, ShaderTypeFragment, ShaderTypeGeometry,
  ShaderTypeTessellationControl, ShaderTypeTessellationEvaluation
 List of shader types. More...
enum  Slog2VerbosityLevel {
  Slog2VerbosityLevel::Slog2Shutdown, Slog2VerbosityLevel::Slog2Critical, Slog2VerbosityLevel::Slog2Error, Slog2VerbosityLevel::Slog2Warning,
  Slog2VerbosityLevel::Slog2Notice, Slog2VerbosityLevel::Slog2Info, Slog2VerbosityLevel::Slog2Debug1, Slog2VerbosityLevel::Slog2Debug2
 Slogger2 verbosity levels. More...
enum  SphereTessellationType { SphereTypeUvSphere, SphereTypeIcosphere, SphereTypeQuadSphere }
 Specifies the available sphere tessellation types. More...
enum  SurfaceClientAPI { SurfaceClientAPI::Unspecified, SurfaceClientAPI::OpenGLES, SurfaceClientAPI::OpenVG, SurfaceClientAPI::OpenGL }
 Client graphics API for a surface. More...
enum  SurfaceColorSpace { SurfaceColorSpace::Legacy, SurfaceColorSpace::Passthrough, SurfaceColorSpace::sRGB }
 Color Spaces for a surface. More...
enum  SwapBehavior { SwapBehavior::Unspecified, SwapBehavior::Copy, SwapBehavior::Exchange }
enum  TexStorage {
  TexStorageNone, TexStorageMultisampleARB, TexStorageARB, TexStorageES2Ext,
  TexStorageES3, TexStorageES31, TexStorageES32
 Texture Storage support code path in Renderer. More...
enum  TextKeyNavigationDirection { TextKeyNavigationDirection::LeftToRight, TextKeyNavigationDirection::RightToLeft }
 Key navigation directions. More...
enum  TextureType {
  TextureTypeTwoDimensional, TextureTypeTwoDimensionalArray, TextureTypeTwoDimensionalMultisample, TextureTypeTwoDimensionalMultisampleArray,
  TextureTypeThreeDimensional, TextureTypeCubeMap, TextureTypeCubeMapArray, TextureTypeExternal,
  TextureTypeCount, TextureTypeInvalid
 Texture type. More...
enum  TouchPointState {
  TouchPointState::Undefined, TouchPointState::Pressed, TouchPointState::Stationary, TouchPointState::Moved,
 Indicates the states of a touch point. More...
enum  TouchState { TouchState::Begin, TouchState::Update, TouchState::End }
 Indicates the states of touch events. More...
enum  WindowOrientation { LandscapeOrientation, PortraitOrientation }
 List of window orientations. More...
enum  WindowStyle {
  WindowStyle::Fixed, WindowStyle::Resizable, WindowStyle::Fullscreen, WindowStyle::Borderless,
  WindowStyle::StudioPreview, WindowStyle::Default
 Styles for a window. More...


optional< int > acquireBlendModeRenderValue (AbstractPropertyType propertyType, Node *node, PropertyObject *object, Material &material)
 Acquires the blend mode value. More...
optional< int > acquireBlendModeRenderValue (AbstractPropertyType propertyType, Node *node, Brush &brush, Material &material)
 Specialized acquire of blend mode value. More...
FontRuntimeSharedPtr acquireFont (const Node &node)
 Gets a runtime font object. More...
tuple< FontRuntimeSharedPtr, bool > acquireFont (const FontRuntimeSharedPtr &runtimeFont, const Node &node)
 Use this function to check whether a runtimeFont uses the font file and font style required to draw text with the property values of the node. More...
void acquireResources (Domain *domain, Mesh::CreateInfo &createInfo)
 For each cluster in mesh create info, load material from materialURL, if set. More...
int acquireUniformLocation (Material &material, string_view name)
 Acquire uniform location from a material. More...
void ActivityStatusAnimationFinishedHandler::sendMessages< ActivityConcept::Status::Activating > (ActivityElement &activityElement)
 ActivityStatusAnimationFinishedHandler::sendMessages() specialization. More...
void ActivityStatusAnimationFinishedHandler::sendMessages< ActivityConcept::Status::Active > (ActivityElement &activityElement)
 ActivityStatusAnimationFinishedHandler::sendMessages() specialization. More...
void ActivityStatusAnimationFinishedHandler::sendMessages< ActivityConcept::Status::Deactivating > (ActivityElement &activityElement)
 ActivityStatusAnimationFinishedHandler::sendMessages() specialization. More...
void ActivityStatusAnimationFinishedHandler::sendMessages< ActivityConcept::Status::Inactive > (ActivityElement &activityElement)
 ActivityStatusAnimationFinishedHandler::sendMessages() specialization. More...
void addApplicationPausedEvent (EventQueue &queue)
 Adds an InputEvent with InputEvent::ApplicationPaused type to the queue. More...
void addApplicationSleepEvent (EventQueue &queue)
 Adds an InputEvent with InputEvent::ApplicationSleep type to the queue. More...
void addApplicationWakeupEvent (EventQueue &queue)
 Adds an InputEvent with InputEvent::ApplicationWakeup type to the queue. More...
void addKeyEvent (EventQueue &queue, size_t rawKeyCode, LogicalKey key, KeyModifier modifiers, KeyState state)
 Adds a KeyEvent with multiple key modifiers to the queue. More...
void addKeyRepeatEvent (EventQueue &queue, size_t rawKeyCode, LogicalKey key, KeyModifier modifiers, size_t repeatCount)
 Adds to the queue a KeyEvent with multiple key modifiers, KeyState::Pressed state, and key-press repeatCount. More...
void addPointerEvent (EventQueue &queue, int x, int y, PointerButton buttons, PointerState state, int scroll=0)
 Adds a PointerEvent to the queue. More...
void addSetHudDebugEvent (EventQueue &queue, bool onOff)
 Adds a HudDebugEvent to the queue. More...
void addSinglePointTouchEvent (EventQueue &queue, TouchState state, size_t id, TouchPointState pointState, float x, float y, float pressure=1.0f, float radius=1.0f)
 Adds a TouchEvent with one touch point to the queue. More...
void addToggleHudDebugEvent (EventQueue &queue)
 Adds an InputEvent with InputEvent::DebugToggleHud type to the queue. More...
void addTouchEvent (EventQueue &queue, TouchState state, const list< TouchEvent::TouchPoint > &points)
 Adds a TouchEvent with multiple touch points to the queue. More...
void addWindowClosedEvent (EventQueue &queue, NativeWindowHandle target)
 Adds a WindowEvent with InputEvent::WindowClosed type to the queue. More...
void addWindowFocusGainedEvent (EventQueue &queue, NativeWindowHandle target)
 Adds a WindowEvent with InputEvent::WindowFocusGained type to the queue. More...
void addWindowFocusLostEvent (EventQueue &queue, NativeWindowHandle target)
 Adds a WindowEvent with InputEvent::WindowFocusLost type to the queue. More...
void addWindowHiddenEvent (EventQueue &queue, NativeWindowHandle target)
 Adds a WindowEvent with InputEvent::WindowHidden type to the queue. More...
void addWindowOrientationChangedEvent (EventQueue &queue, NativeWindowHandle target, WindowOrientation orientation)
 Adds an OrientationChangedEvent to the queue. More...
void addWindowPlacementRequestEvent (EventQueue &queue, NativeWindowHandle target)
 Adds a WindowPlacementRequest to the queue. More...
void addWindowRedrawRequestEvent (EventQueue &queue, NativeWindowHandle target)
 Adds a WindowRedrawRequestEvent to the queue. More...
void addWindowResizedEvent (EventQueue &queue, NativeWindowHandle target, unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
 Adds a WindowResizedEvent to the queue. More...
void addWindowResizeRequestEvent (EventQueue &queue, NativeWindowHandle target, unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
 Adds a WindowResizeRequestEvent to the queue. More...
void addWindowResourceLostEvent (EventQueue &queue, NativeWindowHandle target)
 Adds a WindowEvent with InputEvent::WindowResourceLost type to the queue. More...
template<typename T >
animationConcatenate (const T &lhs, const T &rhs)
bool animationConcatenate (bool lhs, bool rhs)
ResourceSharedPtr animationConcatenate (ResourceSharedPtr, ResourceSharedPtr rhs)
SRTValue2D animationConcatenate (const SRTValue2D &lhs, const SRTValue2D &rhs)
SRTValue3D animationConcatenate (const SRTValue3D &lhs, const SRTValue3D &rhs)
template<typename T >
animationInterpolate (const T &from, const T &to, float phase)
int animationInterpolate (int from, int to, float phase)
bool animationInterpolate (bool from, bool to, float phase)
string animationInterpolate (const string &from, const string &to, float phase)
ResourceID animationInterpolate (const ResourceID &from, const ResourceID &to, float phase)
const ResourceSharedPtranimationInterpolate (const ResourceSharedPtr &from, const ResourceSharedPtr &to, float phase)
Quaternion animationInterpolate (const Quaternion &from, const Quaternion &to, float phase)
QuaternionLongerPath animationInterpolate (const QuaternionLongerPath &from, const QuaternionLongerPath &to, float phase)
SRTValue3D animationInterpolate (const SRTValue3D &from, const SRTValue3D &to, float phase)
SRTValue3DLongerPath animationInterpolate (const SRTValue3DLongerPath &from, const SRTValue3DLongerPath &to, float phase)
SRTValue2D animationInterpolate (const SRTValue2D &from, const SRTValue2D &to, float phase)
void appendSkipSystemInitialization (SystemProperties &systemProperties)
 Adds "-nosysinit" to the end of the system properties. More...
Matrix3x3 applyGeometryOffsetAndSize (const Matrix3x3 &transformation, Vector2 offset, Vector2 size)
 Applies offset and size to 3x3 transformation. More...
Matrix4x4 applyGeometryOffsetAndSize (const Matrix4x4 &transformation, Vector2 offset, Vector2 size)
 Applies offset and size of the target rectangle to 4x4 transformation. More...
Matrix3x3 applyGeometryTargetRectangle (const Matrix3x3 &transformation, const RectangleFloat &targetRectangle)
 Applies offset and size of the target rectangle to 3x3 transformation. More...
Matrix4x4 applyGeometryTargetRectangle (const Matrix4x4 &transformation, const RectangleFloat &targetRectangle)
 Applies offset and size of the target rectangle to 4x4 transformation. More...
KZ_NO_DISCARD int applyPlatformMmapMode (int flags)
 Apply chosen platform mmapMode strategy to mmap() flags. More...
void applyProperties (Object &object, const KzbMemoryParser::PropertyContainer &properties)
 Apply properties from a PropertyContainer to an Object. More...
template<typename TargetType , typename FieldType >
void assignFieldValue (TargetType &value, PropertyField field, FieldType fieldValue)
 Free function for setting a field of a value. More...
void assignFieldValue< ColorRGBA, float > (ColorRGBA &value, PropertyField field, float fieldValue)
 Specialization of assignFieldValue;. More...
void assignFieldValue< Matrix3x3, float > (Matrix3x3 &value, PropertyField field, float fieldValue)
 Specialization of assignFieldValue;. More...
void assignFieldValue< Matrix4x4, float > (Matrix4x4 &value, PropertyField field, float fieldValue)
 Specialization of assignFieldValue;. More...
void assignFieldValue< SRTValue2D, float > (SRTValue2D &value, PropertyField field, float fieldValue)
 Specialization of assignFieldValue;. More...
void assignFieldValue< SRTValue3D, float > (SRTValue3D &value, PropertyField field, float fieldValue)
 Specialization of assignFieldValue;. More...
void assignFieldValue< SRTValue3D, Quaternion > (SRTValue3D &value, PropertyField field, Quaternion fieldValue)
 Specialization of assignFieldValue;. More...
void assignFieldValue< Vector2, float > (Vector2 &value, PropertyField field, float fieldValue)
 Specialization of assignFieldValue;. More...
void assignFieldValue< Vector3, float > (Vector3 &value, PropertyField field, float fieldValue)
 Specialization of assignFieldValue;. More...
void assignFieldValue< Vector4, float > (Vector4 &value, PropertyField field, float fieldValue)
 Specialization of assignFieldValue;. More...
template<class T >
T::iterator begin (T &t)
PropertyTypeRegistry::const_iterator beginPropertyTypes ()
 Get iterator to the beginning of registry of all property types. More...
int bindingExpressionDivide (int lhs, int rhs)
 Integer divide the expression way. More...
float bindingExpressionDivide (float lhs, float rhs)
 Floating point divide the expression way. More...
ColorRGBA bindingExpressionDivide (const ColorRGBA &lhs, const ColorRGBA &rhs)
 Color divide the expression way. More...
Vector2 bindingExpressionDivide (const Vector2 &lhs, const Vector2 &rhs)
 Vector2 divide the expression way. More...
Vector3 bindingExpressionDivide (const Vector3 &lhs, const Vector3 &rhs)
 Vector3 divide the expression way. More...
Vector4 bindingExpressionDivide (const Vector4 &lhs, const Vector4 &rhs)
 Vector4 divide the expression way. More...
Matrix3x3 bindingExpressionDivide (const Matrix3x3 &lhs, const Matrix3x3 &rhs)
 Matrix3x3 divide the expression way. More...
Matrix4x4 bindingExpressionDivide (const Matrix4x4 &lhs, const Matrix4x4 &rhs)
 Matrix4x4 divide the expression way. More...
BindingExpressionFunction bindingExpressionFunctionFromOperation (KzuExpressionValidatorOperation operation)
 Converts expression validation operation to a binding expression function. More...
int bindingExpressionModulo (int lhs, int rhs)
 Integer modulo the expression way. More...
float bindingExpressionModulo (float lhs, float rhs)
 Floating point modulo the expression way. More...
ColorRGBA bindingExpressionModulo (const ColorRGBA &lhs, const ColorRGBA &rhs)
 Color modulo the expression way. More...
Vector2 bindingExpressionModulo (const Vector2 &lhs, const Vector2 &rhs)
 Vector2 modulo the expression way. More...
Vector3 bindingExpressionModulo (const Vector3 &lhs, const Vector3 &rhs)
 Vector3 modulo the expression way. More...
Vector4 bindingExpressionModulo (const Vector4 &lhs, const Vector4 &rhs)
 Vector4 modulo the expression way. More...
Matrix3x3 bindingExpressionModulo (const Matrix3x3 &lhs, const Matrix3x3 &rhs)
 Matrix3x3 modulo the expression way. More...
Matrix4x4 bindingExpressionModulo (const Matrix4x4 &lhs, const Matrix4x4 &rhs)
 Matrix4x4 modulo the expression way. More...
int bindingExpressionRemainder (int lhs, int rhs)
 Integer remainder the expression way. More...
float bindingExpressionRemainder (float lhs, float rhs)
 Floating point remainder the expression way. More...
ColorRGBA bindingExpressionRemainder (const ColorRGBA &lhs, const ColorRGBA &rhs)
 Color remainder the expression way. More...
Vector2 bindingExpressionRemainder (const Vector2 &lhs, const Vector2 &rhs)
 Vector2 remainder the expression way. More...
Vector3 bindingExpressionRemainder (const Vector3 &lhs, const Vector3 &rhs)
 Vector3 remainder the expression way. More...
Vector4 bindingExpressionRemainder (const Vector4 &lhs, const Vector4 &rhs)
 Vector4 remainder the expression way. More...
Matrix3x3 bindingExpressionRemainder (const Matrix3x3 &lhs, const Matrix3x3 &rhs)
 Vector3 remainder the expression way. More...
Matrix4x4 bindingExpressionRemainder (const Matrix4x4 &lhs, const Matrix4x4 &rhs)
 Matrix4x4 remainder the expression way. More...
ColorRGBA bindingFixedOperationGetAmbient (Node &node, const Material &material)
 Fixed operation to acquire ambient color. More...
Matrix4x4 bindingFixedOperationGetCameraNormalMatrix (RenderPass &renderPass, Node &node)
 Fixed operation to acquire camera normal matrix. More...
Vector3 bindingFixedOperationGetCameraPosition (RenderPass &renderPass)
 Fixed operation to acquire camera position vector. More...
Matrix4x4 bindingFixedOperationGetCameraWorldMatrix (RenderPass &renderPass, Node &node)
 Fixed operation to acquire camera world matrix. More...
Matrix4x4 bindingFixedOperationGetNormalMatrix (Node &node)
 Fixed operation to acquire normal matrix. More...
Matrix4x4 bindingFixedOperationGetProjectionCameraWorldMatrix (RenderPass &renderPass, Node &node)
 Fixed operation to acquire projection camera world matrix. More...
Vector4 bindingFixedOperationGetViewPosition (RenderPass &renderPass)
 Fixed operation to acquire homogeneous view position vector. More...
Matrix4x4 bindingFixedOperationGetWorldMatrix (Node &node)
 Fixed operation to acquire world matrix. More...
template<typename T >
bool bindingWriteObjectProperty (PropertyObjectSharedPtr object, const Variant &value, AbstractPropertyType propertyType, PropertyField field)
 Writes an object property. More...
Box calculateBoundingVolume (const Mesh::CreateInfo &createInfo)
 Calculates bounding box from mesh vertex data. More...
optional< Vector4calculateCameraViewPosition (Matrix4x4 projectionCameraMatrix)
 Calculates a homogeneous camera view position that you can use to calculate the view direction in a shader. More...
Vector3 calculateEulerAngles (const Quaternion &quaternion)
 Calculates Euler angles from a quaternion. More...
void calculateFrustumPlanes (const Matrix4x4 &cameraViewMatrix, const Matrix4x4 &projectionMatrix, Plane *frustumPlanes)
 Internal function for calculating frustum planes. More...
unsigned int calculateMipmapLevelCount (unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
 Calculates number of mipmap levels for provided image size. More...
KZ_NO_DISCARD Matrix4x4 calculateOrdinaryGLTargetTransformationMatrix (unsigned int width, unsigned int height) noexcept
 Calculates the ordinary target transformation matrix for GLGraphicsOutput. More...
Box calculateWorldSpaceAABB (const OrientedBoundingBox &orientedBoundingBox)
 Gets a minimum size world space axis-aligned bounding box that encloses this transformed box. More...
bool canNodeGetFocus (const Node &node)
 Returns whether a node can get the key focus. More...
BitmapImageUniquePtr captureCurrentFramebufferToImage (unsigned int width, unsigned int height, GraphicsFormat format)
 Capture the current framebuffer to an image. More...
BitmapImageUniquePtr captureScreenToImage (Renderer &renderer, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, GraphicsFormat format)
 Capture the screen (default framebuffer) to an image. More...
template<class T >
T::const_iterator cbegin (T const &t)
template<class T , size_t N>
const T * cbegin (const T(&array)[N])
template<class T >
T::const_iterator cend (T const &t)
template<class T , size_t N>
const T * cend (const T(&array)[N])
void collectResourceUrls (const PrefabTemplate &prefabTemplate, const Node &node, ResourceManager::UrlContainer &urls)
 Collects URLs from all resource properties that are used by the nodes in a prefab template. More...
void collectResourceUrls (const PrefabTemplate &prefabTemplate, ResourceManager::UrlContainer &urls)
 Collects URLs from all resource properties that are used by the nodes in a prefab template. More...
void collectResourceUrls (const PrefabTemplateNode &prefabTemplateNode, ResourceManager::UrlContainer &urls)
 Collects URLs from all resource properties that are used by a prefab template node and its children. More...
void collectResourceUrls (const ResourceDictionary &resourceDictionary, ResourceManager::UrlContainer &urls)
 Collects the URLs from a resource dictionary. More...
void collectResourceUrls (ResourceManager *resourceManager, string_view hostname, ResourceManager::UrlContainer &urls)
 Collect resource urls from a named file. More...
void collectResourceUrls (ResourceManager *resourceManager, ResourceManager::UrlContainer &urls)
 Collects the URLs of all resources from all the binary directories that have been added to the resource manager. More...
UrlContainer collectResourceUrls (const KzbMemoryParser::PropertyContainer &properties)
 Collects URLs of all property values of Resource type. More...
ResourceManager::UrlContainer collectResourceUrls (const Mesh::CreateInfo &createInfo)
 For each cluster in mesh create info, get material URL, if set. More...
KZ_DEPRECATED void collectResourceUrlsFromPrefabTemplateNodeResourceDictionaryUrls (ResourceManager *resourceManager, string_view prefabTemplateNodeUrls, ResourceManager::UrlContainer &urls)
 Collects the URLs of resources from the resource dictionaries of the prefab templates you specify. More...
void collectResourceUrlsFromPrefabTemplateUrl (ResourceManager *resourceManager, string_view prefabTemplateUrl, const Node &node, ResourceManager::UrlContainer &urls)
 Collects URLs from all resource properties that are used by the nodes in a prefab template. More...
void collectResourceUrlsFromPrefabTemplateUrl (ResourceManager *resourceManager, string_view prefabTemplateUrl, ResourceManager::UrlContainer &urls)
 Collects URLs from all resource properties that are used by the nodes in a prefab template. More...
void collectResourceUrlsFromStateManagersAndRenderPassPrefabs (const PrefabTemplate &prefabTemplate, const Node &node, ResourceManager::UrlContainer &urls)
 Looks up resource properties of type StateManager or RenderPassPrefab in the nodes of a prefab template. More...
void collectResourceUrlsFromStateManagersAndRenderPassPrefabs (const PrefabTemplate &prefabTemplate, ResourceManager::UrlContainer &urls)
 Looks up resource properties of type StateManager or RenderPassPrefab in the nodes of a prefab template. More...
CompositionRequirements combineCompositionRequirements (const CompositionRequirements &lhs, const CompositionRequirements &rhs)
 Merge two composition requirements together. More...
Vector2 componentAbs (Vector2 v)
 Calculates component-wise absolute value for all elements and returns resulting vector. More...
Vector4 componentAbs (Vector4 v)
 Calculates component-wise absolute value for all elements and returns resulting vector. More...
ColorRGBA componentAbs (ColorRGBA v)
 Calculates component-wise absolute value for all elements and returns the resulting color. More...
Vector3 componentAbs (Vector3 v)
 Calculates component-wise absolute value for all elements and returns resulting vector. More...
Vector2 componentAdd (Vector2 v, float scalar)
 Adds a value to all elements of a vector and returns the result. More...
Vector4 componentAdd (Vector4 v, float scalar)
 Adds a value to all elements of a vector and returns the result. More...
Vector3 componentAdd (Vector3 v, float scalar)
 Adds a value to all elements of a vector and returns the result. More...
ColorRGBA componentAdd (ColorRGBA v, float scalar)
 Adds a value to all color elements and returns the resulting color. More...
bool componentAllGreaterThan (Vector2 a, Vector2 b)
 Returns whether each component of the first vector is greater than the corresponding component of the second vector. More...
bool componentAllGreaterThan (Vector4 a, Vector4 b)
 Returns whether each component of the first vector is greater than the corresponding component of the second vector. More...
bool componentAllGreaterThan (Vector3 a, Vector3 b)
 Returns whether each component of the first vector is greater than the corresponding component of the second vector. More...
bool componentAllGreaterThanOrEqual (Vector2 a, Vector2 b)
 Returns whether each component of the first vector is greater than or equal to the corresponding component of the second vector. More...
bool componentAllGreaterThanOrEqual (Vector4 a, Vector4 b)
 Returns whether each component of the first vector is greater than or equal to the corresponding component of the second vector. More...
bool componentAllGreaterThanOrEqual (Vector3 a, Vector3 b)
 Returns whether each component of the first vector is greater than or equal to the corresponding component of the second vector. More...
bool componentAllLessThan (Vector2 a, Vector2 b)
 Returns whether each component of the first vector is less than the corresponding component of the second vector. More...
bool componentAllLessThan (Vector4 a, Vector4 b)
 Returns whether each component of the first vector is less than the corresponding component of the second vector. More...
bool componentAllLessThan (Vector3 a, Vector3 b)
 Returns whether each component of the first vector is less than the corresponding component of the second vector. More...
bool componentAllLessThanOrEqual (Vector2 a, Vector2 b)
 Returns whether each component of the first vector is less than or equal to the corresponding component of the second vector. More...
bool componentAllLessThanOrEqual (Vector4 a, Vector4 b)
 Returns whether each component of the first vector is less than or equal to the corresponding component of the second vector. More...
bool componentAllLessThanOrEqual (Vector3 a, Vector3 b)
 Returns whether each component of the first vector is less than or equal to the corresponding component of the second vector. More...
Vector2 componentCeil (Vector2 v)
 Calculates component-wise ceil value for all elements and returns resulting vector. More...
Vector4 componentCeil (Vector4 v)
 Calculates component-wise ceil value for all elements and returns resulting vector. More...
ColorRGBA componentCeil (ColorRGBA v)
 Calculates component-wise ceil value for all elements and returns the resulting color. More...
Vector3 componentCeil (Vector3 v)
 Calculates component-wise ceil value for all elements and returns resulting vector. More...
Vector2 componentFloor (Vector2 v)
 Calculates component-wise floor value for all elements and returns resulting vector. More...
Vector4 componentFloor (Vector4 v)
 Calculates component-wise floor value for all elements and returns resulting vector. More...
ColorRGBA componentFloor (ColorRGBA v)
 Calculates component-wise floor value for all elements and returns the resulting color. More...
Vector3 componentFloor (Vector3 v)
 Calculates component-wise floor value for all elements and returns resulting vector. More...
Vector2 componentRound (Vector2 v)
 Calculates component-wise rounded value for all elements and returns resulting vector. More...
Vector4 componentRound (Vector4 v)
 Calculates component-wise rounded value for all elements and returns resulting vector. More...
ColorRGBA componentRound (ColorRGBA v)
 Calculates component-wise rounded value for all elements and returns the resulting color. More...
Vector3 componentRound (Vector3 v)
 Calculates component-wise rounded value for all elements and returns resulting vector. More...
Vector2 componentSqrt (Vector2 v)
 Calculates component-wise square root all elements and returns resulting vector. More...
Vector4 componentSqrt (Vector4 v)
 Calculates component-wise square root all elements and returns resulting vector. More...
ColorRGBA componentSqrt (ColorRGBA v)
 Calculates component-wise square root all elements and returns the resulting color. More...
Vector3 componentSqrt (Vector3 v)
 Calculates component-wise square root all elements and returns resulting vector. More...
Vector2 componentSubtract (Vector2 v, float scalar)