constexpr int | kanzi::GraphicsBlendModeAdditive |
| Additive blend mode. More...
constexpr int | kanzi::GraphicsBlendModeAdvancedMultiply |
| Advanced multiply blend mode. More...
constexpr int | kanzi::GraphicsBlendModeAlpha |
| Legacy blend mode. More...
constexpr int | kanzi::GraphicsBlendModeClear |
| Clear blend mode. More...
constexpr int | kanzi::GraphicsBlendModeColorBurn |
| Color Burn blend mode. More...
constexpr int | kanzi::GraphicsBlendModeColorDodge |
| Color Dodge blend mode. More...
constexpr int | kanzi::GraphicsBlendModeDarken |
| Darken blend mode. More...
constexpr int | kanzi::GraphicsBlendModeDestinationAtop |
| Destination Atop blend mode. More...
constexpr int | kanzi::GraphicsBlendModeDestinationIn |
| Destination In blend mode. More...
constexpr int | kanzi::GraphicsBlendModeDestinationOut |
| Destination Out blend mode. More...
constexpr int | kanzi::GraphicsBlendModeDestinationOver |
| Destination Over blend mode. More...
constexpr int | kanzi::GraphicsBlendModeDifference |
| Difference blend mode. More...
constexpr int | kanzi::GraphicsBlendModeExclusion |
| Exclusion blend mode. More...
constexpr int | kanzi::GraphicsBlendModeExclusiveOr |
| Exclusive Or blend mode. More...
constexpr int | kanzi::GraphicsBlendModeHardLight |
| Hard Light blend mode. More...
constexpr int | kanzi::GraphicsBlendModeHSLColor |
| HSL Color blend mode. More...
constexpr int | kanzi::GraphicsBlendModeHSLHue |
| HSL Hue blend mode. More...
constexpr int | kanzi::GraphicsBlendModeHSLLuminosity |
| HSL Luminosity blend mode. More...
constexpr int | kanzi::GraphicsBlendModeHSLSaturation |
| HSL Saturation blend mode. More...
constexpr int | kanzi::GraphicsBlendModeLighten |
| Lighten blend mode. More...
constexpr int | kanzi::GraphicsBlendModeMixedAlpha |
| Mixed Alpha blend mode. More...
constexpr int | kanzi::GraphicsBlendModeMultiply |
| Multiply blend mode. More...
constexpr int | kanzi::GraphicsBlendModeOpaque |
| Opaque blend mode. More...
constexpr int | kanzi::GraphicsBlendModeOverlay |
| Overlay blend mode. More...
constexpr int | kanzi::GraphicsBlendModePremultipliedAlpha |
| Premultiplied Alpha blend mode - the default and recommend mode for alpha blending. More...
constexpr int | kanzi::GraphicsBlendModeScreen |
| Screen blend mode. More...
constexpr int | kanzi::GraphicsBlendModeSoftLight |
| Soft Light blend mode. More...
constexpr int | kanzi::GraphicsBlendModeSourceAtop |
| Source Atop blend mode. More...
constexpr int | kanzi::GraphicsBlendModeSourceIn |
| Source In blend mode. More...
constexpr int | kanzi::GraphicsBlendModeSourceOut |
| Source Out blend mode. More...