Deploying Kanzi Connect applications to embedded devices

Deploying to Android from Kanzi Studio

To deploy a Kanzi Connect application to Android device from Kanzi Studio:

  1. Connect your Android device to your computer.

  2. In Kanzi Studio open the Kanzi Studio project of the application you want to deploy to your Android device and select File > Export > Build Android Package. Kanzi Studio builds the application source code, creates .apk package, and installs the package to your Android device.

Compiling with Scons from the command line

Before you can build a Kanzi application for your target platforms, set up and configure the Kanzi build environment for your target platforms. The build environment includes tools that the Kanzi build system uses to build your application for your target platforms.

To compile Kanzi Connect applications from the command line:

  1. In Kanzi Studio main menu select File > Open Kanzi Command Prompt.

  2. Go to the configuration directory of the platform for which you want to build your Kanzi Connect application (<ProjectName>/Application/configs/platforms/<PlatformName>).

    For example, to build your Kanzi Connect application for:

    • Android. Open the command line in the <ProjectName>/Application/configs/platforms/android directory.

    • Linux. Open the command line in the <ProjectName>/Application/configs/platforms/linux_x11_glx_cpp11 directory.

    • Windows. Open the command line in the <ProjectName>/Application/configs/platforms/win32 directory.

  3. Run the scons command with the build parameters for your Kanzi Connect application.


    scons <library> <type> <name>



    (Optional) the graphics library:

    • ES2 builds the application with OpenGL ES 2.0

    • GL builds the application with OpenGL


    (Optional) the build type:

    • Release builds the application with compiler optimizations enabled. The release option builds smaller files than the debug option. Use this option for production purposes. Default value.

    • Debug builds the application with disabled compiler optimizations and contains full debug information you can use with a debugger. The debug option builds larger files and debug applications run slower. Use this option for development purposes.

    • Profile builds the application with compiler optimizations enabled, but without stripping the debug information that enables you to track the performance in some parts of the Kanzi Engine. Use this option when you want to measure the performance of your application. For example, when you want to find out which parts of the application take a lot of time to run, or which parts are called a large number of times.


    (Optional) the name of the project


    // Builds the application with the default settings as specified
    // in and SConstruct configuration files.
    // Builds the release version of the application with the
    // OpenGL ES 2.0 graphics library.
    scons es2 release
    // Builds the debug version of the application with
    // the OpenGL graphics library.
    scons GL debug
    // Builds the debug version of the application with the
    // OpenGL ES 2.0 graphics library from the |ks|
    // project named MyProject.
    scons ES2 debug MyProject

    Scons builds the Kanzi application source code and binary files in the <ProjectName>/Application/output directory.

Configuring Kanzi Connect application to connect to a Kanzi Connect Server running on another device

Kanzi Connect applications read the connection parameters from a connection.xml file. When you build a Kanzi Connect application, Kanzi Connect includes the connection.xml file in the apk file. However, you can use another connection.xml file on the Android device to change these settings. For other platforms, Kanzi Connect uses the configuration files from the application installation directory.

On Android, Kanzi Connect applies the parameters you set in the connection.xml file in this order:

  1. The connection.xml in the apk file

  2. The connection.xml on the device storage in the Internal Storage/Connect directory

  3. The connection.xml on the device SD card in the External Storage/Connect directory

For example, to configure on Android a Kanzi Connect application to connect to a Kanzi Connect Server which is running on another device:

  1. Create a connection.xml file where you configure the parameters you want your Kanzi Connect application to use.

    For example, in the connection.xml file set the IP address of the computer which is running Kanzi Connect Server to which you want your application to connect.

            <name.. comment: name by which server recognizes a client>My Kanzi Connect application</name>
            <server_name>Server.. comment: sets the context</server_name>
            <bearer.. comment: bearer and server name must be in all such files.>connect.bearer.tcp</bearer>
            <attribute name="host_ip" value=""/>
            <attribute name="host_port" value="2002"/>
  2. Connect your Android device to your computer and set the connection type to Transfer Files.

    This way you can access the device file system with Windows Explorer.

  3. Copy the connection.xml file to your Android device to the Internal Storage/Connect directory.

    When you run your Kanzi Connect application on your Android device, the application uses the parameters you set in the connection.xml file.

Run the Kanzi Connect application

To run the Kanzi Connect application:

  1. Start the Kanzi Connect Server on your computer or another device in the subsystem.

  2. Start your Kanzi Connect application on the device to which you deployed the application. On Android device you can launch the application using the device application launcher or adb. On other embedded targets use either shell or a start-up script.