Input Service

The Input Service implements the Input Interface and provides a general-purpose event routing between Kanzi Connect applications.

With the Input Service you can:

  • Forward and subscribe to key events from another Kanzi Connect applications.

  • Forward and subscribe input touch events from another Kanzi Connect applications.

    • Input coordinates are translated based on the defined layout and screen orientation


  • Subscribe input events provider. Define an identifier that you can use for subscribing input events from this application.

  • Unsubscribe input events provider.

  • Subscribe input events consumer. Defines an input provider to which to listen to. Server sends events only for subscribed input consumers.

  • Unsubscribe input events consumer.

  • Post-touch event.

  • Post-key event.

  • Set geometry for touch input events. You can use this information to translate events between client applications.

  • Set screen orientation for touch input events. This information is used in server coordinate transformation.


  • Received touch events. New touch input from the subscribed input provider.

  • Received key events. New key input events from the subscribed input provider.


  • InputProviderNode2D: Kanzi Node2D implementing a kanzi::InputProviderConcept interface to automatically capture input events from Kanzi Screen. The node needs to be focusable. To capture touch input, the node must be hit testable and have layout size defined. To forward key events, the node must have keyboard focus set.

  • InputConsumerNode2D: Kanzi Node2D implementing a kanzi::InputConsumerConcept interface to automatically feed received input events to Kanzi Screen. To correctly receive the translated input coordinates, you must define the node size.

Interface definition

The interface definition XML file for the Input Service is stored in the


Fully qualified name for the Input Service is Connect.CoreService.Input.

Supported platforms

This service is supported on all platforms that Kanzi Connect supports.