Kanzi Connect  3.9.6
Kanzi Connect Java API
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 CAbstractRuntimeDataListenerAbstract base class which handles the generic logic needed to subscribe to runtime data changes of a service Subclass this and implement
 CForegroundServiceStarterA ServiceStarter that knows how to start ForegroundServiceBase services
 CConfigurationReaderUtility class to read kanzi connect specific connection configuration file
 CExternalClientBaseBase class for concrete client classes
 CExternalServiceBaseBase class for Java implemented external services
 CKanziConnectContextHelper class for adapting Kanzi connect functionality into Android UI Application
 CKanziConnectThreadRunnerHelper class to run Kanzi Connect remote service, and possible service clients in custom thread
 CMessageUtilCollection of utility functions
 CArgumentExceptionException thrown when invalid message arguments are detected
 CRemoteConfigurationListenerUtility class to read and listen to changes in certain configurations within Configuration service
 CConfigurationChangeCallbackInterface for configuration change callbacks which are invoked when the requested configuration changes
 CUIThreadIntegratorIntegrate KanziConnect mainloop into android UI thread