Vector Shapes example

The Vector Shapes comes with an example project that demonstrates the functionality provided by the plugin. You can find the example in the vector_shapes\examples\vector_shapes_example directory.

Building the Vector Shapes example for Windows

To build the Vector Shapes example project for Windows using CMake:

  1. In the <KanziWorkspace>\Engine\plugins\vector_shapes\examples\vector_shapes_example\Application directory create the build directory.

  2. On the command line go to the build directory.

  3. To generate the Visual Studio solution for the example application, run:

    cmake .. -G"Visual Studio 15 2017" -T v141 -A x64
  4. To build the example application, run:

    cmake --build . --target install --config Release

    You can find the example application in <KanziWorkspace>\Engine\plugins\vector_shapes\examples\vector_shapes_example\Application\bin\Win64\GL_vs2017_Release_DLL\VectorShapesExample.exe.

Building the Vector Shapes example for Android

To build the Vector Shapes example project for Android, on the command line in the <KanziWorkspace>\Engine\plugins\vector_shapes\examples\vector_shapes_example\Application\configs\platforms\android_gradle directory run:

gradlew assembleRelease

You can find the example application in app\build\outputs\apk\release\VectorShapes_example-release.apk.