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kanzi::Renderer Class Reference

#include <kanzi/rendering/renderer.hpp>

Public Types

enum  ProgramBinary { ProgramBinaryNone, ProgramBinaryARB, ProgramBinaryES3, ProgramBinaryES2Ext }
enum  State {
  StateDepthTest, StateCullFace, StateBlend, StateDepthWrite,
  StateStencilTest, StateStencilWrite, StateMultisample, StateScissorTest,
  StateCoverageWrite, StateCount
 Renderer state enumerations. More...
enum  FixedMatrix {
  FixedMatrixProjection, FixedMatrixCamera, FixedMatrixWorld, FixedMatrixCameraWorld,
  FixedMatrixProjectionCameraWorld, FixedMatrixCount
 List of active matrices renderer keeps track of. More...
enum  Information {
  InformationGLVendor, InformationGLRenderer, InformationGLVersion, InformationGLShadingLanguageVersion,
  InformationGLExtensions, InformationFormatSupport, InformationShaderBinarySupport, InformationProgramBinarySupport,
  InformationFeatureSupport, InformationImplementationDependent, InformationDebug, InformationAll
enum  Workaround { WorkaroundMaliHalfFloatTextureCoordinate, WorkaroundChromiumTextureImageUnitCount, WorkaroundFaultyRequiredInternalformat, WorkaroundCount }
typedef void(* FramebufferCallback )(unsigned int frameBufferHandle)
 Callback prototype for setActiveFramebuffer. More...

Public Member Functions

 Renderer (const KzcMemoryManager *memoryManager)
 Creates a new renderer object. More...
 ~Renderer ()
void resetFrame ()
 Resets frame for core renderer, that is, counters for logging rendering infos (triangle count etc.). More...
void reset ()
 Resets renderer, e.g. More...
void initialize (kzUint vertexBufferPoolSize, kzUint indexBufferPoolSize)
 Initializes renderer object. More...
void uninitialize ()
 Uninitializes renderer object. More...
void setActiveSurface (KzsSurface *surface)
 Sets active surface context for renderer. More...
KzsSurfacegetActiveSurface () const
 Gets active surface context from renderer. More...
void enableState (State state)
 Enables a specific renderer state. More...
void disableState (State state)
 Disables a specific renderer state. More...
void setState (State state, bool enable)
 Enables or disables the state of a specific renderer state. More...
bool getState (State state) const
 Returns state of a specific renderer state. More...
void clear ()
 Clears a context using specified flags. More...
void resetClearTarget ()
 Resets a clear target for renderer. More...
void addClearTarget (GraphicsClearTarget target)
 Sets a clearing target for renderer. More...
void removeClearTarget (GraphicsClearTarget target)
 Removes a clearing target for renderer. More...
bool hasClearTarget (GraphicsClearTarget target) const
 Sees if renderer has specific clear target. More...
bool isClearEnabled () const
 See if clear is enabled. More...
void setClearColor (KzcColorRGBA colorRGBA)
 Set clear color for renderer. More...
void setColorWriteMode (GraphicsColorWriteMode colorWriteMode)
 Set a color write mode for renderer. More...
GraphicsColorWriteMode getColorWriteMode () const
 Gets current color write mode from renderer. More...
void setScissorTest (bool enabled, int x, int y, int width, int height)
 Sets scissor test for renderer. More...
void getScissorTest (int *out_x, int *out_y, int *out_width, int *out_height) const
 Gets scissor specific values from renderer. More...
void setClearDepthValue (float clearDepthValue)
 Set clear depth for renderer. More...
void setClearStencil (int stencilClearValue)
 Set clear stencil for renderer. More...
void setViewport (int x, int y, int width, int height)
 Sets an active view port for renderer. More...
void setVertexBuffer (unsigned int value)
 Sets a vertex buffer for renderer. More...
void setIndexBuffer (unsigned int value)
 Sets an index buffer for renderer. More...
void drawBuffers ()
 Render buffers that are currently bound. More...
void setVertexCount (unsigned int vertexCount)
 Sets vertex count for renderer. More...
void setIndexCount (unsigned int indexCount)
 Sets the index count for renderer. More...
void setIndexData (void *indexData)
 Sets index data for renderer. More...
void setPrimitiveType (GraphicsPrimitiveType prmitiveType)
 Sets the primitive type for renderer. More...
int getUniformLocationSlow (kzString uniformName) const
 Finds uniform location for given uniform from active shader. More...
unsigned int getUniformArrayLength (kzString uniformName) const
 Returns array uniform length for given uniform. More...
void setUniformInteger (int value, int uniformLocation)
 Sets integer uniform for renderer, using currently bound shader. More...
void setUniformFloat (float value, int uniformLocation)
 Sets float uniform for renderer, using currently bound shader. More...
void setUniformFloatArray (Shader::FixedUniform fixedUniform, unsigned int count, const float *value)
 Sets uniform float array for renderer. More...
void setUniformFloatArray (int uniformLocation, unsigned int count, const float *value)
 Sets uniform float array for renderer. More...
void setUniformVec2 (const KzcVector2 *value, int uniformLocation)
 Sets uniform vec2 for renderer, using currently bound shader. More...
void setUniformVec3 (const KzcVector3 *value, int uniformLocation)
 Sets uniform vec3 for renderer, using currently bound shader. More...
void setUniformVec3Array (int uniformLocation, unsigned int count, const KzcVector3 *value)
 Sets uniform vec3 array for renderer. More...
void setUniformVec4 (const KzcVector4 *value, int uniformLocation)
 Sets uniform vec4 for renderer, using currently bound shader. More...
void setUniformVecArray (Shader::FixedUniform fixedUniform, unsigned int count, unsigned int dimension, const float *values)
 Sets arbitrary vector array with dimension to renderer, using currently bound shader. More...
void setUniformVecArray (int uniformLocation, unsigned int count, unsigned int dimension, const float *values)
 Sets arbitrary vector array with dimension to renderer, using currently bound shader. More...
void setUniformColorRGBA (const KzcColorRGBA *value, int uniformLocation)
 Sets uniform colorRGBA for renderer, using currently bound shader. More...
void setUniformVec4Array (int uniformLocation, unsigned int count, const KzcVector4 *value)
 Sets uniform vec4 array for renderer. More...
void setUniformMatrix3x3 (const KzcMatrix3x3 *value, int uniformLocation)
 Sets matrix3x3 uniform for renderer, using currently bound shader. More...
void setUniformMatrix4x4 (const KzcMatrix4x4 *value, int uniformLocation)
 Sets matrix4x4 uniform for renderer, using currently bound shader. More...
void setActiveScalar (GraphicsScalar scalar, float value)
 Switches an scalar value for renderer if necessary, e.g. More...
float getActiveScalar (GraphicsScalar scalar) const
 Returns a current scalar value from renderer. More...
void setBlendMode (GraphicsBlendMode blendMode)
 Sets a blend mode for renderer. More...
GraphicsBlendMode getBlendMode () const
 Gets a blend mode for renderer. More...
void setCullMode (GraphicsCullMode cullMode)
 Sets a cull mode for renderer. More...
GraphicsCullMode getCullMode () const
 Gets a cull mode for renderer. More...
void setDepthTest (GraphicsCompareFunction depthMode)
 Sets a depth pass mode for renderer. More...
GraphicsCompareFunction getDepthTest () const
 Gets a depth pass mode for renderer. More...
void setStencilFunction (GraphicsCompareFunction stencilCompareFunction, unsigned int referenceValue, unsigned int maskValue)
 Sets a stencil function for renderer. More...
void setStencilOperation (GraphicsStencilOperation stencilFailOperation, GraphicsStencilOperation stencilPassDepthFailOperation, GraphicsStencilOperation stencilPassDepthPassOperation)
 Sets a stencil operation for renderer. More...
void getStencilFunction (GraphicsCompareFunction *out_stencilCompareFunction, unsigned int *out_referenceValue, unsigned int *out_maskValue) const
 Gets stencil function from renderer. More...
void getStencilOperation (GraphicsStencilOperation *out_stencilFailOperation, GraphicsStencilOperation *out_stencilPassDepthFailOperation, GraphicsStencilOperation *out_stencilPassDepthPassOperation) const
 Gets a stencil operation from renderer. More...
void setMatrix (FixedMatrix matrixType, const KzcMatrix4x4 *matrix)
 Sets matrix for a renderer. More...
KzcMatrix4x4 getMatrix (FixedMatrix matrixType) const
 Gets a matrix from renderer. More...
void calculateProjectionCameraWorldMatrix ()
 Calculates projection * camera * world matrix. More...
void applyTransformation ()
 Applies transformations from renderer to GPU. More...
void setActiveTextureUnit (unsigned int textureUnit)
 Sets texture unit active. More...
void applyTextureSizeUniforms (int textureWidthUniformLocation, int textureHeightUniformLocation, unsigned int textureWidth, unsigned int textureHeight)
 Applies texture uniforms for the renderer. More...
void applyTexture (int textureUniformLocation, unsigned int textureHandle, Texture::Target target)
 Applies texture for renderer using currently bound shader (required) and texture uniform (required). More...
void setUniformTexture (int uniformLocation)
 Sets texture uniform location for renderer, effectively used for storing the integer in renderer to retrieve it when binding textures. More...
int getUniformTexture () const
 Gets texture uniform location from renderer. More...
void detachTextureHandle (unsigned int textureHandle)
 Detaches texture handle from all texture units it has been applied for. More...
void detachTexture ()
 Detaches texture from rendering. More...
void invalidateTextureHandle (unsigned int textureHandle)
 Invalidates texture handle from renderer without affecting GL state. More...
void bindTexture (Texture::Target target, unsigned int textureHandle)
 Binds texture for renderer. More...
unsigned int generateTexture ()
 Generates new texture for renderer. More...
void setTextureImage2D (Texture::ImageTarget imageTarget, unsigned int mipmapLevel, GraphicsFormat format, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, const void *data)
 Uploads texture data to GPU. More...
void setTextureSubImage2D (Texture::ImageTarget imageTarget, unsigned int mipmapLevel, GraphicsFormat format, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, const void *data)
 Uploads texture subimage data to GPU. More...
void setCompressedTextureImage2D (Texture::ImageTarget target, unsigned int mipLevel, GraphicsFormat format, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, const void *data)
 Uploads compressed texture data to GPU. More...
void generateMipmap (Texture::Target target)
 Generates mipmaps for currently bound texture. More...
void deleteTexture (unsigned int textureHandle)
 Deletes texture via renderer. More...
void setTextureAddressingMode (Texture::Target target, Sampler::AddressingMode texAddress)
 Sets wrap mode for currently bound texture in current texture unit. More...
void setTextureFilter (Texture::Target target, Sampler::Filter minFilter, Sampler::Filter magFilter, Sampler::MipmapMode mipmapMode, float anisotropy)
 Sets texture filter for currently bound texture in current texture unit. More...
void setPixelStorePack (unsigned int packBytes)
 Sets pack storage for renderer. More...
void setPixelStoreUnpack (unsigned int unpackBytes)
 Sets unpack storage for renderer. More...
unsigned int createShader (ShaderType type)
 Creates shader. More...
unsigned int createShaderProgram ()
 Creates shader program. More...
void refreshRenderContext (bool geometryRendering)
 Refreshes render context to contain all proper states. More...
void attachShaderToProgram (unsigned int programHandle, unsigned int shaderHandle)
 Attaches shader to program. More...
void detachShaderFromProgram (unsigned int programHandle, unsigned int shaderHandle)
 Detaches shader from program. More...
void bindAttributeToLocation (unsigned int programHandle, unsigned int locationIndex, kzString attributeName)
 Binds attribute to given location index, for example "kzPosition" to 0. More...
bool linkShaderProgram (unsigned int programHandle, kzString shaderName)
 Links shader program with given handle. More...
bool compileSourceShader (ShaderType shaderType, unsigned int shaderHandle, const char *const shaderCode, string_view shaderName)
 Compiles source shader and deploys it to GPU. More...
bool deployBinaryShader (unsigned int count, const unsigned int *shaders, unsigned int binaryFormat, const void *data, unsigned int dataSize)
 Deploys binary shaders. More...
bool deployBinaryProgram (unsigned int program, unsigned int binaryFormat, const void *data, unsigned int dataSize)
 Loads a program binary. More...
void deleteShaderProgram (unsigned int programHandle)
 Deletes shader program and attached shaders. More...
void deleteShader (unsigned int shaderHandle)
 Deletes shader. More...
int getFixedUniformLocation (Shader::FixedUniform fixedUniform) const
 Returns fixed shader uniform location of given fixed uniform. More...
unsigned int generateFramebuffer ()
 Generates new texture for renderer. More...
void deleteFramebuffer (unsigned int frameBufferHandle)
 Deletes framebuffer. More...
void bindFramebuffer (unsigned int frameBufferHandle)
 Binds framebuffer. More...
bool isFramebufferComplete ()
 Checks if the framebuffer is complete. More...
void framebufferCheckErrors ()
 Check framebuffer completeness and log possible errors . More...
void framebufferTexture2D (Texture::ImageTarget imageTarget, Surface::APIAttachment attachment, unsigned int textureHandle, unsigned int mipmapLevel)
 Attaches texture to frame buffer. More...
void framebufferRenderbuffer (Surface::APIAttachment attachment, unsigned int renderBufferHandle)
 Attaches renderbuffer to framebuffer. More...
unsigned int generateRenderbuffer ()
 Generates new texture for renderer. More...
void deleteRenderbuffer (unsigned int renderBufferHandle)
 Deletes framebuffer. More...
void bindRenderbuffer (unsigned int renderBufferHandle)
 Binds framebuffer. More...
void renderbufferStorage (GraphicsFormat format, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int sampleCount)
 Sets storage for render buffer. More...
unsigned int generateBuffer ()
 Generates new index or vertex buffer or uniform buffer handle. More...
void setVertexBufferData (unsigned int dataSize, const void *data)
 Sets static vertex buffer data. More...
void setIndexBufferData (unsigned int dataSize, const void *data)
 Sets static index buffer data. More...
void setVertexBufferSubData (unsigned int offset, unsigned int size, const void *data)
 Uploads vertex buffer subdata with given offset and size. More...
void setIndexBufferSubData (unsigned int offset, unsigned int size, const void *data)
 Uploads index buffer subdata with given offset and size. More...
void deleteBuffer (unsigned int handle)
 Deletes vertex or index buffer. More...
void enableVertexAttributeArray (unsigned int attributeHandle)
 Sets vertex attribute array to be enabled. More...
void disableVertexAttributeArray (unsigned int attributeHandle)
 Sets vertex attribute array to be disabled. More...
void applyVertexAttributeArrays ()
 Update vertex attribute configurations to the graphics driver. More...
void setVertexBufferPointer (unsigned int attributeHandle, int dimension, GraphicsDataType attributeDataType, int stride, const void *pointer)
 Sets vertex buffer object pointer for currently enabled vertex attribute array. More...
void setActiveShaderHandle (unsigned int activeShaderHandle, int const *fixedUniformMap, int const *vertexAttributeMap)
 Sets active shader for renderer. More...
unsigned int getActiveShaderHandle () const
 Gets active shader handle from renderer. More...
const int * getActiveShaderAttributeMap () const
 Gets active vertex attribute map from renderer. More...
const int * getActiveFixedUniformMap () const
 Gets active fixed uniform map from renderer. More...
void setDefaultFramebuffer (unsigned int frameBufferHandle)
 Specifies default frame buffer (screen) for renderer. More...
void setActiveFramebuffer (unsigned int frameBufferHandle)
 Sets active frame buffer for renderer. More...
void resetActiveFramebuffer ()
 Resets active frame buffer for renderer to default (screen). More...
void setActiveFramebufferCallback (FramebufferCallback callbackFunction)
 Sets callback function that is called after setActiveFramebuffer. More...
unsigned int getActiveFramebuffer () const
 Gets active frame buffer handle from. More...
void readPixels (int x, int y, int width, int height, GraphicsFormat format, void *pixels)
 Reads the pixels from the current frame buffer. More...
GraphicsFormat getNativePixelReadFormat ()
 Returns native pixel read format from renderer. More...
void beginMaterialSetup ()
 Begins a material for renderer. More...
void endMaterialSetup ()
 Ends a material for renderer. More...
void beginVertexArray ()
 Begins set of vertex arrays. More...
void setVertexArrayData (VertexAttribute::Semantic attribute, const void *data)
 Sets vertex array data. More...
void endVertexArray (GraphicsPrimitiveType primitiveType, unsigned int count)
 Ends vertex array. More...
unsigned int getCurrentVertexArrayFlags () const
 Gets the current vertex array flags from renderer. More...
const void * getCurrentVertexArrayAttributeData (VertexAttribute::Semantic attribute) const
 Gets current vertex array data from renderer. More...
void setLineWidth (float lineWidth)
 Sets line rendering width for renderer. More...
void getViewport (float *out_x, float *out_y, float *out_width, float *out_height) const
 Gets view port from renderer. More...
void flush () const
 Flushes the GPU pipeline, forces all commands to be executed in finite time. More...
void pushStatistics ()
void popStatistics ()
unsigned int getIndexCount () const
 Gets index count from renderer. More...
unsigned int getTriangleCount () const
 Gets triangle count from renderer. More...
unsigned int getVertexCount () const
 Gets vertex count from renderer. More...
unsigned int getBatchCount () const
 Gets batch count from renderer (number of draw calls, such as drawElements and drawArrays). More...
unsigned int getShaderSwitchCount () const
 Gets shader switches. More...
unsigned int getUniformSendCount () const
 Gets uniform sending count from renderer. More...
unsigned int getTextureSwitchCount () const
 Gets number of texture switches from renderer. More...
unsigned int getFramebufferSwitchCount () const
 Gets number of framebuffer switches from renderer. More...
unsigned int getBufferSwitchCount () const
 Gets number of buffer switches (VBO + IBO) from renderer. More...
unsigned int getHeavyweightCallCount () const
 Returns potential heavyweight calls such as buffer or texture updates and glFinish from renderer. More...
bool isShaderBinarySupported () const
 Is shader binary supported. More...
ProgramBinary getProgramBinarySupport () const
 Return support for program binaries. More...
bool isShaderBinaryFormatSupported (unsigned int glShaderBinaryFormat) const
 Checks if GL shader binary format is supported. More...
bool isProgramBinaryFormatSupported (unsigned int glProgramBinaryFormat) const
 Checks if GL program binary format is supported. More...
void setGPUCallsEnabled (bool enabled)
 Sets GPU calls enabled / disabled. More...
bool GPUCallsIsEnabled () const
 Checks if GPU calls are enabled. More...
bool isCoverageBufferSupported () const
 Is coverage buffer supported or not. More...
bool isHalfFloatTextureFormatSupported () const
 Is half float texture format supported. More...
bool isHalfFloatTextureFormatLinearSupported () const
 Is half float texture format with linear filtering supported . More...
bool isHalfFloatColorAttachmentSupported () const
 Is half float color attachment supported. More...
bool isHalfFloatVertexAttributeSupported () const
 Is half float vertex attribute supported. More...
bool isExternalTextureSupported () const
 Returns if external texture extension is supported. More...
bool isNativePixmapEnabled () const
 Returns if native pixmap texture extension is supported and enabled. More...
void setNativePixmapEnabled (bool enabled)
 Sets whether native pixmap texture extension is enabled. More...
bool isMapBufferRangeSupported () const
 Returns if map buffer range extension is supported. More...
void * createImageObject (void *dataPointer, int target, int *attributes)
 Creates image object, returns KZ_NULL if no hardware support. More...
void deleteImageObject (void *imageObject)
 Deletes image object created with createImageObject. More...
void setImageTargetTexture (Texture::Target target, void *imageObject)
 Sets image object bound to currently bound texture (type). More...
float getMaximumAnisotropy () const
 Gets maximum anisotropy. More...
unsigned int getMaximumTextureSize (Texture::Target target) const
 Gets maximum texture side size. More...
unsigned int getMaximumRenderbufferSize () const
 Gets maximum renderbuffer size. More...
unsigned int getMaximumViewportWidth () const
 Gets maximum viewport width. More...
unsigned int getMaximumViewportHeight () const
 Gets maximum viewport height. More...
int getColorReadFormat ()
 Returns GL constant for the color read format used in reading back data form framebuffer (RendererReadPixels). More...
int getColorReadType ()
 Returns GL constant for the color read type used in reading back data form framebuffer (RendererReadPixels). More...
void invalidateAllocations ()
 Invalidates all handles from renderer without affecting GL state. More...
::KzcGPUBufferManagergetGPUBufferManager () const
 Gets GPU buffer manager from renderer. More...
void logOpenGLInformation (unsigned int flags) const
 Logs information about renderer capabilities. More...
void enableWorkaround (Workaround workaround)
 Enable a renderer workaround. More...
void disableWorkaround (Workaround workaround)
 Disable a renderer workaround. More...
bool isWorkaroundEnabled (Workaround workaround) const
 Return if workaround is enabled or not. More...
void setWorkaroundEnable (Workaround workaround, bool enabled)
 Set workaround enable state to true or false. More...
void clearUniformCaches ()
 Free memory used by uniform caches. More...


KANZI_API GraphicsFormat formatGetDepthStencilRenderbuffer (const Renderer *renderer, bool depth, bool stencil)
 Returns a depth/stencil renderbuffer format which is supported by renderer. More...
KANZI_API GraphicsFormat formatGetDepthStencilTexture (const Renderer *renderer, bool depth, bool stencil)
 Returns a depth/stencil texture format which is supported by renderer. More...
KANZI_API unsigned int formatGetSupportFlags (const Renderer *renderer, GraphicsFormat format)
 Describes what the specified format can be used for in the specified renderer. More...
KANZI_API void formatGetGLFormatTriplet (const Renderer *renderer, GraphicsFormat format, GraphicsFormatUsageFlags, unsigned int *out_glFormat, unsigned int *out_glInternalFormat, unsigned int *out_glType)
 Returns GL API format, internal format, type triplet for given Format. More...
KANZI_API unsigned int dataTypeGetGLAttributeType (const Renderer *renderer, GraphicsDataType dataType)
 Returns GL API attribute type for given DataType. More...

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* kanzi::Renderer::FramebufferCallback)(unsigned int frameBufferHandle)

Callback prototype for setActiveFramebuffer.

Member Enumeration Documentation


No program binary support.


Program binary using desktop OpenGL.


Program binary using OpenGL ES 3.


Program binary using OpenGL ES 2 multivendor extension.

Renderer state enumerations.


Renderer state for depth testing.


Renderer state for cull face.


Renderer state for blending.


Renderer state for depth write.


Renderer state for stencil test.


Renderer state for stencil write.


Renderer state for multi-sampling.


Renderer state for scissor test.


Renderer state for coverage write.


Maximum count of renderer states.

List of active matrices renderer keeps track of.


Projection matrix.


Camera matrix.


Current world matrix.


Current camera x world matrix.


Current projection x camera x world matrix.


Maximum amount of matrices.


Disable GL_OES_required_internalformat when vendor is known to have drivers with related issues.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

kanzi::Renderer::Renderer ( const KzcMemoryManager memoryManager)

Creates a new renderer object.

kanzi::Renderer::~Renderer ( )

Member Function Documentation

void kanzi::Renderer::resetFrame ( )

Resets frame for core renderer, that is, counters for logging rendering infos (triangle count etc.).

void kanzi::Renderer::reset ( )

Resets renderer, e.g.

resets its caches and states and syncs renderer variables with actual GL states.

void kanzi::Renderer::initialize ( kzUint  vertexBufferPoolSize,
kzUint  indexBufferPoolSize 

Initializes renderer object.

Requires graphics context.

void kanzi::Renderer::uninitialize ( )

Uninitializes renderer object.

void kanzi::Renderer::setActiveSurface ( KzsSurface surface)

Sets active surface context for renderer.

KzsSurface* kanzi::Renderer::getActiveSurface ( ) const

Gets active surface context from renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::enableState ( State  state)

Enables a specific renderer state.

void kanzi::Renderer::disableState ( State  state)

Disables a specific renderer state.

void kanzi::Renderer::setState ( State  state,
bool  enable 

Enables or disables the state of a specific renderer state.

bool kanzi::Renderer::getState ( State  state) const

Returns state of a specific renderer state.

void kanzi::Renderer::clear ( )

Clears a context using specified flags.

void kanzi::Renderer::resetClearTarget ( )

Resets a clear target for renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::addClearTarget ( GraphicsClearTarget  target)

Sets a clearing target for renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::removeClearTarget ( GraphicsClearTarget  target)

Removes a clearing target for renderer.

bool kanzi::Renderer::hasClearTarget ( GraphicsClearTarget  target) const

Sees if renderer has specific clear target.

bool kanzi::Renderer::isClearEnabled ( ) const

See if clear is enabled.

void kanzi::Renderer::setClearColor ( KzcColorRGBA  colorRGBA)

Set clear color for renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::setColorWriteMode ( GraphicsColorWriteMode  colorWriteMode)

Set a color write mode for renderer.

GraphicsColorWriteMode kanzi::Renderer::getColorWriteMode ( ) const

Gets current color write mode from renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::setScissorTest ( bool  enabled,
int  x,
int  y,
int  width,
int  height 

Sets scissor test for renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::getScissorTest ( int *  out_x,
int *  out_y,
int *  out_width,
int *  out_height 
) const

Gets scissor specific values from renderer.

KZ_NULL if not requiring some specific value.

void kanzi::Renderer::setClearDepthValue ( float  clearDepthValue)

Set clear depth for renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::setClearStencil ( int  stencilClearValue)

Set clear stencil for renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::setViewport ( int  x,
int  y,
int  width,
int  height 

Sets an active view port for renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::setVertexBuffer ( unsigned int  value)

Sets a vertex buffer for renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::setIndexBuffer ( unsigned int  value)

Sets an index buffer for renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::drawBuffers ( )

Render buffers that are currently bound.

void kanzi::Renderer::setVertexCount ( unsigned int  vertexCount)

Sets vertex count for renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::setIndexCount ( unsigned int  indexCount)

Sets the index count for renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::setIndexData ( void *  indexData)

Sets index data for renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::setPrimitiveType ( GraphicsPrimitiveType  prmitiveType)

Sets the primitive type for renderer.

int kanzi::Renderer::getUniformLocationSlow ( kzString  uniformName) const

Finds uniform location for given uniform from active shader.

The data will be stored to uniform cache and fetched from in subsequent calls.

unsigned int kanzi::Renderer::getUniformArrayLength ( kzString  uniformName) const

Returns array uniform length for given uniform.

If uniform with given name is not found, returns 0. If uniform is not an array, returns 1.

void kanzi::Renderer::setUniformInteger ( int  value,
int  uniformLocation 

Sets integer uniform for renderer, using currently bound shader.

void kanzi::Renderer::setUniformFloat ( float  value,
int  uniformLocation 

Sets float uniform for renderer, using currently bound shader.

void kanzi::Renderer::setUniformFloatArray ( Shader::FixedUniform  fixedUniform,
unsigned int  count,
const float *  value 

Sets uniform float array for renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::setUniformFloatArray ( int  uniformLocation,
unsigned int  count,
const float *  value 

Sets uniform float array for renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::setUniformVec2 ( const KzcVector2 value,
int  uniformLocation 

Sets uniform vec2 for renderer, using currently bound shader.

void kanzi::Renderer::setUniformVec3 ( const KzcVector3 value,
int  uniformLocation 

Sets uniform vec3 for renderer, using currently bound shader.

void kanzi::Renderer::setUniformVec3Array ( int  uniformLocation,
unsigned int  count,
const KzcVector3 value 

Sets uniform vec3 array for renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::setUniformVec4 ( const KzcVector4 value,
int  uniformLocation 

Sets uniform vec4 for renderer, using currently bound shader.

void kanzi::Renderer::setUniformVecArray ( Shader::FixedUniform  fixedUniform,
unsigned int  count,
unsigned int  dimension,
const float *  values 

Sets arbitrary vector array with dimension to renderer, using currently bound shader.

void kanzi::Renderer::setUniformVecArray ( int  uniformLocation,
unsigned int  count,
unsigned int  dimension,
const float *  values 

Sets arbitrary vector array with dimension to renderer, using currently bound shader.

void kanzi::Renderer::setUniformColorRGBA ( const KzcColorRGBA value,
int  uniformLocation 

Sets uniform colorRGBA for renderer, using currently bound shader.

void kanzi::Renderer::setUniformVec4Array ( int  uniformLocation,
unsigned int  count,
const KzcVector4 value 

Sets uniform vec4 array for renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::setUniformMatrix3x3 ( const KzcMatrix3x3 value,
int  uniformLocation 

Sets matrix3x3 uniform for renderer, using currently bound shader.

void kanzi::Renderer::setUniformMatrix4x4 ( const KzcMatrix4x4 value,
int  uniformLocation 

Sets matrix4x4 uniform for renderer, using currently bound shader.

void kanzi::Renderer::setActiveScalar ( GraphicsScalar  scalar,
float  value 

Switches an scalar value for renderer if necessary, e.g.

depth clear value.

float kanzi::Renderer::getActiveScalar ( GraphicsScalar  scalar) const

Returns a current scalar value from renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::setBlendMode ( GraphicsBlendMode  blendMode)

Sets a blend mode for renderer.

GraphicsBlendMode kanzi::Renderer::getBlendMode ( ) const

Gets a blend mode for renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::setCullMode ( GraphicsCullMode  cullMode)

Sets a cull mode for renderer.

GraphicsCullMode kanzi::Renderer::getCullMode ( ) const

Gets a cull mode for renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::setDepthTest ( GraphicsCompareFunction  depthMode)

Sets a depth pass mode for renderer.

GraphicsCompareFunction kanzi::Renderer::getDepthTest ( ) const

Gets a depth pass mode for renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::setStencilFunction ( GraphicsCompareFunction  stencilCompareFunction,
unsigned int  referenceValue,
unsigned int  maskValue 

Sets a stencil function for renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::setStencilOperation ( GraphicsStencilOperation  stencilFailOperation,
GraphicsStencilOperation  stencilPassDepthFailOperation,
GraphicsStencilOperation  stencilPassDepthPassOperation 

Sets a stencil operation for renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::getStencilFunction ( GraphicsCompareFunction out_stencilCompareFunction,
unsigned int *  out_referenceValue,
unsigned int *  out_maskValue 
) const

Gets stencil function from renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::getStencilOperation ( GraphicsStencilOperation out_stencilFailOperation,
GraphicsStencilOperation out_stencilPassDepthFailOperation,
GraphicsStencilOperation out_stencilPassDepthPassOperation 
) const

Gets a stencil operation from renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::setMatrix ( FixedMatrix  matrixType,
const KzcMatrix4x4 matrix 

Sets matrix for a renderer.

KzcMatrix4x4 kanzi::Renderer::getMatrix ( FixedMatrix  matrixType) const

Gets a matrix from renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::calculateProjectionCameraWorldMatrix ( )

Calculates projection * camera * world matrix.

void kanzi::Renderer::applyTransformation ( )

Applies transformations from renderer to GPU.

void kanzi::Renderer::setActiveTextureUnit ( unsigned int  textureUnit)

Sets texture unit active.

void kanzi::Renderer::applyTextureSizeUniforms ( int  textureWidthUniformLocation,
int  textureHeightUniformLocation,
unsigned int  textureWidth,
unsigned int  textureHeight 

Applies texture uniforms for the renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::applyTexture ( int  textureUniformLocation,
unsigned int  textureHandle,
Texture::Target  target 

Applies texture for renderer using currently bound shader (required) and texture uniform (required).

void kanzi::Renderer::setUniformTexture ( int  uniformLocation)

Sets texture uniform location for renderer, effectively used for storing the integer in renderer to retrieve it when binding textures.

int kanzi::Renderer::getUniformTexture ( ) const

Gets texture uniform location from renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::detachTextureHandle ( unsigned int  textureHandle)

Detaches texture handle from all texture units it has been applied for.

void kanzi::Renderer::detachTexture ( )

Detaches texture from rendering.

void kanzi::Renderer::invalidateTextureHandle ( unsigned int  textureHandle)

Invalidates texture handle from renderer without affecting GL state.

void kanzi::Renderer::bindTexture ( Texture::Target  target,
unsigned int  textureHandle 

Binds texture for renderer.

unsigned int kanzi::Renderer::generateTexture ( )

Generates new texture for renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::setTextureImage2D ( Texture::ImageTarget  imageTarget,
unsigned int  mipmapLevel,
GraphicsFormat  format,
unsigned int  width,
unsigned int  height,
const void *  data 

Uploads texture data to GPU.

void kanzi::Renderer::setTextureSubImage2D ( Texture::ImageTarget  imageTarget,
unsigned int  mipmapLevel,
GraphicsFormat  format,
unsigned int  x,
unsigned int  y,
unsigned int  width,
unsigned int  height,
const void *  data 

Uploads texture subimage data to GPU.

void kanzi::Renderer::setCompressedTextureImage2D ( Texture::ImageTarget  target,
unsigned int  mipLevel,
GraphicsFormat  format,
unsigned int  width,
unsigned int  height,
const void *  data 

Uploads compressed texture data to GPU.

void kanzi::Renderer::generateMipmap ( Texture::Target  target)

Generates mipmaps for currently bound texture.

void kanzi::Renderer::deleteTexture ( unsigned int  textureHandle)

Deletes texture via renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::setTextureAddressingMode ( Texture::Target  target,
Sampler::AddressingMode  texAddress 

Sets wrap mode for currently bound texture in current texture unit.

void kanzi::Renderer::setTextureFilter ( Texture::Target  target,
Sampler::Filter  minFilter,
Sampler::Filter  magFilter,
Sampler::MipmapMode  mipmapMode,
float  anisotropy 

Sets texture filter for currently bound texture in current texture unit.

anisotropySet anisotropic filtering level of texture. Values <= 1.0f disable the feature.
void kanzi::Renderer::setPixelStorePack ( unsigned int  packBytes)

Sets pack storage for renderer.

Specifies how the pixel data is aligned.

void kanzi::Renderer::setPixelStoreUnpack ( unsigned int  unpackBytes)

Sets unpack storage for renderer.

Specifies how the pixel data is aligned.

unsigned int kanzi::Renderer::createShader ( ShaderType  type)

Creates shader.

unsigned int kanzi::Renderer::createShaderProgram ( )

Creates shader program.

Returns the handle to the program.

void kanzi::Renderer::refreshRenderContext ( bool  geometryRendering)

Refreshes render context to contain all proper states.

void kanzi::Renderer::attachShaderToProgram ( unsigned int  programHandle,
unsigned int  shaderHandle 

Attaches shader to program.

void kanzi::Renderer::detachShaderFromProgram ( unsigned int  programHandle,
unsigned int  shaderHandle 

Detaches shader from program.

void kanzi::Renderer::bindAttributeToLocation ( unsigned int  programHandle,
unsigned int  locationIndex,
kzString  attributeName 

Binds attribute to given location index, for example "kzPosition" to 0.

bool kanzi::Renderer::linkShaderProgram ( unsigned int  programHandle,
kzString  shaderName 

Links shader program with given handle.

bool kanzi::Renderer::compileSourceShader ( ShaderType  shaderType,
unsigned int  shaderHandle,
const char *const  shaderCode,
string_view  shaderName 

Compiles source shader and deploys it to GPU.

bool kanzi::Renderer::deployBinaryShader ( unsigned int  count,
const unsigned int *  shaders,
unsigned int  binaryFormat,
const void *  data,
unsigned int  dataSize 

Deploys binary shaders.

true if binary shader was accepted by the graphics driver.
bool kanzi::Renderer::deployBinaryProgram ( unsigned int  program,
unsigned int  binaryFormat,
const void *  data,
unsigned int  dataSize 

Loads a program binary.

Uses a different OpenGL extension depending on the platform.

true if binary shader was accepted by the graphics driver.
void kanzi::Renderer::deleteShaderProgram ( unsigned int  programHandle)

Deletes shader program and attached shaders.

void kanzi::Renderer::deleteShader ( unsigned int  shaderHandle)

Deletes shader.

int kanzi::Renderer::getFixedUniformLocation ( Shader::FixedUniform  fixedUniform) const

Returns fixed shader uniform location of given fixed uniform.

unsigned int kanzi::Renderer::generateFramebuffer ( )

Generates new texture for renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::deleteFramebuffer ( unsigned int  frameBufferHandle)

Deletes framebuffer.

void kanzi::Renderer::bindFramebuffer ( unsigned int  frameBufferHandle)

Binds framebuffer.

bool kanzi::Renderer::isFramebufferComplete ( )

Checks if the framebuffer is complete.

void kanzi::Renderer::framebufferCheckErrors ( )

Check framebuffer completeness and log possible errors .

void kanzi::Renderer::framebufferTexture2D ( Texture::ImageTarget  imageTarget,
Surface::APIAttachment  attachment,
unsigned int  textureHandle,
unsigned int  mipmapLevel 

Attaches texture to frame buffer.

void kanzi::Renderer::framebufferRenderbuffer ( Surface::APIAttachment  attachment,
unsigned int  renderBufferHandle 

Attaches renderbuffer to framebuffer.

unsigned int kanzi::Renderer::generateRenderbuffer ( )

Generates new texture for renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::deleteRenderbuffer ( unsigned int  renderBufferHandle)

Deletes framebuffer.

void kanzi::Renderer::bindRenderbuffer ( unsigned int  renderBufferHandle)

Binds framebuffer.

void kanzi::Renderer::renderbufferStorage ( GraphicsFormat  format,
unsigned int  width,
unsigned int  height,
unsigned int  sampleCount 

Sets storage for render buffer.

unsigned int kanzi::Renderer::generateBuffer ( )

Generates new index or vertex buffer or uniform buffer handle.

void kanzi::Renderer::setVertexBufferData ( unsigned int  dataSize,
const void *  data 

Sets static vertex buffer data.

void kanzi::Renderer::setIndexBufferData ( unsigned int  dataSize,
const void *  data 

Sets static index buffer data.

void kanzi::Renderer::setVertexBufferSubData ( unsigned int  offset,
unsigned int  size,
const void *  data 

Uploads vertex buffer subdata with given offset and size.

void kanzi::Renderer::setIndexBufferSubData ( unsigned int  offset,
unsigned int  size,
const void *  data 

Uploads index buffer subdata with given offset and size.

void kanzi::Renderer::deleteBuffer ( unsigned int  handle)

Deletes vertex or index buffer.

void kanzi::Renderer::enableVertexAttributeArray ( unsigned int  attributeHandle)

Sets vertex attribute array to be enabled.

attributeHandleindex to attribute to enable
void kanzi::Renderer::disableVertexAttributeArray ( unsigned int  attributeHandle)

Sets vertex attribute array to be disabled.

attributeHandleindex to attribute to disable
void kanzi::Renderer::applyVertexAttributeArrays ( )

Update vertex attribute configurations to the graphics driver.

This should be called before each draw call if vertex attribute configuration has been changed with any of enableVertexAttributeArray(), disableVertexAttributeArray() or setVertexBufferPointer().

void kanzi::Renderer::setVertexBufferPointer ( unsigned int  attributeHandle,
int  dimension,
GraphicsDataType  attributeDataType,
int  stride,
const void *  pointer 

Sets vertex buffer object pointer for currently enabled vertex attribute array.

void kanzi::Renderer::setActiveShaderHandle ( unsigned int  activeShaderHandle,
int const *  fixedUniformMap,
int const *  vertexAttributeMap 

Sets active shader for renderer.

unsigned int kanzi::Renderer::getActiveShaderHandle ( ) const

Gets active shader handle from renderer.

const int* kanzi::Renderer::getActiveShaderAttributeMap ( ) const

Gets active vertex attribute map from renderer.

const int* kanzi::Renderer::getActiveFixedUniformMap ( ) const

Gets active fixed uniform map from renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::setDefaultFramebuffer ( unsigned int  frameBufferHandle)

Specifies default frame buffer (screen) for renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::setActiveFramebuffer ( unsigned int  frameBufferHandle)

Sets active frame buffer for renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::resetActiveFramebuffer ( )

Resets active frame buffer for renderer to default (screen).

void kanzi::Renderer::setActiveFramebufferCallback ( FramebufferCallback  callbackFunction)

Sets callback function that is called after setActiveFramebuffer.

unsigned int kanzi::Renderer::getActiveFramebuffer ( ) const

Gets active frame buffer handle from.

void kanzi::Renderer::readPixels ( int  x,
int  y,
int  width,
int  height,
GraphicsFormat  format,
void *  pixels 

Reads the pixels from the current frame buffer.

GraphicsFormat kanzi::Renderer::getNativePixelReadFormat ( )

Returns native pixel read format from renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::beginMaterialSetup ( )

Begins a material for renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::endMaterialSetup ( )

Ends a material for renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::beginVertexArray ( )

Begins set of vertex arrays.

void kanzi::Renderer::setVertexArrayData ( VertexAttribute::Semantic  attribute,
const void *  data 

Sets vertex array data.

void kanzi::Renderer::endVertexArray ( GraphicsPrimitiveType  primitiveType,
unsigned int  count 

Ends vertex array.

Renders the specified vertex lists and finishes the usage.

unsigned int kanzi::Renderer::getCurrentVertexArrayFlags ( ) const

Gets the current vertex array flags from renderer.

const void* kanzi::Renderer::getCurrentVertexArrayAttributeData ( VertexAttribute::Semantic  attribute) const

Gets current vertex array data from renderer.

Reset when switching the shader.

void kanzi::Renderer::setLineWidth ( float  lineWidth)

Sets line rendering width for renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::getViewport ( float *  out_x,
float *  out_y,
float *  out_width,
float *  out_height 
) const

Gets view port from renderer.

If out_x, out_y, out_width or out_height are specified as KZ_NULL, they're not used.

void kanzi::Renderer::flush ( ) const

Flushes the GPU pipeline, forces all commands to be executed in finite time.

void kanzi::Renderer::pushStatistics ( )
void kanzi::Renderer::popStatistics ( )
unsigned int kanzi::Renderer::getIndexCount ( ) const

Gets index count from renderer.

unsigned int kanzi::Renderer::getTriangleCount ( ) const

Gets triangle count from renderer.

unsigned int kanzi::Renderer::getVertexCount ( ) const

Gets vertex count from renderer.

unsigned int kanzi::Renderer::getBatchCount ( ) const

Gets batch count from renderer (number of draw calls, such as drawElements and drawArrays).

unsigned int kanzi::Renderer::getShaderSwitchCount ( ) const

Gets shader switches.

unsigned int kanzi::Renderer::getUniformSendCount ( ) const

Gets uniform sending count from renderer.

unsigned int kanzi::Renderer::getTextureSwitchCount ( ) const

Gets number of texture switches from renderer.

unsigned int kanzi::Renderer::getFramebufferSwitchCount ( ) const

Gets number of framebuffer switches from renderer.

unsigned int kanzi::Renderer::getBufferSwitchCount ( ) const

Gets number of buffer switches (VBO + IBO) from renderer.

unsigned int kanzi::Renderer::getHeavyweightCallCount ( ) const

Returns potential heavyweight calls such as buffer or texture updates and glFinish from renderer.

Potential due to GPU implementation may decide when heavyweight occurs (e.g. reading cannot be performed before write operation finishes).

bool kanzi::Renderer::isShaderBinarySupported ( ) const

Is shader binary supported.

ProgramBinary kanzi::Renderer::getProgramBinarySupport ( ) const

Return support for program binaries.

bool kanzi::Renderer::isShaderBinaryFormatSupported ( unsigned int  glShaderBinaryFormat) const

Checks if GL shader binary format is supported.

glShaderBinaryFormatGL shader binary format to check
True if shader binary format is supported.
bool kanzi::Renderer::isProgramBinaryFormatSupported ( unsigned int  glProgramBinaryFormat) const

Checks if GL program binary format is supported.

glProgramBinaryFormatGL program binary format to check
True if program binary format is supported.
void kanzi::Renderer::setGPUCallsEnabled ( bool  enabled)

Sets GPU calls enabled / disabled.

bool kanzi::Renderer::GPUCallsIsEnabled ( ) const

Checks if GPU calls are enabled.

bool kanzi::Renderer::isCoverageBufferSupported ( ) const

Is coverage buffer supported or not.

bool kanzi::Renderer::isHalfFloatTextureFormatSupported ( ) const

Is half float texture format supported.

bool kanzi::Renderer::isHalfFloatTextureFormatLinearSupported ( ) const

Is half float texture format with linear filtering supported .

bool kanzi::Renderer::isHalfFloatColorAttachmentSupported ( ) const

Is half float color attachment supported.

bool kanzi::Renderer::isHalfFloatVertexAttributeSupported ( ) const

Is half float vertex attribute supported.

bool kanzi::Renderer::isExternalTextureSupported ( ) const

Returns if external texture extension is supported.

bool kanzi::Renderer::isNativePixmapEnabled ( ) const

Returns if native pixmap texture extension is supported and enabled.

void kanzi::Renderer::setNativePixmapEnabled ( bool  enabled)

Sets whether native pixmap texture extension is enabled.

The extension needs to also be supported to be considered enabled.

bool kanzi::Renderer::isMapBufferRangeSupported ( ) const

Returns if map buffer range extension is supported.

void* kanzi::Renderer::createImageObject ( void *  dataPointer,
int  target,
int *  attributes 

Creates image object, returns KZ_NULL if no hardware support.

Image object can be bound as texture input. Requires surface to be set for renderer via setSurface, otherwise throws an error.

void kanzi::Renderer::deleteImageObject ( void *  imageObject)

Deletes image object created with createImageObject.

void kanzi::Renderer::setImageTargetTexture ( Texture::Target  target,
void *  imageObject 

Sets image object bound to currently bound texture (type).

float kanzi::Renderer::getMaximumAnisotropy ( ) const

Gets maximum anisotropy.

unsigned int kanzi::Renderer::getMaximumTextureSize ( Texture::Target  target) const

Gets maximum texture side size.

unsigned int kanzi::Renderer::getMaximumRenderbufferSize ( ) const

Gets maximum renderbuffer size.

unsigned int kanzi::Renderer::getMaximumViewportWidth ( ) const

Gets maximum viewport width.

unsigned int kanzi::Renderer::getMaximumViewportHeight ( ) const

Gets maximum viewport height.

int kanzi::Renderer::getColorReadFormat ( )

Returns GL constant for the color read format used in reading back data form framebuffer (RendererReadPixels).

int kanzi::Renderer::getColorReadType ( )

Returns GL constant for the color read type used in reading back data form framebuffer (RendererReadPixels).

void kanzi::Renderer::invalidateAllocations ( )

Invalidates all handles from renderer without affecting GL state.

::KzcGPUBufferManager* kanzi::Renderer::getGPUBufferManager ( ) const

Gets GPU buffer manager from renderer.

void kanzi::Renderer::logOpenGLInformation ( unsigned int  flags) const

Logs information about renderer capabilities.

void kanzi::Renderer::enableWorkaround ( Workaround  workaround)

Enable a renderer workaround.

void kanzi::Renderer::disableWorkaround ( Workaround  workaround)

Disable a renderer workaround.

bool kanzi::Renderer::isWorkaroundEnabled ( Workaround  workaround) const

Return if workaround is enabled or not.

void kanzi::Renderer::setWorkaroundEnable ( Workaround  workaround,
bool  enabled 

Set workaround enable state to true or false.

void kanzi::Renderer::clearUniformCaches ( )

Free memory used by uniform caches.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

KANZI_API GraphicsFormat formatGetDepthStencilRenderbuffer ( const Renderer renderer,
bool  depth,
bool  stencil 

Returns a depth/stencil renderbuffer format which is supported by renderer.

KANZI_API GraphicsFormat formatGetDepthStencilTexture ( const Renderer renderer,
bool  depth,
bool  stencil 

Returns a depth/stencil texture format which is supported by renderer.

KANZI_API unsigned int formatGetSupportFlags ( const Renderer renderer,
GraphicsFormat  format 

Describes what the specified format can be used for in the specified renderer.

KANZI_API void formatGetGLFormatTriplet ( const Renderer renderer,
GraphicsFormat  format,
GraphicsFormatUsageFlags  ,
unsigned int *  out_glFormat,
unsigned int *  out_glInternalFormat,
unsigned int *  out_glType 

Returns GL API format, internal format, type triplet for given Format.

KANZI_API unsigned int dataTypeGetGLAttributeType ( const Renderer renderer,
GraphicsDataType  dataType 

Returns GL API attribute type for given DataType.

Member Data Documentation

array<bool, GraphicsFormatCount> kanzi::Renderer::textureFormat

Texture compression.

bool kanzi::Renderer::halfFloatVertexAttribute

Half float vertex attribute.

bool kanzi::Renderer::halfFloatTextureFormat

Half float texture format.

bool kanzi::Renderer::halfFloatTextureFormatLinear

Half float texture format with linear filtering.

bool kanzi::Renderer::halfFloatColorAttachment

Half float color attachment.

bool kanzi::Renderer::coverageBuffer

Coverage buffer.

bool kanzi::Renderer::uniformBuffer

Uniform buffer.

bool kanzi::Renderer::depth16Renderbuffer
bool kanzi::Renderer::depth16Texture
bool kanzi::Renderer::depth24Renderbuffer
bool kanzi::Renderer::depth24Texture
bool kanzi::Renderer::depth24Stencil8Renderbuffer
bool kanzi::Renderer::depth24Stencil8Texture
bool kanzi::Renderer::depth32Renderbuffer
bool kanzi::Renderer::depth32fRenderbuffer
bool kanzi::Renderer::depth32fTexture
bool kanzi::Renderer::stencil8Renderbuffer
bool kanzi::Renderer::stencil8Texture
bool kanzi::Renderer::externalTexture

External texture.

bool kanzi::Renderer::nativePixmap

EGL native pixmaps.

bool kanzi::Renderer::mapBufferRange

Map buffer range.

bool kanzi::Renderer::texStorage

Texture storage (immutable textures)

bool kanzi::Renderer::textureFilterAnisotropic

Anisotropic texture filtering.

bool kanzi::Renderer::rgb8Renderbuffer
bool kanzi::Renderer::rgb8Texture
bool kanzi::Renderer::rgba8Renderbuffer
bool kanzi::Renderer::rgba8Texture
bool kanzi::Renderer::discardFramebuffer
bool kanzi::Renderer::shaderBinary
ProgramBinary kanzi::Renderer::programBinary
vector<unsigned int> kanzi::Renderer::shaderBinaryFormats
vector<unsigned int> kanzi::Renderer::programBinaryFormats
vector<string> kanzi::Renderer::extensions

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