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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CKZ_FLOAT_UNION_TYPEUsed for keeping strict aliasing when interpreting kzU32 as kzFloat
 CKzcBinaryTreeStructure of a binary tree
 CKzcBinaryTreeIteratorRead-only iterator for binary tree
 CKzcBinaryTreeNodeStructure of a BinaryTreeNode
 CKzcByteBufferState_privateState of both read and write byte buffers
 CKzcByteReadBackwardsBufferStructure for a readable byte buffer in backwards direction
 CKzcByteReadBufferStructure for a readable byte buffer
 CKzcByteWriteBackwardsBufferStructure for a writable byte buffer in backwards direction
 CKzcByteWriteBufferStructure for a writable byte buffer
 CKzcCollectionValueCollection value types
 CKzcColorRGBAStructure of 4-component RGBA color
 CKzcDynamicArrayStructure of a DynamicArray
 CKzcDynamicArrayIteratorRead-only iterator for dynamic array
 CKzcDynamicArrayMutableIteratorMutable iterator for dynamic array
 CKzcGPUBufferManagerStructure for core layer renderer
 CKzcGPUBufferManagerStatisticsStatistics of GPU buffer manager usage
 CKzcGPUBufferMemoryHandleHandle to memory block in buffer object available for the user
 CKzcHashMapHash map
 CKzcHashMapConfigurationConfiguration parameters for a KzcHashMap
 CKzcHashMapIteratorIterator to the contents of a KzcHashMap
 CKzcHashMapIteratorIndexingHash map iterator for unordered KzcHashMap
 CKzcHashSetInternal structure of a HashSet
 CKzcHashSetIteratorAccessor to the contents of a KzcHashSet
 CKzcImageStructure for image utility
 CKzcInputStreamInput stream for reading binary data from files, resource files, memory or nested input streams
 CKzcInterpolatedValueProvides smooth and reactive interpolation towards a dynamic target value
 CKzcLinkedListStructure of a linked list
 CKzcLinkedListIteratorRead-only iterator for LinkedList
 CKzcLinkedListMutableIteratorMutable iterator for LinkedList
 CKzcMatrix3x3Structure for 3x3 matrix
 CKzcMatrix4x4Structure for 4x4 matrix
 CKzcMemoryManagerMemory manager
 CKzcMemoryPoolInternal structure of a MemoryPool
 CKzcObjectPoolPools objects of a specific type
 CKzcObjectPoolConfigurationTells the object pool how to create, reset and delete objects
 CKzcOutputStreamOutput stream for writing binary data to files, memory or nested output streams
 CKzcPlaneStructure for a plane
 CKzcProfilingSummaryDataStruct containing output data from profiling
 CKzcQuaternionStructure of quaternion
 CKzcRandomStructure for pseudo-random number generator
 CKzcRayStructure for ray
 CKzcRectangleStructure for rectangle
 CKzcReparametrizationReparametrizes a curve by curve length
 CKzcSettingPolymorphic container for properties
 CKzcSettingContainerContainer for a property tree
 CKzcSettingNodeA single setting node
 CKzcSplineSpline curve
 CKzcSplineTrackerSpline curve tracker
 CKzcStackStructure of a stack
 CKzcStringBufferString buffer
 CKzcStringIteratorString iterator for unicode characters
 CKzcThreadedMemoryManagerThreaded memory manager
 CKzcVector2Structure of 2D vector
 CKzcVector3Structure of 3D vector
 CKzcVector4Structure of 4D vector
 CKzcVolumeStructure for volume
 CKzsDesktopDesktop object
 CKzsDisplayDisplay device object
 CKzsEventQueueIteratorIterator for event queues
 CKzsInputDeviceInput device object
 CKzsInputDeviceNativeNative implementation of input device
 CKzsProfilingCommandA profiling command that is either Begin, Continue, End or NextSample
 CKzsResourceFileResource structure
 CKzsSurfaceSurface for graphics output
 CKzsSurfaceConfigurationConfiguration data for surfaces and windows
 CKzsSurfacePropertiesProperties for a surface
 CKzsTCPSocketTCP socket
 CKzsThreadAn operating system thread that allows concurrent execution of code
 CKzsThreadLockLock object for synchronizing threads
 CKzsTime< Structure for time and date values
 CKzsWindowKanzi window structure
 CKzsWindowPropertiesProperties for a window
 CKzuAnimationAnimation structure
 CKzuAnimationClipAnimation clip structure
 CKzuAnimationDataAnimation data
 CKzuAnimationItemStructure for animation item
 CKzuAnimationItemClassDefines functions for different object node types
 CKzuAnimationKeyAnimation key frame base class
 CKzuAnimationKeyFloatFloat animation key
 CKzuAnimationKeyFloatWithTangentsAnimation key frame for Bezier and Hermite interpolation
 CKzuAnimationKeyMatrix4x4Animation key frame for matrix animations
 CKzuAnimationKeyTextureAnimation key frame for texture animations
 CKzuAnimationPlayerAnimation Player
 CKzuBinaryDirectoryDirectory of a single .kzb binary or a merged result of several .kzb binaries
 CKzuBinaryFileInfoRepresents a single file inside a directory
 CKzuBinaryFolderInfoRepresents a single folder inside a directory
 CKzuBinaryLoaderBinary loader structure
 CKzuBinarySourceSpecifies a source where file content can be read with an input stream
 CKzuBitmapFontFont structure for rendering text
 CKzuBitmapFontSystemStructure for bitmap font system
 CKzuBoolPropertyTypeStructure for bool property type
 CKzuBoundingVolumeBase structure for bounding volume
 CKzuBoundingVolumeAxisAlignedBoxAxis aligned bounding box, inherited from KzuBoundingVolume
 CKzuBoundingVolumeSphereSphere volume, inherited from KzuBoundingVolume
 CKzuBrushResourceBrush container class
 CKzuCanvasA Canvas designed for holding screens
 CKzuCharacterLayoutStructure for layout of a single character for text rendering
 CKzuColorPropertyTypeStructure for color property type
 CKzuCombinerObjectSourceCombiner object source
 CKzuConfiguredFontFont structure for rendering text
 CKzuDummytypeFontDummy font structure
 CKzuDummytypeSystemStructure for dummy truetype font system
 CKzuEngineStructure for graphics engine core functionality
 CKzuFilterConfigurationConfiguration for filter types
 CKzuFilterObjectSourceStructure for filter object source
 CKzuFloatPropertyTypeStructure for float property type
 CKzuFontFont structure for rendering text
 CKzuFontClassDefines functions for different font implementations
 CKzuFPSConstraintsConstraint for limiting the number of frames per second the Engine is rendering
 CKzuFrameTimeQueueQueue specialization for calculating frame rate
 CKzuFreetypeFontFont structure for rendering text with FreeType
 CKzuFreetypeSystemStructure for FreeType font system
 CKzuFrustumCullFilterStructure for frustum cull filter
 CKzuHudStructure to hold heads up display content
 CKzuIntPropertyTypeStructure for int property type
 CKzuItypeFontFont structure for rendering text with iType
 CKzuItypeSystemStructure for iType font system
 CKzuLODFilterStructure for level of detail filter
 CKzuMatrix3x3PropertyTypeStructure for matrix3x3 property type
 CKzuMatrix4x4PropertyTypeStructure for matrix4x4 property type
 CKzuMessageDispatcherMessage dispatcher object
 CKzuMonolithicEngineA simplified engine interface
 CKzuMonolithicInputDeviceA simplified interface for input gathering
 CKzuMonolithicWindowA Window designed for graphical unit tests
 CKzuObjectSourceStructure for object source
 CKzuObjectSourceCacheStorage for object source cache data
 CKzuObjectSourceRuntimeDataStructure passed as parameter to object source reset
 CKzuObjectTypeFilterStructure for object type filter
 CKzuPointerPropertyTypeStructure for pointer property type
 CKzuPreviewPropertiesConfigurable preview properties
 CKzuPreviewSystemPreview system structure
 CKzuPropertyGroupProperty groups can be associated to any object
 CKzuPropertyQueryQuery object for querying property values with temporary master values
 CKzuPropertyTypeBase structure for property type
 CKzuPropertyTypeCollectionContains list of property types
 CKzuResourceIDPropertyStructure for Resource ID property type
 CKzuResourceLoaderThreadContextResource loader thread specific data
 CKzuSortObjectSourceSort object source
 CKzuSortObjectSourceConfigurationConfiguration for sort object sources
 CKzuSpeedMeasurerMeasures local average speed of movement
 CKzuStringPropertyTypeStructure for string property type
 CKzuTagFilterStructure for tag filter
 CKzuTaskSchedulerTask scheduler for periodically calling a set of functions
 CKzuTextFormatText format combines the data that is needed for text layouting and the data that is needed for rendering the text
 CKzuTextLayoutStructure for layout of arbitrary number of characters for text rendering
 CKzuTextLayouterStructure for text layouting and rendering
 CKzuTextLayouterClassDefines functions for different text layouter implementations
 CKzuTextRendererText renderer creates and renders text layouts
 CKzuTimeLineEntryTime line entry
 CKzuTimeLineEntryPlaybackPlayback structure for timeline entry, KZ_NULL when the entry has been deleted
 CKzuTimeLineSequenceA sequence of animation to play
 CKzuTransformedBoundingVolumeBounding volume in world coordinates
 CKzuTransformedObjectNodeStructure for transformed object node that contains reference to original object in scene graph and transformation in calculated world coordinates (affected by hierarchy)
 CKzuTruetypeSystemFont system base for truetype font implementations
 CKzuVector2PropertyTypeStructure for vector2 property type
 CKzuVector3PropertyTypeStructure for vector3 property type
 CKzuVector4PropertyTypeStructure for vector4 property type
 CKzuVirtualItemIteratorIterator for KzuVirtualItemList
 CKzuVirtualItemListA virtual collection of items that supports iteration
 CKzuWindowA Window designed for holding a canvas