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kzs_error.h File Reference

Error handling functions. More...


 Maximum length of exception. More...
 Success code. More...
 Assertion failed. More...
 Functionality is not yet implemented. More...
 Invalid value for enum. More...
 Trying to perform illegal operation. More...
 An argument was invalid for the given context. More...
 Data is malformed. More...
 Trying to access array with invalid index. More...
 Program is in invalid state. More...
#define kzsSuccess()
 Return from the function without any error code. More...
#define kzAssertText(test, text)
 Asserts the given test parameter. More...
#define kzsAssertText(test, text)
 Asserts the given test parameter. More...
#define kzAssert(test)
 Asserts the given test parameter. More...
#define kzsAssert(test)
 Asserts the given test parameter. More...
#define kzsErrorBreak()
 Terminates the application and traps the debugger if possible. More...
#define kzsDebugBreak()
 Traps the debugger if possible. More...
#define kzsErrorThrow(new_error, logMessage)
 Return from the function with the given error code. More...
#define kzsErrorThrowFormat(new_error, formatArgs)
#define kzsExceptionThrow(new_exception, logMessage)
 Return from the function with the given exception code. More...
#define kzsExceptionThrowFormat(new_exception, formatArgs)
#define kzsExceptionRethrow(param_exception)
 Return from the function with the given exception code. More...
#define kzsErrorTest(test, new_error, logMessage)
 Return from the function with the given error code, if the test is false. More...
#define kzsErrorTestFormat(test, new_error, formatArgs)
#define kzsExceptionTest(test, new_exception, logMessage)
 Return from the function with the given exception code, if the test is false. More...
#define kzsExceptionTestFormat(test, new_exception, formatArgs)
#define kzsErrorForward(error)
 Return from the function with the given error code, if it is one. More...
#define kzsExceptionForward(exception)
 Return from the function with the given exception or error code, if it is one. More...
#define kzsExceptionForwardAsError(exception, new_error, logMessage)
 If the given exception code is an error, pass it forward. More...
#define kzsExceptionForwardAsErrorFormat(test, new_error, formatArgs)
#define kzsErrorSubstitute(error, new_error, logMessage)
 Return from the function with the given new error code, if the given old code is also an error. More...
#define kzsExceptionSubstitute(error, new_exception, logMessage)
 Return from the function with the given new exception code, if the given old code is also an exception. More...
#define kzsErrorIf(error)
 Test if the given error is an error. More...
#define kzsExceptionCatch(exception, exception_code)
 Test if the given exception matches the specified exception code. More...
#define kzsExceptionCatchAll(exception)
 Test if the given exception is an actual exception and not success or error. More...
 Macro to use to indicate that some code is not yet implemented. More...
 Macro to use to indicate and throw error that some code is not yet implemented. More...
 Macro to use to indicate and throw error with an explanation, that some code is not yet implemented. More...
#define kzsErrorLog(errorCode, message)
 Logs the given error code with given message. More...


typedef int kzsException
 Exception code type definition, extends error. More...
typedef void(* KzsErrorCallback )(kzsError errorCode, kzString message)
 Callback that is triggered in error situations. More...
typedef void(* KzsExceptionCallback )(kzsError errorCode, kzString message)
 Callback that is triggered in exception situations. More...


KANZI_API void kzsErrorThrowFunctionWithMessage_private (kzsError error, kzString message)
 kzsErrorThrow macro wrapper to share code. More...
KANZI_API void kzsErrorThrowFunction_private (kzsError error)
 Wrapper for kzsErrorThrow() to share more code. More...
KANZI_API void kzsErrorLog_private (kzsError errorCode, kzString message, kzString file, kzUint line)
KANZI_API void kzsAssert_private (void)
KANZI_API void kzsErrorBreak_private (void)
KANZI_API void kzsDebugBreak_private (void)
KANZI_API void kzsExceptionLog_private (kzString message)
 Exception log. More...
KANZI_API void kzsExceptionLogFormat_private (kzString format,...)
 Exception log format. More...
KANZI_API void kzsErrorOccurred_private (kzsError errorCode, kzString message)
 Error callback. More...
KANZI_API void kzsExceptionOccurred_private (kzsError errorCode, kzString message)
 Exception callback. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzsErrorInitializeThread (kzMutableString *storage)
 Initializes error handling for thread. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzsErrorDeinitializeThread (void)
 De-initializes error handling for thread. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzsErrorInitialize (void)
 Initialize a global variable for error message storage. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzsErrorUninitialize (void)
 De-initialize a global variable for error message storage. More...
KANZI_API void kzsErrorSetErrorCallback (KzsErrorCallback callback)
 Sets error callback. More...
KANZI_API void kzsErrorSetExceptionCallback (KzsExceptionCallback callback)
 Sets exception callback. More...
KANZI_API kzString kzsErrorGetLastErrorMessage (void)
 Gets last error message or empty string if there is no error. More...
KANZI_API kzString kzsErrorGetLastExceptionMessage (void)
 Gets the last exception message for the thread. More...
void kzsErrorFormatMessage_private (kzString format,...)
 Formats error message. More...
KANZI_API kzString kzsErrorGetLastFormattedErrorMessage_private (void)
 Gets last formatted error message. More...


KZ_HEADER_BEGIN typedef int kzsError
 Error code type definition. More...

Detailed Description

Error handling functions.

Copyright 2008-2020 by Rightware. All rights reserved.

Macro Definition Documentation


Maximum length of exception.


Success code.

No error.


Assertion failed.


Functionality is not yet implemented.


Invalid value for enum.


Trying to perform illegal operation.


An argument was invalid for the given context.


Data is malformed.


Trying to access array with invalid index.


Program is in invalid state.

#define kzsSuccess ( )

Return from the function without any error code.

#define kzAssertText (   test,

Asserts the given test parameter.

If test evaluates to true, nothing happens. Only effective in debug build.

#define kzsAssertText (   test,

Asserts the given test parameter.

If test evaluates to true, nothing happens. Only effective in debug build.

#define kzAssert (   test)

Asserts the given test parameter.

If test evaluates to true, nothing happens. Only effective in debug build.

#define kzsAssert (   test)

Asserts the given test parameter.

If test evaluates to true, nothing happens. Only effective in debug build.

#define kzsErrorBreak ( )

Terminates the application and traps the debugger if possible.

Only effective in debug build.

#define kzsDebugBreak ( )

Traps the debugger if possible.

Only effective in debug build.

#define kzsErrorThrow (   new_error,

Return from the function with the given error code.

#define kzsErrorThrowFormat (   new_error,
See also
kzsErrorThrow formatArgs is the collection of format string and format arguments in parentheses, i.e. kzsErrorThrowFormat(KZS_ERROR_ARRAY_OUT_OF_BOUNDS, ("Shadow map array out of bounds for texture %s", textureName));
#define kzsExceptionThrow (   new_exception,

Return from the function with the given exception code.

#define kzsExceptionThrowFormat (   new_exception,
See also
kzsExceptionThrow formatArgs is the collection of format string and format arguments in parentheses, i.e. kzsExceptionThrowFormat(KZU_EXCEPTION_INCOMPLETE_BINARY_FILE, ("Binary file %s is truncated and does not contain requested data", binaryFileName));
#define kzsExceptionRethrow (   param_exception)

Return from the function with the given exception code.

#define kzsErrorTest (   test,

Return from the function with the given error code, if the test is false.

Otherwise continue.

#define kzsErrorTestFormat (   test,
See also
kzsErrorTest formatArgs is the collection of format string and format arguments in parentheses, i.e. kzsErrorTestFormat(indexFound, KZC_ERROR_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND, ("Child to be removed %s not found in parent clip %s", childClipName, parentClipName));
#define kzsExceptionTest (   test,

Return from the function with the given exception code, if the test is false.

Otherwise continue.

#define kzsExceptionTestFormat (   test,
See also
kzsExceptionTest formatArgs is the collection of format string and format arguments in parentheses, i.e. kzsExceptionTestFormat(file != KZ_NULL, KZS_EXCEPTION_FILE_OPEN_FAILED, ("Failed to open resource file %s", resourceFileName));
#define kzsErrorForward (   error)

Return from the function with the given error code, if it is one.

If the error code is an exception, the code may or may not return (use kzsExceptionForward instead).

#define kzsExceptionForward (   exception)

Return from the function with the given exception or error code, if it is one.

Otherwise continue.

#define kzsExceptionForwardAsError (   exception,

If the given exception code is an error, pass it forward.

If it is an exception, substitute it with the given error. Otherwise continue.

#define kzsExceptionForwardAsErrorFormat (   test,
See also
kzsExceptionForwardAsError formatArgs is the collection of format string and format arguments in parentheses, i.e. kzsExceptionForwardAsErrorFormat(result, KZC_ERROR_SHADER_RESTORE_TO_GPU_FAILED, ("Failed to restore shader %s on GPU", shaderName));
#define kzsErrorSubstitute (   error,

Return from the function with the given new error code, if the given old code is also an error.

Otherwise continue.

#define kzsExceptionSubstitute (   error,

Return from the function with the given new exception code, if the given old code is also an exception.

Otherwise continue.

#define kzsErrorIf (   error)

Test if the given error is an error.

#define kzsExceptionCatch (   exception,

Test if the given exception matches the specified exception code.

#define kzsExceptionCatchAll (   exception)

Test if the given exception is an actual exception and not success or error.


Macro to use to indicate that some code is not yet implemented.


Macro to use to indicate and throw error that some code is not yet implemented.


Macro to use to indicate and throw error with an explanation, that some code is not yet implemented.

#define kzsErrorLog (   errorCode,

Logs the given error code with given message.

Typedef Documentation

typedef int kzsException

Exception code type definition, extends error.

typedef void(* KzsErrorCallback)(kzsError errorCode, kzString message)

Callback that is triggered in error situations.

typedef void(* KzsExceptionCallback)(kzsError errorCode, kzString message)

Callback that is triggered in exception situations.

Function Documentation

KANZI_API void kzsErrorThrowFunctionWithMessage_private ( kzsError  error,
kzString  message 

kzsErrorThrow macro wrapper to share code.

KANZI_API void kzsErrorThrowFunction_private ( kzsError  error)

Wrapper for kzsErrorThrow() to share more code.

KANZI_API void kzsErrorLog_private ( kzsError  errorCode,
kzString  message,
kzString  file,
kzUint  line 
See also
KANZI_API void kzsAssert_private ( void  )
See also
KANZI_API void kzsErrorBreak_private ( void  )
See also
KANZI_API void kzsDebugBreak_private ( void  )
See also
KANZI_API void kzsExceptionLog_private ( kzString  message)

Exception log.

KANZI_API void kzsExceptionLogFormat_private ( kzString  format,

Exception log format.

KANZI_API void kzsErrorOccurred_private ( kzsError  errorCode,
kzString  message 

Error callback.

KANZI_API void kzsExceptionOccurred_private ( kzsError  errorCode,
kzString  message 

Exception callback.

KANZI_API kzsError kzsErrorInitializeThread ( kzMutableString storage)

Initializes error handling for thread.

KANZI_API kzsError kzsErrorDeinitializeThread ( void  )

De-initializes error handling for thread.

KANZI_API kzsError kzsErrorInitialize ( void  )

Initialize a global variable for error message storage.

KANZI_API kzsError kzsErrorUninitialize ( void  )

De-initialize a global variable for error message storage.

KANZI_API void kzsErrorSetErrorCallback ( KzsErrorCallback  callback)

Sets error callback.

KANZI_API void kzsErrorSetExceptionCallback ( KzsExceptionCallback  callback)

Sets exception callback.

KANZI_API kzString kzsErrorGetLastErrorMessage ( void  )

Gets last error message or empty string if there is no error.

KANZI_API kzString kzsErrorGetLastExceptionMessage ( void  )

Gets the last exception message for the thread.

void kzsErrorFormatMessage_private ( kzString  format,

Formats error message.

KANZI_API kzString kzsErrorGetLastFormattedErrorMessage_private ( void  )

Gets last formatted error message.

Variable Documentation

Error code type definition.