kzu_binary_directory.h File Reference

Binary directory for .kzb format. More...


 Current binary format version. More...
 If the flag is true, the object will not be released when calling kzuProjectClear. More...
 This flag is only available in images. More...
 This flag is only available in images. More...
 Default mask to pass all flags. More...


 License type restrictions. More...


KANZI_API kzString kzuBinarySourceGetReferencedURL (const struct KzuBinarySource *source, kzUint index)
 Gets a URL for the given reference index from the binary source. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinarySourceInvalidate (struct KzuBinarySource *source)
 Invalidates the given binary source. More...
KANZI_API kzString kzuBinaryFileInfoGetName (const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo *file)
 Gets the name of a file. More...
KANZI_API struct KzuBinaryDirectorykzuBinaryFileInfoGetDirectory (const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo *file)
 Gets a directory of the binary file info. More...
KANZI_API struct KzuBinarySourcekzuBinaryFileInfoGetSource (const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo *file)
 Gets the binary source of a file. More...
KANZI_API kzUint kzuBinaryFileInfoGetSize (const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo *file)
 Gets the size of a file. More...
KANZI_API enum KzuBinaryFileType kzuBinaryFileInfoGetType (const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo *file)
 Gets the type of a file. More...
KANZI_API kzString kzuBinaryFileInfoGetPath (const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo *file)
 Gets the path of a file. More...
KANZI_API kzU32 kzuBinaryFileInfoGetFlags (const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo *file)
 Gets flags from binary file. More...
KANZI_API kzBool kzuBinaryFileInfoIsCached (const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo *file)
 Returns true if the file should be cached. More...
KANZI_API kzBool kzuBinaryFileInfoIsImageUsedInCubemaps (const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo *file)
 Returns true if the file is an image file that is used in cubemaps. More...
KANZI_API kzBool kzuBinaryFileInfoIsImagePremultipliedAlpha (const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo *file)
 Returns true if the file is an image file that has premultiplied alpha. More...
KANZI_API kzString kzuBinaryFolderInfoGetName (const struct KzuBinaryFolderInfo *folder)
 Gets the name of a folder. More...
KANZI_API struct KzcHashMapkzuBinaryFolderInfoGetSubFolders (const struct KzuBinaryFolderInfo *folder)
 Gets the sub folders of a folder. More...
KANZI_API struct KzcHashMapkzuBinaryFolderInfoGetFiles (const struct KzuBinaryFolderInfo *folder)
 Gets the files of a folder. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryFolderInfoGetAllFiles (const struct KzuBinaryFolderInfo *folder, struct KzcDynamicArray *files)
 Gets all files recursively from a folder. More...
KANZI_API struct KzuBinaryFolderInfokzuBinaryFolderInfoGetSubFolder (const struct KzuBinaryFolderInfo *folder, kzString name)
 Gets a specific sub folder from a folder. More...
KANZI_API struct KzuBinaryFileInfokzuBinaryFolderInfoGetFile (const struct KzuBinaryFolderInfo *folder, kzString name)
 Gets a specific sub file from a folder. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryDirectoryCreateEmpty (const struct KzcMemoryManager *memoryManager, struct KzuBinaryDirectory **out_directory)
 Creates an empty directory. More...
KANZI_API void kzuBinaryDirectorySetName (struct KzuBinaryDirectory *directory, kanzi::string_view name)
 Set name of a binary directory. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryDirectoryCreateFromFile (const struct KzcMemoryManager *memoryManager, kzString filePath, struct KzuBinaryDirectory **out_directory, struct KzuBinarySource **out_binarySource)
 Creates a directory and fills the content from a .kzb file. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryDirectoryCreateFromMemoryMappedFile (const struct KzcMemoryManager *memoryManager, kzString filePath, struct KzuBinaryDirectory **out_directory, struct KzuBinarySource **out_binarySource)
 Creates a directory and fills the content from a .kzb memory mapped file. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryDirectoryCreateFromFileResource (const struct KzcMemoryManager *memoryManager, kzString resourcePath, struct KzuBinaryDirectory **out_directory, struct KzuBinarySource **out_binarySource)
 Creates a directory and fills the content from a .kzb resource file. More...
KANZI_API kzsException kzuBinaryDirectoryCreateFromMemory (const struct KzcMemoryManager *memoryManager, const kanzi::byte *buffer, kzUint size, struct KzuBinaryDirectory **out_directory, struct KzuBinarySource **out_binarySource)
 Creates a directory and fills the content from memory buffer with .kzb content. More...
KANZI_API kzsException kzuBinaryDirectoryCreateFromMemoryTemporary (const struct KzcMemoryManager *memoryManager, const kanzi::byte *buffer, kzUint size, struct KzuBinaryDirectory **out_directory, struct KzuBinarySource **out_binarySource)
 Create a directory from memory buffer with .kzb content. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryDirectoryDelete (struct KzuBinaryDirectory *directory)
 Deletes a directory. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryDirectoryClear (struct KzuBinaryDirectory *directory)
 Clears a directory. More...
KANZI_API kzBool kzuBinaryDirectoryIsEmpty (const struct KzuBinaryDirectory *directory)
 Checks if the binary directory is empty. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryDirectoryMerge (struct KzuBinaryDirectory *targetDirectory, struct KzuBinaryDirectory *sourceDirectory, struct KzcDynamicArray *mergedFiles)
 Merges the content of two directories. More...
KANZI_API struct KzuBinaryFolderInfokzuBinaryDirectoryGetRootFolder (const struct KzuBinaryDirectory *directory)
 Gets the root folder of a directory. More...
KANZI_API kzString kzuBinaryDirectoryGetName (const struct KzuBinaryDirectory *directory)
 Gets the directory name. More...
KANZI_API struct KzcHashSetIterator kzuBinaryDirectoryGetDeletedFiles (const struct KzuBinaryDirectory *directory)
 Gets an iterator of all deleted files in a directory. More...
KANZI_API kzsException kzuBinaryDirectoryGetFile (const struct KzuBinaryDirectory *directory, kzString filePath, struct KzuBinaryFileInfo **out_file)
 Gets a file with the given full path from a binary directory. More...
KANZI_API kzU32 kzuBinaryDirectoryGetFlags (const struct KzuBinaryDirectory *directory)
 Gets flags from binary directory. More...
KANZI_API kzsException kzuBinaryDirectoryGetFolder (const struct KzuBinaryDirectory *directory, kzString folderPath, struct KzuBinaryFolderInfo **out_folder)
 Gets a folder with given path from binary directory. More...
KANZI_API kzsException kzuBinaryDirectoryOpenFile (const struct KzcMemoryManager *memoryManager, const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo *file, struct KzcInputStream **out_inputStream)
 Opens a given file for reading. More...
KANZI_API kzsException kzuBinaryDirectoryOpenFileWithEndianness (const struct KzcMemoryManager *memoryManager, const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo *file, enum KzcIOStreamEndianness endianness, struct KzcInputStream **out_inputStream)
 Opens a given file for reading with the specified endianness. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryDirectoryReadFile (const struct KzcMemoryManager *memoryManager, const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo *file, kanzi::byte **out_data)
 Returns binary data from file. More...
KANZI_API kzsException kzuBinaryDirectoryOpenFileWithReferences (const struct KzcMemoryManager *memoryManager, const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo *file, kzUint **out_referencePositions, enum KzcIOStreamEndianness endianness, struct KzcInputStream **out_inputStream)
 Opens a given file for reading with reference positions returned in an array. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryDirectoryGetFileReferenceURLs (const struct KzcMemoryManager *memoryManager, const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo *file, kzString **out_references)
 Gets all URLs referenced by the given file. More...
KANZI_API struct KzcHashSetIterator kzuBinaryDirectoryGetBinarySources (const struct KzuBinaryDirectory *directory)
 Gets all binary sources from directory. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryDirectoryGetFileDebugDescription (const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo *file, kzMutableString *out_description)
 Gets a string description of a given file. More...
KANZI_API kzsException kzuBinaryDirectoryGetFileFromPropertyTypeLibrary (const struct KzuBinaryDirectory *directory, kzString name, struct KzuBinaryFileInfo **out_file)
 Gets file from property type library, using optimized search. More...
KANZI_API kzsException kzuBinaryDirectoryGetFileFromAnimationLibrary (const struct KzuBinaryDirectory *directory, kzString filePath, struct KzuBinaryFileInfo **out_file)
 Gets file from animation library, using optimized search. More...
KANZI_API kzsException kzuBinaryDirectoryGetFileFromMeshLibrary (const struct KzuBinaryDirectory *directory, kzString filePath, struct KzuBinaryFileInfo **out_file)
 Gets file from mesh library, using optimized search. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryDirectoryReadReference (struct KzcInputStream *inputStream, const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo *file, kzString *out_path)
 Loads reference. More...
KANZI_API void kzuBinaryDirectorySetFileFlagMask (struct KzuBinaryDirectory *binaryDirectory, kzU32 fileFlagMask)
 Sets file flag mask for binary directory files. More...
KANZI_API kzU32 kzuBinaryDirectoryGetFileFlagMask (const struct KzuBinaryDirectory *directory)
 Gets file flag mask from directory. More...
KANZI_API kzBool kzuBinaryDirectoryHasLicenseRestriction (const struct KzuBinaryDirectory *directory, enum KzuBinaryLicenseRestriction licenseRestriction)
 Checks if any of the loaded binaries have the given license restriction enabled. More...

Detailed Description

Binary directory for .kzb format.

Copyright 2008-2017 by Rightware. All rights reserved.

Macro Definition Documentation


Current binary format version.


If the flag is true, the object will not be released when calling kzuProjectClear.


This flag is only available in images.

If the flag is true, the image is used in a cube map and should not be flipped internally.


This flag is only available in images.

If the flag is true, the image has premultiplied alpha.


Default mask to pass all flags.

Enumeration Type Documentation

License type restrictions.


Splash screen will be shown during startup.


Watermark will be displayed on top of everything else.

Function Documentation

KANZI_API kzString kzuBinarySourceGetReferencedURL ( const struct KzuBinarySource source,
kzUint  index 

Gets a URL for the given reference index from the binary source.

URL of the reference with the given index or KZ_NULL if index == 0.
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinarySourceInvalidate ( struct KzuBinarySource source)

Invalidates the given binary source.

After invalidating a source it will be impossible to load the files from it, but the references can be queried.

KANZI_API kzString kzuBinaryFileInfoGetName ( const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo file)

Gets the name of a file.

KANZI_API struct KzuBinaryDirectory* kzuBinaryFileInfoGetDirectory ( const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo file)

Gets a directory of the binary file info.

KANZI_API struct KzuBinarySource* kzuBinaryFileInfoGetSource ( const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo file)

Gets the binary source of a file.

KANZI_API kzUint kzuBinaryFileInfoGetSize ( const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo file)

Gets the size of a file.

KANZI_API enum KzuBinaryFileType kzuBinaryFileInfoGetType ( const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo file)

Gets the type of a file.

KANZI_API kzString kzuBinaryFileInfoGetPath ( const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo file)

Gets the path of a file.

KANZI_API kzU32 kzuBinaryFileInfoGetFlags ( const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo file)

Gets flags from binary file.

KANZI_API kzBool kzuBinaryFileInfoIsCached ( const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo file)

Returns true if the file should be cached.

KANZI_API kzBool kzuBinaryFileInfoIsImageUsedInCubemaps ( const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo file)

Returns true if the file is an image file that is used in cubemaps.

KANZI_API kzBool kzuBinaryFileInfoIsImagePremultipliedAlpha ( const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo file)

Returns true if the file is an image file that has premultiplied alpha.

KANZI_API kzString kzuBinaryFolderInfoGetName ( const struct KzuBinaryFolderInfo folder)

Gets the name of a folder.

KANZI_API struct KzcHashMap* kzuBinaryFolderInfoGetSubFolders ( const struct KzuBinaryFolderInfo folder)

Gets the sub folders of a folder.

Hash map of kzString -> KzuBinaryDirectoryFolder entries.
KANZI_API struct KzcHashMap* kzuBinaryFolderInfoGetFiles ( const struct KzuBinaryFolderInfo folder)

Gets the files of a folder.

Hash map of kzString -> KzuBinaryDirectoryFile entries.
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryFolderInfoGetAllFiles ( const struct KzuBinaryFolderInfo folder,
struct KzcDynamicArray files 

Gets all files recursively from a folder.

The files are added to the given dynamic array.

KANZI_API struct KzuBinaryFolderInfo* kzuBinaryFolderInfoGetSubFolder ( const struct KzuBinaryFolderInfo folder,
kzString  name 

Gets a specific sub folder from a folder.

nameName of the sub folder.
Returns a sub folder or KZ_NULL if a sub folder with the given name was not found.
KANZI_API struct KzuBinaryFileInfo* kzuBinaryFolderInfoGetFile ( const struct KzuBinaryFolderInfo folder,
kzString  name 

Gets a specific sub file from a folder.

nameName of the file.
Returns a file or KZ_NULL if a file with the given name was not found.
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryDirectoryCreateEmpty ( const struct KzcMemoryManager memoryManager,
struct KzuBinaryDirectory **  out_directory 

Creates an empty directory.

Content can be added to the directory with kzuBinaryDirectoryMerge().

KANZI_API void kzuBinaryDirectorySetName ( struct KzuBinaryDirectory directory,
kanzi::string_view  name 

Set name of a binary directory.

directoryDirectory to set the name for.
nameName to set.
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryDirectoryCreateFromFile ( const struct KzcMemoryManager memoryManager,
kzString  filePath,
struct KzuBinaryDirectory **  out_directory,
struct KzuBinarySource **  out_binarySource 

Creates a directory and fills the content from a .kzb file.

Returns a binary directory and an associated binary source. out_binarySource can be KZ_NULL.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryDirectoryCreateFromMemoryMappedFile ( const struct KzcMemoryManager memoryManager,
kzString  filePath,
struct KzuBinaryDirectory **  out_directory,
struct KzuBinarySource **  out_binarySource 

Creates a directory and fills the content from a .kzb memory mapped file.

Returns a binary directory and an associated binary source. out_binarySource can be KZ_NULL.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryDirectoryCreateFromFileResource ( const struct KzcMemoryManager memoryManager,
kzString  resourcePath,
struct KzuBinaryDirectory **  out_directory,
struct KzuBinarySource **  out_binarySource 

Creates a directory and fills the content from a .kzb resource file.

Returns a binary directory and an associated binary source. out_binarySource can be KZ_NULL.

KANZI_API kzsException kzuBinaryDirectoryCreateFromMemory ( const struct KzcMemoryManager memoryManager,
const kanzi::byte buffer,
kzUint  size,
struct KzuBinaryDirectory **  out_directory,
struct KzuBinarySource **  out_binarySource 

Creates a directory and fills the content from memory buffer with .kzb content.

Returns a binary directory and an associated binary source. out_binarySource can be KZ_NULL.

KANZI_API kzsException kzuBinaryDirectoryCreateFromMemoryTemporary ( const struct KzcMemoryManager memoryManager,
const kanzi::byte buffer,
kzUint  size,
struct KzuBinaryDirectory **  out_directory,
struct KzuBinarySource **  out_binarySource 

Create a directory from memory buffer with .kzb content.

The memory buffer is assumed temporary, so trying to map for permanent use is not allowed.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryDirectoryDelete ( struct KzuBinaryDirectory directory)

Deletes a directory.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryDirectoryClear ( struct KzuBinaryDirectory directory)

Clears a directory.

KANZI_API kzBool kzuBinaryDirectoryIsEmpty ( const struct KzuBinaryDirectory directory)

Checks if the binary directory is empty.

A directory is not empty if it was created with some other function than kzuBinaryDirectoryCreateEmpty or a non-empty directory was merged to an empty directory.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryDirectoryMerge ( struct KzuBinaryDirectory targetDirectory,
struct KzuBinaryDirectory sourceDirectory,
struct KzcDynamicArray mergedFiles 

Merges the content of two directories.

Note: This function will completely delete sourceDirectory rendering any references to it invalid. This is to ensure that each directory entry is owned by only one directory.

mergedFilesIf this parameter is not NULL, all merged files are recorded in this dynamic array of KzuBinaryFileInfo objects.
KANZI_API struct KzuBinaryFolderInfo* kzuBinaryDirectoryGetRootFolder ( const struct KzuBinaryDirectory directory)

Gets the root folder of a directory.

KANZI_API kzString kzuBinaryDirectoryGetName ( const struct KzuBinaryDirectory directory)

Gets the directory name.

KANZI_API struct KzcHashSetIterator kzuBinaryDirectoryGetDeletedFiles ( const struct KzuBinaryDirectory directory)

Gets an iterator of all deleted files in a directory.

KANZI_API kzsException kzuBinaryDirectoryGetFile ( const struct KzuBinaryDirectory directory,
kzString  filePath,
struct KzuBinaryFileInfo **  out_file 

Gets a file with the given full path from a binary directory.

KANZI_API kzU32 kzuBinaryDirectoryGetFlags ( const struct KzuBinaryDirectory directory)

Gets flags from binary directory.

KANZI_API kzsException kzuBinaryDirectoryGetFolder ( const struct KzuBinaryDirectory directory,
kzString  folderPath,
struct KzuBinaryFolderInfo **  out_folder 

Gets a folder with given path from binary directory.

E.g. "Objects/" would return Object library.

KANZI_API kzsException kzuBinaryDirectoryOpenFile ( const struct KzcMemoryManager memoryManager,
const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo file,
struct KzcInputStream **  out_inputStream 

Opens a given file for reading.

KANZI_API kzsException kzuBinaryDirectoryOpenFileWithEndianness ( const struct KzcMemoryManager memoryManager,
const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo file,
enum KzcIOStreamEndianness  endianness,
struct KzcInputStream **  out_inputStream 

Opens a given file for reading with the specified endianness.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryDirectoryReadFile ( const struct KzcMemoryManager memoryManager,
const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo file,
kanzi::byte **  out_data 

Returns binary data from file.

KANZI_API kzsException kzuBinaryDirectoryOpenFileWithReferences ( const struct KzcMemoryManager memoryManager,
const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo file,
kzUint **  out_referencePositions,
enum KzcIOStreamEndianness  endianness,
struct KzcInputStream **  out_inputStream 

Opens a given file for reading with reference positions returned in an array.

The references in the file can be queried with the functions kzuBinaryFileInfoGetSource() and kzuBinarySourceGetReferencedFilePath().

out_referencePositionsThis array will be filled with positions of each reference in the file. If this parameter is KZ_NULL, the position information is ignored and the array is not created. The caller must free the array with kzcMemoryFreeArray afterwards.
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryDirectoryGetFileReferenceURLs ( const struct KzcMemoryManager memoryManager,
const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo file,
kzString **  out_references 

Gets all URLs referenced by the given file.

The URLs are returned in an array of strings, which the caller must delete after done using it.

KANZI_API struct KzcHashSetIterator kzuBinaryDirectoryGetBinarySources ( const struct KzuBinaryDirectory directory)

Gets all binary sources from directory.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryDirectoryGetFileDebugDescription ( const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo file,
kzMutableString out_description 

Gets a string description of a given file.

This is for debugging purposes only.

KANZI_API kzsException kzuBinaryDirectoryGetFileFromPropertyTypeLibrary ( const struct KzuBinaryDirectory directory,
kzString  name,
struct KzuBinaryFileInfo **  out_file 

Gets file from property type library, using optimized search.

KANZI_API kzsException kzuBinaryDirectoryGetFileFromAnimationLibrary ( const struct KzuBinaryDirectory directory,
kzString  filePath,
struct KzuBinaryFileInfo **  out_file 

Gets file from animation library, using optimized search.

KANZI_API kzsException kzuBinaryDirectoryGetFileFromMeshLibrary ( const struct KzuBinaryDirectory directory,
kzString  filePath,
struct KzuBinaryFileInfo **  out_file 

Gets file from mesh library, using optimized search.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryDirectoryReadReference ( struct KzcInputStream inputStream,
const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo file,
kzString out_path 

Loads reference.

Returns the URL for the reference or NULL if the reference was empty.

KANZI_API void kzuBinaryDirectorySetFileFlagMask ( struct KzuBinaryDirectory binaryDirectory,
kzU32  fileFlagMask 

Sets file flag mask for binary directory files.

Results loaded files to have flags with formula: flags = file.flags & directory.mask

KANZI_API kzU32 kzuBinaryDirectoryGetFileFlagMask ( const struct KzuBinaryDirectory directory)

Gets file flag mask from directory.

KANZI_API kzBool kzuBinaryDirectoryHasLicenseRestriction ( const struct KzuBinaryDirectory directory,
enum KzuBinaryLicenseRestriction  licenseRestriction 

Checks if any of the loaded binaries have the given license restriction enabled.