kzc_plane.hpp File Reference

Plane structure and operations. More...


struct  KzcPlane
 Structure for a plane. More...


KZ_INLINE struct KzcPlane kzcPlane (kzFloat x, kzFloat y, kzFloat z, kzFloat negativeDistance)
 Creates a plane structure from a point (x,y,z) on the plane and negative distance from origin. More...
KANZI_API void kzcPlaneCreateFromPointAndNormal (struct KzcPlane *plane, const struct KzcVector3 *point, const struct KzcVector3 *normal)
 Constructs a plane from point and normal. More...
KANZI_API kzFloat kzcPlaneDistanceToPoint (const struct KzcPlane *plane, const struct KzcVector3 *point)
 Gets point's distance to plane. More...
KANZI_API kzBool kzcPlaneRayIntersection (const struct KzcPlane *plane, const struct KzcRay *ray, kzFloat parallelTolerance, kzFloat *out_distance, struct KzcVector3 *out_intersectionPoint)
 Gets ray and plane intersection point. More...
KANZI_API void kzcPlaneProjectDirectionVector3 (const struct KzcPlane *plane, const struct KzcVector3 *vector, struct KzcVector3 *out_vector)
 Project a direction vector onto a plane. More...
KANZI_API void kzcPlaneProjectPositionVector3 (const struct KzcPlane *plane, const struct KzcVector3 *position, struct KzcVector3 *out_position)
 Project a position vector onto the plane. More...
KANZI_API void kzcPlaneGetNormal (const struct KzcPlane *plane, struct KzcVector3 *out_normal)
 Outputs plane normal into out_normal. More...

Detailed Description

Plane structure and operations.

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Function Documentation

KZ_INLINE struct KzcPlane kzcPlane ( kzFloat  x,
kzFloat  y,
kzFloat  z,
kzFloat  negativeDistance 

Creates a plane structure from a point (x,y,z) on the plane and negative distance from origin.

KANZI_API void kzcPlaneCreateFromPointAndNormal ( struct KzcPlane plane,
const struct KzcVector3 point,
const struct KzcVector3 normal 

Constructs a plane from point and normal.

The normal must be of unit length.

KANZI_API kzFloat kzcPlaneDistanceToPoint ( const struct KzcPlane plane,
const struct KzcVector3 point 

Gets point's distance to plane.

KANZI_API kzBool kzcPlaneRayIntersection ( const struct KzcPlane plane,
const struct KzcRay ray,
kzFloat  parallelTolerance,
kzFloat out_distance,
struct KzcVector3 out_intersectionPoint 

Gets ray and plane intersection point.

The plane and the ray are tested for parallelness using the tolerance value. If the tolerance test does not pass, output values are filled with NaNs and KZ_FALSE is returned.

KANZI_API void kzcPlaneProjectDirectionVector3 ( const struct KzcPlane plane,
const struct KzcVector3 vector,
struct KzcVector3 out_vector 

Project a direction vector onto a plane.

KANZI_API void kzcPlaneProjectPositionVector3 ( const struct KzcPlane plane,
const struct KzcVector3 position,
struct KzcVector3 out_position 

Project a position vector onto the plane.

KANZI_API void kzcPlaneGetNormal ( const struct KzcPlane plane,
struct KzcVector3 out_normal 

Outputs plane normal into out_normal.