kzc_etc.h File Reference

Wrapper for Ericsson texture compression. More...


enum  KzcEtcCompressionMode {
 ETC compression modes. More...


kzsError kzcEtcCompressImageToBuffer (const struct KzcMemoryManager *memoryManager, const kzU8 *imageData, kzInt width, kzInt height, kzU8 *destinationBuffer, enum KzcEtcCompressionMode compressionMode, kzUint *out_bytesWritten)
 Compress an rgb888 format image in imageData to compressed ETC format. More...
kzsError kzcEtcUncompressImageToBuffer (const struct KzcMemoryManager *memoryManager, const kzU8 *compressedImage, kzInt width, kzInt height, kzInt active_width, kzInt active_height, kzU8 *destinationImage, kzUint *out_bytesWritten)
 Uncompress a compressed rgb888 format image to destination buffer. More...
kzUint kzcEtcGetCompressedBufferMemorySize (kzUint width, kzUint height)
 Return number of bytes required for the storage of an ETC texture of the given dimensions. More...

Detailed Description

Wrapper for Ericsson texture compression.

Original implementation licenced free of charge by Ericsson. See kzc_etc.c for licence.

For technical details, see OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture extension in the OpenGL ES extensions database.

For explanation of the compression routine see Strom, Akenine-Moller:'iPACKMAN: High-Quality, Low-Complexity Texture Compression for Mobile Phones'.

(iPackman == ETC)

Copyright 2008-2017 by Rightware. All rights reserved.

Enumeration Type Documentation

ETC compression modes.


FAST only tests the two most likely base colors.


The MEDIUM version tests all colors in a 3x3x3 cube around the average colors.

This increases the likelihood that the differential mode is selected.


The SLOW version tests all colors in a a 5x5x5 cube around the average colors.

It also tries the nondifferential mode for each block even if the differential succeeds.


FAST with PERCEPTUAL error metric.


MEDIUM with PERCEPTUAL error metric.


SLOW with PERCEPTUAL error metric.

Function Documentation

kzsError kzcEtcCompressImageToBuffer ( const struct KzcMemoryManager memoryManager,
const kzU8 imageData,
kzInt  width,
kzInt  height,
kzU8 destinationBuffer,
enum KzcEtcCompressionMode  compressionMode,
kzUint out_bytesWritten 

Compress an rgb888 format image in imageData to compressed ETC format.

Width MUST be divisible by 2 and height by 4. To compress images of other sizes pad the image data to correct size first.

[in]imageDatargb888 format image data
[in]widthof image in imageData in pixels
[in]heightof image in imageData in pixels
[in]destinationBufferbuffer to write the compressed data into. Must be preallocated to at least correct size.
[out]out_bytesWrittennumber of bytes written to output
kzsError kzcEtcUncompressImageToBuffer ( const struct KzcMemoryManager memoryManager,
const kzU8 compressedImage,
kzInt  width,
kzInt  height,
kzInt  active_width,
kzInt  active_height,
kzU8 destinationImage,
kzUint out_bytesWritten 

Uncompress a compressed rgb888 format image to destination buffer.

[in]compressedImageETC compressed texture
[in]widthof compressed texture in actual pixels
[in]heightof compressed texture in actual pixels
[in]active_widthof uncompressed texture. Can be less than width.
[in]active_heightof uncompressed texture. Can be less than height.
kzUint kzcEtcGetCompressedBufferMemorySize ( kzUint  width,
kzUint  height 

Return number of bytes required for the storage of an ETC texture of the given dimensions.