▼ kanzi | |
▼ core | |
► cpp | |
► detail | |
thread_handle.hpp | |
algorithm.hpp | |
array.hpp | |
atomic.hpp | |
bitset.hpp | |
cctype.hpp | |
chrono.hpp | |
circular_buffer.hpp | |
condition_variable.hpp | |
cstddef.hpp | |
cstdint.hpp | |
cstdio.hpp | |
cstdlib.hpp | |
fstream.hpp | |
functional.hpp | |
future.hpp | |
intrusive_ptr.hpp | |
iomanip.hpp | |
iostream.hpp | |
iterator.hpp | |
limits.hpp | |
list.hpp | |
map.hpp | |
math.hpp | |
memory.hpp | |
mutex.hpp | |
optional.hpp | |
ostream.hpp | |
platform.hpp | |
property_tree.hpp | |
queue.hpp | |
random.hpp | |
set.hpp | |
small_vector.hpp | |
sstream.hpp | |
stable_vector.hpp | |
stdexcept.hpp | |
string.hpp | |
string_view.hpp | |
system_error.hpp | |
thread.hpp | |
tuple.hpp | |
type_traits.hpp | |
unordered_map.hpp | |
unordered_set.hpp | |
utility.hpp | |
variant.hpp | |
vector.hpp | |
► debug | |
assert.hpp | |
assert_detail.hpp | |
► error | |
exception.hpp | |
legacy_error.hpp | |
► file | |
file.hpp | |
file_util.hpp | |
read_only_disk_file.hpp | |
read_only_memory_file.hpp | |
► legacy | |
► debug | |
kzs_error.hpp | Error handling functions |
► file | |
kzs_file.hpp | Standard file I/O functions |
kzs_file_base.hpp | Base functions for file related operations |
kzs_mmap.hpp | |
kzs_resource_file.hpp | Resource file reading functions |
► memory | |
kzc_byte_buffer.hpp | Byte buffer provides functionality for reading/writing arbitrary data from/to a chunk of memory |
kzc_memory_base.hpp | Memory manager private members |
kzc_memory_common.hpp | Core memory manager base definitions and functions |
kzc_memory_manager.hpp | Core memory manager |
kzc_memory_quick.hpp | Quick memory manager |
kzc_memory_system.hpp | System memory manager |
► thread | |
kzs_thread.hpp | Threading support |
► time | |
kzs_sleep.hpp | Allows suspending the execution of current thread |
kzs_tick.hpp | Provides relative time in milliseconds from the system |
kzs_tick_highresolution.hpp | Provides relative time in microseconds from the system |
► util | |
► collection | |
kzc_binary_tree.hpp | Binary search tree |
kzc_binary_tree_node_manager.hpp | Node manager for binary tree |
kzc_collection_value.hpp | Value union definitions for collections |
kzc_comparator.hpp | Comparator function prototypes |
kzc_dynamic_array.hpp | Automatically growing array of arbitrary data |
kzc_dynamic_array_accessors_hpp.inl | Accessor declarations for dynamic array |
kzc_hash_code.hpp | General purpose hash code functions |
kzc_hash_map.hpp | Hash map |
kzc_hash_map_accessors_hpp.inl | Accessor declarations for hash map |
kzc_hash_set.hpp | Hash set |
kzc_hash_set_accessors_hpp.inl | Accessor declarations for hash set |
kzc_sort.hpp | Generic sorting functions |
► curve | |
kzc_interpolation.hpp | Interpolation functions |
kzc_reparametrization.hpp | Implements curve reparametrization by curve length |
kzc_spline.hpp | Spline curves |
► io | |
kzc_file.hpp | Core file utilities |
kzc_input_stream.hpp | Input stream |
kzc_io_stream.hpp | Input / output stream |
kzc_output_stream.hpp | Output stream Output streams are used for writing binary data to several different data sources |
► math | |
kzc_integrate.hpp | Integration tools |
kzc_matrix3x3.hpp | Matrix3x3 structure and operations |
kzc_matrix4x4.hpp | Matrix4x4 structure and operations |
kzc_plane.hpp | Plane structure and operations |
kzc_quaternion.hpp | Quaternion operations |
kzc_random.hpp | Pseudo-random number generators |
kzc_ray.hpp | Ray utility |
kzc_rectangle.hpp | 2-dimensional rectangle |
kzc_solve.hpp | Equation solving utilities |
kzc_vector2.hpp | 2D vector |
kzc_vector3.hpp | 3D Vector |
kzc_vector4.hpp | 4D vector |
► string | |
kzc_string.hpp | String utilities |
► wrappers | |
kzs_arg.hpp | Variable argument list wrapper |
kzs_math.hpp | Math wrappers |
kzs_memory.hpp | System memory manager |
kzs_string.hpp | Standard library string function wrappers |
kzc_error_codes.hpp | Core layer error codes |
kzs_endian.hpp | Endianness check for Kanzi |
kzs_error_codes.hpp | System layer error codes |
kzs_platform_overrides.hpp | Empty platform overrides header file for common platform |
kzs_stdint.hpp | Exact Kanzi types - 8 bit, 16 bit, 32 bit, 64 bit |
kzs_system.hpp | System header |
kzs_types.hpp | Kanzi types - integers, floats, doubles, strings, inlines |
kzu_bounding_volume.hpp | Bounding volume structure, that is, volume that bounds some area, typically geometry |
kzu_error_codes.h | User layer error codes |
legacy_conversions.hpp | |
► log | |
abstract_logger.hpp | |
chained_logger.hpp | |
cout_logger.hpp | |
default_logger.hpp | |
log.hpp | |
log_argument_format.hpp | |
log_argument_type_eraser.hpp | |
log_category.hpp | |
log_format_traits.hpp | |
log_level.hpp | |
log_macro.hpp | |
log_record.hpp | |
log_specialization.hpp | |
► math | |
box.hpp | |
color_rgba.hpp | |
half_float.hpp | |
matrix3x3.hpp | |
matrix4x4.hpp | |
rational.hpp | |
rectangle.hpp | |
srt_value_2d.hpp | |
srt_value_3d.hpp | |
vector2.hpp | |
vector3.hpp | |
vector4.hpp | |
► message | |
abstract_message_type.hpp | |
abstract_message_type_descriptor.hpp | |
dynamic_message_type.hpp | |
legacy_message_type.hpp | |
message_routing.hpp | |
message_type.hpp | |
► metadata | |
editor_metadata.hpp | |
meta_object.hpp | |
meta_object_factory.hpp | |
metaclass.hpp | |
metadata.hpp | |
metamethod.hpp | |
► module | |
kzs_dynamic_library.hpp | System header |
module.hpp | |
plugin.hpp | |
► platform | |
► cpp | |
► android | |
android.hpp | Platform-specific globals and constants for Android platform |
► win32 | |
kzs_error_win32.hpp | Error (win32) |
kzs_platform_overrides.hpp | Platform overrides for win32 platform |
post_windows.hpp | Include this file after including any header file that includes windows.h to reduce the amount of macro pollution introduced by windows.h |
pre_windows.hpp | Include this file before including any header file that includes windows.h to reduce the amount of macro pollution and to fix some issues introduced by windows.h |
string_conversion.hpp | |
windows.hpp | |
► file | |
► win32 | |
read_only_disk_file.hpp | |
► log | |
► android | |
android_logger.hpp | |
► win32 | |
win32_debug_logger.hpp | |
► thread | |
► linux | |
kzs_barrier.hpp | Thread barrier |
► time | |
► posix | |
time_conversion.hpp | |
► profiling | |
abstract_profiler.hpp | |
abstract_value_profiler.hpp | |
default_profiler_registry.hpp | |
interval_profiler.hpp | |
interval_profiler_sample.hpp | |
interval_profiler_sample_statistics.hpp | |
main_loop_profiler_sample.hpp | |
main_loop_task_profiler.hpp | |
main_loop_task_profiler_categories.hpp | |
main_loop_task_profiler_registry.hpp | |
profiler_registration_helper.hpp | |
profiler_registry.hpp | |
profiling.hpp | |
profiling_category.hpp | |
profiling_category_detail.hpp | |
profiling_detail.hpp | |
profiling_scope_helper.hpp | |
startup_profiler_categories.hpp | |
startup_profiler_registry.hpp | |
► property | |
abstract_property_notification_handler.hpp | |
abstract_property_type.hpp | |
abstract_property_type_descriptor.hpp | |
dynamic_property_type.hpp | |
property_data_type.hpp | |
property_data_type_traits.hpp | |
property_field.hpp | |
property_object.hpp | |
property_type.hpp | |
property_type_descriptor.hpp | |
resource_id.hpp | |
► string | |
fixed_string.hpp | |
immutable_string.hpp | |
shared_immutable_string.hpp | |
string_utils.hpp | |
► time | |
stop_watch.hpp | |
time_interval.hpp | |
► util | |
► detail | |
synchronized.hpp | |
byte_span.hpp | |
flag_scope_guard.hpp | |
reference_count_scope_guard.hpp | |
core_api.hpp | |
▼ core.ui | |
► action | |
action.hpp | |
action_properties.h | |
dispatch_message_action.hpp | |
dispatch_message_action_properties.h | |
forwarding_action.hpp | |
play_animation_action.hpp | |
play_animation_action_properties.h | |
set_property_action.hpp | |
set_property_action_properties.h | |
► animation | |
abstract_animation.hpp | |
animation_player.hpp | |
animation_resource.hpp | |
easing_curve.hpp | |
easing_curve_shared.hpp | |
from_to_animation.hpp | |
interpolation.hpp | |
keyframe_animation.hpp | |
media_timeline.hpp | |
morph_weight_timeline.hpp | |
morph_weight_timeline_playback.hpp | |
parallel_timeline.hpp | |
parallel_timeline_playback.hpp | |
preview_timeline.hpp | |
preview_timeline_playback.hpp | |
property_animation_timeline.hpp | |
property_animation_timeline_playback.hpp | |
property_driven_animation_player.hpp | |
property_field_animation_timeline.hpp | |
property_field_animation_timeline_playback.hpp | |
property_field_target_interpolation_timeline_playback.hpp | |
property_target_interpolation_timeline.hpp | |
property_target_interpolation_timeline_playback.hpp | |
property_target_interpolator.hpp | |
scenegraph_timeline_playback_context.hpp | |
sequential_timeline.hpp | |
timeline.hpp | |
timeline_clock.hpp | |
timeline_event.hpp | |
timeline_loading.hpp | |
timeline_playback.hpp | |
timeline_playback_context.hpp | |
timeline_playback_mode.hpp | |
timeline_resource.hpp | |
value_animation.hpp | |
► application | |
application.hpp | |
application_properties.hpp | |
application_properties_loading.hpp | |
fps_constraints.hpp | |
kzu_engine.h | Structure for engine |
performance_info.hpp | |
performance_info_properties.hpp | |
splash.hpp | |
system_properties.hpp | |
watermark.hpp | |
► assets | |
runtime_assets.hpp | |
► binding | |
animation_binding_processor.hpp | |
animation_binding_processor_properties.h | |
binding.hpp | |
binding_processor.hpp | |
callback_processor.hpp | |
diagnostics.hpp | |
expression_binding_processor.hpp | |
expression_binding_processor_properties.h | |
► bitmap | |
bitmap_image.hpp | |
iris_image_header.hpp | |
kzc_etc.h | Wrapper for Ericsson texture compression |
kzc_screen_capture.h | Screen capturing utility |
► command | |
command.hpp | |
► condition | |
condition.hpp | |
expression_condition.hpp | |
► constraints | |
constraints.hpp | |
constraints_properties.h | |
► content | |
binary_resource.hpp | |
content_item.hpp | |
content_item_collection.hpp | |
text_resource.hpp | |
► data | |
data_context.hpp | |
data_context_properties.h | |
data_object.hpp | |
data_object_enum.hpp | |
data_object_list.hpp | |
data_source.hpp | |
► domain | |
domain.hpp | |
domain_properties.h | |
► font | |
kzu_bitmap_font.h | Bitmap font |
kzu_configured_font.h | Configured font |
kzu_dummytype_font.h | Dummy truetype font implementation |
kzu_font.h | Font handling interface |
kzu_font_base.h | Font private members |
kzu_font_common.h | Font base definitions |
kzu_freetype_font.h | FreeType font |
kzu_glyph_cache.h | Glyph cache |
kzu_itype_font.h | Monotype's iType font |
kzu_text_manager.h | Text Manager |
kzu_truetype.h | TrueType font interface |
► graphics | |
format.hpp | |
graphics_output.hpp | |
null_graphics_output.hpp | |
► graphics2d | |
brush.hpp | |
brush_renderer.hpp | |
color_brush.hpp | |
color_brush_renderer.hpp | |
composition_brush.hpp | |
composition_brush_renderer.hpp | |
composition_manager.hpp | |
composition_requirements.hpp | |
composition_stack.hpp | |
content_brush.hpp | |
content_brush_renderer.hpp | |
frame_description.hpp | |
geometry_frame.hpp | |
geometry_quad.hpp | |
native_deployment_target.hpp | |
null_brush.hpp | |
quad_description.hpp | |
texture.hpp | |
texture_brush.hpp | |
texture_brush_renderer.hpp | |
texture_create_info.hpp | |
► graphics3d | |
blit_render_pass.hpp | |
clear_render_pass.hpp | |
composition_target_render_pass.hpp | |
draw_objects_render_pass.hpp | |
draw_objects_with_material_render_pass.hpp | |
gpu_resource.hpp | |
graphics_enums.hpp | |
kzu_contains_property_filter.h | Specifies contains property filter |
kzu_distance_filter.h | Specifies distance filter |
kzu_frustum_cull_filter.h | Specifies frustum cull filter |
kzu_lod_filter.h | Specifies level of detail filter |
kzu_object_set_filter.h | Specifies object set filter |
kzu_object_source.h | Object source |
kzu_object_source_base.h | Object source private members |
kzu_object_source_common.h | Object source private members |
kzu_object_type_filter.h | Specifies object type filter |
kzu_property_is_equal_filter.h | Specifies property is equal filter |
kzu_sort_object_source.h | Specifies sort object source for material type |
kzu_tag_filter.h | Specifies tag filter |
legacy_render_pass.hpp | |
legacy_render_pass_properties.h | |
material.hpp | |
material_brush.hpp | |
material_renderer.hpp | |
material_setup_render_pass.hpp | |
mesh.hpp | |
mesh_create_info.hpp | |
morph.hpp | |
morph_runtime.hpp | |
pipeline_state_render_pass.hpp | |
render_pass.hpp | |
standard_material.hpp | |
tag.hpp | |
► input | |
click_manipulator.hpp | |
default_event_source.hpp | |
drag_and_drop_manipulator.hpp | |
event_filter.hpp | |
event_source.hpp | |
event_source_properties.hpp | |
focus_manager.hpp | |
input_manager.hpp | |
input_manipulator.hpp | |
input_manipulator_properties.h | |
keyboard.hpp | |
keyboard_properties.h | |
kzu_input_filter_coalesce.h | Coalescing input filter |
kzu_input_filter_transform.h | Transforming input filter |
kzu_input_filter_translate.h | Translating input filter |
long_press_manipulator.hpp | |
move_focus_action.hpp | |
multi_click_manipulator.hpp | |
pan_manipulator.hpp | |
pan_manipulator_properties.h | |
pinch_manipulator.hpp | |
pinch_manipulator_properties.h | |
set_focus_action.hpp | |
► kzb | |
kzb_file.hpp | |
kzb_file_exception.hpp | |
kzb_memory_parser.hpp | |
kzu_binary_common.h | Binary base header |
kzu_binary_directory.h | Binary directory for .kzb format |
kzu_binary_loader.h | Binary loader for .kzb format |
kzu_binary_util.h | Binary reader utilities |
kzu_preview_patcher.h | Preview patcher |
object_loader.hpp | |
► legacy | |
kzu_frame_time_queue.hpp | |
kzu_projection.h | Utility for calculating 2D pixel coordinate from 3D point and camera projection |
kzu_raypick.h | Ray picking utility |
► message | |
kzu_message_dispatcher.h | Message dispatcher |
kzu_message_dispatcher_properties.h | |
message_arguments.hpp | |
► node | |
abstract_node_reference.hpp | |
abstract_resource_reference.hpp | |
camera.hpp | |
camera_properties.h | |
content_reference.hpp | |
empty_node2d.hpp | |
empty_node3d.hpp | |
image2d.hpp | |
instantiator3d.hpp | |
instantiator3d_properties.h | |
kzu_transformed_object.h | |
kzu_transformed_scene.h | Transformed scene object |
light.hpp | |
light_properties.h | |
lod_selector3d.hpp | |
lod_selector3d_properties.h | |
model3d.hpp | |
node.hpp | |
node2d.hpp | |
node2d_fwd.hpp | |
node2d_properties.h | |
node3d.hpp | |
node3d_fwd.hpp | |
node3d_properties.h | |
node_compositor2d.hpp | |
node_fwd.hpp | |
node_properties.h | |
node_property_notification_handler.hpp | |
node_reference.hpp | |
node_visual2d.hpp | |
portal.hpp | |
progressive_rendering_view2d.hpp | |
relative_node_resolver.hpp | |
resource_reference.hpp | |
scene.hpp | |
screen.hpp | |
viewport2d.hpp | |
viewport2d_properties.h | |
viewport3d.hpp | |
viewport3d_properties.h | |
► node_component | |
node_component.hpp | |
► object | |
object.hpp | |
register_default_types.hpp | |
► platform | |
► application | |
► common | |
suspension_manager.hpp | |
► graphics_backend | |
► gl | |
brush_renderer.hpp | |
color_brush_renderer.hpp | |
composition_brush_renderer.hpp | |
composition_manager.hpp | |
composition_stack.hpp | |
content_brush_renderer.hpp | |
framebuffer.hpp | |
geometry.hpp | |
geometry_frame.hpp | |
geometry_gl.hpp | |
geometry_quad.hpp | |
gl_brush_renderer.hpp | |
gl_buffer_handle.hpp | |
gl_format.hpp | |
gl_framebuffer_handle.hpp | |
gl_graphics_adapter.hpp | |
gl_graphics_adapter_call_gles.hpp | |
gl_graphics_adapter_call_opengl.hpp | |
gl_graphics_adapter_check_for_errors.hpp | |
gl_graphics_adapter_logger.hpp | |
gl_graphics_context.hpp | |
gl_graphics_interface_gles_extensions_hpp.inl | |
gl_graphics_interface_gles_hpp.inl | |
gl_graphics_interface_opengl_extensions_hpp.inl | |
gl_graphics_log_scope.hpp | |
gl_graphics_output.hpp | |
gl_program_handle.hpp | |
gl_render_state.hpp | |
gl_render_value.hpp | |
gl_render_value_binding.hpp | |
gl_renderbuffer_handle.hpp | |
gl_shader_handle.hpp | |
gl_texture_handle.hpp | |
gpu_buffer_manager.hpp | |
graphics_swizzle_mask.hpp | |
kzb_enums.hpp | |
kzs_gl_es_20.h | |
kzs_gl_es_30.h | |
kzs_gl_es_31.h | |
kzs_gl_es_32.h | |
kzs_gl_es_ext.h | |
kzs_gl_ext.h | |
kzs_gl_try.h | |
kzs_opengl.h | |
kzs_opengl_debug.h | |
kzs_opengl_enum.h | |
material_brush_renderer.hpp | |
mesh.hpp | |
render_state_property_notification_handler.hpp | |
render_value_property_notification_handler.hpp | |
render_value_property_notification_handler_base.hpp | |
renderbuffer.hpp | |
renderer.hpp | |
renderer3d.hpp | |
sampler.hpp | |
screen_capture.hpp | |
shader.hpp | |
shader_create_info.hpp | |
surface.hpp | |
texture.hpp | |
texture_brush_renderer.hpp | |
texture_create_info.hpp | |
► graphics_context | |
► common | |
kzs_surface.h | Drawable surface |
kzs_surface_configuration.h | Configuration for drawable surfaces and windows |
► egl | |
kzs_egl.h | |
kzs_egl_ext.h | |
kzs_egl_surface_configuration_native.h | |
kzs_egl_surface_native.h | |
► glx | |
kzs_glx.h | GLX functions |
kzs_glx_surface_configuration_native.h | Kanzi surface configuration, GLX implementation |
kzs_glx_surface_native.h | Kanzi surface, native portion for the Linux-X11-GLX platform |
► nogl | |
kzs_nogl_surface_configuration_native.h | Kanzi surface configuration, GLX implementation |
kzs_nogl_surface_native.h | Kanzi surface, native portion for the Linux-X11-GLX platform |
► wgl | |
kzs_wgl.h | |
kzs_wgl_surface_configuration_native.h | |
kzs_wgl_surface_native.h | |
► input | |
► android | |
kzs_input_native.h | Kanzi input, Android specific implementation |
► common | |
kzs_input.h | Input device handling |
kzs_input_device.h | Kanzi input device implementation |
kzs_input_device_native.h | Kanzi native input device implementation |
► evdev | |
kzs_input_native.h | Kanzi input, generic Linux implementation |
► integrity_usb | |
kzs_input_native.h | Kanzi input, INTEGRITY implementation |
► nucleus | |
kzs_input_native.hpp | Kanzi input, Nucleus specific implementation |
► qnx_screen | |
kzs_input_native.h | Kanzi input, QNX Screen implementation |
► wayland | |
kzs_input_native.h | Kanzi input, Wayland implementation |
► win32 | |
kzs_input_native.h | Kanzi input, win32 specific implementation |
winapi.hpp | Windows API definitions that may not be visible in older Microsoft SDKs |
► x11 | |
kzs_input_native.h | Kanzi input, generic X11 implementation |
► yunos | |
kzs_input_native.h | Kanzi input, YunOS implementation |
► task_dispatcher | |
► common | |
event.hpp | |
native_event_handle.hpp | |
task_dispatcher.hpp | |
task_dispatcher_base.hpp | |
► win32 | |
event.hpp | |
► windowing | |
► android | |
kzs_desktop_native.h | Kanzi desktop, native portion for the Android platform |
kzs_display_native.h | Kanzi display, native portion for the Android platform |
kzs_window_native.h | Kanzi window, native part for Android platform |
► android_ws | |
kzs_desktop_native.h | Kanzi desktop, native Android WindowSurface implementation |
kzs_display_native.h | Kanzi display, native Android WindowSurface implementation |
kzs_window_native.h | Kanzi window, native Android WindowSurfaceimplementation |
► common | |
desktop_properties.hpp | |
kzs_desktop.h | Kanzi desktop |
kzs_display.h | Display device |
kzs_native_handles.h | Native window system handle types |
kzs_window.h | Window handling |
window_properties.hpp | |
► egldevice | |
kzs_desktop_native.h | |
kzs_display_native.h | |
kzs_window_native.h | |
► gbm | |
kzs_desktop_native.hpp | |
kzs_display_native.hpp | |
kzs_window_native.hpp | |
► ghs_fb_api | |
kzs_desktop_native.h | Kanzi desktop, GHS FB API implementation |
kzs_display_native.h | Kanzi display, GHS FB API implementation |
kzs_window_native.h | Kanzi window, GHS FB API implementation |
► ghs_gbm | |
kzs_desktop_native.hpp | Kanzi desktop, WSEGL implementation |
kzs_display_native.hpp | Kanzi display, dummy implementation |
kzs_window_native.hpp | Kanzi window, dummy implementation |
► mali_fbdev | |
kzs_desktop_native.hpp | |
kzs_display_native.hpp | |
kzs_window_native.hpp | |
► nogl | |
kzs_desktop_native.h | Kanzi desktop, nogl implementation |
kzs_display_native.h | Kanzi display, nogl implementation |
kzs_window_native.h | Kanzi window, nogl implementation |
► qnx_screen | |
kzs_desktop_native.h | Kanzi desktop, native portion for the Screen platform |
kzs_display_native.h | Kanzi display, native portion for the Screen platform |
kzs_window_native.h | Kanzi window, native part for Screen platform |
► rwm | |
kzs_desktop_native.hpp | |
kzs_display_native.hpp | |
kzs_window_native.hpp | |
► vivante_fbdev | |
kzs_desktop_native.h | Kanzi desktop, native portion for the fbdev platform |
kzs_display_native.h | Kanzi display, native portion for fbdev |
kzs_window_native.h | Kanzi window, native part for fbdev |
► wayland | |
kzs_desktop_native.h | Kanzi desktop, Wayland implementation |
kzs_display_native.h | Kanzi display, Wayland implementation |
kzs_window_native.h | Kanzi window, Wayland implementation |
► wfd | |
kzs_desktop_native.hpp | |
kzs_display_native.hpp | |
kzs_window_native.hpp | |
► win32 | |
kzs_desktop_native.h | Kanzi desktop, native portion for the win32 platform |
kzs_display_native.h | Kanzi display, native portion for the win32 platform |
kzs_window_native.h | Kanzi window, native portion for the win32 platform |
► wsegl | |
kzs_desktop_native.h | Kanzi desktop, WSEGL implementation |
kzs_display_native.h | Kanzi display, WSEGL implementation |
kzs_window_native.h | Kanzi window, WSEGL implementation |
► x11 | |
kzs_desktop_native.h | Kanzi desktop, native portion for the X11 platform |
kzs_display_native.h | Kanzi display, native portion for the Linux-X11-GLX platform |
kzs_window_native.h | Kanzi window, native part for X11-GLX platform |
► yunos | |
kzs_desktop_native.hpp | Kanzi desktop, YunOS implementation |
kzs_display_native.hpp | Kanzi display, YunOS implementation |
kzs_window_native.hpp | Kanzi window, YunOS implementation |
kzs_desktop_native.hpp | |
kzs_display_native.hpp | |
kzs_window_native.hpp | |
► property | |
variant.hpp | |
► resource | |
async_tasks.hpp | |
collect_resource_urls.hpp | |
generic_resource_profiling_context.hpp | |
named_resource_profiling_context.hpp | |
register_default_resources.hpp | |
resource.hpp | |
resource_dictionary.hpp | |
resource_dictionary_selector.hpp | |
resource_dictionary_selector_properties.h | |
resource_loader_factory.hpp | |
resource_manager.hpp | |
resource_profiler.hpp | |
resource_profiling_acquire_context.hpp | |
resource_profiling_attributes.hpp | |
resource_profiling_categories.hpp | |
resource_profiling_context.hpp | |
resource_profiling_context_factory.hpp | |
resource_profiling_data_sample.hpp | |
resource_profiling_deploy_context.hpp | |
resource_profiling_load_context.hpp | |
resource_profiling_load_task.hpp | |
resource_profiling_main_loop_context.hpp | |
resource_profiling_ptree_populator.hpp | |
trajectory.hpp | |
► scheduler | |
kzu_task_scheduler.h | Task scheduler for periodically calling a set of functions |
scheduler.hpp | |
task_dispatcher.hpp | |
► state_manager | |
state_manager.hpp | |
state_manager_entered_state_message.h | |
state_manager_entered_state_message_properties.h | |
state_manager_go_to_defined_state_message.h | |
state_manager_go_to_defined_state_message_properties.h | |
state_manager_go_to_state_message.h | |
state_manager_go_to_state_message_properties.h | |
state_manager_left_state_message.h | |
state_manager_left_state_message_properties.h | |
state_manager_message.h | |
state_manager_message_properties.h | |
state_manager_properties.h | |
state_manager_runtime.hpp | |
state_manager_state_change_message.h | |
state_manager_state_change_message_properties.h | |
state_manager_transition_message.h | |
state_manager_transition_message_properties.h | |
► style | |
style.hpp | |
► template | |
node_component_template.hpp | |
node_component_template_loading.hpp | |
prefab.hpp | |
► text | |
kzu_basic_text_layouter.h | |
kzu_text_layout.h | Text layout |
kzu_text_layouter.h | Text layouter is used for laying out text to a constrained area |
kzu_text_layouter_base.h | Text layouter class and virtual/base functions |
kzu_text_renderer.h | Text Renderer |
► trigger | |
message_trigger.hpp | |
message_trigger_properties.h | |
on_attached_trigger.hpp | |
on_property_changed_trigger.hpp | |
on_property_changed_trigger_properties.h | |
timer_trigger.hpp | |
timer_trigger_properties.h | |
trigger.hpp | |
trigger_properties.h | |
trigger_template.hpp | |
► util | |
interpolated_value.hpp | |
speed_measurer.hpp | |
coreui_api.hpp | |
▼ js | |
execute_script_action.hpp | |
execute_script_action_properties.h | |
js_api.hpp | |
module.hpp | |
▼ plugins | |
► surface.client | |
surfaceClient.h | |
▼ ui | |
► node | |
► concept | |
► list_box | |
data_source_list_item_generator.hpp | |
data_source_list_item_generator_2d.hpp | |
data_source_list_item_generator_3d.hpp | |
data_source_list_item_generator_impl.hpp | |
default_list_box_item_container_generator.hpp | |
default_list_box_item_generator.hpp | |
kzu_virtual_item_list.h | |
list_box_grid_presenter.hpp | |
list_box_item_container_generator.hpp | |
list_box_item_generator.hpp | |
list_box_trajectory_presenter.hpp | |
button.hpp | |
button_concept_impl.hpp | |
button_properties.h | |
dock_layout.hpp | |
dock_layout_concept_impl.hpp | |
dock_layout_properties.h | |
flow_layout.hpp | |
flow_layout_concept_impl.hpp | |
flow_layout_properties.h | |
grid_layout_concept.hpp | |
grid_layout_concept_impl.hpp | |
grid_layout_concept_properties.h | |
grid_list_box.hpp | |
grid_list_box_properties.h | |
list_box.hpp | |
list_box_concept_impl.hpp | |
list_box_properties.h | |
prefab_view.hpp | |
prefab_view_asynchronous_load_completed.h | |
prefab_view_asynchronous_load_completed_properties.h | |
prefab_view_concept_impl.hpp | |
prefab_view_load_asynchronously.h | |
prefab_view_load_asynchronously_properties.h | |
range.hpp | |
range_concept_impl.hpp | |
range_properties.h | |
scroll_view.hpp | |
scroll_view_concept_impl.hpp | |
slider.hpp | |
slider2d_concept.hpp | |
slider2d_concept_impl.hpp | |
slider3d_concept.hpp | |
slider3d_concept_impl.hpp | |
slider_properties.h | |
stack_layout.hpp | |
stack_layout_concept_impl.hpp | |
stack_layout_properties.h | |
text_block.hpp | |
text_block_concept_impl.hpp | |
toggle_button_group.hpp | |
toggle_button_group_concept_impl.hpp | |
toggle_button_group_properties.h | |
trajectory_layout.hpp | |
trajectory_layout_properties.h | |
button2d.hpp | |
button3d.hpp | |
dock_layout2d.hpp | |
dock_layout3d.hpp | |
flow_layout2d.hpp | |
flow_layout3d.hpp | |
grid_layout2d.hpp | |
grid_layout3d.hpp | |
grid_list_box2d.hpp | |
grid_list_box3d.hpp | |
list_box_item_container.hpp | |
list_box_item_container_properties.h | |
nine_patch_image2d.hpp | |
nine_patch_image2d_properties.h | |
page.hpp | |
page_host.hpp | |
page_host_properties.h | |
page_properties.h | |
page_transition_collection.hpp | |
page_transition_collection_properties.h | |
prefab_view2d.hpp | |
prefab_view3d.hpp | |
scroll_view2d.hpp | |
scroll_view3d.hpp | |
slider2d.hpp | |
slider3d.hpp | |
slider_trajectory_presenter.hpp | |
stack_layout2d.hpp | |
stack_layout3d.hpp | |
text_block2d.hpp | |
text_block3d.hpp | |
toggle_button2d.hpp | |
toggle_button3d.hpp | |
toggle_button_group2d.hpp | |
toggle_button_group3d.hpp | |
trajectory_layout2d.hpp | |
trajectory_layout3d.hpp | |
trajectory_list_box3d.hpp | |
trajectory_list_box3d_properties.h | |
module.hpp | |
ui_api.hpp | |
example_application.hpp | |
kanzi.hpp | |
kanzi_base.hpp | |
kanzi_node.hpp | |
version.hpp | |