camera_properties.h File Reference


void setAspectRatio (float value)
 Sets the value of AspectRatioProperty. More...
bool isDisableAspectRatio () const
 Gets the value of DisableAspectRatioProperty. More...
void setDisableAspectRatio (bool value)
 Sets the value of DisableAspectRatioProperty. More...
float getZNear () const
 Gets the value of ZNearProperty. More...
void setZNear (float value)
 Sets the value of ZNearProperty. More...
float getZFar () const
 Gets the value of ZFarProperty. More...
void setZFar (float value)
 Sets the value of ZFarProperty. More...
Camera::ProjectionType getProjectionType () const
 Gets the value of ProjectionTypeProperty. More...
Camera::FieldOfViewType getFovType () const
 Gets the value of FovTypeProperty. More...
void setFovType (Camera::FieldOfViewType value)
 Sets the value of FovTypeProperty. More...
float getFov () const
 Gets the value of FovProperty. More...
void setFov (float value)
 Sets the value of FovProperty. More...
Camera::OrthogonalCoordinateSystem getOrthogonalCoordinateSystemType () const
 Gets the value of OrthogonalCoordinateSystemTypeProperty. More...
float getOrthogonalPlaneHeight () const
 Gets the value of OrthogonalPlaneHeightProperty. More...
void setOrthogonalPlaneHeight (float value)
 Sets the value of OrthogonalPlaneHeightProperty. More...


static PropertyType< float > AspectRatioProperty
 AspectRatio property. More...
static PropertyType< bool > DisableAspectRatioProperty
 DisableAspectRatio property. More...
static PropertyType< float > ZNearProperty
 ZNear property. More...
static PropertyType< float > ZFarProperty
 ZFar property. More...
static PropertyType< Camera::ProjectionType > ProjectionTypeProperty
 ProjectionType property. More...
static PropertyType< Camera::FieldOfViewType > FovTypeProperty
 FovType property. More...
static PropertyType< float > FovProperty
 Fov property. More...
static PropertyType< Camera::OrthogonalCoordinateSystem > OrthogonalCoordinateSystemTypeProperty
 OrthogonalCoordinateSystemType property. More...
static PropertyType< float > OrthogonalPlaneHeightProperty
 OrthogonalPlaneHeight property. More...

Function Documentation

void setAspectRatio ( float  value)

Sets the value of AspectRatioProperty.

See also
bool isDisableAspectRatio ( ) const
void setDisableAspectRatio ( bool  value)
float getZNear ( ) const

Gets the value of ZNearProperty.

See also
void setZNear ( float  value)

Sets the value of ZNearProperty.

See also
float getZFar ( ) const

Gets the value of ZFarProperty.

See also
void setZFar ( float  value)

Sets the value of ZFarProperty.

See also
Camera::ProjectionType getProjectionType ( ) const

Gets the value of ProjectionTypeProperty.

See also
Camera::FieldOfViewType getFovType ( ) const

Gets the value of FovTypeProperty.

See also
void setFovType ( Camera::FieldOfViewType  value)

Sets the value of FovTypeProperty.

See also
float getFov ( ) const

Gets the value of FovProperty.

See also
void setFov ( float  value)

Sets the value of FovProperty.

See also
Camera::OrthogonalCoordinateSystem getOrthogonalCoordinateSystemType ( ) const

Gets the value of OrthogonalCoordinateSystemTypeProperty.

See also
float getOrthogonalPlaneHeight ( ) const
void setOrthogonalPlaneHeight ( float  value)

Variable Documentation

PropertyType<float> AspectRatioProperty

AspectRatio property.

Defines the aspect ratio of a camera. This property has an effect only when the DisableAspectRatioProperty is false. The default value is 1.666667f.

See also
setAspectRatio(), getAspectRatio()
PropertyType<bool> DisableAspectRatioProperty

DisableAspectRatio property.

Whether to use the aspect ratio setting from the viewport in render pass. If the value is false, the aspect ratio is read from the AspectRatioProperty of the camera. The default value is true.

See also
setDisableAspectRatio(), isDisableAspectRatio()
PropertyType<float> ZNearProperty

ZNear property.

Defines the distance of the camera near clipping plane. The camera shows only the objects that are farther away than the value set in this property. The default value is 0.01f.

See also
setZNear(), getZNear()
PropertyType<float> ZFarProperty

ZFar property.

Defines the distance of the camera far clipping plane. The camera shows only the objects that are closer than the value set in this property. The default value is 1000.0f.

See also
setZFar(), getZFar()
PropertyType<Camera::ProjectionType> ProjectionTypeProperty

ProjectionType property.

Defines the camera type to either perspective or orthographic camera. The default value is Camera::ProjectionPerspective.

See also
setProjectionType(), getProjectionType()
PropertyType<Camera::FieldOfViewType> FovTypeProperty

FovType property.

Defines the direction of the field of view for the FovProperty or the #OrthogonalPlaneHeight to either x or y. The default value is Camera::YFov.

See also
setFovType(), getFovType()
PropertyType<float> FovProperty

Fov property.

Defines the camera field of view angle in degrees. The FovTypeProperty sets the direction of the angle. The default value is 45.0f.

See also
setFov(), getFov()
PropertyType<Camera::OrthogonalCoordinateSystem> OrthogonalCoordinateSystemTypeProperty

OrthogonalCoordinateSystemType property.

Defines the type of the orthogonal coordinate system. In the absolute mode, the camera uses pixel coordinates. In the relative mode, the camera displays an area whose width is -1..1 scaled with the value set by the OrthogonalPlaneHeightProperty. The value is effective only when using an orthogonal projection. The default value is Camera::OrthogonalCoordinateSystemRelative.

See also
setOrthogonalCoordinateSystemType(), getOrthogonalCoordinateSystemType()
PropertyType<float> OrthogonalPlaneHeightProperty

OrthogonalPlaneHeight property.

Defines the half width or half height of the view plane of a relative orthographic camera. The FovTypeProperty specifies whether the size is width or height. The default value is 1.0f.

See also
setOrthogonalPlaneHeight(), getOrthogonalPlaneHeight()