kzs_desktop_native.hpp File Reference

Kanzi desktop, YunOS implementation. More...


kzsError kzsDesktopNativeSetDimensions (struct KzsDesktopNative *desktopNative, kzUint width, kzUint height)
 Sets native desktop dimensions. This setter is called within native window creation. More...
void kzsDesktopNativeSetActiveWindow (struct KzsDesktopNative *desktopNative, const struct KzsWindowNative *windowNative)
 Sets the current active window for native input handling. More...
const struct KzsWindowNativekzsDesktopNativeGetActiveWindow (struct KzsDesktopNative *desktopNative)
 Gets the current active window of desktop. More...

Detailed Description

Kanzi desktop, YunOS implementation.

Copyright 2008-2021 by Rightware. All rights reserved.

Function Documentation

kzsError kzsDesktopNativeSetDimensions ( struct KzsDesktopNative *  desktopNative,
kzUint  width,
kzUint  height 

Sets native desktop dimensions. This setter is called within native window creation.

void kzsDesktopNativeSetActiveWindow ( struct KzsDesktopNative *  desktopNative,
const struct KzsWindowNative windowNative 

Sets the current active window for native input handling.

const struct KzsWindowNative* kzsDesktopNativeGetActiveWindow ( struct KzsDesktopNative *  desktopNative)

Gets the current active window of desktop.