kzu_binary_util.h File Reference

Binary reader utilities. More...




enum  KzuBinaryPropertyType {
 Type of the property in kzb file. More...
 Type of property container reference. More...


KANZI_API uint8_t kzuBinaryReadU8 (KzcInputStream *inputStream)
 Reads an 8 bit unsigned number from the given KZB input stream. More...
KANZI_API uint16_t kzuBinaryReadU16 (KzcInputStream *inputStream)
 Reads a 16 bit unsigned number from the given KZB input stream. More...
KANZI_API uint32_t kzuBinaryReadU32 (KzcInputStream *inputStream)
 Reads a 32 bit unsigned number from the given KZB input stream. More...
KANZI_API int kzuBinaryReadInt (KzcInputStream *inputStream)
 Reads an integer from the given KZB input stream. More...
KANZI_API unsigned int kzuBinaryReadUint (KzcInputStream *inputStream)
 Reads an unsigned integer from the given KZB input stream. More...
KANZI_API size_t kzuBinaryReadCount (KzcInputStream *inputStream)
 Reads a count value from the given KZB input stream. More...
KANZI_API float kzuBinaryReadFloat (KzcInputStream *inputStream)
 Reads a float from the given KZB input stream. More...
KANZI_API bool kzuBinaryReadBoolean (KzcInputStream *inputStream)
 Reads a boolean from the given KZB input stream. More...
KANZI_API kanzi::string kzuBinaryReadString (KzcInputStream *inputStream)
 Reads a string from the given KZB input stream. More...
KANZI_API kanzi::string_view kzuBinaryReadResourceReference (KzcInputStream *inputStream, const KzuBinaryFileInfo *fileInfo)
 Reads a resource reference URL from the given KZB input stream. More...
KANZI_API kanzi::Matrix4x4 kzuBinaryReadMatrix4x4 (KzcInputStream *inputStream)
 Reads a Matrix4x4 from the given KZB input stream. More...
KANZI_API kzsException kzuBinaryReadString (struct KzcInputStream *inputStream, kzMutableString *out_string)
 Reads a kzb string from the given input stream. More...
KANZI_API kzsException kzuBinaryReadBoolean (struct KzcInputStream *inputStream, kzBool *out_value)
 Reads a boolean from kzb format including the padding. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryGetResourceURL (const struct KzuBinaryDirectory *directory, kzString resourcePath, kzMutableString *out_resourceURL)
 Gets a resource URL from the given binary directory and a resource path in it. More...
KANZI_API kzsException kzuBinaryReadResourceReference (struct KzcInputStream *inputStream, const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo *fileInfo, kzString *out_resourceURL)
 Reads a resource reference from the given input stream opened from the given file info. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryGetResourceURLFromFile (const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo *fileInfo, kzMutableString *out_resourceURL)
 Gets a resource URL corresponding the given binary file info. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadProperty (struct KzcInputStream *inputStream, const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo *file, kanzi::PropertyObject *object, kanzi::ResourceManager *resourceManager, kanzi::AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor **out_propertyType)
 Loads property from binary. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadProperty (struct KzcInputStream *inputStream, const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo *file, kanzi::PropertyObject *object, kanzi::ResourceManager *resourceManager, kanzi::AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor **out_propertyType, kanzi::vector< kanzi::BindingSharedPtr > &bindings)
 Loads property from binary with converting content properties to bindings. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadVariant (struct KzcInputStream *inputStream, const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo *file, struct kanzi::Variant *variant, kanzi::AbstractPropertyType *out_propertyType)
 Read a variant value. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadProperties (struct KzcInputStream *inputStream, const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo *file, kanzi::PropertyObject *object, kanzi::ResourceManager *resourceManager)
 Loads a list of properties from binary. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadProperties (struct KzcInputStream *inputStream, const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo *file, kanzi::PropertyObject *object, kanzi::ResourceManager *resourceManager, kanzi::vector< kanzi::BindingSharedPtr > &bindings)
 Loads a list of properties from binary with converting content properties to bindings. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadProperties (struct KzcInputStream *inputStream, const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo *file, kanzi::Style::PropertyContainer &properties)
 Loads a list of properties as variants from binary. More...
KANZI_API kzsException kzuBinaryReadTextFile (const struct KzcMemoryManager *memoryManager, const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo *file, kzMutableString *out_text)
 Reads the given file as a text file and returns the content. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryLoadMetaData (struct KzuBinaryDirectory *directory)
 Loads binary directory metadata (property types, message types. More...
KANZI_API kzsException kzuBinaryLoadMessageType (const struct KzuBinaryDirectory *directory, kzString path)
 Loads message type from binary. More...
KANZI_API kzsException kzuBinaryLoadPropertyType (struct KzuBinaryDirectory *directory, kzString path)
 Loads property type from binary. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadColorProperty (struct KzcInputStream *inputStream, kanzi::ColorRGBA &out_value)
 Reads a color property value. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadStringProperty (struct KzcInputStream *inputStream, kzMutableString *out_value)
 Reads a string property value. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadResourceIDProperty (struct KzcInputStream *inputStream, kzMutableString *out_value)
 Reads a resource ID property value. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadIntProperty (struct KzcInputStream *inputStream, kzInt *out_value)
 Reads an integer property value. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadFloatProperty (struct KzcInputStream *inputStream, kzFloat *out_value)
 Reads a float property value. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadVector2Property (struct KzcInputStream *inputStream, struct KzcVector2 *out_value)
 Reads a vector 2 property value. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadVector3Property (struct KzcInputStream *inputStream, struct KzcVector3 *out_value)
 Reads a vector 3 property value. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadVector4Property (struct KzcInputStream *inputStream, struct KzcVector4 *out_value)
 Reads a vector 4 property value. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadMatrix3x3Property (struct KzcInputStream *inputStream, struct KzcMatrix3x3 *out_value)
 Reads a matrix 3x3 property value. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadMatrix3x3PropertySRT (struct KzcInputStream *inputStream, struct KzcVector2 *out_scale, kzFloat *out_rotate, struct KzcVector2 *out_translate)
 Reads a matrix 3x3 property value. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadMatrix4x4Property (struct KzcInputStream *inputStream, struct KzcMatrix4x4 *out_value)
 Reads a matrix 4x4 property value. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadMatrix4x4PropertySRT (struct KzcInputStream *inputStream, struct KzcVector3 *out_scale, struct KzcVector3 *out_rotate, struct KzcVector3 *out_translate)
 Reads a matrix 4x4 property value. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadBoolProperty (struct KzcInputStream *inputStream, kzBool *out_value)
 Reads a boolean property value. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyTypeLoadFromKZB (kanzi::PropertyDataType propertyDataType, kzString name, struct KzcInputStream *inputStream, const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo *file)
 Loads a property type from KZB. More...
KANZI_API void kzuMessageTypeLoadFromKZB (KzcInputStream *inputStream)
 Loads a message type from KZB. More...

Detailed Description

Binary reader utilities.

Copyright 2008-2017 by Rightware. All rights reserved.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Type of the property in kzb file.


Color property binary type.


String property binary type.


Integer property binary type.


Float property binary type.


Vector 2 property binary type.


Vector 3 property binary type.


Vector 4 property binary type.


Matrix 2x2 property binary type.


Matrix 3x3 property binary type.


Matrix 4x4 property binary type.


Enum property binary type.


Camera property binary type.


Boolean property binary type.


ResourceID property binary type.


Content model reference.


SRT2D property binary type.


SRT3D property binary type.


Pointer property binary type.

Type of property container reference.


Object node reference type.


Project item reference type.

Function Documentation

KANZI_API uint8_t kzuBinaryReadU8 ( KzcInputStream inputStream)

Reads an 8 bit unsigned number from the given KZB input stream.

KANZI_API uint16_t kzuBinaryReadU16 ( KzcInputStream inputStream)

Reads a 16 bit unsigned number from the given KZB input stream.

KANZI_API uint32_t kzuBinaryReadU32 ( KzcInputStream inputStream)

Reads a 32 bit unsigned number from the given KZB input stream.

KANZI_API int kzuBinaryReadInt ( KzcInputStream inputStream)

Reads an integer from the given KZB input stream.

KANZI_API unsigned int kzuBinaryReadUint ( KzcInputStream inputStream)

Reads an unsigned integer from the given KZB input stream.

KANZI_API size_t kzuBinaryReadCount ( KzcInputStream inputStream)

Reads a count value from the given KZB input stream.

KANZI_API float kzuBinaryReadFloat ( KzcInputStream inputStream)

Reads a float from the given KZB input stream.

KANZI_API bool kzuBinaryReadBoolean ( KzcInputStream inputStream)

Reads a boolean from the given KZB input stream.

KANZI_API kanzi::string kzuBinaryReadString ( KzcInputStream inputStream)

Reads a string from the given KZB input stream.

KANZI_API kanzi::string_view kzuBinaryReadResourceReference ( KzcInputStream inputStream,
const KzuBinaryFileInfo fileInfo 

Reads a resource reference URL from the given KZB input stream.

KANZI_API kanzi::Matrix4x4 kzuBinaryReadMatrix4x4 ( KzcInputStream inputStream)

Reads a Matrix4x4 from the given KZB input stream.

KANZI_API kzsException kzuBinaryReadString ( struct KzcInputStream inputStream,
kzMutableString out_string 

Reads a kzb string from the given input stream.

A new string object is allocated and must be freed by the caller.

KANZI_API kzsException kzuBinaryReadBoolean ( struct KzcInputStream inputStream,
kzBool out_value 

Reads a boolean from kzb format including the padding.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryGetResourceURL ( const struct KzuBinaryDirectory directory,
kzString  resourcePath,
kzMutableString out_resourceURL 

Gets a resource URL from the given binary directory and a resource path in it.

The returned resource URL must be freed with kzcStringDelete().

KANZI_API kzsException kzuBinaryReadResourceReference ( struct KzcInputStream inputStream,
const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo fileInfo,
kzString out_resourceURL 

Reads a resource reference from the given input stream opened from the given file info.

Returns the URL corresponding the reference.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryGetResourceURLFromFile ( const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo fileInfo,
kzMutableString out_resourceURL 

Gets a resource URL corresponding the given binary file info.

The returned resource URL must be freed with kzcStringDelete().

KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadProperty ( struct KzcInputStream inputStream,
const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo file,
kanzi::PropertyObject object,
kanzi::ResourceManager resourceManager,
kanzi::AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor **  out_propertyType 

Loads property from binary.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadProperty ( struct KzcInputStream inputStream,
const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo file,
kanzi::PropertyObject object,
kanzi::ResourceManager resourceManager,
kanzi::AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor **  out_propertyType,
kanzi::vector< kanzi::BindingSharedPtr > &  bindings 

Loads property from binary with converting content properties to bindings.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadVariant ( struct KzcInputStream inputStream,
const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo file,
struct kanzi::Variant variant,
kanzi::AbstractPropertyType out_propertyType 

Read a variant value.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadProperties ( struct KzcInputStream inputStream,
const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo file,
kanzi::PropertyObject object,
kanzi::ResourceManager resourceManager 

Loads a list of properties from binary.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadProperties ( struct KzcInputStream inputStream,
const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo file,
kanzi::PropertyObject object,
kanzi::ResourceManager resourceManager,
kanzi::vector< kanzi::BindingSharedPtr > &  bindings 

Loads a list of properties from binary with converting content properties to bindings.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadProperties ( struct KzcInputStream inputStream,
const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo file,
kanzi::Style::PropertyContainer properties 

Loads a list of properties as variants from binary.

KANZI_API kzsException kzuBinaryReadTextFile ( const struct KzcMemoryManager memoryManager,
const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo file,
kzMutableString out_text 

Reads the given file as a text file and returns the content.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryLoadMetaData ( struct KzuBinaryDirectory directory)

Loads binary directory metadata (property types, message types.

KANZI_API kzsException kzuBinaryLoadMessageType ( const struct KzuBinaryDirectory directory,
kzString  path 

Loads message type from binary.

KANZI_API kzsException kzuBinaryLoadPropertyType ( struct KzuBinaryDirectory directory,
kzString  path 

Loads property type from binary.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadColorProperty ( struct KzcInputStream inputStream,
kanzi::ColorRGBA out_value 

Reads a color property value.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadStringProperty ( struct KzcInputStream inputStream,
kzMutableString out_value 

Reads a string property value.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadResourceIDProperty ( struct KzcInputStream inputStream,
kzMutableString out_value 

Reads a resource ID property value.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadIntProperty ( struct KzcInputStream inputStream,
kzInt out_value 

Reads an integer property value.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadFloatProperty ( struct KzcInputStream inputStream,
kzFloat out_value 

Reads a float property value.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadVector2Property ( struct KzcInputStream inputStream,
struct KzcVector2 out_value 

Reads a vector 2 property value.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadVector3Property ( struct KzcInputStream inputStream,
struct KzcVector3 out_value 

Reads a vector 3 property value.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadVector4Property ( struct KzcInputStream inputStream,
struct KzcVector4 out_value 

Reads a vector 4 property value.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadMatrix3x3Property ( struct KzcInputStream inputStream,
struct KzcMatrix3x3 out_value 

Reads a matrix 3x3 property value.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadMatrix3x3PropertySRT ( struct KzcInputStream inputStream,
struct KzcVector2 out_scale,
kzFloat out_rotate,
struct KzcVector2 out_translate 

Reads a matrix 3x3 property value.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadMatrix4x4Property ( struct KzcInputStream inputStream,
struct KzcMatrix4x4 out_value 

Reads a matrix 4x4 property value.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadMatrix4x4PropertySRT ( struct KzcInputStream inputStream,
struct KzcVector3 out_scale,
struct KzcVector3 out_rotate,
struct KzcVector3 out_translate 

Reads a matrix 4x4 property value.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuBinaryReadBoolProperty ( struct KzcInputStream inputStream,
kzBool out_value 

Reads a boolean property value.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyTypeLoadFromKZB ( kanzi::PropertyDataType  propertyDataType,
kzString  name,
struct KzcInputStream inputStream,
const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo file 

Loads a property type from KZB.

KANZI_API void kzuMessageTypeLoadFromKZB ( KzcInputStream inputStream)

Loads a message type from KZB.