camera.hpp File Reference


class  kanzi::Camera
 Camera node defines a view transform that is used to render the 3D scene. More...




typedef shared_ptr< Camera > kanzi::CameraSharedPtr
 CameraNode shared pointer. More...


KANZI_API Matrix4x4 kanzi::calculateRelativeOrthogonalProjectionMatrixFromValues (float near, float far, Camera::FieldOfViewType fovType, float orthoSize, float aspectRatio)
 Creates an orthogonal projection matrix for a symmetrical viewing volume. More...
KANZI_API Matrix4x4 kanzi::calculatePerspectiveProjectionMatrixFromValues (float near, float far, Camera::FieldOfViewType fovType, float fovInDegrees, float aspectRatio)
 Creates a perspective projection matrix for a symmetrical viewing volume. More...
KANZI_API Matrix4x4 kanzi::calculateSubProjection (Matrix4x4 projection, float relativeOffsetX, float relativeOffsetY, float relativeSizeX, float relativeSizeY)
 Calculate sub-quad projection of an existing projection matrix. More...