node.hpp File Reference


class  kanzi::Node
 Base class for scene graph nodes in Kanzi. More...
struct  kanzi::Node::MessageSubscription::LessFunctor
class  kanzi::Node::MessageSubscriptionToken
 Message subscription token for nodes. More...
struct  kanzi::Node::BindingEntry
 binding entry. More...
struct  kanzi::Node::NodeComponentEntry
 Object node component entry. More...




typedef shared_ptr< NodeComponent > kanzi::NodeComponentSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ResourceDictionary > kanzi::ResourceDictionarySharedPtr
 Resource dictionary shared pointer. More...
typedef shared_ptr< void > kanzi::ScriptingContextSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Node const > kanzi::NodeConstSharedPtr
 Node const shared pointer type. More...
typedef weak_ptr< Node > kanzi::NodeWeakPtr
 Node weak pointer type. More...


KANZI_API unsigned int kanzi::getTreeHeight (const Node &node)
 Gets tree height from the object node to the parent. More...
KANZI_API optional< string > kanzi::getRelativePath (const Node &targetNode, const Node &baseNode)
 Gets the relative path from base object node to target object node, or nullopt if path could not be found. More...
KANZI_API Node * kanzi::findCommonParent (const Node &nodeA, const Node &nodeB)
 Gets first common parent from nodeA and nodeB, or null if not found. More...
KANZI_API Node * kanzi::getRoot (Node &node)
 Gets the root node of the scene graph where the node belongs to or null if node does not belong to any scene graph. More...
KANZI_API const Node * kanzi::getRoot (const Node &node)
 Gets the root node of the scene graph where the node belongs to or null if node does not belong to any scene graph. More...
KANZI_API bool kanzi::isParentOf (const Node &child, const Node &parent)
 Indicates whether one node is the parent of another node. More...
KANZI_API bool kanzi::isAncestorOf (const Node &node, const Node &ancestor)
 Indicates whether one node is the ancestor of another node at any level in the scene graph hierarchy. More...
template<typename Type >
shared_ptr< Type > kanzi::findParent (const Node &node)
 Gets nearest parent of specified type. More...