kzs_window_native.h File Reference

Kanzi window, native portion for the win32 platform. More...


KANZI_API kzsError kzsWindowNativeCreateWrapper (NativeWindowHandle windowHandle, struct NativeWindowProperties *out_windowProperties, struct KzsWindowNative **out_windowNative)
 Creates empty wrapper window for a given window handle. More...
KANZI_API HWND kzsWindowNativeGetHandle (const struct KzsWindowNative *windowNative)
 Returns the win32 window handle. More...
KANZI_API void kzsWindowNativeSetTouchState (struct KzsWindowNative *windowNative, kzBool inTouch)
 Sets touch state for native window. More...
KANZI_API kzBool kzsWindowNativeGetTouchState (struct KzsWindowNative *windowNative)
 Gets touch state for native window. More...
KANZI_API HDC kzsWindowNativeGetHDC (const struct KzsWindowNative *windowNative)
 Returns the win32 device context handle. More...

Detailed Description

Kanzi window, native portion for the win32 platform.

Copyright 2008-2017 by Rightware. All rights reserved.

Function Documentation

KANZI_API kzsError kzsWindowNativeCreateWrapper ( NativeWindowHandle  windowHandle,
struct NativeWindowProperties out_windowProperties,
struct KzsWindowNative **  out_windowNative 

Creates empty wrapper window for a given window handle.

KANZI_API HWND kzsWindowNativeGetHandle ( const struct KzsWindowNative windowNative)

Returns the win32 window handle.

KANZI_API void kzsWindowNativeSetTouchState ( struct KzsWindowNative windowNative,
kzBool  inTouch 

Sets touch state for native window.

KANZI_API kzBool kzsWindowNativeGetTouchState ( struct KzsWindowNative windowNative)

Gets touch state for native window.

KANZI_API HDC kzsWindowNativeGetHDC ( const struct KzsWindowNative windowNative)

Returns the win32 device context handle.