String | getText () |
| Returns the value of the com.rightware.kanzi.metadata.TextConceptMetadata#TextProperty which contains the text shown. More...
void | setText (String value) |
| Sets the value of the com.rightware.kanzi.metadata.TextConceptMetadata#TextProperty. More...
void | addChild (Node2D node) |
| Adds a child node. More...
void | arrange () |
| Arranges this node.
void | close () |
| Close the object, and release native resources.
Vector2 | getActualSize () |
| Gets actual size. More...
Vector2 | getAllocatedSize () |
| Gets allocated size. More...
Matrix3x3 | getArrangeTransform () |
| Get arrange transform. More...
float | getAspectRatio () |
| Gets the value of AspectRatioProperty. More...
Resource | getBackgroundBrush () |
| Gets value of BackgroundBrushProperty. More...
CachingMode | getCachingMode () |
| Gets the value of CachingModeProperty. More...
Node2D | getChild (int index) |
| Returns a child from given index from node. More...
int | getChildCount () |
| Gets the number of children of the node. More...
int | getChildIndex (Node child) |
| Returns the index of a child in a node. More...
Resource | getCompositionBrush () |
| Gets value of CompositionBrushProperty. More...
Vector2 | getDesiredSize () |
| Gets desired size. More...
Resource | getForegroundBrush () |
| Gets value of ForegroundBrushProperty. More...
SRTValue2D | getLayoutTransformation () |
| Gets the value of LayoutTransformationProperty. More...
SRTValue3D | getPerspectiveTransformation () |
| Gets the value of PerspectiveTransformationProperty. More...
float | getPerspectiveTransformationFov () |
| Gets the value of PerspectiveTransformationFovProperty. More...
Vector3 | getPerspectiveTransformationOrigin () |
| Gets the value of PerspectiveTransformationOriginProperty. More...
Vector3 | getPerspectiveTransformationPivot () |
| Gets the value of PerspectiveTransformationPivotProperty. More...
Resource | getRenderTarget () |
| Gets value of RenderTargetProperty. More...
float | getRenderTargetMinimumHeight () |
| Gets the value of RenderTargetMinimumHeightProperty. More...
float | getRenderTargetMinimumWidth () |
| Gets the value of RenderTargetMinimumWidthProperty. More...
float | getRenderTargetReallocationLimit () |
| Gets the value of RenderTargetReallocationLimitProperty. More...
SRTValue2D | getRenderTransformation () |
| Gets the value of RenderTransformationProperty. More...
Vector2 | getRenderTransformationOrigin () |
| Gets the value of RenderTransformationOriginProperty. More...
boolean | hasChild (Node child) |
| Returns whether or not the child exists. More...
void | insertChild (int index, Node2D child) |
| Adds a child node for object node to given index. More...
boolean | isDisableRenderTargetClear () |
| Gets the value of DisableRenderTargetClearProperty. More...
boolean | isOffscreenRendering () |
| Gets the value of OffscreenRenderingProperty. More...
boolean | isRenderSelf () |
| Gets the value of RenderSelfProperty. More...
boolean | isSnapToPixel () |
| Gets the value of SnapToPixelProperty. More...
Iterable< Node2D > | iterateChildren () |
| Gets an Iterable object used to iterate the Node2D children. More...
Iterable< Node2D > | iterateChildrenReverse () |
| Gets an Reverse Iterable object used to iterate the Node2D children. More...
void | layout () |
| Does layout pass starting from this node and iterating recursively all of its children. More...
boolean | measure (Vector2 availableSize, boolean handleStretch) |
| Measures this node. More...
void | moveToBack () |
| Repositions the node to the beginning of its parent's children, so that it is drawn first.
void | moveToFront () |
| Repositions the node to the end of its parent's children, so that it is drawn last.
void | removeAllChildren () |
| Removes all child nodes.
void | removeChild (Node2D node) |
| Removes child node. More...
void | removeChild (int index) |
| Removes child node at specified index. More...
void | setActualSize (Vector2 actualSize) |
| Sets actual size. More...
void | setAllocatedSize (Vector2 allocatedSize) |
| Sets allocated size. More...
void | setArrangeTransform (Matrix3x3 transform) |
| Set arrange transform. More...
void | setAspectRatio (float value) |
| Sets the value of AspectRatioProperty. More...
void | setAutoSize () |
| Sets node to automatically determine width, height and depth.
void | setBackgroundBrush (Resource value) |
| Sets value of BackgroundBrushProperty. More...
void | setCachingMode (CachingMode value) |
| Sets the value of CachingModeProperty. More...
void | setCompositionBrush (Resource value) |
| Sets value of CompositionBrushProperty. More...
void | setDesiredSize (Vector2 size) |
| Sets desired size. More...
void | setDisableRenderTargetClear (boolean value) |
| Sets the value of DisableRenderTargetClearProperty. More...
void | setForegroundBrush (Resource value) |
| Sets value of ForegroundBrushProperty. More...
void | setLayoutTransformation (SRTValue2D value) |
| Sets the value of LayoutTransformationProperty. More...
void | setOffscreenRendering (boolean value) |
| Sets the value of OffscreenRenderingProperty. More...
void | setPerspectiveTransformation (SRTValue3D value) |
| Sets the value of PerspectiveTransformationProperty. More...
void | setPerspectiveTransformationFov (float value) |
| Sets the value of PerspectiveTransformationProperty. More...
void | setPerspectiveTransformationOrigin (Vector3 value) |
| Sets the value of PerspectiveTransformationOriginProperty. More...
void | setPerspectiveTransformationPivot (Vector3 value) |
| Sets the value of PerspectiveTransformationPivotProperty. More...
void | setRenderSelf (boolean value) |
| Sets the value of RenderSelfProperty. More...
void | setRenderTarget (Resource texture) |
| Sets value of RenderTargetProperty. More...
void | setRenderTargetMinimumHeight (float value) |
| Sets the value of RenderTargetMinimumHeightProperty. More...
void | setRenderTargetMinimumWidth (float value) |
| Sets the value of RenderTargetMinimumWidthProperty. More...
void | setRenderTargetReallocationLimit (float value) |
| Sets the value of RenderTargetReallocationLimitProperty. More...
void | setRenderTransformation (SRTValue2D value) |
| Sets the value of RenderTransformationProperty. More...
void | setRenderTransformationOrigin (Vector2 value) |
| Sets the value of RenderTransformationOriginProperty. More...
void | setSize (float width, float height) |
| Sets size properties of the node. More...
void | setSnapToPixel (boolean value) |
| Sets the value of SnapToPixelProperty. More...
ObjectRef< TResourceType > | acquireResource (ResourceID resourceId) throws ObjectNotFoundException |
| Acquires a resource from the node or the node's closest ancestor having the resource id in the resource dictionary. More...
ResourceManager.AcquireTask | acquireResourcesAsync (ResourceID resourceId, ResourceManager.AcquireTask.Callback callback) |
| Posts an asynchronous task to acquire a resource. More...
boolean | addAbstractChild (Node child) |
| Adds a node as child of this node. More...
void | addAnonymousResource (Resource resource) |
| Adds anonymous resource (such as style) for object node resources. More...
void | addInputManipulator (InputManipulator inputManipulator) |
| Attaches an input manipulator to the node. More...
MessageSubscriptionToken | addMessageFilter (MessageType< MessageArgumentsType > messageType, MessageSubscriptionFunction< MessageArgumentsType > messageHandlerFunction) |
| Adds a message filter where the filter is a function. More...
MessageSubscriptionToken | addMessageHandler (MessageType< MessageArgumentsType > messageType, MessageSubscriptionFunction< MessageArgumentsType > messageHandlerFunction) |
| Adds a message handler where the handler is a function. More...
MessageSubscriptionToken | addMessageHandler (MessageType< MessageArgumentsType > messageType, MessageSubscriptionFunction< MessageArgumentsType > messageHandlerFunction, Node messageSourceFilter) |
| Adds a message handler where the handler is a function. More...
void | addNodeComponent (NodeComponent component) |
| Transfers the ownership of a node component to an object node. More...
void | addNodeComponentWithOwner (NodeComponent component, KanziObject owner) |
| Transfers the ownership of a node component to an object node and sets the owner of the node component. More...
void | addResource (ResourceID resourceId, String resourceUrl) |
| Adds a resource manager resource to an object node. More...
MessageSubscriptionToken | addTunnelingMessageFilter (MessageType< MessageArgumentsType > messageType, MessageSubscriptionFunction< MessageArgumentsType > messageHandlerFunction) |
| Adds a message filter where the filter is a function. More...
MessageSubscriptionToken | addTunnelingMessageHandler (MessageType< MessageArgumentsType > messageType, MessageSubscriptionFunction< MessageArgumentsType > messageHandlerFunction, Node messageSourceFilter) |
| Adds a message handler where the handler is a function and you explicitly define the accepted source. More...
void | attachRecursive () |
| Attaches a node and its children recursively.
void | clearChangeFlag (PropertyTypeChangeFlag flag) |
| Clears a change flag. More...
boolean | containsResource (ResourceID resourceId) |
| Returns if object node resource dictionary contains the resource with given ID. More...
void | detachRecursive () |
| Detaches a node and its children recursively.
void | dispatchMessage (MessageType< MessageArgumentsType > messageType, MessageArgumentsType arguments) |
| Dispatches a message from this node with specified arguments. More...
String | findResourceUrl (ResourceID resourceId) |
| Tries to find Resource URL for Resource ID from this node. More...
Node | getAbstractChild (int index) |
| Returns node at given child index. More...
int | getAbstractChildCount () |
| Returns number of child nodes. More...
int | getAbstractChildIndex (Node node) |
| Returns index of given node in list of child nodes. More...
float | getActualDepth () |
| Gets the value of ActualDepthProperty. More...
float | getActualHeight () |
| Gets the value of ActualHeightProperty. More...
float | getActualWidth () |
| Gets the value of ActualWidthProperty. More...
float | getDepth () |
| Gets the value of DepthProperty. More...
Vector2 | getDepthMargin () |
| Gets the value of DepthMarginProperty. More...
float | getHeight () |
| Gets the value of HeightProperty. More...
Vector2 | getHorizontalMargin () |
| Gets the value of HorizontalMarginProperty. More...
String | getLocale () |
| Gets the value of LocaleProperty. More...
String | getName () |
| Gets the value of NameProperty. More...
float | getOpacity () |
| Gets the value of OpacityProperty. More...
Node | getParent () |
| Gets parent of this node. More...
String | getPath () |
| Gets the value of PathProperty. More...
Resource | getStateManager () |
| Gets the value of StateManagerProperty. More...
Resource | getStyle () |
| Gets the value of StyleProperty. More...
Vector2 | getVerticalMargin () |
| Gets the value of VerticalMarginProperty. More...
float | getWidth () |
| Gets the value of WidthProperty. More...
void | invalidateArrange () |
| Invalidates arrange for the node.
void | invalidateDraw () |
| Invalidates draw flag for the node.
void | invalidateFinalTransform () |
| Invalidates final transform for node.
void | invalidateMeasure () |
| Invalidates measure for the node.
void | invalidateRender () |
| Invalidates render for the node.
boolean | isAnyChangeFlagSet (EnumSet< PropertyTypeChangeFlag > flags) |
| Checks if any of a set of change flags is set. More...
boolean | isAnyChildChangeFlagSet (EnumSet< PropertyTypeChangeFlag > flags) |
| Checks if any of a set of change flags is set on a child. More...
boolean | isAttached () |
| Checks if node is attached to ui tree. More...
boolean | isAttaching () |
| Checks if node is in the process of attaching to ui tree. More...
boolean | isChangeFlagSet (PropertyTypeChangeFlag flag) |
| Checks if a change flag is set. More...
boolean | isChildChangeFlagSet (PropertyTypeChangeFlag flag) |
| Checks if a change flag is set on a child. More...
boolean | isClipChildren () |
| Gets the value of ClipChildrenProperty. More...
boolean | isDetaching () |
| Checks if node is in the process of getting detached from ui tree. More...
boolean | isEffectivelyEnabled () |
| Returns whether a node and its ancestor nodes are enabled. More...
boolean | isEffectivelyFocusable () |
| Returns whether a node and its ancestor focus scope nodes are focusable. More...
boolean | isEffectivelyVisible () |
| Returns whether a node and its ancestor nodes are visible. More...
boolean | isEnabled () |
| Gets the value of EnabledProperty. More...
boolean | isFocusable () |
| Gets the value of the FocusableProperty. More...
boolean | isFocused () |
| Sets whether a node is an active focus node and can receive keyboard messages. More...
boolean | isHitTestable () |
| Gets the value of HitTestableProperty. More...
boolean | isHitTestableContainer () |
| Gets the value of HitTestableContainerProperty. More...
boolean | isHover () |
| Gets the value of HoverProperty. More...
boolean | isInitialized () |
| Checks if initialize() has been called. More...
boolean | isInvalidArrange () |
| Check if the node needs arrange. More...
boolean | isInvalidDraw () |
| Tells if node draw flag is invalid. More...
boolean | isInvalidFinalTransform () |
| Tells if final transform flag is invalid for node. More...
boolean | isInvalidMeasure () |
| Check if the node needs measure. More...
boolean | isInvalidRender () |
| Returns if node render flag is invalid. More...
boolean | isNamed (String name) |
| Checks if node has a given name. More...
boolean | isVisible () |
| Gets the value of VisibleProperty. More...
Iterable< NodeComponent > | iterateNodeComponents () |
| Gets an Iterable object used to iterate the Node Components. More...
T | lookupNode (String path) |
| Returns a node of specified type by looking it up with specified path or alias. More...
NodeComponent | lookupNodeComponentByName (String name) |
| Look up a Node Component by Name. More...
KanziObject | lookupObject (String path) |
| Returns a KanziObject by looking it up with specified path or alias. More...
boolean | removeAbstractChild (Node child) |
| Removes child node from this node. More...
void | removeAnonymousResource (Resource resource) |
| Removes anonymous resource from object node resources. More...
void | removeBinding (AbstractBindingRuntime bindingRuntime) |
| Removes a binding runtime added earlier. More...
void | removeBindingsWithOwner (KanziObject owner) |
| Removes binding runtimes owned by a KanziObject. More...
void | removeInputManipulator (InputManipulator inputManipulator) |
| Detaches an input manipulator from the node. More...
void | removeMessageHandler (MessageSubscriptionToken token) |
| Removes a message subscription. More...
void | removeNodeComponent (NodeComponent component) |
| Removes the ownership of a node component from an object node. More...
void | removeNodeComponentWithOwner (KanziObject owner) |
| Removes all node component bindings with the specified owner. More...
void | removeResource (ResourceID resourceId) |
| Removes a resource with given ID from object node resource dictionary. More...
void | setActualDepth (float value) |
| Sets the value of ActualDepthProperty. More...
void | setActualHeight (float value) |
| Sets the value of ActualHeightProperty. More...
void | setActualWidth (float value) |
| Sets the value of ActualWidthProperty. More...
void | setAutoHeight () |
| Sets node to automatically determine height.
void | setAutoWidth () |
| Sets node to automatically determine width.
AbstractBindingRuntime | setBinding (AbstractBinding binding) |
| Sets a binding. More...
AbstractBindingRuntime | setBinding (AbstractBinding binding, PropertyType<?> propertyType) |
| Sets a binding. More...
AbstractBindingRuntime | setBinding (AbstractBinding binding, PropertyType<?> propertyType, PropertyField propertyField) |
| Sets a binding. More...
AbstractBindingRuntime | setBindingWithOwner (AbstractBinding binding, KanziObject owner, PropertyType<?> propertyType) |
| Sets a binding with owner. More...
AbstractBindingRuntime | setBindingWithOwner (AbstractBinding binding, KanziObject owner, PropertyType<?> propertyType, PropertyField propertyField) |
| Sets a binding with owner. More...
void | setChangeFlag (PropertyTypeChangeFlag flag) |
| Sets a change flag. More...
void | setClipChildren (boolean value) |
| Sets the value of ClipChildrenProperty. More...
void | setDepth (float value) |
| Sets the value of DepthProperty. More...
void | setDepthMargin (Vector2 value) |
| Sets the value of DepthMarginProperty. More...
void | setEnabled (boolean value) |
| Sets the value of the EnabledProperty. More...
void | setFocusable (boolean value) |
| Sets the value of the FocusableProperty. More...
void | setFocused (boolean value) |
| Sets the value of the FocusedProperty. More...
void | setHeight (float value) |
| Sets the value of HeightProperty. More...
void | setHitTestable (boolean value) |
| Sets the value of HitTestableProperty. More...
void | setHitTestableContainer (boolean value) |
| Sets the value of HitTestableContainerProperty. More...
void | setHorizontalMargin (Vector2 value) |
| Sets the value of HorizontalMarginProperty. More...
void | setHover (boolean value) |
| Sets the value of HoverProperty. More...
void | setLocale (String value) |
| Sets the value of LocaleProperty. More...
AbstractBindingRuntime | setModifierBinding (AbstractBinding binding, PropertyType<?> propertyType) |
| Sets a modifier binding. More...
AbstractBindingRuntime | setModifierBinding (AbstractBinding binding, PropertyType<?> propertyType, PropertyField propertyField) |
| Sets a modifier binding. More...
AbstractBindingRuntime | setModifierBindingWithOwner (AbstractBinding binding, KanziObject owner, PropertyType<?> propertyType) |
| Sets a modifier binding with owner. More...
AbstractBindingRuntime | setModifierBindingWithOwner (AbstractBinding binding, KanziObject owner, PropertyType<?> propertyType, PropertyField propertyField) |
| Sets a modifier binding with owner. More...
void | setName (String name) |
| Sets the value of NameProperty. More...
void | setOpacity (float value) |
| Sets the value of OpacityProperty. More...
void | setStateManager (Resource value) |
| Sets the value of StateManagerProperty. More...
void | setStyle (Resource value) |
| Sets the value of StyleProperty. More...
void | setVerticalMargin (Vector2 value) |
| Sets the value of VerticalMarginProperty. More...
void | setVisible (boolean value) |
| Sets the value of VisibleProperty. More...
void | setWidth (float value) |
| Sets the value of WidthProperty. More...
ObjectRef< TResourceType > | tryAcquireResource (ResourceID resourceId) |
| Acquires a resource from the node or the node's closest ancestor having the resource id in the resource dictionary. More...
Node | trySetFocus () |
| Tries to move the focus on this node. More...
void | validateArrange () |
| Validates arrange for the node.
void | validateDraw () |
| Validates draw flags for the node.
void | validateMeasure () |
| Validates measure for the node.
void | validateRender () |
| Validates render for the node.
boolean | equals (Object object) |
Domain | getDomain () |
| Returns the domain the object belongs to. More...
Metaclass | getDynamicMetaclass () |
| Returns the metaclass of the dynamic type of the object. More...
long | getNative () |
| Gets a pointer to the backing C++ instance. More...
TDataType | getOptionalProperty (PropertyType< TDataType > propertyType) |
| Returns the current value of a property type, but does not use the default value if there are no inputs to the property value. More...
TDataType | getProperty (PropertyType< TDataType > propertyType) |
| Returns the current value of a property type. More...
EnumType | getProperty (PropertyType< Integer > propertyType, Class< EnumType > enumClass) |
| Returns the current value of an integer property type converted to a matching constant from specified enumeration. More...
int | hashCode () |
boolean | hasValue (PropertyType< TDataType > propertyType) |
| Evaluates whether there are any inputs into the property value. More...
boolean | isStale () |
| Test if the object is stale i.e. More...
void | removeLocalValue (PropertyType< TDataType > propertyType) |
| Removes the local value associated with the property. More...
void | setProperty (PropertyType< TDataType > propertyType, TDataType value) |
| Sets the local value of a property type. More...
void | setProperty (PropertyType< Integer > propertyType, EnumType value) |
| Sets the local value of an integer property type using a constant from an enumeration. More...