Kanzi  3.9.5
Java API
TextBox3DMetadata Interface Reference

Metadata definitions for TextBox3D. More...

Inheritance diagram for TextBox3DMetadata:

Public Attributes

DynamicPropertyType< ColorRGBACompositionBackgroundColorProperty
 Sets the color that highlights the text that the user composes using an input method editor (IME). More...
DynamicPropertyType< ColorRGBACompositionFontColorProperty
 Sets the color of the text that the user composes using an input method editor (IME). More...
AbstractMetaclass metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.TextBox3D")
 Metaclass for TextBox3D.
DynamicPropertyType< ColorRGBASelectionBackgroundColorProperty
 Sets the color that highlights the selected text. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ColorRGBASelectionFontColorProperty
 Sets the color of the selected text. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from Node3DMetadata
DynamicPropertyType< Matrix4x4FinalTransformationProperty
 The combined location, orientation and scale of the node and its ancestor nodes. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > FrustumCullMarginProperty
 The margin of the frustum cull radius of the node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< SRTValue3DLayoutTransformationProperty
 The location, orientation and scale of the node relative to its parent node. More...
AbstractMetaclass metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.Node3D")
 Metaclass for Node3D.
DynamicPropertyType< SRTValue3DRenderTransformationProperty
 The location, orientation, and scale of the node relative to its parent node. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from NodeMetadata
DynamicPropertyType< Float > ActualDepthProperty
 The calculated size of the node in depth direction when used in a layout. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > ActualHeightProperty
 The calculated height of the node when used in a layout. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > ActualWidthProperty
 The calculated width of the node when used in a layout. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > ClipChildrenProperty
 Sets whether to clip the child nodes of thos node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > ContentStretchProperty
 Sets how the content that belongs to this node is stretched (as opposed to manipulating the actual node size). More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > CreatedFromKZBProperty
 Kanzi internally uses this property to distinguish objects like bindings and triggers created in code from objects that are loaded from a kzb file. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > DepthAlignmentProperty
 The alignment in depth direction the node should use when it resides under a layout. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Vector2DepthMarginProperty
 Sets the depth distance between this node and other nodes that are adjacent to this node in a layout. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > DepthProperty = new DynamicPropertyType<>("Node.Depth", Float.class)
 The size of the node in depth direction when used in a layout. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > EffectivelyEnabledProperty
 Indicates whether this node and its ancestor nodes are enabled. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > EnabledProperty
 Whether this node is enabled. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > FocusableProperty
 Indicates whether the node can receive focus. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > FocusedProperty
 Indicates whether the node has keyboard focus. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > FocusStateProperty
 Reports the focus state of a node: More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceFontFamilyProperty
 The font family used to render the text. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > HeightProperty
 The height of the node when used in a layout. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > HitTestableContainerProperty
 When enabled, Kanzi uses the layout bounds as geometry for hit testing. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > HitTestableProperty
 When enabled, users can pick the node from the default Camera node of the active Scene node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > HorizontalAlignmentProperty
 The alignment in horizontal direction the node should use when it resides under a layout. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Vector2HorizontalMarginProperty
 Sets the horizontal space between this node and other nodes that are adjacent to this node in a layout. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > HoverProperty
 Indicates whether a node is the foremost hit testable node under the cursor. More...
DynamicPropertyType< String > LocaleProperty
 The locale of the node. More...
AbstractMetaclass metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.Node")
 Metaclass for Node.
DynamicPropertyType< String > NameProperty = new DynamicPropertyType<>("Node.Name", String.class)
 Node name.
DynamicPropertyType< Float > OpacityProperty
 Opacity of the node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< String > PathProperty = new DynamicPropertyType<>("Node.Path", String.class)
 Full path to the node.
DynamicPropertyType< Float > Projection2DTo3DScaleProperty
 Sets the scale factor to project pixels to 3D size. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceStateManagerProperty
 Sets the State Manager to the node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceStyleProperty
 Sets a style to the node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > VerticalAlignmentProperty
 The alignment in vertical direction the node should use when it resides under a layout. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Vector2VerticalMarginProperty
 Sets the vertical space between this node and other nodes that are adjacent to this node in a layout. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > VisibleAmountInParentProperty
 Sets the amount the node is inside its parent. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > VisibleProperty
 When disabled, Kanzi does not render the node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > WidthProperty = new DynamicPropertyType<>("Node.Width", Float.class)
 The width of the node when used in a layout. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from TextConceptMetadata
DynamicPropertyType< ColorRGBAFontColorProperty
 Sets the color of the text. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceFontMaterialProperty
 Sets the material whose shader is used to render the text. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > HorizontalFitProperty
 Whether to horizontally scale the glyphs to make them fit into the Layout Width of the Text Block. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Vector2HorizontalFitScaleLimitsProperty
 When the Horizontal Fit property is enabled, sets the minimum and maximum scale for glyphs when the width of text in a Text Block does not match the Layout Width of that Text Block. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Vector2HorizontalPaddingProperty
 Sets the padding spaces between the content and the left and right boundaries of the Text node. More...
AbstractMetaclass metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.TextConcept")
 Metaclass for TextConcept.
DynamicPropertyType< String > OverflowProperty
 Sets the characters that represent the truncated text when the text string to be rendered is too long to fit in the node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > RemoveSideBearingsProperty
 Whether to position the leftmost characters of left-aligned text and rightmost characters of right-aligned text exactly within the boundary of the text node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > TextHorizontalAlignmentProperty
 Sets the horizontal alignment of the text. More...
DynamicPropertyType< String > TextProperty
 Sets the text content that the text node renders. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > TextVerticalAlignmentProperty
 Sets the vertical alignment of the text. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Vector2VerticalPaddingProperty
 Sets the padding spaces between the content and the top and bottom boundaries of the Text node. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from TextBoxConceptMetadata
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.CharacterRemovalMessageArguments > BackspaceAtCursorMessage
 In a Text Box node deletes a character using backspace. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.CharacterRemovalMessageArguments > BackspaceWordAtCursorMessage
 In a Text Box node deletes the characters until the next word boundary using backspace. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextCompositionStateMessageArguments > CancelTextCompositionMessage
 Discards the text composed in an Input Method Editor. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > CharacterCountProperty
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > ClearSelectionMessage
 In a Text Box node clears the current text selection. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextCompositionStateMessageArguments > CommitCompositionTextMessage
 Commits to a Text Box node the text composed in an Input Method Editor. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceCompositionTextBackgroundBrushProperty
 Sets the brush that highlights the text that the user composes using an input method editor (IME). More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextCompositionStateMessageArguments > CompositionTextChangedMessage
 Occurs when the text produced in an Input Method Editor is updated in a Text Box node. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextCompositionStateMessageArguments > CompositionTextCommittedMessage
 Occurs: More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceCompositionTextForegroundBrushProperty
 Sets the brush for the text that the user composes using an input method editor (IME). More...
DynamicPropertyType< String > CompositionTextProperty
 Reports the text that the user composes in the Text Box using an input method editor (IME). More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.CursorPositionMessageArguments > CursorMovedMessage
 Occurs when the user moves the cursor in a Text Box node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > CursorPositionProperty
 Sets the position of the cursor in the text shown in the Text Box node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceCursorPrefabProperty
 Sets the prefab template that defines the appearance of the cursor instead of the default cursor. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.CharacterRemovalMessageArguments > DeleteAtCursorMessage
 In a Text Box node deletes a character using delete. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.DeleteSelectionMessageArguments > DeleteSelectionMessage
 In a Text Box node, erases any currently selected text. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextRangeMessageArguments > DeleteTextMessage
 In a Text Box node, deletes the text between given start and end character indexes. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.CharacterRemovalMessageArguments > DeleteWordAtCursorMessage
 In a Text Box node deletes the characters until the next word boundary using delete. More...
DynamicPropertyType< String > DisplayTextProperty
 Reports the text that the Text Box displays. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > EchoModeProperty
 Sets how the Text Box node shows text: More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextChangedMessageArguments > EditingFinishedMessage
 Occurs when a Text Box node leaves the editing state after the user modified the text content. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextChangedMessageArguments > EditingStartedMessage
 Occurs when the user makes the first modification to the text in a Text Box node that is in the editing state. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > EditModeProperty
 Sets how the Text Box node enters the editing state: More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.EditingStateChangedMessageArguments > EnteredEditingStateMessage
 Occurs when a Text Box node enters the editing state. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifyEditingStateMessageArguments > EnterEditingMessage
 Makes a Text Box node enter the editing state. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifyEditingStateMessageArguments > ExitEditingMessage
 Makes a Text Box node leave the editing state. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > HasSelectionProperty
 Indicates whether any of the text in the Text Box node is selected. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > HideTextHintWhenEditingProperty
 Sets whether to hide the placeholder content, which you set using the Text Hint Prefab property, when the Text Box node is in the editing state. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.InputMethodActionMessageArguments > InputMethodActionMessage
 Occurs when the user taps the action button on their on-screen keyboard while editing the text in a Text Box node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > InputMethodActionProperty
 Sets the label of the user action button on the on-screen keyboard for this Text Box. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.InputMethodAvailableMessageArguments > InputMethodAvailableMessage
 Occurs when an input method becomes available to a Text Box node. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.InputMethodAvailableMessageArguments > InputMethodUnavailableMessage
 Occurs when the input method that is composing text in a Text Box node becomes unavailable. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > InputTypeProperty
 Sets the input type of the input methods that provide the input layout to let the user enter and edit text of specific type in the Text Box node: More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextContentMessageArguments > InsertTextAtCursorMessage
 In a Text Box node adds text at the cursor position. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextInsertionMessageArguments > InsertTextMessage
 In a Text Box node, inserts text at a specified character index. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > IsComposingTextProperty
 Reports the text composition state of the Text Box node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > IsEditingProperty
 Reports the editing state of the Text Box node. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.EditingStateChangedMessageArguments > LeftEditingStateMessage
 Occurs when a Text Box node leaves the editing state. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > MaximumTextLengthProperty
 Sets the maximum length of text that the user can insert in the Text Box node. More...
AbstractMetaclass metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.TextBoxConcept")
 Metaclass for TextBoxConcept.
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.MoveCursorMessageArguments > MoveCursorBackwardMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the cursor backward by one character. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.MoveCursorMessageArguments > MoveCursorForwardMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the cursor forward by one character. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.MoveCursorMessageArguments > MoveCursorHomeMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the cursor ahead of the first character of the text content. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.MoveCursorMessageArguments > MoveCursorToEndMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the cursor after the last character of the text content. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.MoveCursorMessageArguments > MoveCursorToNextWordMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the cursor forward to the next word boundary. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.MoveCursorMessageArguments > MoveCursorToPreviousWordMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the cursor backward to the previous word boundary. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > MoveSelectionEndBackwardMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the handle at the end of text selection backward by one character. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > MoveSelectionEndForwardMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the handle at the end of text selection forward by one character. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > MoveSelectionEndToNextWordMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the handle at the end of text selection forward to the start of the next word. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > MoveSelectionEndToPreviousWordMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the handle at the end of text selection backward to the start of the previous word. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > MoveSelectionStartBackwardMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the handle at the beginning of text selection backward by one character. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > MoveSelectionStartForwardMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the handle at the beginning of text selection forward by one character. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > MoveSelectionStartToNextWordMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the handle at the beginning of text selection forward to the start of the next word. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > MoveSelectionStartToPreviousWordMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the handle at the beginning of text selection backward to the start of the previous word. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > PasswordEchoTimeoutProperty
 Sets the time in milliseconds that an inserted character is visible before being masked when using the password echo mode. More...
DynamicPropertyType< String > PasswordMaskingCharacterProperty
 Sets the character that masks each character that the application user enters when using the password echo mode. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > ReadOnlyProperty
 Sets whether the Text Box node is editable. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > SelectAllMessage
 In a Text Box node selects all text. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceSelectionBackgroundBrushProperty
 Sets the brush that highlights the selected text. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.SelectedTextMessageArguments > SelectionChangedMessage
 Occurs when the user changes the text selection in a Text Box node. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.CursorPositionMessageArguments > SelectionClearedMessage
 Occurs when the user clears or resets the text selection in a Text Box node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > SelectionEndCursorPositionProperty
 The position of the cursor that marks the end of text selection in the Text Box node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceSelectionEndPrefabProperty
 Sets the prefab template that defines the appearance of the selection handle at the end of text selection instead of the default handle. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceSelectionForegroundBrushProperty
 Sets the brush for the selected text. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > SelectionStartCursorPositionProperty
 The position of the cursor that marks the beginning of text selection in the Text Box node. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.SelectedTextMessageArguments > SelectionStartedMessage
 Occurs when the user starts selecting text in a Text Box node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceSelectionStartPrefabProperty
 Sets the prefab template that defines the appearance of the selection handle at the beginning of text selection instead of the default handle. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextRangeMessageArguments > SelectTextMessage
 In a Text Box node, selects the text between given start and end character indexes. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > SelectToEndMessage
 In a Text Box node selects the text from the cursor position to the end of the text. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > SelectToHomeMessage
 In a Text Box node selects the text from the start of the text to the cursor position. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > SelectWordAtCursorMessage
 In a Text Box node selects the word at the cursor position. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextChangedMessageArguments > TextChangedMessage
 Occurs when the user changes the text in a Text Box node. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextCompositionStateMessageArguments > TextCompositionCanceledMessage
 Occurs: More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceTextHintPrefabProperty
 Sets the prefab template for showing placeholder content when the Text Box node is empty. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > TextKeyNavigationDirectionProperty
 Sets the text key navigation direction. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > WordCountProperty
- Public Attributes inherited from FontStyleConceptMetadata
DynamicPropertyType< Float > CharacterSpacingProperty
 Sets the character spacing in pixels. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > FixedCharacterWidthProperty
 When set, overrides the font advance widths to make each character take a fixed amount of space specified in pixels. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > FontHintingPreferenceProperty
 Sets the hinting preference of the font. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > FractionalCharacterWidthProperty
 Sets whether Kanzi uses fractional or rounded character widths to lay out text. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > LineSpacingProperty
 Sets the line spacing in multiples of the normal line height of the selected FontStyleConcept. More...
AbstractMetaclass metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.FontStyleConcept")
 Metaclass for FontStyleConcept.
DynamicPropertyType< Float > SizeProperty
 Sets the size of the font in pixels. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > SnapCharacterToPixelPropertyProperty
 Sets whether Kanzi positions characters in 2D rendering to the nearest pixel: More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > StyleProperty
 Sets the style of the FontStyleConcept. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > WeightProperty
 Sets the weight of the FontStyleConcept. More...

Detailed Description

Metadata definitions for TextBox3D.

Member Data Documentation

◆ CompositionBackgroundColorProperty

DynamicPropertyType<ColorRGBA> CompositionBackgroundColorProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TextBox3D.CompositionBackgroundColor", ColorRGBA.class)

Sets the color that highlights the text that the user composes using an input method editor (IME).

◆ CompositionFontColorProperty

DynamicPropertyType<ColorRGBA> CompositionFontColorProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TextBox3D.CompositionFontColor", ColorRGBA.class)

Sets the color of the text that the user composes using an input method editor (IME).

◆ SelectionBackgroundColorProperty

DynamicPropertyType<ColorRGBA> SelectionBackgroundColorProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TextBox3D.SelectionBackgroundColor", ColorRGBA.class)

Sets the color that highlights the selected text.

◆ SelectionFontColorProperty

DynamicPropertyType<ColorRGBA> SelectionFontColorProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TextBox3D.SelectionFontColor", ColorRGBA.class)

Sets the color of the selected text.