Kanzi  3.9.7
Java API
TextBox2D Class Reference

Use a Text Box 2D node to add single-line text input in 2D space. More...

Inheritance diagram for TextBox2D:

Static Public Member Functions

static ObjectRef< T > create (Domain domain, String name)
 Constructs a new TextBox2D. More...

Static Public Attributes

static final Metaclass metaclass
 The Metaclass for the class. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Node2D
static final Metaclass metaclass = com.rightware.kanzi.metadata.Node2DMetadata.metaclass
 The Metaclass for the class.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Node
static final Metaclass metaclass = com.rightware.kanzi.metadata.NodeMetadata.metaclass
 The Metaclass for the class.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from KanziObject
static final Metaclass metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.Object")
 The Metaclass for the class.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Node2D
void addChild (Node2D node)
 Adds a child node. More...
void arrange ()
 Arranges this node.
void close ()
 Close the object, and release native resources.
Vector2 getActualSize ()
 Gets actual size. More...
Vector2 getAllocatedSize ()
 Gets allocated size. More...
Matrix3x3 getArrangeTransform ()
 Get arrange transform. More...
float getAspectRatio ()
 Gets the value of AspectRatioProperty. More...
Resource getBackgroundBrush ()
 Gets value of BackgroundBrushProperty. More...
CachingMode getCachingMode ()
 Gets the value of CachingModeProperty. More...
Node2D getChild (int index)
 Returns a child from given index from node. More...
int getChildCount ()
 Gets the number of children of the node. More...
int getChildIndex (Node child)
 Returns the index of a child in a node. More...
Resource getCompositionBrush ()
 Gets value of CompositionBrushProperty. More...
Vector2 getDesiredSize ()
 Gets desired size. More...
Resource getForegroundBrush ()
 Gets value of ForegroundBrushProperty. More...
SRTValue2D getLayoutTransformation ()
 Gets the value of LayoutTransformationProperty. More...
SRTValue3D getPerspectiveTransformation ()
 Gets the value of PerspectiveTransformationProperty. More...
float getPerspectiveTransformationFov ()
 Gets the value of PerspectiveTransformationFovProperty. More...
Vector3 getPerspectiveTransformationOrigin ()
 Gets the value of PerspectiveTransformationOriginProperty. More...
Vector3 getPerspectiveTransformationPivot ()
 Gets the value of PerspectiveTransformationPivotProperty. More...
Resource getRenderTarget ()
 Gets value of RenderTargetProperty. More...
float getRenderTargetMinimumHeight ()
 Gets the value of RenderTargetMinimumHeightProperty. More...
float getRenderTargetMinimumWidth ()
 Gets the value of RenderTargetMinimumWidthProperty. More...
float getRenderTargetReallocationLimit ()
 Gets the value of RenderTargetReallocationLimitProperty. More...
SRTValue2D getRenderTransformation ()
 Gets the value of RenderTransformationProperty. More...
Vector2 getRenderTransformationOrigin ()
 Gets the value of RenderTransformationOriginProperty. More...
Matrix3x3 getWorldTransform ()
 Gets the world transformation matrix. More...
boolean hasChild (Node child)
 Returns whether or not the child exists. More...
void insertChild (int index, Node2D child)
 Adds a child node for object node to given index. More...
boolean isDisableRenderTargetClear ()
 Gets the value of DisableRenderTargetClearProperty. More...
boolean isOffscreenRendering ()
 Gets the value of OffscreenRenderingProperty. More...
boolean isRenderSelf ()
 Gets the value of RenderSelfProperty. More...
boolean isSnapToPixel ()
 Gets the value of SnapToPixelProperty. More...
Iterable< Node2DiterateChildren ()
 Gets an Iterable object used to iterate the Node2D children. More...
Iterable< Node2DiterateChildrenReverse ()
 Gets an Reverse Iterable object used to iterate the Node2D children. More...
void layout ()
 Does layout pass starting from this node and iterating recursively all of its children. More...
boolean measure (Vector2 availableSize, boolean handleStretch)
 Measures this node. More...
void moveToBack ()
 Repositions the node to the beginning of its parent's children, so that it is drawn first.
void moveToFront ()
 Repositions the node to the end of its parent's children, so that it is drawn last.
void removeAllChildren ()
 Removes all child nodes.
void removeChild (Node2D node)
 Removes child node. More...
void removeChild (int index)
 Removes child node at specified index. More...
void setActualSize (Vector2 actualSize)
 Sets actual size. More...
void setAllocatedSize (Vector2 allocatedSize)
 Sets allocated size. More...
void setArrangeTransform (Matrix3x3 transform)
 Set arrange transform. More...
void setAspectRatio (float value)
 Sets the value of AspectRatioProperty. More...
void setAutoSize ()
 Sets node to automatically determine width, height and depth.
void setBackgroundBrush (Resource value)
 Sets value of BackgroundBrushProperty. More...
void setCachingMode (CachingMode value)
 Sets the value of CachingModeProperty. More...
void setCompositionBrush (Resource value)
 Sets value of CompositionBrushProperty. More...
void setDesiredSize (Vector2 size)
 Sets desired size. More...
void setDisableRenderTargetClear (boolean value)
 Sets the value of DisableRenderTargetClearProperty. More...
void setForegroundBrush (Resource value)
 Sets value of ForegroundBrushProperty. More...
void setLayoutTransformation (SRTValue2D value)
 Sets the value of LayoutTransformationProperty. More...
void setOffscreenRendering (boolean value)
 Sets the value of OffscreenRenderingProperty. More...
void setPerspectiveTransformation (SRTValue3D value)
 Sets the value of PerspectiveTransformationProperty. More...
void setPerspectiveTransformationFov (float value)
 Sets the value of PerspectiveTransformationProperty. More...
void setPerspectiveTransformationOrigin (Vector3 value)
 Sets the value of PerspectiveTransformationOriginProperty. More...
void setPerspectiveTransformationPivot (Vector3 value)
 Sets the value of PerspectiveTransformationPivotProperty. More...
void setRenderSelf (boolean value)
 Sets the value of RenderSelfProperty. More...
void setRenderTarget (Resource texture)
 Sets value of RenderTargetProperty. More...
void setRenderTargetMinimumHeight (float value)
 Sets the value of RenderTargetMinimumHeightProperty. More...
void setRenderTargetMinimumWidth (float value)
 Sets the value of RenderTargetMinimumWidthProperty. More...
void setRenderTargetReallocationLimit (float value)
 Sets the value of RenderTargetReallocationLimitProperty. More...
void setRenderTransformation (SRTValue2D value)
 Sets the value of RenderTransformationProperty. More...
void setRenderTransformationOrigin (Vector2 value)
 Sets the value of RenderTransformationOriginProperty. More...
void setSize (float width, float height)
 Sets size properties of the node. More...
void setSnapToPixel (boolean value)
 Sets the value of SnapToPixelProperty. More...
void transform ()
 Transforms a single Node2D. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Node
ObjectRef< TResourceType > acquireResource (ResourceID resourceId) throws ObjectNotFoundException
 Acquires a resource from the node or the node's closest ancestor having the resource id in the resource dictionary. More...
ResourceDictionary acquireResourceDictionary ()
 Gets a resource dictionary of a node. More...
ResourceManager.AcquireTask acquireResourcesAsync (ResourceID resourceId, ResourceManager.AcquireTask.Callback callback)
 Posts an asynchronous task to acquire a resource. More...
boolean addAbstractChild (Node child)
 Adds a node as child of this node. More...
void addAnonymousResource (Resource resource)
 Adds anonymous resource (such as style) for object node resources. More...
void addInputManipulator (InputManipulator inputManipulator)
 Attaches an input manipulator to the node. More...
MessageSubscriptionToken addMessageFilter (MessageType< MessageArgumentsType > messageType, MessageSubscriptionFunction< MessageArgumentsType > messageHandlerFunction)
 Adds a message filter where the filter is a function. More...
MessageSubscriptionToken addMessageHandler (MessageType< MessageArgumentsType > messageType, MessageSubscriptionFunction< MessageArgumentsType > messageHandlerFunction)
 Adds a message handler where the handler is a function. More...
MessageSubscriptionToken addMessageHandler (MessageType< MessageArgumentsType > messageType, MessageSubscriptionFunction< MessageArgumentsType > messageHandlerFunction, Node messageSourceFilter)
 Adds a message handler where the handler is a function. More...
void addNodeComponent (NodeComponent component)
 Transfers the ownership of a node component to an object node. More...
void addNodeComponentWithOwner (NodeComponent component, KanziObject owner)
 Transfers the ownership of a node component to an object node and sets the owner of the node component. More...
void addResource (ResourceID resourceId, String resourceUrl)
 Adds a resource manager resource to an object node. More...
void addResourceDictionary (ResourceDictionary resourceDictionary)
 Adds a nested resource dictionary to the resource dictionary of a node. More...
MessageSubscriptionToken addTunnelingMessageFilter (MessageType< MessageArgumentsType > messageType, MessageSubscriptionFunction< MessageArgumentsType > messageHandlerFunction)
 Adds a message filter where the filter is a function. More...
MessageSubscriptionToken addTunnelingMessageHandler (MessageType< MessageArgumentsType > messageType, MessageSubscriptionFunction< MessageArgumentsType > messageHandlerFunction, Node messageSourceFilter)
 Adds a message handler where the handler is a function and you explicitly define the accepted source. More...
void attachRecursive ()
 Attaches a node and its children recursively.
void clearChangeFlag (PropertyTypeChangeFlag flag)
 Clears a change flag. More...
boolean containsResource (ResourceID resourceId)
 Returns if object node resource dictionary contains the resource with given ID. More...
void detachRecursive ()
 Detaches a node and its children recursively.
void dispatchMessage (MessageType< MessageArgumentsType > messageType, MessageArgumentsType arguments)
 Dispatches a message from this node with specified arguments. More...
String findResourceUrl (ResourceID resourceId)
 Tries to find Resource URL for Resource ID from this node. More...
Node getAbstractChild (int index)
 Returns node at given child index. More...
int getAbstractChildCount ()
 Returns number of child nodes. More...
int getAbstractChildIndex (Node node)
 Returns index of given node in list of child nodes. More...
float getActualDepth ()
 Gets the value of ActualDepthProperty. More...
float getActualHeight ()
 Gets the value of ActualHeightProperty. More...
float getActualWidth ()
 Gets the value of ActualWidthProperty. More...
float getDepth ()
 Gets the value of DepthProperty. More...
Vector2 getDepthMargin ()
 Gets the value of DepthMarginProperty. More...
float getHeight ()
 Gets the value of HeightProperty. More...
Vector2 getHorizontalMargin ()
 Gets the value of HorizontalMarginProperty. More...
String getLocale ()
 Gets the value of LocaleProperty. More...
String getName ()
 Gets the value of NameProperty. More...
float getOpacity ()
 Gets the value of OpacityProperty. More...
Node getParent ()
 Gets parent of this node. More...
String getPath ()
 Gets the value of PathProperty. More...
ResourceDictionary getResourceDictionary ()
 If a node has a resource dictionary, returns the resource dictionary of that node. More...
Resource getStateManager ()
 Gets the value of StateManagerProperty. More...
Resource getStyle ()
 Gets the value of StyleProperty. More...
Vector2 getVerticalMargin ()
 Gets the value of VerticalMarginProperty. More...
float getWidth ()
 Gets the value of WidthProperty. More...
void invalidateArrange ()
 Invalidates arrange for the node.
void invalidateDraw ()
 Invalidates draw flag for the node.
void invalidateFinalTransform ()
 Invalidates final transform for node.
void invalidateMeasure ()
 Invalidates measure for the node.
void invalidateRender ()
 Invalidates render for the node.
boolean isAnyChangeFlagSet (EnumSet< PropertyTypeChangeFlag > flags)
 Checks if any of a set of change flags is set. More...
boolean isAnyChildChangeFlagSet (EnumSet< PropertyTypeChangeFlag > flags)
 Checks if any of a set of change flags is set on a child. More...
boolean isAttached ()
 Checks if node is attached to ui tree. More...
boolean isAttaching ()
 Checks if node is in the process of attaching to ui tree. More...
boolean isChangeFlagSet (PropertyTypeChangeFlag flag)
 Checks if a change flag is set. More...
boolean isChildChangeFlagSet (PropertyTypeChangeFlag flag)
 Checks if a change flag is set on a child. More...
boolean isClipChildren ()
 Gets the value of ClipChildrenProperty. More...
boolean isDetaching ()
 Checks if node is in the process of getting detached from ui tree. More...
boolean isEffectivelyEnabled ()
 Returns whether a node and its ancestor nodes are enabled. More...
boolean isEffectivelyFocusable ()
 Returns whether a node and its ancestor focus scope nodes are focusable. More...
boolean isEffectivelyVisible ()
 Returns whether a node and its ancestor nodes are visible. More...
boolean isEnabled ()
 Gets the value of EnabledProperty. More...
boolean isFocusable ()
 Gets the value of the FocusableProperty. More...
boolean isFocused ()
 Sets whether a node is an active focus node and can receive keyboard messages. More...
boolean isHitTestable ()
 Gets the value of HitTestableProperty. More...
boolean isHitTestableContainer ()
 Gets the value of HitTestableContainerProperty. More...
boolean isHover ()
 Gets the value of HoverProperty. More...
boolean isInitialized ()
 Checks if initialize() has been called. More...
boolean isInvalidArrange ()
 Check if the node needs arrange. More...
boolean isInvalidDraw ()
 Tells if node draw flag is invalid. More...
boolean isInvalidFinalTransform ()
 Tells if final transform flag is invalid for node. More...
boolean isInvalidMeasure ()
 Check if the node needs measure. More...
boolean isInvalidRender ()
 Returns if node render flag is invalid. More...
boolean isNamed (String name)
 Checks if node has a given name. More...
boolean isVisible ()
 Gets the value of VisibleProperty. More...
Iterable< NodeComponentiterateNodeComponents ()
 Gets an Iterable object used to iterate the Node Components. More...
lookupNode (String path)
 Returns a node of specified type by looking it up with specified path or alias. More...
NodeComponent lookupNodeComponentByName (String name)
 Look up a Node Component by Name. More...
KanziObject lookupObject (String path)
 Returns a KanziObject by looking it up with specified path or alias. More...
void notifyResourceDictionaryModified ()
 Forces the re-evaluation of resource IDs in a node tree. More...
boolean removeAbstractChild (Node child)
 Removes child node from this node. More...
void removeAnonymousResource (Resource resource)
 Removes anonymous resource from object node resources. More...
void removeBinding (AbstractBindingRuntime bindingRuntime)
 Removes a binding runtime added earlier. More...
void removeBindingsWithOwner (KanziObject owner)
 Removes binding runtimes owned by a KanziObject. More...
void removeInputManipulator (InputManipulator inputManipulator)
 Detaches an input manipulator from the node. More...
void removeMessageHandler (MessageSubscriptionToken token)
 Removes a message subscription. More...
void removeNodeComponent (NodeComponent component)
 Removes the ownership of a node component from an object node. More...
void removeNodeComponentWithOwner (KanziObject owner)
 Removes all node component bindings with the specified owner. More...
void removeResource (ResourceID resourceId)
 Removes a resource with given ID from object node resource dictionary. More...
void setActualDepth (float value)
 Sets the value of ActualDepthProperty. More...
void setActualHeight (float value)
 Sets the value of ActualHeightProperty. More...
void setActualWidth (float value)
 Sets the value of ActualWidthProperty. More...
void setAutoHeight ()
 Sets node to automatically determine height.
void setAutoWidth ()
 Sets node to automatically determine width.
AbstractBindingRuntime setBinding (AbstractBinding binding)
 Sets a binding. More...
AbstractBindingRuntime setBinding (AbstractBinding binding, PropertyType<?> propertyType)
 Sets a binding. More...
AbstractBindingRuntime setBinding (AbstractBinding binding, PropertyType<?> propertyType, PropertyField propertyField)
 Sets a binding. More...
AbstractBindingRuntime setBindingWithOwner (AbstractBinding binding, KanziObject owner, PropertyType<?> propertyType)
 Sets a binding with owner. More...
AbstractBindingRuntime setBindingWithOwner (AbstractBinding binding, KanziObject owner, PropertyType<?> propertyType, PropertyField propertyField)
 Sets a binding with owner. More...
void setChangeFlag (PropertyTypeChangeFlag flag)
 Sets a change flag. More...
void setClipChildren (boolean value)
 Sets the value of ClipChildrenProperty. More...
void setDepth (float value)
 Sets the value of DepthProperty. More...
void setDepthMargin (Vector2 value)
 Sets the value of DepthMarginProperty. More...
void setEnabled (boolean value)
 Sets the value of the EnabledProperty. More...
void setFocusable (boolean value)
 Sets the value of the FocusableProperty. More...
void setFocused (boolean value)
 Sets the value of the FocusedProperty. More...
void setHeight (float value)
 Sets the value of HeightProperty. More...
void setHitTestable (boolean value)
 Sets the value of HitTestableProperty. More...
void setHitTestableContainer (boolean value)
 Sets the value of HitTestableContainerProperty. More...
void setHorizontalMargin (Vector2 value)
 Sets the value of HorizontalMarginProperty. More...
void setHover (boolean value)
 Sets the value of HoverProperty. More...
void setLocale (String value)
 Sets the value of LocaleProperty. More...
AbstractBindingRuntime setModifierBinding (AbstractBinding binding, PropertyType<?> propertyType)
 Sets a modifier binding. More...
AbstractBindingRuntime setModifierBinding (AbstractBinding binding, PropertyType<?> propertyType, PropertyField propertyField)
 Sets a modifier binding. More...
AbstractBindingRuntime setModifierBindingWithOwner (AbstractBinding binding, KanziObject owner, PropertyType<?> propertyType)
 Sets a modifier binding with owner. More...
AbstractBindingRuntime setModifierBindingWithOwner (AbstractBinding binding, KanziObject owner, PropertyType<?> propertyType, PropertyField propertyField)
 Sets a modifier binding with owner. More...
void setName (String name)
 Sets the value of NameProperty. More...
void setOpacity (float value)
 Sets the value of OpacityProperty. More...
void setResourceDictionary (ResourceDictionary resourceDictionary)
 Replaces the resource dictionary of a node. More...
void setStateManager (Resource value)
 Sets the value of StateManagerProperty. More...
void setStyle (Resource value)
 Sets the value of StyleProperty. More...
void setVerticalMargin (Vector2 value)
 Sets the value of VerticalMarginProperty. More...
void setVisible (boolean value)
 Sets the value of VisibleProperty. More...
void setWidth (float value)
 Sets the value of WidthProperty. More...
ObjectRef< TResourceType > tryAcquireResource (ResourceID resourceId)
 Acquires a resource from the node or the node's closest ancestor having the resource id in the resource dictionary. More...
Node trySetFocus ()
 Tries to move the focus on this node. More...
void validateArrange ()
 Validates arrange for the node.
void validateDraw ()
 Validates draw flags for the node.
void validateMeasure ()
 Validates measure for the node.
void validateRender ()
 Validates render for the node.
- Public Member Functions inherited from KanziObject
boolean equals (Object object)
Domain getDomain ()
 Returns the domain the object belongs to. More...
Metaclass getDynamicMetaclass ()
 Returns the metaclass of the dynamic type of the object. More...
long getNative ()
 Gets a pointer to the backing C++ instance. More...
TDataType getOptionalProperty (PropertyType< TDataType > propertyType)
 Returns the current value of a property type, but does not use the default value if there are no inputs to the property value. More...
TDataType getProperty (PropertyType< TDataType > propertyType)
 Returns the current value of a property type. More...
int hashCode ()
boolean hasValue (PropertyType< TDataType > propertyType)
 Evaluates whether there are any inputs into the property value. More...
boolean isStale ()
 Test if the object is stale i.e. More...
void removeLocalValue (PropertyType< TDataType > propertyType)
 Removes the local value associated with the property. More...
void setProperty (PropertyType< TDataType > propertyType, TDataType value)
 Sets the local value of a property type. More...
ObjectRef< TType > tryCreateObjectRef (Class< TType > clazz)
 Tries to create an owning ObjectRef instance to this KanziObject. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from NodeMetadata
DynamicPropertyType< Float > ActualDepthProperty
 The calculated size of the node in depth direction when used in a layout. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > ActualHeightProperty
 The calculated height of the node when used in a layout. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > ActualWidthProperty
 The calculated width of the node when used in a layout. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > ClipChildrenProperty
 Sets whether to clip the child nodes of this node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< NodeEnums.ContentStretchContentStretchProperty
 Sets how the content that belongs to this node is stretched (as opposed to manipulating the actual node size). More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > CreatedFromKZBProperty
 Kanzi internally uses this property to distinguish objects like bindings and triggers created in code from objects that are loaded from a kzb file. More...
DynamicPropertyType< NodeEnums.DepthAlignmentDepthAlignmentProperty
 The alignment in depth direction the node should use when it resides under a layout. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Vector2DepthMarginProperty
 Sets the depth distance between this node and other nodes that are adjacent to this node in a layout. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > DepthProperty = new DynamicPropertyType<>("Node.Depth", Float.class)
 The size of the node in depth direction when used in a layout. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > EffectivelyEnabledProperty
 Indicates whether this node and its ancestor nodes are enabled. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > EnabledProperty
 Whether this node is enabled. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > FocusableProperty
 Indicates whether the node can receive focus. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > FocusedProperty
 Indicates whether the node has the key focus. More...
DynamicPropertyType< FocusStateFocusStateProperty
 Reports the focus state of a node: More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceFontFamilyProperty
 The font family used to render the text. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > HeightProperty
 The height of the node when used in a layout. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > HitTestableContainerProperty
 When enabled, Kanzi uses the layout bounds as geometry for hit testing. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > HitTestableProperty
 When enabled, the node can be hit tested. More...
DynamicPropertyType< NodeEnums.HorizontalAlignmentHorizontalAlignmentProperty
 The alignment in horizontal direction the node should use when it resides under a layout. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Vector2HorizontalMarginProperty
 Sets the horizontal space between this node and other nodes that are adjacent to this node in a layout. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > HoverProperty
 Indicates whether a node is the foremost hit testable node under the cursor. More...
DynamicPropertyType< String > LocaleProperty
 The locale of the node. More...
AbstractMetaclass metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.Node")
 Metaclass for Node.
DynamicPropertyType< String > NameProperty = new DynamicPropertyType<>("Node.Name", String.class)
 Node name.
DynamicPropertyType< Float > OpacityProperty
 Opacity of the node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< String > PathProperty = new DynamicPropertyType<>("Node.Path", String.class)
 Full path to the node.
DynamicPropertyType< Float > Projection2DTo3DScaleProperty
 Sets the scale factor to project pixels to 3D size. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceStateManagerProperty
 Sets the State Manager to the node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceStyleProperty
 Sets a style to the node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< NodeEnums.VerticalAlignmentVerticalAlignmentProperty
 The alignment in vertical direction the node should use when it resides under a layout. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Vector2VerticalMarginProperty
 Sets the vertical space between this node and other nodes that are adjacent to this node in a layout. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > VisibleAmountInParentProperty
 Sets the amount the node is inside its parent. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > VisibleProperty
 When disabled, Kanzi does not render the node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > WidthProperty = new DynamicPropertyType<>("Node.Width", Float.class)
 The width of the node when used in a layout. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from Node2DMetadata
DynamicPropertyType< Float > AspectRatioProperty
 Determines the proportion of width and height. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceBackgroundBrushProperty
 The background brush to paint the background of 2D nodes. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > CacheValidProperty
 Indicates whether the node is cached. More...
DynamicPropertyType< CachingModeCachingModeProperty
 Sets the caching mode of this node: More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceCompositionBrushProperty
 The brush to use to compose 2D nodes to screen. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > DisableRenderTargetClearProperty
 Do not clear render target buffers before rendering into it even if necessary. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceEffectPrefabProperty
 The 2D Effect to use for this node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceEffectProperty
 Reports the runtime effect instance that this node uses. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > ForceCompositionProperty
 Force rendering to composing target even if not otherwise necessary. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceForegroundBrushProperty
 The foreground brush to paint the foreground of 2D nodes. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Node2DEnums.ForegroundHintForegroundHintProperty
 Give a hint of the type of the foreground of 2D nodes: More...
DynamicPropertyType< SRTValue2DLayoutTransformationProperty
 The 2D transformation to be applied before layouting. More...
AbstractMetaclass metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.Node2D")
 Metaclass for Node2D.
DynamicPropertyType< MultisampleCountMultisampleLevelProperty
 Sets the amount of multisample anti-aliasing to apply to the temporary composition targets to which Kanzi renders this node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > OffscreenRenderingProperty
 When set and the node has an explicitly set render target, do not render the resulting framebuffer to screen. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > PerspectiveTransformationFovProperty
 The 3D transformation field of view (degrees) to be applied after layouting. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Node2DEnums.PerspectiveTransformationModePerspectiveTransformationModeProperty
 Defines the mode of operation for the coordinate system and field of view. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Vector3PerspectiveTransformationOriginProperty
 The 3D transformation origin to be used for perspective transformation on this or child nodes. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Vector3PerspectiveTransformationPivotProperty
 The 3D pivot point in relative coordinates. More...
DynamicPropertyType< SRTValue3DPerspectiveTransformationProperty
 The 3D transformation to be applied after layouting. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Node2DEnums.PixelFormatPixelFormatProperty
 The pixel format of the node if rendering to a texture. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > RenderSelfProperty
 Whether the node renders itself. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > RenderTargetMinimumHeightProperty
 Sets the minimum height of implicitly generated render targets. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > RenderTargetMinimumWidthProperty
 Sets the minimum width of implicitly generated render targets. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceRenderTargetProperty
 Forces the node to be rendered into a given render target texture. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > RenderTargetReallocationLimitProperty
 The change in size that triggers reallocation of a render target. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Vector2RenderTransformationOriginProperty
 Sets the render transform origin in relative coordinates. More...
DynamicPropertyType< SRTValue2DRenderTransformationProperty
 The 2D transformation to be applied after layouting. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > SnapToPixelProperty
 Snap the translation of the node and its size into pixel boundary. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from TextBox2DMetadata
AbstractMetaclass metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.TextBox2D")
 Metaclass for TextBox2D.
- Public Attributes inherited from TextConceptMetadata
DynamicPropertyType< ColorRGBAFontColorProperty
 Sets the color of the text. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceFontMaterialProperty
 Sets the material whose shader is used to render the text. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > HorizontalFitProperty
 Whether to horizontally scale the glyphs to make them fit into the Layout Width of the Text Block. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Vector2HorizontalFitScaleLimitsProperty
 When the Horizontal Fit property is enabled, sets the minimum and maximum scale for glyphs when the width of text in a Text Block does not match the Layout Width of that Text Block. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Vector2HorizontalPaddingProperty
 Sets the padding spaces between the content and the left and right boundaries of the Text node. More...
AbstractMetaclass metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.TextConcept")
 Metaclass for TextConcept.
DynamicPropertyType< String > OverflowProperty
 Sets the characters that represent the truncated text when the text does not fit in this node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > RemoveSideBearingsProperty
 Whether to position the leftmost characters of left-aligned text and rightmost characters of right-aligned text exactly within the boundary of the text node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< TextFormatEnums.TextHorizontalAlignmentTextHorizontalAlignmentProperty
 Sets the horizontal alignment of the text. More...
DynamicPropertyType< String > TextProperty
 Sets the text content that the text node renders. More...
DynamicPropertyType< TextFormatEnums.TextVerticalAlignmentTextVerticalAlignmentProperty
 Sets the vertical alignment of the text. More...
DynamicPropertyType< TextFormatEnums.TruncationDirectionTruncationDirectionProperty
 Sets which part Kanzi truncates when either the Truncation or Overflow property is set and the text does not fit in this node: More...
DynamicPropertyType< TextFormatEnums.TruncationTruncationProperty
 Sets how Kanzi truncates text when either Truncation or Overflow property is set and the text does not fit in this node: More...
DynamicPropertyType< Vector2VerticalPaddingProperty
 Sets the padding spaces between the content and the top and bottom boundaries of the Text node. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from TextBoxConceptMetadata
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.CharacterRemovalMessageArguments > BackspaceAtCursorMessage
 In a Text Box node deletes a character using backspace. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.CharacterRemovalMessageArguments > BackspaceWordAtCursorMessage
 In a Text Box node deletes the characters until the next word boundary using backspace. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextCompositionStateMessageArguments > CancelTextCompositionMessage
 Discards the text composed in an Input Method Editor. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > CharacterCountProperty
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > ClearSelectionMessage
 In a Text Box node clears the current text selection. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextCompositionStateMessageArguments > CommitCompositionTextMessage
 Commits to a Text Box node the text composed in an Input Method Editor. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceCompositionTextBackgroundBrushProperty
 Sets the brush that highlights the text that the user composes using an input method editor (IME). More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextCompositionStateMessageArguments > CompositionTextChangedMessage
 Occurs when the text produced in an Input Method Editor is updated in a Text Box node. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextCompositionStateMessageArguments > CompositionTextCommittedMessage
 Occurs: More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceCompositionTextForegroundBrushProperty
 Sets the brush for the text that the user composes using an input method editor (IME). More...
DynamicPropertyType< String > CompositionTextProperty
 Reports the text that the user composes in the Text Box using an input method editor (IME). More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.CursorPositionMessageArguments > CursorMovedMessage
 Occurs when the user moves the cursor in a Text Box node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > CursorPositionProperty
 Sets the position of the cursor in the text shown in the Text Box node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceCursorPrefabProperty
 Sets the prefab template that defines the appearance of the cursor instead of the default cursor. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.CharacterRemovalMessageArguments > DeleteAtCursorMessage
 In a Text Box node deletes a character using delete. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.DeleteSelectionMessageArguments > DeleteSelectionMessage
 In a Text Box node, erases any currently selected text. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextRangeMessageArguments > DeleteTextMessage
 In a Text Box node, deletes the text between given start and end character indexes. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.CharacterRemovalMessageArguments > DeleteWordAtCursorMessage
 In a Text Box node deletes the characters until the next word boundary using delete. More...
DynamicPropertyType< String > DisplayTextProperty
 Reports the text that the Text Box displays. More...
DynamicPropertyType< EchoModeEchoModeProperty
 Sets how the Text Box node shows text: More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextChangedMessageArguments > EditingFinishedMessage
 Occurs when a Text Box node leaves the editing state after the user modified the text content. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextChangedMessageArguments > EditingStartedMessage
 Occurs when the user makes the first modification to the text in a Text Box node that is in the editing state. More...
DynamicPropertyType< TextBoxConceptEnums.EditModeEditModeProperty
 Sets how the Text Box node enters the editing state: More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.EditingStateChangedMessageArguments > EnteredEditingStateMessage
 Occurs when a Text Box node enters the editing state. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifyEditingStateMessageArguments > EnterEditingMessage
 Makes a Text Box node enter the editing state. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifyEditingStateMessageArguments > ExitEditingMessage
 Makes a Text Box node leave the editing state. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > HasSelectionProperty
 Indicates whether any of the text in the Text Box node is selected. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > HideTextHintWhenEditingProperty
 Sets whether to hide the placeholder content, which you set using the Text Hint Prefab property, when the Text Box node is in the editing state. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.InputMethodActionMessageArguments > InputMethodActionMessage
 Occurs when the user taps the action button on their on-screen keyboard while editing the text in a Text Box node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< InputMethodActionInputMethodActionProperty
 Sets the label of the user action button on the on-screen keyboard for this Text Box. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.InputMethodAvailableMessageArguments > InputMethodAvailableMessage
 Occurs when an input method becomes available to a Text Box node. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.InputMethodAvailableMessageArguments > InputMethodUnavailableMessage
 Occurs when the input method that is composing text in a Text Box node becomes unavailable. More...
DynamicPropertyType< InputTypeInputTypeProperty
 Sets the input type of the input methods that provide the input layout to let the user enter and edit text of specific type in the Text Box node: More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextContentMessageArguments > InsertTextAtCursorMessage
 In a Text Box node adds text at the cursor position. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextInsertionMessageArguments > InsertTextMessage
 In a Text Box node, inserts text at a specified character index. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > IsComposingTextProperty
 Reports the text composition state of the Text Box node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > IsEditingProperty
 Reports the editing state of the Text Box node. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.EditingStateChangedMessageArguments > LeftEditingStateMessage
 Occurs when a Text Box node leaves the editing state. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > MaximumTextLengthProperty
 Sets the maximum length of text that the user can insert in the Text Box node. More...
AbstractMetaclass metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.TextBoxConcept")
 Metaclass for TextBoxConcept.
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.MoveCursorMessageArguments > MoveCursorBackwardMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the cursor backward by one character. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.MoveCursorMessageArguments > MoveCursorForwardMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the cursor forward by one character. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.MoveCursorMessageArguments > MoveCursorHomeMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the cursor ahead of the first character of the text content. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.MoveCursorMessageArguments > MoveCursorToEndMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the cursor after the last character of the text content. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.MoveCursorMessageArguments > MoveCursorToNextWordMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the cursor forward to the next word boundary. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.MoveCursorMessageArguments > MoveCursorToPreviousWordMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the cursor backward to the previous word boundary. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > MoveSelectionEndBackwardMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the handle at the end of text selection backward by one character. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > MoveSelectionEndForwardMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the handle at the end of text selection forward by one character. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > MoveSelectionEndToNextWordMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the handle at the end of text selection forward to the start of the next word. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > MoveSelectionEndToPreviousWordMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the handle at the end of text selection backward to the start of the previous word. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > MoveSelectionStartBackwardMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the handle at the beginning of text selection backward by one character. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > MoveSelectionStartForwardMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the handle at the beginning of text selection forward by one character. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > MoveSelectionStartToNextWordMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the handle at the beginning of text selection forward to the start of the next word. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > MoveSelectionStartToPreviousWordMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the handle at the beginning of text selection backward to the start of the previous word. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > PasswordEchoTimeoutProperty
 Sets the time in milliseconds that an inserted character is visible before being masked when using the password echo mode. More...
DynamicPropertyType< String > PasswordMaskingCharacterProperty
 Sets the character that masks each character that the application user enters when using the password echo mode. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > ReadOnlyProperty
 Sets whether the Text Box node is editable. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > SelectAllMessage
 In a Text Box node selects all text. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceSelectionBackgroundBrushProperty
 Sets the brush that highlights the selected text. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.SelectedTextMessageArguments > SelectionChangedMessage
 Occurs when the user changes the text selection in a Text Box node. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.CursorPositionMessageArguments > SelectionClearedMessage
 Occurs when the user clears or resets the text selection in a Text Box node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > SelectionEndCursorPositionProperty
 The position of the cursor that marks the end of text selection in the Text Box node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceSelectionEndPrefabProperty
 Sets the prefab template that defines the appearance of the selection handle at the end of text selection instead of the default handle. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceSelectionForegroundBrushProperty
 Sets the brush for the selected text. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > SelectionStartCursorPositionProperty
 The position of the cursor that marks the beginning of text selection in the Text Box node. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.SelectedTextMessageArguments > SelectionStartedMessage
 Occurs when the user starts selecting text in a Text Box node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceSelectionStartPrefabProperty
 Sets the prefab template that defines the appearance of the selection handle at the beginning of text selection instead of the default handle. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextRangeMessageArguments > SelectTextMessage
 In a Text Box node, selects the text between given start and end character indexes. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > SelectToEndMessage
 In a Text Box node selects the text from the cursor position to the end of the text. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > SelectToHomeMessage
 In a Text Box node selects the text from the start of the text to the cursor position. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > SelectWordAtCursorMessage
 In a Text Box node selects the word at the cursor position. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextChangedMessageArguments > TextChangedMessage
 Occurs when the user changes the text in a Text Box node. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextCompositionStateMessageArguments > TextCompositionCanceledMessage
 Occurs: More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceTextHintPrefabProperty
 Sets the prefab template for showing placeholder content when the Text Box node is empty. More...
DynamicPropertyType< TextKeyNavigationDirectionTextKeyNavigationDirectionProperty
 Sets the text key navigation direction. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > WordCountProperty
- Public Attributes inherited from FontStyleConceptMetadata
DynamicPropertyType< Float > CharacterSpacingProperty
 Sets the character spacing in pixels. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > FixedCharacterWidthProperty
 When set, overrides the font advance widths to make each character take a fixed amount of space specified in pixels. More...
DynamicPropertyType< FontHintingPreferenceFontHintingPreferenceProperty
 Sets the hinting preference of the font. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > FractionalCharacterWidthProperty
 Sets whether Kanzi uses fractional or rounded character widths to lay out text. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > LineSpacingProperty
 Sets the line spacing in multiples of the normal line height of the selected FontStyleConcept. More...
AbstractMetaclass metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.FontStyleConcept")
 Metaclass for FontStyleConcept.
DynamicPropertyType< Float > SizeProperty
 Sets the size of the font in pixels. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > SnapCharacterToPixelPropertyProperty
 Sets whether Kanzi positions characters in 2D rendering to the nearest pixel: More...
DynamicPropertyType< FontStyleStyleProperty
 Sets the style of the FontStyleConcept. More...
DynamicPropertyType< FontWeightWeightProperty
 Sets the weight of the FontStyleConcept. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Node2D
 Node2D (Domain domain, long nativeNode, Metaclass metaclass)
 Wraps a given native node. More...
void arrangeOverride (Vector2 actualSize)
 Performs setting of actual node size and transformation calculations. More...
void initialize ()
 Initializes the Node2D.
Vector2 measureOverride (Vector2 availableSize)
 Performs node size calculation. More...
void onAttached ()
 Called when this node becomes attached.
void onDetached ()
 Called when this node becomes detached.
void onNodePropertyChanged (AbstractPropertyType propertyType, PropertyNotificationReason reason)
 Method executed on node property change. More...
void updateRenderOverride ()
 Performs node-specific updates before render.
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from Node2D
static< Derived extends Node2D > ObjectRef< Derived > createDerived (Domain domain, String name, Metaclass metaclass)
 Creates a derived class instance. More...

Detailed Description

Use a Text Box 2D node to add single-line text input in 2D space.

Member Function Documentation

static ObjectRef<T> create ( Domain  domain,
String  name 

Constructs a new TextBox2D.

domainUI Domain where this object belongs.
nameName of the object.

Member Data Documentation

final Metaclass metaclass
Initial value:

The Metaclass for the class.