
class kanzi::connect::Client : public InterfaceDomain, public WorkQueueInterface, public enable_shared_from_this<Client>

A class that is used to connect an application to Kanzi Connect server.

This class allows to set up network connectivity and provides client-side access to network interfaces of the connected services.

Unnamed Group

void notifyItem(ConnectWorkItemSharedPtr workItem) override



int64_t allocateUniqueHandle() override

Optionally implementable method that should return a handle that can later on be used cancel work item holding that identifier.

void cancelWorkItem(int64_t handle) override

Cancels a work item holding an handle previously allocated using allocateUniqueHandle()

  • handle: the handle.

Public Functions



~Client() override


void addInterface(AbstractInterfaceClientSharedPtr abstractInterface)

Adds client-side network interface to system.

Currently needs to be called before connection is established.

  • abstractInterface: Interface to register in to system.

void allowMultiThreadedTasks(const unsigned int threadCount)

Allow clients task queue to process multi-threaded tasks.



  • threadCount: The number of worker threads used to process the multi-threaded task queue

void clearWorkCallback()

Clears a previously set work callback.

bool connected() const

Check whether client is currently connected.


true if connected.

Connection &getConnection()

Get connection object, used to connect to server.


Connection object that represents connection to server.

shared_ptr<DiagnosticsServiceClient> getDiagnosticsClient()

Return diagnostics client instance.


diagnostics client instance.

template<typename T>
T *getInterface()

Retrieves network interface by it’s type.

AbstractInterfaceClient *getInterfaceById(const string &id) override

See InterfaceDomain::getInterfaceById.

AbstractInterfaceClient *getInterfaceByIndex(size_t index) override

See InterfaceDomain::getInterfaceByIndex.

size_t getInterfaceCount() const override

See InterfaceDomain::getInterfaceCount.

P2PClientSharedPtr getP2PClient()

Retrieve P2P client instance.


peer to peer functionality on client side.

RPCCallStore &getRPCCallStore()

Retrieve reference to RPC call store implementation.


the callstore object used to maintain ongoing RPC calls.

uint32_t getRPCCallTimeoutGranularity() const

Retrieve RPC method call timeout granularity.


millisecond value.

RunningServicesMonitor &getRunningServicesMonitor()

Returns a reference to running services monitor.


reference to running services monitor. Returned reference remains valid as long as Client object is valid.

shared_ptr<ServiceClient> getServiceClient()

Return service client instance.


service client instance.

shared_ptr<ServicePrivateData> getServicePrivateData(const string_view &key)

Gets private data perviously stored for the service.

Connection::WorkNotifyCallback *getWorkCallback()

Retrieve work callback if any.


work callback.

void initialize()

Complete Construction.

void interrupt()

Interrupt wait/waitEx call.

Use this method if Client execution gets always interrupted using the Client class API (interrupt()) and never directly using the underlying ConnectCondition object.

void interruptEx()

Interrupts wait/waitEx call.

Use this method if Client execution gets also interrupted directly using the ConnectCondition object.

Generic usage pattern:

while (..)

// .. in some another thread ..

// .. in some another thread ..

void notifyWorkAvailable()

Notify connection about new work.

bool registerConnectionAdapter(const string &identifier, ConnectionAdapterCreateFunc creator)

Registers new connection adapter type into client.

  • identifier: Identifier of the connection adapter. This name needs to match with the ones in configuration files.

  • creator: Function that instantiates a connection adapter of given type.

void removeInterface(AbstractInterfaceClientSharedPtr abstractInterface)

Removes a client-side network interface from client.

  • abstractInterface: Interface to unregister from client

void removeInterfaceByPointer(AbstractInterfaceClient *abstractInterface)

Removes a client-side network interface from client.

  • abstractInterface: Interface to unregister from client

void removeInterfacesByName(const string &interfaceName)

Removes all interfaces with specific interface name.

  • interfaceName: the interface name that should be removed.

void reset()

Resets all internal structures and ensures client is disconnected.

void setRPCCallTimeoutGranularity(uint32_t ms)

Sets the granularity for pending RPC method call timeouts.

Smaller the granularity more often the timeouts of the pending RPC method calls is checked. Defaults to 10ms.

  • ms: milliseconds how often timeoutted rpc methods are checked. If 0 is passed then pending RPC method calls are checked for each work() routine call.

void setServicePrivateData(const shared_ptr<ServicePrivateData> &privateData)

Sets private data for internal use by a service clients and adapters.

A service may update or replace this data at any point. The private data contains a key used to store and later find the data instance.

  • privateData: An instance of ServicePrivateData containing the private data.

void setWorkCallback(Connection::WorkNotifyCallback *callback)

Registers a work callback.

  • callback: method to invoke when there is work to be done.

Wait *signal()

Get pointer to signal that is used to notify new work on main thread.

template<typename Func, typename ...Args>
void submitTask(Func &&func, Args&&... args)
string translateUri(const string &uri, bool encode)

Translate the given uri to contain an actual server address.


string which contains the <SERVER> tag translated to actual server IP address

  • uri: The string which contains <SERVER> tag to translate (allowed to be missing)

  • encode: If true then the URI is encoded

bool unregisterConnectionAdapter(const string &identifier)

Unregister connection adapter from client.

  • identifier: Identifier of the connection adapter.

void wait(int ms = -1)

Function to wait for network events to occur.

Blocks (but does not consume CPU) until events are received or timeout occurs. After this call returns, one should call work() in order to process the received events.

  • ms: Timeout for wait, -1 for infinite wait.

void waitEx(int ms = -1)

Wait function for external application bindings.

  • ms: milliseconds how long to wait.

void work()

This needs to be called periodically, in order for client to process network events.

struct ServicePrivateData

A class representing private data used by service clients and adapters.

Subclassed by Client::ServicePrivateStringData

Public Functions

ServicePrivateData(const string &key)
~ServicePrivateData() = default

Public Members

const string Key
struct ServicePrivateStringData : public Client::ServicePrivateData

A class used to store a single string value for private use by service clients and adapters.

Public Functions

ServicePrivateStringData(const string &key, const string &data)

Public Members

const string Data