
The Scenario service enables you to simulate and test your application using the Kanzi Connect service interfaces.

Scenarios consist of scripts, namely lambdas, and bindings that define when a script runs:

  • The Scenario service bindings are:

    • Data triggers are set off run when runtime data that you set changes.

    • Event triggers are set off when an event in a service occurs.

    • Timer triggers are set off with a delay at time intervals for the set amount of times.

  • The Scenario lambdas have access to service runtime data, and invoke events and methods. To keep the application responsive, make sure that lambdas are relatively fast operations.

Kanzi Connect runs the scenarios on the Kanzi Connect server main thread.

See Using scenarios.

Runtime data

  • Bindings

  • Lambdas

  • Scenarios

Interface definition

The interface definition XML file for the Scenario is <KanziConnectInstallation>/SDK/interfaces/definitions/scenario_interface.xml.

Fully qualified name for the Scenario is Connect.Service.Scenario.

Supported platforms

This service is supported on all platforms that Kanzi Connect supports.