
class kanzi::connect::p2p::P2PServer : public NetworkListener::Observer, public enable_shared_from_this<P2PServer>

Peer to Peer server functionality.

Public Functions

P2PServer(ClientIdManager &cim, const string &reliableBearer, const string &unreliableBearer, ConnectDomainSharedPtr domain, AbstractServiceSharedPtr service, RuntimeDataProvider *dataProvider)


  • cim: client identity manager

  • reliableBearer: the default bearer for reliable communication

  • unreliableBearer: the default bearer for unreliable communication

  • domain: server side connect domain

  • service: the service bound to this P2P functionality

  • dataProvider: runtime data provider.



void disconnectAll()

Disconnects all connected peers.

void enableVerboseLogging(bool enable)

Controls verbose logging.

  • enable: enables the verbose logging.

void flushPendingProviders()

Refresh updates pending for transfer credits.

ClientIdManager &getClientIdManager() const

Retrieve client id manager functionality.


client id manager instance.

ConnectDomainSharedPtr getConnectDomain() const

Retrieve connect domain.


connect domain pointer, ownership not transfered.

string getDiagnosticsCounters(vector<DiagnosticsObject> &objects)

Will fill the provided array with known diagnostics variables.


the textual identifier (effectively a service name) to which entity the measurements belong into.

  • objects: vector to be filled with diagnostics objects.

vector<EndpointSharedPtr> getEndpoints()

Gets all the endpoints this P2PServer has configured.


vector of endpoint definitions

RoutingRulesSharedPtr getRoutingRules()

Retrieve routing rules for the bound service.


routing rules bound to this server.

bool initialize(RoutingRules &rr, ConnectionAdapter::Parameters SSLParameters = ConnectionAdapter::Parameters())

Initialize and instantiate all required connection adapters.


true if succeeded and operational. false otherwise.

  • rr: routing rules that will be filled with connection endpoints accordingly.

  • SSLParameters: contains SSL parameters to be used with server side functionality. Required only if SSL bearer is to be used. Parameters should be passed with following keys “server_cert” Server certificate “server_pkey” Server private key “client_ca” Client CA certificate. “server_name” server name identitity (optional)

void registerMessageFilter(messagefilter::ServiceMessageFilterHandler handler)

Register a message filter callback that is invoked for each and every incoming message.

  • handler: the handler to be invoked.

void reportServiceRuntimeData(const string &interfaceId, const string &path, const string &stream)

Invoked when-ever the runtime data of the hosted remote service changes.

  • interfaceId: the interface whom data got changed

  • path: the path that got changed.

  • stream: the serialized runtimedata stream.

void setDomain(ConnectDomainSharedPtr domain)

Sets the domain to be used.

  • domain: the domain

bool transmit(size_t clientId, const MessagePackage &message)

Transmits a provided message to specified client.

  • clientId: the client to dispatch the message to

  • message: the message to dispatch

bool tryTransmitDirectly(const MessagePackage &message)

Try transmit message directly to peers shall there be a route(s) for such.


true if message got sent, false if should be dispatched further.

  • message: the message to send