Kanzi Connect  3.9.8
Kanzi Connect C++ API
kanzi::connect Namespace Reference




class  AbstractConnectDataSource
 Implements abstract base class for data source type that is able to transform Kanzi Connect database query to data object tree. More...
class  AbstractInterfaceClient
 An abstract client-side network interface class for services in Kanzi Connect network. More...
class  AbstractRPCCall
 An abstract class that translates network message to interface function call. More...
class  AbstractService
 Abstract base class for Kanzi Connect services. More...
class  AbstractServiceClient
 Abstract client-side base class for Kanzi Connect services. More...
class  AbstractSession
 A class that is used to deliver interface network messages between client and server. More...
class  ArgumentDescription
 Represents an argument. More...
class  ArgumentUtils
class  Client
 A class that is used to connect an application to Kanzi Connect server. More...
class  ClientConnectionAdapter
 An abstract class that acts as an interface to underlying network transport layer. More...
class  ClientConnector
 Base connector. More...
class  ClientDescriptor
 Contains client description information. More...
class  ClientIdManager
 Client id allocation facility. More...
class  ClientRemoteServiceHost
 A class that can be used to host a remote service on a client device. More...
class  ClientRemoteServiceHostInterface
 Interface to access ClientRemoteServiceHost in. More...
class  ClientSocketConnectionAdapter
 A class that implements connection adapter for TCP-IP transport type. More...
class  ClientStreamSession
class  ConfigurationPropertyExternalizer
 Externalize configuration properties to be sent to "wire". More...
class  ConfigurationPropertyInternalizer
 Internalize configuration properties received from "wire". More...
class  ConnectAction
class  ConnectBearerProvider
class  ConnectDataObjectList
class  ConnectDomain
 Domain definition for Kanzi Connect. More...
class  ConnectedClient
 Class that represents one client on server-side. More...
class  ConnectedClientProxy
class  Connection
 A class that represents the connection to network server and maintains listener for the network traffic. More...
class  ConnectionAdapter
 An abstract class that acts as an interface to underlying network transport layer. More...
class  ConnectionAdapterObjectFactory
 Connection adapter factory interface. More...
class  ConnectionAdapterProvider
class  ConnectionConfigurationParser
 Parser for client side connection configuration files. More...
class  ConnectionConfigurationReadIf
 Interface to read connection configurations of a connect client application. More...
class  ConnectionManager
 A service class to manage clients on server side. Implements Connection Interface on server. More...
class  ConnectionManagerMessageHookInterface
 Interface that can hook incoming messages. More...
class  ConnectionManagerWorkItem
 Connection manager specific work item definition. More...
class  ConnectPlugin
 A plug-in module that provides support for Kanzi Connect Context sharing. More...
class  ConnectRuntimeDataObjectList
class  ConnectStreamEncodeUtil
 Connect video utility, read pixels using glReadPixels and post them through connect framework. More...
class  ConnectStreamPlaybackUtil
class  ConnectTrigger
class  ConnectWorkItem
 Base class for work items that are passed through the workitem queue. More...
class  ContentAdapter
 A class that acts as an adapter between Kanzi Connect database and Kanzi Data Objects. More...
class  ContentAdapterConfiguration
 Configuration for the content adapter, defines the data model of the data object tree and source of the data in content system. More...
class  ContentAdapterManager
 Abstract class to manage connection adapters. More...
class  ContentClient
 A class that abstracts server-side & client-side access to content manager. More...
struct  ContentColumn
 Describes data for single database column. More...
class  ContentData
 Describes resulting data of content query. Contains columns and rows that were retrieved from the database. More...
class  ContentLoader
 Abstract class that retrieves content from external location. More...
class  ContentManager
 A class that acts as a content service that is an interface for all database content on server. More...
class  ContentProvider
 Content Providers provide a mechanism to query, filter and monitor changes in their encapsulated set of data. More...
class  ContentProviderCollection
 A content provider type, that hosts other Content Providers. More...
class  ContentProviderCreator
 Abstract creator class for Content Providers. More...
class  ContentProviderCreatorImpl
 General-purpose template creator type for content providers. More...
struct  ContentProviderDescription
 Describes a content provider. More...
class  ContentProviderIntrospectionInterface
 Interface each content provider must implement in order to be introspectable. More...
class  ContentProviderIntrospector
 Class that is capable of introspecting a provided service metaclass. More...
class  ContentQuery
 A class that represents one ongoing content query that is sent to the content provider. More...
class  ContentQueryArguments
 Encapsulates arguments passed with content queries. More...
class  ContentResult
 Content result class is a wrapper for the data that was retrieved from the content query. More...
struct  ContentRow
 Describes values for a single database row. More...
class  ContentSubscription
 A class that represents one content query that was received by the Content Manager. More...
class  Context
 Context class is used to manage all client side objects that are related either to connectivity or services. More...
class  CreditFlowControl
 Credit based flow control logic for both ends of the link. More...
class  CustomType
 Custom type definition for service API in service description. Allows defining structs and enums. More...
class  DataObjectCleanup
class  DebugContentObserver
 Observer class that outputs content result to log. More...
class  DefaultContentLoader
 Implementation of content loader that connects to Content Manager in Kanzi Connect server. More...
class  DefaultSortFilterDataSource
 Default sort filter implementation for a data source. More...
class  DuktapeModule
class  DynamicModule
 Class responsible of loading modules dynamically from shared libraries. More...
class  ExternalClientAdapter
 External client adapter that will represent a kanzi connect client on external language bindings. More...
class  ExternalClientInterface
class  ExternalClientSession
class  ExternalServiceAdapter
 Adapter class between Java implemented services and AbstractService instance. More...
class  ExternalServiceSession
 External service session implementation. More...
class  FileLoader
 Class to load files from a server or remote service over the connection adapters. More...
class  FileSet
 Container for set of file items. More...
class  FileSetItem
 Container for file (name + content) More...
class  FileTransferEntry
 Can handle transferring a file in blocks over connection adapter. More...
class  FrameReceiver
class  GenericInvoker
 Generic invoker class that invokes service meta methods based on received messages. More...
class  GenericRPCReplyMessage
class  GenericServiceClient
 Limitation: Only one GenericServiceClient instance per Client per Service is allowed. Having multiple instances of the class for same service and same network connection will not work properly. More...
class  GenericSyncObserver
 Generic observer which can be used to receive notification from GenericSyncPublisher, callback function arguments are template arguments. More...
class  GenericSyncPublisher
 Generic publisher which can be used to notify several observers. The observer callback arguments are template arguments. More...
class  IncomingMessageInterface
 Abstract message router interface for incoming messages. More...
class  InputConsumerNodeComponent
 Node component which can be used to receive input events from input service. More...
class  InputEventForwarder
 Input manipulator for kanzi connect which forwards input touch events to input service. More...
class  InputNodeComponentConcept
 Concept class which declares property types for input producer and consumer. More...
class  InputProducerNodeComponent
 Node component which can be used to provide input events to input service. More...
class  InterfaceClient
 Templated abstract base class for network interfaces. More...
class  InterfaceDomain
 A class that provides client-side access to all interfaces that are currently available in the system. More...
class  InterfaceDomainBase
 A class that acts as a container for domain specific information such as resource directory and also provides domain specific services such as uri translation. More...
class  InterfaceObserver
 Abstract base class for all observers. More...
class  KanziConnectDataSource
 A class that implements data source that is able to load content from Kanzi Connect server. More...
class  KanziFrameReceiver
 Simplify the CRTP interface towards streaming code. More...
class  LoadImageTask
 A resource loading task that can be used to retrieve an image from the network using HTTP or HTTPS. More...
class  LoadImageTaskHttp
 A resource loading task that can be used to retrieve an image from the network using HTTP or HTTPS. More...
class  LocalContentClient
 A content client variant that provides direct access to the content manager without any extra overhead. More...
class  LocalServiceDiscoveryInterface
 Defines interface to be used for local service discovery operations. More...
class  LocalServiceHost
 A class that manages a service that is running locally in Kanzi Connect Server. More...
class  Log
 A class that allows to output text to different destinations during runtime. More...
class  LoggerBase
 This is a base class for connect specific loggers. More...
class  MemorySecurityMaterialStore
 Stores security material artifacts (keys, certificates) in memory. More...
class  MessageContainer
class  MessageDispatcher
 A class that abstracts the destination and delivery method for a network message. More...
class  MessagePackage
class  MessageTranslator
 A class that translates raw binary data to network messages and vice versa. More...
class  MessageUtil
 Collection of utility functions related to message handling. More...
class  Method
 Method class implementation. More...
class  MethodDescription
 Represents a method. More...
struct  NetworkEvent
 Describes a network event that occurs between server and client. More...
class  NetworkListener
 A class that runs network thread and acts as a bridge between the server and clients. More...
class  NetworkListenerClient
 A class that runs network thread and acts as a bridge between the server and clients. More...
class  P2PLinkEstablishedMessage
struct  PixelFrame
class  PolicyContextInterface
 Policy context interface. More...
class  PolicyControllerInterface
 This interface provides a mechanism to control Connect behavior for scheduling and memory access. More...
class  PolicyServiceModule
class  PropertyDescriptor
 Represents a property as parsed from service interface xml. More...
class  ReceiverNode2D
 ReceiverNode2D provides the implementation to render a video stream. More...
class  ReceiverNode3D
 ReceiverNode3D provides the implementation to render a virtual stream. More...
class  ReceiverNodeConcept
 Concept class for receiver nodes. More...
class  ReceiverNodeConceptImpl
 Implementation of ReceiverNodeConcept. More...
class  RemoteContentClient
 A content client variant that provides remote access to the content manager over network. More...
class  RemoteServiceHost
 A class that manages a service that is running remotely over the network. More...
class  RPCCall
 Implementation of the RPC caller that represents a given network message class type. More...
class  RPCCallStore
class  RPCCallStoreImpl
class  RPCResult
 Wrapper for concrete RPC results.. provides limited and more convinient access. More...
class  RPCResult< void >
class  RPCResultBase
class  RPCResultImpl
 Base template class for non-void RPC results. More...
class  RPCResultImpl< void >
 RPC Function result for void return value. More...
class  RPCResultObserver
 Template observer class used with external language bindings. More...
class  RPCResultObserver< void >
 Template observer class used with external language bindings. specialization for void type. More...
class  RunningServicesMonitor
 Class that monitors the running services in a server. More...
class  RuntimeDataBuilder
 Internalization functionality. More...
class  RuntimeDataChildChangeMonitor
 Takes a runtime data object and installs a monitor to each child of the object and reports if any of the childs change. More...
class  RuntimeDataDispatcher
 Interface used to dispatch contents of binary stream into individual variables. More...
class  RuntimeDataExternalizer
 Externalization functionality. More...
class  RuntimeDataInternalizer
 Internalization functionality. More...
class  RuntimeDataMessageUtil
class  RuntimeDataObject
 RuntimeDataObject is a base class for hierarchical runtime data. More...
class  RuntimeDataObjectList
 RuntimeDataObject list is used to hold list of information. More...
class  RuntimeDataObjectTyped
 Template class that can be used to specialize standard types. More...
class  RuntimeDataObjectUtil
 conveniency class for external language (android java) bindings. More...
class  RuntimeDataSubscriber
 Utility class for receiving runtimedata along the existing connection to a server. More...
class  RuntimeExternalizerContextBase
 Basic context type used to carry along with the API calls. More...
class  RuntimeStreamContentDataList
 Wraps a proto-buffer list. More...
class  RuntimeStreamContentDataObject
 Wraps a protobuffer object. More...
class  ScriptContextInterface
class  SecurityContextInterface
 Security manager. More...
class  Server
 A class that represents the Kanzi Connect server. More...
class  ServerConfig
 Kanzi Connect Server configuration file handling. More...
class  ServerState
 Class that represents, and maintains, a service state. More...
class  ServiceArguments
 Startup arguments given for a server when it is started. More...
class  ServiceClient
 Common interface towards service service at server. More...
class  ServiceClientObserver
 Observer to listen service service events. More...
struct  ServiceExtension
class  ServiceHost
 Abstract base class that abstracts the origin of the service and simplifies the service management. More...
class  ServiceIntrospector
 Class that is capable of introspecting a provided service metaclass. More...
class  ServiceManager
 A class that manages all services in Kanzi Connect Server. More...
class  ServiceMethodSignature
 Class to encapsulate a service and method in a manner it can be compared to match the network message. More...
class  ServiceRuntimeData
 Encapsulates service runtime data. More...
class  ServiceRuntimeDataRegistry
 Encapsulates service runtime data. More...
class  SessionRunningMessage
class  SessionRunningTrigger
class  SessionStartMessage
class  SessionStopMessage
class  SessionStoppedMessage
class  SessionStoppedTrigger
class  SignalingSocket
 Helper class that provides platform specific means to create file descriptor that can be interrupted from another thread. More...
class  Socket
 Cross platform C++ wrapper for posix sockets. More...
class  SocketConnectionAdapter
 A class that implements connection adapter for TCP-IP transport type. More...
class  SortFilterDataObjectList
 Data Object list which provides services to sort and filter objects within another data object list. More...
class  SortFilterProxyDataSourceAbs
 Implements a proxy data source which fetches content from another data source and provides callbacks to subclasses for filtering and sorting. More...
class  SSLLock
 SSL Locking functionality for SSL versions (<= 1.0.2) that does not have built-in support for multithreading. More...
class  SSLModule
struct  StreamEncodeParameters
struct  StreamEncoderInfo
class  StreamEncodeUtil
class  StreamEncodeUtil_openh264
struct  StreamGeometry
struct  StreamInfo
class  StreamingComponent
 StreamingComponent streams content from a 2D node that it is attached to. More...
class  StreamNewBlobEvent
class  StreamObserver
 Observer class for Stream interface. More...
class  StreamPlaybackUtil
class  StreamPlaybackUtil_openh264
 StreamPlaybackUtil_openh264 uses openh264 to decode frames. More...
class  StreamReceiveEncoderParameterEvent
class  StreamReceiveStreamInfoEvent
class  StreamRemoveSubscriptionMethod
class  StreamRequestEncoderParameterMethod
class  StreamRequestStreamInfoMethod
class  StreamRestartEncoderMethod
class  StreamServiceClient
class  StreamSetEncoderParameterMethod
class  StreamSetStreamContentMethod
class  StreamSubscribeBlobsMethod
class  StreamSubscriptionResultEvent
class  SubscriptionContainer
 Container for session subscriptions within abstract service or external service adapter. More...
class  TypedNakedPointer
 Class to transfer naked (void *) pointer in a safer manner. More...
class  UriTranslator
 A class that allows to translate pre-formatted URIs that follow special syntax to local and file server URIs that can be used to retrieve data. More...
class  UriUtil
 Contains uri parts splitted. More...
class  VirtualFileClient
 Base class for local and remote virtual http file clients. More...
class  VirtualFileLocalClient
 Local interface to access HTTP Virtual file interface in server. More...
class  VirtualFileLocalResponseInterface
 Defines an interface for local virtual file responses. More...
class  VirtualFileProvider
 Generic provider API definition class. Used as traditional c++ interface. More...
class  VirtualFileRemoteClient
 Remote access to VirtualFile service that resides in kanziconnect server. More...
class  VirtualFileRemoteResponseInterface
 Defines an interface for virtual file remote responses. More...
class  VirtualFileRequestHandler
 VirtualFileRequestHandler implements the CivetHandler for defined local URI. More...
class  VirtualFileResponse
 Response object that is used by the clients to complete the file request. More...
class  VirtualFileService
 A service class to manage clients on server side. Implements Connection Interface on server. More...
class  VirtualFileWorkItem
 HTTP Virtual File specific work item. More...
class  Wait
 A class that allows to wait for specific condition to signal. More...
class  WebSocketContextInterface
class  WebSocketModule
class  Worker
 A class that integrates Kanzi Connect client to Kanzi UI event loop. More...
class  WorkerBase
 A class implements basis related to integrating of Kanzi workloop into kanziconnect workloop. More...
class  WorkQueueInterface
 Interface for the work queue. Used to propagate work items from services to event-based work loop. More...
class  WorkQueueProxyInterface
 Proxy for Work Queue -> encapsulates the service instance. More...
class  XmlConfigurationReader
 A class that reads adapter configuration from xml file. More...


typedef shared_ptr< AbstractConnectDataSourceAbstractConnectDataSourceSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< AbstractInterfaceClientAbstractInterfaceClientSharedPtr
typedef weak_ptr< AbstractInterfaceClientAbstractInterfaceClientWeakPtr
typedef shared_ptr< AbstractServiceClientAbstractServiceClientSharedPtr
typedef weak_ptr< AbstractServiceClientAbstractServiceClientWeakPtr
typedef shared_ptr< AbstractServiceAbstractServiceSharedPtr
typedef weak_ptr< AbstractServiceAbstractServiceWeakPtr
typedef shared_ptr< AbstractSessionAbstractSessionSharedPtr
typedef weak_ptr< AbstractSessionAbstractSessionWeakPtr
typedef shared_ptr< AsyncQuery > AsyncQuerySharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< CivetServer > CivetServerSharedPtr
typedef weak_ptr< CivetServer > CivetServerWeakPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ClientConnectionAdapterClientConnectionAdapterSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ClientDescriptorClientDescriptorSharedPtr
typedef int ClientIdentifier
typedef shared_ptr< ClientRemoteServiceHostClientRemoteServiceHostSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ClientClientSharedPtr
typedef kanzi::shared_ptr< ClientStreamSessionClientStreamSessionSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ConfigurationService > ConfigurationServiceSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ConnectActionConnectActionSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ConnectBearerProviderConnectBearerProviderSharedPtr
typedef condition_variable ConnectCondition
typedef std::cv_status ConnectCVStatus
typedef shared_ptr< ConnectDataObjectList > ConnectDataObjectListSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ConnectDomainConnectDomainSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ConnectedClientProxyConnectedClientProxySharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ConnectedClientConnectedClientSharedPtr
typedef function< ClientConnectionAdapterSharedPtr()> ConnectionAdapterCreateFunc
typedef shared_ptr< ConnectionAdapterObjectFactoryConnectionAdapterObjectFactorySharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ConnectionAdapterConnectionAdapterSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ConnectionManagerConnectionManagerSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ConnectionManagerWorkItemConnectionManagerWorkItemSharedPtr
template<typename T >
using ConnectLockGuard = lock_guard< T >
typedef mutex ConnectMutex
typedef shared_ptr< ConnectPluginConnectPluginSharedPtr
typedef recursive_mutex ConnectRecursiveMutex
typedef thread ConnectThread
typedef shared_ptr< ConnectTriggerConnectTriggerSharedPtr
template<typename T >
using ConnectUniqueLock = unique_lock< T >
typedef shared_ptr< ConnectWorkItemConnectWorkItemSharedPtr
typedef unique_ptr< ConnectWorkItemConnectWorkItemUniquePtr
typedef shared_ptr< ContentAdapterConfigurationContentAdapterConfigurationSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ContentAdapterContentAdapterSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ContentClientContentClientSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ContentDataContentDataSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ContentLoaderContentLoaderSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ContentManagerContentManagerSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ContentProviderCollectionContentProviderCollectionSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ContentProviderDescriptionContentProviderDescriptionSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ContentProviderContentProviderSharedPtr
typedef weak_ptr< ContentProviderContentProviderWeakPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ContentQueryArgumentsContentQueryArgumentsSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ContentQueryContentQuerySharedPtr
typedef weak_ptr< ContentQueryContentQueryWeakPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ContentSubscriptionContentSubscriptionSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ContextContextSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< DefaultContentLoaderDefaultContentLoaderSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< DiagnosticsManager > DiagnosticsManagerSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< DiagnosticsServiceClient > DiagnosticsServiceClientSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< DiagnosticsTrafficDataSink > DiagnosticsTrafficDataSinkSharedPtr
typedef weak_ptr< DiagnosticsTrafficDataSink > DiagnosticsTrafficDataSinkWeakPtr
typedef shared_ptr< DiagnosticsUserVariable > DiagnosticsUserVariableSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ExternalServiceAdapterExternalServiceAdapterSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< FrameReceiverFrameReceiverSharedPtr
typedef weak_ptr< FrameReceiverFrameReceiverWeakPtr
typedef shared_ptr< GenericRPCReplyMessage > GenericRPCReplyMessageSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< GenericServiceClientGenericServiceClientSharedPtr
typedef weak_ptr< GenericServiceClientGenericServiceClientWeakPtr
typedef shared_ptr< HTTPContentRequest > HTTPContentRequestSharedPtr
typedef weak_ptr< HTTPContentRequest > HTTPContentRequestWeakPtr
typedef vector< HTTPContentRequestWeakPtrHttpRequestWeakContainer
typedef shared_ptr< InputService > InputServiceSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< KanziConnectDataSourceKanziConnectDataSourceSharedPtr
typedef vector< string > KanziStringVector
typedef shared_ptr< KanziStringVectorKanziStringVectorSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< LocalContentClientLocalContentClientSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< MessageArgumentsStorage > MessageArgumentsStoreSharedPtr
typedef vector< MessagePackageSharedPtrMessageArray
typedef shared_ptr< MessageDispatcherMessageDispatcherSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< MessagePackageMessagePackageSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< MethodMethodSharedPtr
typedef weak_ptr< MethodMethodWeakPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Module > ModuleSharedPtr
typedef queue< NetworkEventNetworkEventQueue
 Event queue type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< NetworkListenerClientNetworkListenerClientSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< NetworkListenerNetworkListenerSharedPtr
typedef weak_ptr< NetworkListenerNetworkListenerWeakPtr
typedef shared_ptr< p2p::P2PClientP2PClientSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< PersistenceService > PersistenceServiceSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< PixelFramePixelFrameSharedPtr
typedef weak_ptr< PixelFramePixelFrameWeakPtr
typedef shared_ptr< PolicyControllerInterfacePolicyControllerInterfaceSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< QueryArgumentData > QueryArgumentDataSharedPtr
using ReceiverNode2DSharedPtr = shared_ptr< ReceiverNode2D >
using ReceiverNode3DSharedPtr = shared_ptr< ReceiverNode3D >
typedef shared_ptr< RemoteContentClientRemoteContentClientSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< RPCCallStoreRPCCallStoreSharedPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< RuntimeContentClientProxy > RuntimeContentProxySharedPtr
typedef RuntimeDataObjectTyped< bool, RuntimeDataObject::BoolRuntimeDataObjectBool
typedef shared_ptr< RuntimeDataObjectBoolRuntimeDataObjectBoolSharedPtr
typedef RuntimeDataObjectTyped< double, RuntimeDataObject::RealRuntimeDataObjectFloat
typedef RuntimeDataObjectTyped< int, RuntimeDataObject::IntegerRuntimeDataObjectInt
typedef shared_ptr< RuntimeDataObjectIntRuntimeDataObjectIntSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< RuntimeDataObjectListRuntimeDataObjectListSharedPtr
typedef RuntimeDataObjectTyped< double, RuntimeDataObject::RealRuntimeDataObjectReal
typedef shared_ptr< RuntimeDataObjectRealRuntimeDataObjectRealSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< RuntimeDataObjectRuntimeDataObjectSharedPtr
typedef RuntimeDataObjectTyped< string, RuntimeDataObject::StringRuntimeDataObjectString
typedef shared_ptr< RuntimeDataObjectStringRuntimeDataObjectStringSharedPtr
typedef weak_ptr< RuntimeDataObjectRuntimeDataObjectWeakPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ScriptContextInterfaceScriptContextSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ServiceArgumentsServiceArgumentsSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ServiceContentProvider > ServiceContentProviderSharedPtr
typedef unordered_map< string, ServiceExtensionSharedPtrServiceExtensionContainer
typedef shared_ptr< ServiceExtensionServiceExtensionSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ServiceHostServiceHostSharedPtr
typedef weak_ptr< ServiceHostServiceHostWeakPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ServiceManagerServiceManagerSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ServiceMethodSignatureServiceMethodSignatureSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ServiceRuntimeDataRegistryServiceRuntimeDataRegistrySharedPtr
typedef weak_ptr< ServiceRuntimeDataServiceRuntimeDataWeakPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ServiceServiceClient > ServiceServiceClientSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< SessionRunningTriggerSessionRunningTriggerSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< SessionStoppedTriggerSessionStoppedTriggerSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< SocketConnectionAdapterSocketConnectionAdapterSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< StreamEncodeParametersStreamEncodeParametersSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< StreamEncodeUtilStreamEncodeUtilSharedPtr
using StreamingComponentSharedPtr = shared_ptr< StreamingComponent >
typedef InterfaceClient< StreamObserver, ClientStreamSessionStreamInterfaceClient
typedef shared_ptr< StreamPlaybackUtilStreamPlaybackUtilSharedPtr
typedef kanzi::shared_ptr< StreamServiceClientStreamServiceClientSharedPtr
typedef kanzi::weak_ptr< StreamServiceClientStreamServiceClientWeakPtr
typedef shared_ptr< void > TimerSubscriptionToken
typedef shared_ptr< VirtualFileLocalClientVirtualFileLocalClientSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< VirtualFileServiceVirtualFileManagerSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< VirtualFileRemoteClientVirtualFileRemoteClientSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< VirtualFileRequestHandlerVirtualFileRequestHandlerSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< VirtualFileResponseVirtualFileResponseSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< VirtualFileWorkItemVirtualFileWorkItemSharedPtr
typedef shared_ptr< WorkerWorkerSharedPtr


enum  ContentDataType {
  Unknown, Integer, Float, Boolean,
  String, Bytes
 Data types for the Kanzi Connect content interface. More...
enum  StreamFrameFlag { KeyFrame = 1, PartialFrame = 2, ConfigFrame = 4 }


KANZI_CONNECT_API string base64_decode (string input)
KANZI_CONNECT_API string base64_decode_accept_spaces (string input)
KANZI_CONNECT_API string base64_encode (const string &input)
KANZI_CONNECT_API bool fromMessage (StreamGeometry &in, const MessagePackage &message)
KANZI_CONNECT_API bool fromMessage (StreamEncoderInfo &in, const MessagePackage &message)
KANZI_CONNECT_API bool fromMessage (StreamInfo &in, const MessagePackage &message)
boost::any getDataObjectValueAsAny (DataObjectSharedPtr object)
template<class _T >
shared_ptr< _T > getLocalService (ConnectDomainSharedPtr domain, const string serviceName)
static int getPhysicalMemory ()
 Returns the resident physical memory used by this process. More...
static int getPhysicalMemoryPeak ()
 Returns the peak resident physical memory used by this process. More...
template<class T >
MessagePackageSharedPtr MessageCreator ()
 Templated helper function for message creation. More...
ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, const MessageContainer &out)
kanzi::ostream & operator<< (kanzi::ostream &os, const MessagePackage &out)
bool operator== (const ConnectionConfigurationReadIf::Configuration &lhs, const ConnectionConfigurationReadIf::Configuration &rhs)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, MessageContainer &in)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, MessagePackage &in)
static int KANZI_CONNECT_API parseProcStatusVmLine (char *line)
 Default linux implementation, also for android #elif defined(ANDROID) More...
void KANZI_CONNECT_ADAPTATION_API registerSupportedProtocols (kanzi::Domain *domain)
 Register supported protocols to resource manager. More...
void setDataObjectValueFromAny (DataObjectSharedPtr object, const boost::any &value)
bool splitContentUri (const string &uri, string &protocol, string &domain, string &contentUri)
KANZI_CONNECT_API bool toMessage (const StreamGeometry &out, MessagePackage &message)
KANZI_CONNECT_API bool toMessage (const StreamEncoderInfo &out, MessagePackage &message)
KANZI_CONNECT_API bool toMessage (const StreamInfo &out, MessagePackage &message)



Typedef Documentation

◆ AbstractConnectDataSourceSharedPtr

◆ AbstractInterfaceClientSharedPtr

◆ AbstractInterfaceClientWeakPtr

◆ AbstractServiceClientSharedPtr

◆ AbstractServiceClientWeakPtr

◆ AbstractServiceSharedPtr

◆ AbstractServiceWeakPtr

◆ AbstractSessionSharedPtr

◆ AbstractSessionWeakPtr

◆ AsyncQuerySharedPtr

typedef shared_ptr<AsyncQuery> kanzi::connect::AsyncQuerySharedPtr

◆ CivetServerSharedPtr

typedef shared_ptr<CivetServer> kanzi::connect::CivetServerSharedPtr

◆ CivetServerWeakPtr

typedef weak_ptr<CivetServer> kanzi::connect::CivetServerWeakPtr

◆ ClientConnectionAdapterSharedPtr

◆ ClientDescriptorSharedPtr

◆ ClientIdentifier

◆ ClientRemoteServiceHostSharedPtr

◆ ClientSharedPtr

typedef shared_ptr< Client > kanzi::connect::ClientSharedPtr

◆ ClientStreamSessionSharedPtr

◆ ConfigurationServiceSharedPtr

typedef shared_ptr<ConfigurationService> kanzi::connect::ConfigurationServiceSharedPtr

◆ ConnectActionSharedPtr

◆ ConnectBearerProviderSharedPtr

◆ ConnectCondition

typedef condition_variable kanzi::connect::ConnectCondition

◆ ConnectCVStatus

typedef std::cv_status kanzi::connect::ConnectCVStatus

◆ ConnectDataObjectListSharedPtr

typedef shared_ptr<ConnectDataObjectList> kanzi::connect::ConnectDataObjectListSharedPtr

◆ ConnectDomainSharedPtr

◆ ConnectedClientProxySharedPtr

◆ ConnectedClientSharedPtr

◆ ConnectionAdapterCreateFunc

◆ ConnectionAdapterObjectFactorySharedPtr

◆ ConnectionAdapterSharedPtr

◆ ConnectionManagerSharedPtr

◆ ConnectionManagerWorkItemSharedPtr

◆ ConnectLockGuard

template<typename T >
using kanzi::connect::ConnectLockGuard = typedef lock_guard<T>

◆ ConnectMutex

◆ ConnectPluginSharedPtr

◆ ConnectRecursiveMutex

typedef recursive_mutex kanzi::connect::ConnectRecursiveMutex

◆ ConnectThread

◆ ConnectTriggerSharedPtr

◆ ConnectUniqueLock

template<typename T >
using kanzi::connect::ConnectUniqueLock = typedef unique_lock<T>

◆ ConnectWorkItemSharedPtr

◆ ConnectWorkItemUniquePtr

◆ ContentAdapterConfigurationSharedPtr

◆ ContentAdapterSharedPtr

◆ ContentClientSharedPtr

◆ ContentDataSharedPtr

◆ ContentLoaderSharedPtr

◆ ContentManagerSharedPtr

◆ ContentProviderCollectionSharedPtr

◆ ContentProviderDescriptionSharedPtr

◆ ContentProviderSharedPtr

◆ ContentProviderWeakPtr

◆ ContentQueryArgumentsSharedPtr

◆ ContentQuerySharedPtr

◆ ContentQueryWeakPtr

◆ ContentSubscriptionSharedPtr

◆ ContextSharedPtr

◆ DefaultContentLoaderSharedPtr

◆ DiagnosticsManagerSharedPtr

typedef shared_ptr< DiagnosticsManager > kanzi::connect::DiagnosticsManagerSharedPtr

◆ DiagnosticsServiceClientSharedPtr

typedef shared_ptr<DiagnosticsServiceClient> kanzi::connect::DiagnosticsServiceClientSharedPtr

◆ DiagnosticsTrafficDataSinkSharedPtr

typedef shared_ptr<DiagnosticsTrafficDataSink> kanzi::connect::DiagnosticsTrafficDataSinkSharedPtr

◆ DiagnosticsTrafficDataSinkWeakPtr

typedef weak_ptr<DiagnosticsTrafficDataSink> kanzi::connect::DiagnosticsTrafficDataSinkWeakPtr

◆ DiagnosticsUserVariableSharedPtr

typedef shared_ptr< DiagnosticsUserVariable > kanzi::connect::DiagnosticsUserVariableSharedPtr

◆ ExternalServiceAdapterSharedPtr

◆ FrameReceiverSharedPtr

◆ FrameReceiverWeakPtr

◆ GenericRPCReplyMessageSharedPtr

typedef shared_ptr<GenericRPCReplyMessage> kanzi::connect::GenericRPCReplyMessageSharedPtr

◆ GenericServiceClientSharedPtr

◆ GenericServiceClientWeakPtr

◆ HTTPContentRequestSharedPtr

typedef shared_ptr<HTTPContentRequest> kanzi::connect::HTTPContentRequestSharedPtr

◆ HTTPContentRequestWeakPtr

typedef weak_ptr<HTTPContentRequest> kanzi::connect::HTTPContentRequestWeakPtr

◆ HttpRequestWeakContainer

◆ InputServiceSharedPtr

typedef shared_ptr<InputService> kanzi::connect::InputServiceSharedPtr

◆ KanziConnectDataSourceSharedPtr

◆ KanziStringVector

typedef vector<string> kanzi::connect::KanziStringVector

◆ KanziStringVectorSharedPtr

◆ LocalContentClientSharedPtr

◆ MessageArgumentsStoreSharedPtr

typedef shared_ptr<MessageArgumentsStorage> kanzi::connect::MessageArgumentsStoreSharedPtr

◆ MessageArray

◆ MessageDispatcherSharedPtr

◆ MessagePackageSharedPtr

◆ MethodSharedPtr

◆ MethodWeakPtr

◆ ModuleSharedPtr

typedef shared_ptr< Module > kanzi::connect::ModuleSharedPtr

◆ NetworkEventQueue

Event queue type.

◆ NetworkListenerClientSharedPtr

◆ NetworkListenerSharedPtr

◆ NetworkListenerWeakPtr

◆ P2PClientSharedPtr

◆ PersistenceServiceSharedPtr

typedef shared_ptr<PersistenceService> kanzi::connect::PersistenceServiceSharedPtr

◆ PixelFrameSharedPtr

◆ PixelFrameWeakPtr

◆ PolicyControllerInterfaceSharedPtr

◆ QueryArgumentDataSharedPtr

typedef shared_ptr<QueryArgumentData> kanzi::connect::QueryArgumentDataSharedPtr

◆ ReceiverNode2DSharedPtr

◆ ReceiverNode3DSharedPtr

◆ RemoteContentClientSharedPtr

◆ RPCCallStoreSharedPtr

◆ RuntimeContentProxySharedPtr

typedef std::shared_ptr<RuntimeContentClientProxy> kanzi::connect::RuntimeContentProxySharedPtr

◆ RuntimeDataObjectBool

◆ RuntimeDataObjectBoolSharedPtr

◆ RuntimeDataObjectFloat

◆ RuntimeDataObjectInt

◆ RuntimeDataObjectIntSharedPtr

◆ RuntimeDataObjectListSharedPtr

◆ RuntimeDataObjectReal

◆ RuntimeDataObjectRealSharedPtr

◆ RuntimeDataObjectSharedPtr

◆ RuntimeDataObjectString

◆ RuntimeDataObjectStringSharedPtr

◆ RuntimeDataObjectWeakPtr

◆ ScriptContextSharedPtr

◆ ServiceArgumentsSharedPtr

◆ ServiceContentProviderSharedPtr

typedef shared_ptr<ServiceContentProvider> kanzi::connect::ServiceContentProviderSharedPtr

◆ ServiceExtensionContainer

◆ ServiceExtensionSharedPtr

◆ ServiceHostSharedPtr

◆ ServiceHostWeakPtr

◆ ServiceManagerSharedPtr

◆ ServiceMethodSignatureSharedPtr

◆ ServiceRuntimeDataRegistrySharedPtr

◆ ServiceRuntimeDataWeakPtr

◆ ServiceServiceClientSharedPtr

typedef shared_ptr< ServiceServiceClient > kanzi::connect::ServiceServiceClientSharedPtr

◆ SessionRunningTriggerSharedPtr

◆ SessionStoppedTriggerSharedPtr

◆ SocketConnectionAdapterSharedPtr

◆ StreamEncodeParametersSharedPtr

◆ StreamEncodeUtilSharedPtr

◆ StreamingComponentSharedPtr

◆ StreamInterfaceClient

◆ StreamPlaybackUtilSharedPtr

◆ StreamServiceClientSharedPtr

◆ StreamServiceClientWeakPtr

◆ TimerSubscriptionToken

typedef shared_ptr< void > kanzi::connect::TimerSubscriptionToken

◆ VirtualFileLocalClientSharedPtr

◆ VirtualFileManagerSharedPtr

◆ VirtualFileRemoteClientSharedPtr

◆ VirtualFileRequestHandlerSharedPtr

◆ VirtualFileResponseSharedPtr

◆ VirtualFileWorkItemSharedPtr

◆ WorkerSharedPtr

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ContentDataType

Data types for the Kanzi Connect content interface.


◆ StreamFrameFlag


Function Documentation

◆ base64_decode()

KANZI_CONNECT_API string kanzi::connect::base64_decode ( string  input)

◆ base64_decode_accept_spaces()

KANZI_CONNECT_API string kanzi::connect::base64_decode_accept_spaces ( string  input)

◆ base64_encode()

KANZI_CONNECT_API string kanzi::connect::base64_encode ( const string &  input)

◆ fromMessage() [1/3]

KANZI_CONNECT_API bool kanzi::connect::fromMessage ( StreamGeometry in,
const MessagePackage message 

◆ fromMessage() [2/3]

KANZI_CONNECT_API bool kanzi::connect::fromMessage ( StreamEncoderInfo in,
const MessagePackage message 

◆ fromMessage() [3/3]

KANZI_CONNECT_API bool kanzi::connect::fromMessage ( StreamInfo in,
const MessagePackage message 

◆ getDataObjectValueAsAny()

boost::any kanzi::connect::getDataObjectValueAsAny ( DataObjectSharedPtr  object)

◆ getLocalService()

template<class _T >
shared_ptr<_T> kanzi::connect::getLocalService ( ConnectDomainSharedPtr  domain,
const string  serviceName 

◆ getPhysicalMemory()

static int kanzi::connect::getPhysicalMemory ( )

Returns the resident physical memory used by this process.

resident physical memory size or -1 if not possible to determine

◆ getPhysicalMemoryPeak()

static int kanzi::connect::getPhysicalMemoryPeak ( )

Returns the peak resident physical memory used by this process.

resident physical memory peak size or -1 if not possible to determine

◆ MessageCreator()

template<class T >
MessagePackageSharedPtr kanzi::connect::MessageCreator ( )

Templated helper function for message creation.

◆ operator<<() [1/2]

ostream& kanzi::connect::operator<< ( ostream &  os,
const MessageContainer out 

◆ operator<<() [2/2]

kanzi::ostream& kanzi::connect::operator<< ( kanzi::ostream &  os,
const MessagePackage out 

◆ operator==()

bool kanzi::connect::operator== ( const ConnectionConfigurationReadIf::Configuration lhs,
const ConnectionConfigurationReadIf::Configuration rhs 

◆ operator>>() [1/2]

std::istream& kanzi::connect::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
MessageContainer in 

◆ operator>>() [2/2]

std::istream& kanzi::connect::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
MessagePackage in 

◆ parseProcStatusVmLine()

static int KANZI_CONNECT_API kanzi::connect::parseProcStatusVmLine ( char *  line)

Default linux implementation, also for android #elif defined(ANDROID)

Parses a line of /proc/self/status and returns the value in kB, assumes that there is a value, this value is the only number on the line and that the line ends in three characters (" kB"). Example line format VmRSS: 696 kB

lineline to parse
the numerical value as int or -1 if not found

◆ registerSupportedProtocols()

void KANZI_CONNECT_ADAPTATION_API kanzi::connect::registerSupportedProtocols ( kanzi::Domain *  domain)

Register supported protocols to resource manager.

domainUsed to get access to resource manager to register protocols into

◆ setDataObjectValueFromAny()

void kanzi::connect::setDataObjectValueFromAny ( DataObjectSharedPtr  object,
const boost::any &  value 

◆ splitContentUri()

bool kanzi::connect::splitContentUri ( const string &  uri,
string &  protocol,
string &  domain,
string &  contentUri 

◆ toMessage() [1/3]

KANZI_CONNECT_API bool kanzi::connect::toMessage ( const StreamGeometry out,
MessagePackage message 

◆ toMessage() [2/3]

KANZI_CONNECT_API bool kanzi::connect::toMessage ( const StreamEncoderInfo out,
MessagePackage message 

◆ toMessage() [3/3]

KANZI_CONNECT_API bool kanzi::connect::toMessage ( const StreamInfo out,
MessagePackage message 

Variable Documentation


const size_t kanzi::connect::SERIALIZATION_FORMAT_PARAM_ID = 13