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kzu_property_manager.h File Reference

Property manager. More...




 Flag to indicate that the property was loaded from .KZB data. More...
 Flag to indicate that the property will not be copied when copying properties. More...


typedef kzsError(* KzuPropertyNotificationHandler )(const void *object, const struct KzuPropertyType *propertyType, enum KzuPropertyNotificationReason reason, void *userData)
 Property notification handler function definition. More...
typedef kzsError(* KzuPropertyModifierCallback )(const void *object, const struct KzuPropertyType *propertyType, void *valueSource, enum KzuPropertyNotificationReason reason, void *userData)
 Property modifier callback function. More...


 Property notification reason. More...
 Property value precedence. More...


KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerCreate (const struct KzcMemoryManager *memoryManager, struct KzuPropertyManager **out_propertyManager)
 Create a property manager. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerDelete (struct KzuPropertyManager *propertyManager)
 Delete a property manager. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerRemoveProperties (const struct KzuPropertyManager *propertyManager)
 Removes properties from property manager. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerRemoveLocalValue (const struct KzuPropertyManager *propertyManager, const void *object, const struct KzuPropertyType *propertyType)
 Remove the local value (i.e. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerUnlinkProperties (const struct KzuPropertyManager *propertyManager, const void *object)
 Unlink all property entries associated with an object. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerRemoveKZBProperties (const struct KzuPropertyManager *propertyManager, const void *object)
 Remove all properties associated with an object that are originated from .KZB data. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerGetPropertyTypes (const struct KzuPropertyManager *propertyManager, const struct KzcMemoryManager *memoryManager, const void *object, struct KzcDynamicArray **out_propertyTypes)
 Get all property types associated with an object. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerGetAllPropertyTypes (const struct KzuPropertyManager *propertyManager, const struct KzcMemoryManager *memoryManager, const void *object, struct KzcDynamicArray **out_propertyTypes)
 Get all property types associated with an object. More...
KANZI_API kzBool kzuPropertyManagerHasValue (const struct KzuPropertyManager *propertyManager, const void *object, const struct KzuPropertyType *propertyType)
 Check if any value of propertyType is associated with an object. More...
KANZI_API kzBool kzuPropertyManagerHasLocalValue (const struct KzuPropertyManager *propertyManager, const void *object, const struct KzuPropertyType *propertyType)
 Check if a local value (i.e. More...
KANZI_API kzBool kzuPropertyManagerIsPropertyEqual (const struct KzuPropertyManager *propertyManager, const void *object1, const void *object2, const struct KzuPropertyType *propertyType)
 Compare the property value of two objects. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerCopyProperty (const struct KzuPropertyManager *propertyManager, const void *sourceObject, const void *targetObject, const struct KzuPropertyType *propertyType)
 Copy a property of given type from source object to target object. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerCopyProperties (const struct KzuPropertyManager *propertyManager, const void *sourceObject, const void *targetObject)
 Copy all properties from source object to target object. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerCopyObjectToTargetManager (const struct KzcMemoryManager *memoryManager, const struct KzuPropertyManager *sourcePropertyManager, const void *object, const struct KzuPropertyManager *targetPropertyManager)
 Copies all properties of object from source property manager to target property manager. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerSetPropertyFlag (const struct KzuPropertyManager *propertyManager, const void *object, const struct KzuPropertyType *propertyType, kzU32 flag)
 Set a flag for a property. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerClearPropertyFlag (const struct KzuPropertyManager *propertyManager, const void *object, const struct KzuPropertyType *propertyType, kzU32 flag)
 Clears a flag for a property. More...
KANZI_API kzBool kzuPropertyManagerIsPropertyFlagSet (const struct KzuPropertyManager *propertyManager, const void *object, const struct KzuPropertyType *propertyType, kzU32 flag, kzBool *out_isSet)
 Checks if a flag is set for a property. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerRegisterPropertyType (const struct KzuPropertyManager *propertyManager, const struct KzuPropertyType *propertyType)
 Register a property type in the property manager. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerUnregisterPropertyType (const struct KzuPropertyManager *propertyManager, const struct KzuPropertyType *propertyType)
 Unregister a property type from the property manager. More...
KANZI_API const KzuPropertyTypekzuPropertyManagerFindPropertyType (const struct KzuPropertyManager *propertyManager, kzString propertyTypeName)
 Finds a property type by name from the property manager. More...
KANZI_API kzBool kzuObjectNodeHasProperty (const kanzi::Node *objectNode, const struct KzuPropertyType *propertyType)
 Check if an object node has or inherits a property. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerRegisterObject (const struct KzuPropertyManager *propertyManager, const kanzi::Object *object)
 Register an object node with a property manager. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerUnregisterObject (const struct KzuPropertyManager *propertyManager, const kanzi::Object *object)
 Unregister an object node with a property manager. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerSuspendLayoutInvalidation (struct KzuPropertyManager *propertyManager)
 Suspend layout invalidation. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerResumeLayoutInvalidation (struct KzuPropertyManager *propertyManager)
 Resume layout invalidation. More...
KANZI_API kzBool kzuPropertyManagerIsLayoutInvalidationSuspended (const struct KzuPropertyManager *propertyManager)
 Check if layout invalidation is suspended. More...
KANZI_API kzBool kzuPropertyManagerSupportsPropertyStack (const struct KzuPropertyType *propertyType)
 Checks if a property type is supported in the property stack. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerAddValueSource (const struct KzuPropertyManager *propertyManager, const void *object, const struct KzuPropertyType *propertyType, void *valueSource, enum KzuPropertyValuePrecedence precedence, void *owner)
 Add a value source. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerRemoveValueSource (const struct KzuPropertyManager *propertyManager, const void *object, const struct KzuPropertyType *propertyType, const void *valueSource, const void *owner)
 Remove a value source. More...
KANZI_API void * kzuPropertyManagerFindBaseValueSource (const struct KzuPropertyManager *propertyManager, const void *object, const struct KzuPropertyType *propertyType)
 Finds base value source, i.e. More...
KANZI_API void * kzuPropertyManagerFindLocalValueSource (const struct KzuPropertyManager *propertyManager, const void *object, const struct KzuPropertyType *propertyType)
 Finds local value source (i.e. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerCopyValueSource (const struct KzuPropertyManager *propertyManager, kanzi::PropertyDataType type, const void *valueSource, void **out_valueSource)
 Copy a value source. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerDeleteValueSource (kanzi::PropertyDataType type, void *valueSource)
 Delete a value source. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerAssignValueSource (kanzi::PropertyDataType type, const void *sourceValueSource, void *targetValueSource)
 Assign a value source. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerAddValueModifier (const struct KzuPropertyManager *propertyManager, const void *object, const struct KzuPropertyType *propertyType, KzuPropertyModifierCallback callback, void *userData)
 Add a modifier to the end of the modifiers list of the property. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerRemoveValueModifier (const struct KzuPropertyManager *propertyManager, const void *object, const struct KzuPropertyType *propertyType, KzuPropertyModifierCallback callback, const void *userData)
 Remove a modifier. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerInvalidateValueModifier (const struct KzuPropertyManager *propertyManager, const void *object, const struct KzuPropertyType *propertyType, KzuPropertyModifierCallback callback, const void *userData)
 Invalidate a modifier. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerAddNotificationHandler (const struct KzuPropertyManager *propertyManager, const void *object, const struct KzuPropertyType *propertyType, KzuPropertyNotificationHandler handler, void *userData)
 Add a property change notification handler. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerRemoveNotificationHandler (const struct KzuPropertyManager *propertyManager, const void *object, const struct KzuPropertyType *propertyType, KzuPropertyNotificationHandler handler, void *userData)
 Remove a property change notification handler. More...

Detailed Description

Property manager.

Copyright 2008-2020 by Rightware. All rights reserved.

Macro Definition Documentation


Flag to indicate that the property was loaded from .KZB data.


Flag to indicate that the property will not be copied when copying properties.

Typedef Documentation

typedef kzsError(* KzuPropertyNotificationHandler)(const void *object, const struct KzuPropertyType *propertyType, enum KzuPropertyNotificationReason reason, void *userData)

Property notification handler function definition.

objectThe object having the property.
propertyTypeThe property that changed.
reasonType of the change.
userDataThe user data pointer passed to kzuPropertyManagerAddNotificationHandler when the handler was added.
typedef kzsError(* KzuPropertyModifierCallback)(const void *object, const struct KzuPropertyType *propertyType, void *valueSource, enum KzuPropertyNotificationReason reason, void *userData)

Property modifier callback function.

objectThe object having the property.
propertyTypeThe property that changed.
valueSourceValue source out-parameter that can be modified to affect the final property value.
reasonType of the change.
userDataThe user data pointer passed to kzuPropertyManagerAddValueModifier when the modifier was added.
The function should return KZS_SUCCESS during normal operation. If the return value is not KZS_SUCCESS, the rest of the modifier callbacks are not called and the modifier is not validated (i.e. if kzuPropertyManagerInvalidateValueModifier was called earlier, the invalidation is still in effect).

Enumeration Type Documentation

Property notification reason.


Property value precedence.


Lowest precedence.


Highest precedence.

Function Documentation

KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerCreate ( const struct KzcMemoryManager memoryManager,
struct KzuPropertyManager **  out_propertyManager 

Create a property manager.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerDelete ( struct KzuPropertyManager *  propertyManager)

Delete a property manager.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerRemoveProperties ( const struct KzuPropertyManager *  propertyManager)

Removes properties from property manager.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerRemoveLocalValue ( const struct KzuPropertyManager *  propertyManager,
const void *  object,
const struct KzuPropertyType propertyType 

Remove the local value (i.e.

precendence KZU_PROPERTY_VALUE_PRECEDENCE_LOCAL) of propertyType associated with an object.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerUnlinkProperties ( const struct KzuPropertyManager *  propertyManager,
const void *  object 

Unlink all property entries associated with an object.

Should be called from the destructor of an object that uses property manager to store properties.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerRemoveKZBProperties ( const struct KzuPropertyManager *  propertyManager,
const void *  object 

Remove all properties associated with an object that are originated from .KZB data.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerGetPropertyTypes ( const struct KzuPropertyManager *  propertyManager,
const struct KzcMemoryManager memoryManager,
const void *  object,
struct KzcDynamicArray **  out_propertyTypes 

Get all property types associated with an object.

out_propertyTypesDynamic array containing property types associated with object. The caller is responsible for deleting this array after use.
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerGetAllPropertyTypes ( const struct KzuPropertyManager *  propertyManager,
const struct KzcMemoryManager memoryManager,
const void *  object,
struct KzcDynamicArray **  out_propertyTypes 

Get all property types associated with an object.

Unlike kzuPropertyManagerGetPropertyTypes, this function also returns property types for which the given object has a container but not necessarily any values.

out_propertyTypesDynamic array containing property types associated with object. The caller is responsible for deleting this array after use.
KANZI_API kzBool kzuPropertyManagerHasValue ( const struct KzuPropertyManager *  propertyManager,
const void *  object,
const struct KzuPropertyType propertyType 

Check if any value of propertyType is associated with an object.

KANZI_API kzBool kzuPropertyManagerHasLocalValue ( const struct KzuPropertyManager *  propertyManager,
const void *  object,
const struct KzuPropertyType propertyType 

Check if a local value (i.e.

precendence KZU_PROPERTY_VALUE_PRECEDENCE_LOCAL) of propertyType is associated with an object.

KANZI_API kzBool kzuPropertyManagerIsPropertyEqual ( const struct KzuPropertyManager *  propertyManager,
const void *  object1,
const void *  object2,
const struct KzuPropertyType propertyType 

Compare the property value of two objects.

If properties are equal or not associated with either of the objects, KZ_TRUE is returned. Otherwise KZ_FALSE is returned.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerCopyProperty ( const struct KzuPropertyManager *  propertyManager,
const void *  sourceObject,
const void *  targetObject,
const struct KzuPropertyType propertyType 

Copy a property of given type from source object to target object.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerCopyProperties ( const struct KzuPropertyManager *  propertyManager,
const void *  sourceObject,
const void *  targetObject 

Copy all properties from source object to target object.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerCopyObjectToTargetManager ( const struct KzcMemoryManager memoryManager,
const struct KzuPropertyManager *  sourcePropertyManager,
const void *  object,
const struct KzuPropertyManager *  targetPropertyManager 

Copies all properties of object from source property manager to target property manager.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerSetPropertyFlag ( const struct KzuPropertyManager *  propertyManager,
const void *  object,
const struct KzuPropertyType propertyType,
kzU32  flag 

Set a flag for a property.

Throws error if the property is not found.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerClearPropertyFlag ( const struct KzuPropertyManager *  propertyManager,
const void *  object,
const struct KzuPropertyType propertyType,
kzU32  flag 

Clears a flag for a property.

Throws error if the property is not found.

KANZI_API kzBool kzuPropertyManagerIsPropertyFlagSet ( const struct KzuPropertyManager *  propertyManager,
const void *  object,
const struct KzuPropertyType propertyType,
kzU32  flag,
kzBool out_isSet 

Checks if a flag is set for a property.

Returns KZ_TRUE if the property is found and KZ_FALSE otherwise.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerRegisterPropertyType ( const struct KzuPropertyManager *  propertyManager,
const struct KzuPropertyType propertyType 

Register a property type in the property manager.

After a property type is registered to the manager, it is possible to find it by its name.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerUnregisterPropertyType ( const struct KzuPropertyManager *  propertyManager,
const struct KzuPropertyType propertyType 

Unregister a property type from the property manager.

It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure, that all properties with specified type have been removed prior to the call.

KANZI_API const KzuPropertyType* kzuPropertyManagerFindPropertyType ( const struct KzuPropertyManager *  propertyManager,
kzString  propertyTypeName 

Finds a property type by name from the property manager.

Returns KZ_NULL if the type is not found.

KANZI_API kzBool kzuObjectNodeHasProperty ( const kanzi::Node objectNode,
const struct KzuPropertyType propertyType 

Check if an object node has or inherits a property.

objectNodeThe object node containing the property, or where the search starts in case the property is inherited.
propertyTypeThe property to search for.
KZ_TRUE if the object node has or inherits the property, KZ_FALSE otherwise.
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerRegisterObject ( const struct KzuPropertyManager *  propertyManager,
const kanzi::Object object 

Register an object node with a property manager.

Only registered object nodes are known to be object nodes as opposed to e.g. void pointers.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerUnregisterObject ( const struct KzuPropertyManager *  propertyManager,
const kanzi::Object object 

Unregister an object node with a property manager.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerSuspendLayoutInvalidation ( struct KzuPropertyManager *  propertyManager)

Suspend layout invalidation.

This function can be called several times, but each call must be matched with ResumeLayoutInvalidation.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerResumeLayoutInvalidation ( struct KzuPropertyManager *  propertyManager)

Resume layout invalidation.

KANZI_API kzBool kzuPropertyManagerIsLayoutInvalidationSuspended ( const struct KzuPropertyManager *  propertyManager)

Check if layout invalidation is suspended.

While the layout invalidation is suspended, the ::KZU_PROPERTY_TYPE_CHANGE_FLAG_LAYOUT property type flag is not in effect.

KANZI_API kzBool kzuPropertyManagerSupportsPropertyStack ( const struct KzuPropertyType propertyType)

Checks if a property type is supported in the property stack.

Properties that are not supported by the property stack cannot have value sources or modifiers. The property stack cannot support properties of type KZU_PROPERTY_DATA_TYPE_ARRAY, KZU_PROPERTY_DATA_TYPE_STRUCT and KZU_PROPERTY_DATA_TYPE_POINTER.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerAddValueSource ( const struct KzuPropertyManager *  propertyManager,
const void *  object,
const struct KzuPropertyType propertyType,
void *  valueSource,
enum KzuPropertyValuePrecedence  precedence,
void *  owner 

Add a value source.

The highest priority value source provides the property value which is then passed to all of the modifiers (if any).

propertyManagerThe property manager to use.
objectThe object containing the property.
propertyTypeThe property whose value the value source provides.
valueSourceThe value source to add.
precedencePriority of the value in case there are more than one value sources for the property.
ownerPointer value distinguishing this value source addition from other additions of this same value source.
KZS_SUCCESS on success.
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerRemoveValueSource ( const struct KzuPropertyManager *  propertyManager,
const void *  object,
const struct KzuPropertyType propertyType,
const void *  valueSource,
const void *  owner 

Remove a value source.

propertyManagerThe property manager to use.
objectThe object containing the property.
propertyTypeThe property whose value the value source provides.
valueSourceThe value source to remove.
ownerPointer value provided when adding the value source.
KZS_SUCCESS on success.
KANZI_API void* kzuPropertyManagerFindBaseValueSource ( const struct KzuPropertyManager *  propertyManager,
const void *  object,
const struct KzuPropertyType propertyType 

Finds base value source, i.e.

the highest priority value source, of an object.

propertyManagerThe property manager to use.
objectThe object containing the property.
propertyTypeThe property whose value is read.
The highest priority value source of the object or KZ_NULL if not found.
KANZI_API void* kzuPropertyManagerFindLocalValueSource ( const struct KzuPropertyManager *  propertyManager,
const void *  object,
const struct KzuPropertyType propertyType 

Finds local value source (i.e.


propertyManagerThe property manager to use.
objectThe object containing the property.
propertyTypeThe property whose value is read.
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerCopyValueSource ( const struct KzuPropertyManager *  propertyManager,
kanzi::PropertyDataType  type,
const void *  valueSource,
void **  out_valueSource 

Copy a value source.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerDeleteValueSource ( kanzi::PropertyDataType  type,
void *  valueSource 

Delete a value source.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerAssignValueSource ( kanzi::PropertyDataType  type,
const void *  sourceValueSource,
void *  targetValueSource 

Assign a value source.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerAddValueModifier ( const struct KzuPropertyManager *  propertyManager,
const void *  object,
const struct KzuPropertyType propertyType,
KzuPropertyModifierCallback  callback,
void *  userData 

Add a modifier to the end of the modifiers list of the property.

A property value originates from the highest priority value source and then goes through all the modifiers. If there are more than one modifier, the modifier functions are called in the order they were added.

propertyManagerThe property manager to use.
objectThe object containing the property.
propertyTypeThe property whose value the modifier modifies.
callbackThe modifier function.
userDataUser data pointer passed to the modifier function.
KZS_SUCCESS on success.
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerRemoveValueModifier ( const struct KzuPropertyManager *  propertyManager,
const void *  object,
const struct KzuPropertyType propertyType,
KzuPropertyModifierCallback  callback,
const void *  userData 

Remove a modifier.

Modifiers can be removed in a different order than they were added.

propertyManagerThe property manager to use.
objectThe object containing the property.
propertyTypeThe property whose value the modifier modifies.
callbackThe modifier function.
userDataUser data pointer passed to the modifier function.
KZS_SUCCESS on success.
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerInvalidateValueModifier ( const struct KzuPropertyManager *  propertyManager,
const void *  object,
const struct KzuPropertyType propertyType,
KzuPropertyModifierCallback  callback,
const void *  userData 

Invalidate a modifier.

This means invalidating the modifier's value source so that the callback is called again.

propertyManagerThe property manager to use.
objectThe object containing the property.
propertyTypeThe property whose value the modifier modifies.
callbackThe modifier function.
userDataUser data pointer passed to the modifier function.
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerAddNotificationHandler ( const struct KzuPropertyManager *  propertyManager,
const void *  object,
const struct KzuPropertyType propertyType,
KzuPropertyNotificationHandler  handler,
void *  userData 

Add a property change notification handler.

The handler will receive notifications when property value changes. If object is KZ_NULL, the handler will get notified for any changed object.

propertyManagerThe property manager to use.
objectThe object containing the property to monitor, or KZ_NULL to monitor this property in all objects.
propertyTypeNon-null property type which changes are monitored.
handlerPointer to the handler function.
userDataUser data pointer to pass to the notification handler.
KZS_SUCCESS on success.
KANZI_API kzsError kzuPropertyManagerRemoveNotificationHandler ( const struct KzuPropertyManager *  propertyManager,
const void *  object,
const struct KzuPropertyType propertyType,
KzuPropertyNotificationHandler  handler,
void *  userData 

Remove a property change notification handler.

propertyManagerThe property manager to use.
objectThe object containing the notification handler to remove, or KZ_NULL to remove this notification handler from all objects.
propertyTypeNon-null property type the handler was accepting.
handlerPointer to the handler function.
userDataUser data provided to the notification handler when it was added.
KZS_SUCCESS on success.