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renderpass_properties.h File Reference


bool isFlushAfterRender () const
 Gets the value of FlushAfterRenderProperty. More...
void setFlushAfterRender (bool value)
 Sets the value of FlushAfterRenderProperty. More...
float getViewportX () const
 Gets the value of ViewportXProperty. More...
void setViewportX (float value)
 Sets the value of ViewportXProperty. More...
float getViewportY () const
 Gets the value of ViewportYProperty. More...
void setViewportY (float value)
 Sets the value of ViewportYProperty. More...
float getViewportWidth () const
 Gets the value of ViewportWidthProperty. More...
void setViewportWidth (float value)
 Sets the value of ViewportWidthProperty. More...
float getViewportHeight () const
 Gets the value of ViewportHeightProperty. More...
void setViewportHeight (float value)
 Sets the value of ViewportHeightProperty. More...
KzuViewportCoordinateType getViewportType () const
 Gets the value of ViewportTypeProperty. More...
void setViewportType (KzuViewportCoordinateType value)
 Sets the value of ViewportTypeProperty. More...
string getRenderPassCamera () const
 Gets the value of RenderPassCameraProperty. More...
void setRenderPassCamera (string value)
 Sets the value of RenderPassCameraProperty. More...
ResourceID getRenderPassObjectSourceResourceID () const
 Gets the value of RenderPassObjectSourceProperty. More...
void setRenderPassObjectSourceResourceID (ResourceID value)
 Sets the value of RenderPassObjectSourceProperty. More...
ResourceID getRenderPassMaterialResourceID () const
 Gets the value of RenderPassMaterialProperty. More...
void setRenderPassMaterialResourceID (ResourceID value)
 Sets the value of RenderPassMaterialProperty. More...
ResourceID getRenderPassRenderTargetResourceID () const
 Gets the value of RenderPassRenderTargetProperty. More...
void setRenderPassRenderTargetResourceID (ResourceID value)
 Sets the value of RenderPassRenderTargetProperty. More...
bool isFrustumCullingOn () const
 Gets the value of FrustumCullingOnProperty. More...
void setFrustumCullingOn (bool value)
 Sets the value of FrustumCullingOnProperty. More...
GraphicsCullMode getCullMode () const
 Gets the value of CullModeProperty. More...
void setCullMode (GraphicsCullMode value)
 Sets the value of CullModeProperty. More...
bool isSortBatchesByShader () const
 Gets the value of SortBatchesByShaderProperty. More...
void setSortBatchesByShader (bool value)
 Sets the value of SortBatchesByShaderProperty. More...
ColorRGBA getColorBufferClearColor () const
 Gets the value of ColorBufferClearColorProperty. More...
void setColorBufferClearColor (ColorRGBA value)
 Sets the value of ColorBufferClearColorProperty. More...
bool isColorBufferClearEnabled () const
 Gets the value of ColorBufferClearEnabledProperty. More...
void setColorBufferClearEnabled (bool value)
 Sets the value of ColorBufferClearEnabledProperty. More...
GraphicsColorWriteMode getColorWriteMode () const
 Gets the value of ColorWriteModeProperty. More...
void setColorWriteMode (GraphicsColorWriteMode value)
 Sets the value of ColorWriteModeProperty. More...
bool isDepthBufferClearEnabled () const
 Gets the value of DepthBufferClearEnabledProperty. More...
void setDepthBufferClearEnabled (bool value)
 Sets the value of DepthBufferClearEnabledProperty. More...
float getDepthBufferClearValue () const
 Gets the value of DepthBufferClearValueProperty. More...
void setDepthBufferClearValue (float value)
 Sets the value of DepthBufferClearValueProperty. More...
bool isDepthBufferTestEnabled () const
 Gets the value of DepthBufferTestEnabledProperty. More...
void setDepthBufferTestEnabled (bool value)
 Sets the value of DepthBufferTestEnabledProperty. More...
bool isDepthBufferWriteEnabled () const
 Gets the value of DepthBufferWriteEnabledProperty. More...
void setDepthBufferWriteEnabled (bool value)
 Sets the value of DepthBufferWriteEnabledProperty. More...
bool isStencilBufferClearEnabled () const
 Gets the value of StencilBufferClearEnabledProperty. More...
void setStencilBufferClearEnabled (bool value)
 Sets the value of StencilBufferClearEnabledProperty. More...
int getStencilBufferClearValue () const
 Gets the value of StencilBufferClearValueProperty. More...
void setStencilBufferClearValue (int value)
 Sets the value of StencilBufferClearValueProperty. More...
GraphicsStencilOperation getStencilFailOperation () const
 Gets the value of StencilFailOperationProperty. More...
void setStencilFailOperation (GraphicsStencilOperation value)
 Sets the value of StencilFailOperationProperty. More...
GraphicsStencilOperation getStencilPassDepthFailOperation () const
 Gets the value of StencilPassDepthFailOperationProperty. More...
void setStencilPassDepthFailOperation (GraphicsStencilOperation value)
 Sets the value of StencilPassDepthFailOperationProperty. More...
GraphicsStencilOperation getStencilPassDepthPassOperation () const
 Gets the value of StencilPassDepthPassOperationProperty. More...
void setStencilPassDepthPassOperation (GraphicsStencilOperation value)
 Sets the value of StencilPassDepthPassOperationProperty. More...
GraphicsCompareFunction getStencilFunction () const
 Gets the value of StencilFunctionProperty. More...
void setStencilFunction (GraphicsCompareFunction value)
 Sets the value of StencilFunctionProperty. More...
int getStencilFunctionReferenceValue () const
 Gets the value of StencilFunctionReferenceValueProperty. More...
void setStencilFunctionReferenceValue (int value)
 Sets the value of StencilFunctionReferenceValueProperty. More...
int getStencilFunctionReferenceMask () const
 Gets the value of StencilFunctionReferenceMaskProperty. More...
void setStencilFunctionReferenceMask (int value)
 Sets the value of StencilFunctionReferenceMaskProperty. More...
bool isStencilBufferTestEnabled () const
 Gets the value of StencilBufferTestEnabledProperty. More...
void setStencilBufferTestEnabled (bool value)
 Sets the value of StencilBufferTestEnabledProperty. More...
bool isRenderPassScissorEnabled () const
 Gets the value of RenderPassScissorEnabledProperty. More...
void setRenderPassScissorEnabled (bool value)
 Sets the value of RenderPassScissorEnabledProperty. More...
float getRenderPassScissorX () const
 Gets the value of RenderPassScissorXProperty. More...
void setRenderPassScissorX (float value)
 Sets the value of RenderPassScissorXProperty. More...
float getRenderPassScissorY () const
 Gets the value of RenderPassScissorYProperty. More...
void setRenderPassScissorY (float value)
 Sets the value of RenderPassScissorYProperty. More...
float getRenderPassScissorWidth () const
 Gets the value of RenderPassScissorWidthProperty. More...
void setRenderPassScissorWidth (float value)
 Sets the value of RenderPassScissorWidthProperty. More...
float getRenderPassScissorHeight () const
 Gets the value of RenderPassScissorHeightProperty. More...
void setRenderPassScissorHeight (float value)
 Sets the value of RenderPassScissorHeightProperty. More...
KzuViewportCoordinateType getRenderPassScissorType () const
 Gets the value of RenderPassScissorTypeProperty. More...
void setRenderPassScissorType (KzuViewportCoordinateType value)
 Sets the value of RenderPassScissorTypeProperty. More...
bool isComposerEnabled () const
 Gets the value of ComposerEnabledProperty. More...
void setComposerEnabled (bool value)
 Sets the value of ComposerEnabledProperty. More...


static PropertyType< bool > FlushAfterRenderProperty
 FlushAfterRender property. More...
static PropertyType< float > ViewportXProperty
 ViewportX property. More...
static PropertyType< float > ViewportYProperty
 ViewportY property. More...
static PropertyType< float > ViewportWidthProperty
 ViewportWidth property. More...
static PropertyType< float > ViewportHeightProperty
 ViewportHeight property. More...
static PropertyType
< KzuViewportCoordinateType > 
 ViewportType property. More...
static PropertyType< string > RenderPassCameraProperty
 RenderPassCamera property. More...
static PropertyType< ResourceID > RenderPassObjectSourceProperty
 RenderPassObjectSource property. More...
static PropertyType< ResourceID > RenderPassMaterialProperty
 RenderPassMaterial property. More...
static PropertyType< ResourceID > RenderPassRenderTargetProperty
 RenderPassRenderTarget property. More...
static PropertyType< bool > FrustumCullingOnProperty
 FrustumCullingOn property. More...
static PropertyType
< GraphicsCullMode > 
 CullMode property. More...
static PropertyType< bool > RenderOnceProperty
 RenderOnce property. More...
static PropertyType< bool > SortBatchesByShaderProperty
 SortBatchesByShader property. More...
static PropertyType< ColorRGBA > ColorBufferClearColorProperty
 ColorBufferClearColor property. More...
static PropertyType< bool > ColorBufferClearEnabledProperty
 ColorBufferClearEnabled property. More...
static PropertyType
< GraphicsColorWriteMode > 
 ColorWriteMode property. More...
static PropertyType< bool > DepthBufferClearEnabledProperty
 DepthBufferClearEnabled property. More...
static PropertyType< float > DepthBufferClearValueProperty
 DepthBufferClearValue property. More...
static PropertyType< bool > DepthBufferTestEnabledProperty
 DepthBufferTestEnabled property. More...
static PropertyType< bool > DepthBufferWriteEnabledProperty
 DepthBufferWriteEnabled property. More...
static PropertyType< bool > StencilBufferClearEnabledProperty
 StencilBufferClearEnabled property. More...
static PropertyType< int > StencilBufferClearValueProperty
 StencilBufferClearValue property. More...
static PropertyType
< GraphicsStencilOperation > 
 StencilFailOperation property. More...
static PropertyType
< GraphicsStencilOperation > 
 StencilPassDepthFailOperation property. More...
static PropertyType
< GraphicsStencilOperation > 
 StencilPassDepthPassOperation property. More...
static PropertyType
< GraphicsCompareFunction > 
 StencilFunction property. More...
static PropertyType< int > StencilFunctionReferenceValueProperty
 StencilFunctionReferenceValue property. More...
static PropertyType< int > StencilFunctionReferenceMaskProperty
 StencilFunctionReferenceMask property. More...
static PropertyType< bool > StencilBufferTestEnabledProperty
 StencilBufferTestEnabled property. More...
static PropertyType< bool > RenderPassScissorEnabledProperty
 RenderPassScissorEnabled property. More...
static PropertyType< float > RenderPassScissorXProperty
 RenderPassScissorX property. More...
static PropertyType< float > RenderPassScissorYProperty
 RenderPassScissorY property. More...
static PropertyType< float > RenderPassScissorWidthProperty
 RenderPassScissorWidth property. More...
static PropertyType< float > RenderPassScissorHeightProperty
 RenderPassScissorHeight property. More...
static PropertyType
< KzuViewportCoordinateType > 
 RenderPassScissorType property. More...
static PropertyType< bool > ComposerEnabledProperty
 ComposerEnabled property. More...

Function Documentation

bool isFlushAfterRender ( ) const

Gets the value of FlushAfterRenderProperty.

See also
void setFlushAfterRender ( bool  value)

Sets the value of FlushAfterRenderProperty.

See also
float getViewportX ( ) const

Gets the value of ViewportXProperty.

See also
void setViewportX ( float  value)

Sets the value of ViewportXProperty.

See also
float getViewportY ( ) const

Gets the value of ViewportYProperty.

See also
void setViewportY ( float  value)

Sets the value of ViewportYProperty.

See also
float getViewportWidth ( ) const

Gets the value of ViewportWidthProperty.

See also
void setViewportWidth ( float  value)

Sets the value of ViewportWidthProperty.

See also
float getViewportHeight ( ) const

Gets the value of ViewportHeightProperty.

See also
void setViewportHeight ( float  value)

Sets the value of ViewportHeightProperty.

See also
KzuViewportCoordinateType getViewportType ( ) const

Gets the value of ViewportTypeProperty.

See also
void setViewportType ( KzuViewportCoordinateType  value)

Sets the value of ViewportTypeProperty.

See also
string getRenderPassCamera ( ) const

Gets the value of RenderPassCameraProperty.

See also
void setRenderPassCamera ( string  value)

Sets the value of RenderPassCameraProperty.

See also
ResourceID getRenderPassObjectSourceResourceID ( ) const
void setRenderPassObjectSourceResourceID ( ResourceID  value)
ResourceID getRenderPassMaterialResourceID ( ) const
void setRenderPassMaterialResourceID ( ResourceID  value)
ResourceID getRenderPassRenderTargetResourceID ( ) const
void setRenderPassRenderTargetResourceID ( ResourceID  value)
bool isFrustumCullingOn ( ) const

Gets the value of FrustumCullingOnProperty.

See also
void setFrustumCullingOn ( bool  value)

Sets the value of FrustumCullingOnProperty.

See also
GraphicsCullMode getCullMode ( ) const

Gets the value of CullModeProperty.

See also
void setCullMode ( GraphicsCullMode  value)

Sets the value of CullModeProperty.

See also
bool isSortBatchesByShader ( ) const
void setSortBatchesByShader ( bool  value)
ColorRGBA getColorBufferClearColor ( ) const
void setColorBufferClearColor ( ColorRGBA  value)
bool isColorBufferClearEnabled ( ) const
void setColorBufferClearEnabled ( bool  value)
GraphicsColorWriteMode getColorWriteMode ( ) const

Gets the value of ColorWriteModeProperty.

See also
void setColorWriteMode ( GraphicsColorWriteMode  value)

Sets the value of ColorWriteModeProperty.

See also
bool isDepthBufferClearEnabled ( ) const
void setDepthBufferClearEnabled ( bool  value)
float getDepthBufferClearValue ( ) const
void setDepthBufferClearValue ( float  value)
bool isDepthBufferTestEnabled ( ) const
void setDepthBufferTestEnabled ( bool  value)
bool isDepthBufferWriteEnabled ( ) const
void setDepthBufferWriteEnabled ( bool  value)
bool isStencilBufferClearEnabled ( ) const
void setStencilBufferClearEnabled ( bool  value)
int getStencilBufferClearValue ( ) const
void setStencilBufferClearValue ( int  value)
GraphicsStencilOperation getStencilFailOperation ( ) const
void setStencilFailOperation ( GraphicsStencilOperation  value)
GraphicsStencilOperation getStencilPassDepthFailOperation ( ) const
void setStencilPassDepthFailOperation ( GraphicsStencilOperation  value)
GraphicsStencilOperation getStencilPassDepthPassOperation ( ) const
void setStencilPassDepthPassOperation ( GraphicsStencilOperation  value)
GraphicsCompareFunction getStencilFunction ( ) const

Gets the value of StencilFunctionProperty.

See also
void setStencilFunction ( GraphicsCompareFunction  value)

Sets the value of StencilFunctionProperty.

See also
int getStencilFunctionReferenceValue ( ) const
void setStencilFunctionReferenceValue ( int  value)
int getStencilFunctionReferenceMask ( ) const
void setStencilFunctionReferenceMask ( int  value)
bool isStencilBufferTestEnabled ( ) const
void setStencilBufferTestEnabled ( bool  value)
bool isRenderPassScissorEnabled ( ) const
void setRenderPassScissorEnabled ( bool  value)
float getRenderPassScissorX ( ) const
void setRenderPassScissorX ( float  value)
float getRenderPassScissorY ( ) const
void setRenderPassScissorY ( float  value)
float getRenderPassScissorWidth ( ) const
void setRenderPassScissorWidth ( float  value)
float getRenderPassScissorHeight ( ) const
void setRenderPassScissorHeight ( float  value)
KzuViewportCoordinateType getRenderPassScissorType ( ) const
void setRenderPassScissorType ( KzuViewportCoordinateType  value)
bool isComposerEnabled ( ) const

Gets the value of ComposerEnabledProperty.

See also
void setComposerEnabled ( bool  value)

Sets the value of ComposerEnabledProperty.

See also

Variable Documentation

PropertyType<bool> FlushAfterRenderProperty

FlushAfterRender property.

The default value is false.

See also
setFlushAfterRender(), isFlushAfterRender()
PropertyType<float> ViewportXProperty

ViewportX property.

The default value is 0.0f.

See also
setViewportX(), getViewportX()
PropertyType<float> ViewportYProperty

ViewportY property.

The default value is 0.0f.

See also
setViewportY(), getViewportY()
PropertyType<float> ViewportWidthProperty

ViewportWidth property.

The default value is 1.0f.

See also
setViewportWidth(), getViewportWidth()
PropertyType<float> ViewportHeightProperty

ViewportHeight property.

The default value is 1.0f.

See also
setViewportHeight(), getViewportHeight()
PropertyType<KzuViewportCoordinateType> ViewportTypeProperty

ViewportType property.


See also
setViewportType(), getViewportType()
PropertyType<string> RenderPassCameraProperty

RenderPassCamera property.

The default value is "".

See also
setRenderPassCamera(), getRenderPassCamera()
PropertyType<ResourceID> RenderPassObjectSourceProperty

RenderPassObjectSource property.

The default value is ResourceID().

See also
setRenderPassObjectSourceResourceID(), getRenderPassObjectSourceResourceID()
PropertyType<ResourceID> RenderPassMaterialProperty

RenderPassMaterial property.

The default value is ResourceID().

See also
setRenderPassMaterialResourceID(), getRenderPassMaterialResourceID()
PropertyType<ResourceID> RenderPassRenderTargetProperty

RenderPassRenderTarget property.

The default value is ResourceID().

See also
setRenderPassRenderTargetResourceID(), getRenderPassRenderTargetResourceID()
PropertyType<bool> FrustumCullingOnProperty

FrustumCullingOn property.

The default value is false.

See also
setFrustumCullingOn(), isFrustumCullingOn()
PropertyType<GraphicsCullMode> CullModeProperty

CullMode property.

The default value is GraphicsCullModeBack.

See also
setCullMode(), getCullMode()
PropertyType<bool> RenderOnceProperty

RenderOnce property.

The default value is false.

See also
setRenderOnce(), isRenderOnce()
PropertyType<bool> SortBatchesByShaderProperty

SortBatchesByShader property.

The default value is false.

See also
setSortBatchesByShader(), isSortBatchesByShader()
PropertyType<ColorRGBA> ColorBufferClearColorProperty

ColorBufferClearColor property.

The default value is ColorRGBA(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f, 1.0f).

See also
setColorBufferClearColor(), getColorBufferClearColor()
PropertyType<bool> ColorBufferClearEnabledProperty

ColorBufferClearEnabled property.

The default value is false.

See also
setColorBufferClearEnabled(), isColorBufferClearEnabled()
PropertyType<GraphicsColorWriteMode> ColorWriteModeProperty

ColorWriteMode property.

The default value is GraphicsColorWriteModeRGBA.

See also
setColorWriteMode(), getColorWriteMode()
PropertyType<bool> DepthBufferClearEnabledProperty

DepthBufferClearEnabled property.

The default value is true.

See also
setDepthBufferClearEnabled(), isDepthBufferClearEnabled()
PropertyType<float> DepthBufferClearValueProperty

DepthBufferClearValue property.

The default value is 1.0f.

See also
setDepthBufferClearValue(), getDepthBufferClearValue()
PropertyType<bool> DepthBufferTestEnabledProperty

DepthBufferTestEnabled property.

The default value is true.

See also
setDepthBufferTestEnabled(), isDepthBufferTestEnabled()
PropertyType<bool> DepthBufferWriteEnabledProperty

DepthBufferWriteEnabled property.

The default value is true.

See also
setDepthBufferWriteEnabled(), isDepthBufferWriteEnabled()
PropertyType<bool> StencilBufferClearEnabledProperty

StencilBufferClearEnabled property.

The default value is false.

See also
setStencilBufferClearEnabled(), isStencilBufferClearEnabled()
PropertyType<int> StencilBufferClearValueProperty

StencilBufferClearValue property.

The default value is 0.

See also
setStencilBufferClearValue(), getStencilBufferClearValue()
PropertyType<GraphicsStencilOperation> StencilFailOperationProperty

StencilFailOperation property.

The default value is GraphicsStencilOperationKeep.

See also
setStencilFailOperation(), getStencilFailOperation()
PropertyType<GraphicsStencilOperation> StencilPassDepthFailOperationProperty

StencilPassDepthFailOperation property.

The default value is GraphicsStencilOperationKeep.

See also
setStencilPassDepthFailOperation(), getStencilPassDepthFailOperation()
PropertyType<GraphicsStencilOperation> StencilPassDepthPassOperationProperty

StencilPassDepthPassOperation property.

The default value is GraphicsStencilOperationKeep.

See also
setStencilPassDepthPassOperation(), getStencilPassDepthPassOperation()
PropertyType<GraphicsCompareFunction> StencilFunctionProperty

StencilFunction property.

The default value is GraphicsCompareFunctionNever.

See also
setStencilFunction(), getStencilFunction()
PropertyType<int> StencilFunctionReferenceValueProperty

StencilFunctionReferenceValue property.

The default value is 0.

See also
setStencilFunctionReferenceValue(), getStencilFunctionReferenceValue()
PropertyType<int> StencilFunctionReferenceMaskProperty

StencilFunctionReferenceMask property.

The default value is 255.

See also
setStencilFunctionReferenceMask(), getStencilFunctionReferenceMask()
PropertyType<bool> StencilBufferTestEnabledProperty

StencilBufferTestEnabled property.

The default value is false.

See also
setStencilBufferTestEnabled(), isStencilBufferTestEnabled()
PropertyType<bool> RenderPassScissorEnabledProperty

RenderPassScissorEnabled property.

The default value is false.

See also
setRenderPassScissorEnabled(), isRenderPassScissorEnabled()
PropertyType<float> RenderPassScissorXProperty

RenderPassScissorX property.

The default value is 0.0f.

See also
setRenderPassScissorX(), getRenderPassScissorX()
PropertyType<float> RenderPassScissorYProperty

RenderPassScissorY property.

The default value is 0.0f.

See also
setRenderPassScissorY(), getRenderPassScissorY()
PropertyType<float> RenderPassScissorWidthProperty

RenderPassScissorWidth property.

The default value is 1.0f.

See also
setRenderPassScissorWidth(), getRenderPassScissorWidth()
PropertyType<float> RenderPassScissorHeightProperty

RenderPassScissorHeight property.

The default value is 1.0f.

See also
setRenderPassScissorHeight(), getRenderPassScissorHeight()
PropertyType<KzuViewportCoordinateType> RenderPassScissorTypeProperty

RenderPassScissorType property.


See also
setRenderPassScissorType(), getRenderPassScissorType()
PropertyType<bool> ComposerEnabledProperty

ComposerEnabled property.

The default value is true.

See also
setComposerEnabled(), isComposerEnabled()