
This group of classes implements the profiling used internally by Profiling macros. More...


class  kanzi::AbstractProfiler
 AbstractProfiler. More...
class  kanzi::AbstractValueProfiler< TProfilingDataSample, TAggregateProfilingData >
 Abstract value profiler. More...
class  kanzi::DefaultProfilerRegistry
 The default profiler registry placeholder. More...
class  kanzi::IntervalProfiler
 The interval profiler. More...
struct  kanzi::IntervalProfilerSampleData
 The interval profiler data sample. More...
class  kanzi::IntervalProfilingSampler
 The main loop task profiling sampler collects interval measurement to produce IntervalProfilerSampleData sample. More...
struct  kanzi::IntervalProfilerSampleStatistics
struct  kanzi::MainLoopTaskProfilerSampleData
 The main loop task profiler data sample. More...
class  kanzi::MainLoopTaskProfiler
 Profiles the execution time of main loop tasks. More...
class  kanzi::MainLoopTaskProfilerRegistry
 The registry of main loop task profilers. More...
class  kanzi::ProfilerRegistry< TProfiler >
 Profiler registry. More...
class  kanzi::ProfilingCategory
 Represents the runtime state of the profiling category. More...
class  kanzi::ProfilingScopeHelper
 The profiling scope helper. More...
class  kanzi::StartupProfilerRegistry
 The registry of startup profilers. More...


typedef shared_ptr< AbstractProfiler > kanzi::AbstractProfilerSharedPtr
 The shared pointer to the abstract profiler source. More...
typedef ProfilerRegistry< AbstractProfiler > kanzi::AbstractProfilerRegistry
 AbstractProfilerRegistry declaration. More...
typedef shared_ptr< IntervalProfiler > kanzi::IntervalProfilerSharedPtr
 The shared pointer to the interval profiler. More...
typedef ProfilerRegistry< IntervalProfiler > kanzi::IntervalProfilerRegistry
 The interval profiler registry type. More...
typedef shared_ptr< MainLoopTaskProfiler > kanzi::MainLoopTaskProfilerSharedPtr
 The main loop task profiler shared pointer type. More...

Detailed Description

This group of classes implements the profiling used internally by Profiling macros.

Use Profiling macros to instrument your code for execution time profiling.

Typedef Documentation

typedef shared_ptr<AbstractProfiler> kanzi::AbstractProfilerSharedPtr

The shared pointer to the abstract profiler source.

typedef ProfilerRegistry<AbstractProfiler> kanzi::AbstractProfilerRegistry

AbstractProfilerRegistry declaration.

typedef shared_ptr<IntervalProfiler> kanzi::IntervalProfilerSharedPtr

The shared pointer to the interval profiler.

typedef ProfilerRegistry<IntervalProfiler> kanzi::IntervalProfilerRegistry

The interval profiler registry type.

typedef shared_ptr<MainLoopTaskProfiler> kanzi::MainLoopTaskProfilerSharedPtr

The main loop task profiler shared pointer type.