Kanzi 3.9.10
Class categories
Here is a list of all topics with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 ActionActions are small operations that Kanzi executes when the trigger event that contains that action occurs and the trigger conditions are met
 ActivityActivity is a part of an application UI that is responsible for a task
 AliasAliases provide consistent access to Kanzi nodes
 AnimationsAnimations change the properties of objects and map input values to output property values
 ApplicationKanzi application provides behavior and functionality that you can configure and customize to meet your application requirements
 BindingsBindings set the value of a property or property field with the value from another property, property field, or a data source
 BrushesBrushes are graphics objects that describe how Kanzi draws 2D content
 Button nodesButton nodes provide an area that receives keyboard and touch input which Kanzi translates to state events
 ClockTime utilities
 Content ControlsContent control nodes display content in the application
 3D Graphics
 CameraCamera node defines a view transform that Kanzi uses to render a 3D scene
 Level Of Detail NodeLevel Of Detail node shows different appearances of the same object, or different object, based on the viewing distance of the Level of Detail node
 LightsLight nodes act as a sources of light for a Scene in your Kanzi application
 SceneScene node shows 3D content in your Kanzi application
 SkinningSkinning is the process of binding a 3D mesh to a skeleton that consists of a hierarchical set of connected bones and which you can use to animate the mesh
 InstantiatorInstantiator node replicates the appearance of a 3D node or a tree of 3D nodes that the Instantiator node targets
 2D Graphics
 CompositionComposition makes it possible to draw layered graphics where you can control the look of each layer, which depends on the look of its underlying layer
 Input and FocusInput and focus handling
 Interoperability libraryInteroperability library implements a thin C-like wrapper API over the Kanzi Runtime API for use by language-specific bindings
 Interactivity ControlsInteractivity controls recognize user input
 Layout nodesLayout control nodes arrange content
 Assertion macros
 Default loggers
 Logging macros
 Log category utility macros
 Log categories
 Log level utility macros
 Log levels
 Default logArgumentToString specializations
 MathMath utilities
 MeshesMesh stores the geometry data for rendering Model3d nodes
 MessagesMessages carry information between UI objects in a Kanzi application
 NodesNode tree defines the content structure and its layout on the screen
 Node ComponentsNode components add functionality to a node
 Animation PlayersAnimation players play keyframe animations and interpolate property values to dynamic target values
 Input ManipulatorsInput manipulator components enable gesture recognition for nodes
 PluginsKanzi plugins provide the means to extend the functionality of Kanzi and customize Kanzi to fit your application development requirements
 PrefabsPrefabs are prefabricated templates that you use to structure your application and to create consistent interfaces
 ProfilingThis group of classes implements the profiling used internally by Profiling macros
 Main loop profiling
 Resource profiling
 Profiling macros
 Domain profiling
 Startup profiling
 PropertyProperties provide the means to specify and examine the state, appearance, and behavior of nodes
 FiltersFilters collect and reorganize 3D nodes in your Kanzi project
 Object SourcesObject sources and filters tell a Draw Objects Render Pass which nodes in your Kanzi application you want to render
 Render PassRender passes perform singular render pass operations in 3D scenes
 TagsTags provide the means to group, find, and filter nodes in your project
 SliderSlider nodes enable the user to change a numerical value using a visual indicator between a minimum and a maximum value
 ResourcesResources are items that you can reuse in different parts of your application
 ScreenThe Screen node in a Kanzi application describes the metrics and the content of the screen of the target device on which the Kanzi application is shown
 State ManagerState Manager provides the means to create different states in your Kanzi application
 StylesStyles set the property values of one or more nodes of a certain type
 TextText nodes display and receive text input in the application
 TextureTextures are digital images that you can use to show content in Image nodes, to set the look of textured materials, and to show content in Texture Brush brushes
 TriggersTriggers define events, conditions, and actions for content-driven logic programming
 UtilitiesGeneral Kanzi utility classes and functions
 File utilitiesFile handling utility classes
 ViewportsViewport nodes set the size of a render target surface onto which content is projected
 WindowingHandles windows for different platforms