bool | bringToFront () noexcept override |
| WindowedGraphicsOutput::bringToFront() implementation. More...
KZ_NO_DISCARD optional< void * > | createImage (int target, void *data, int *attributes) noexcept override |
| GLGraphicsOutput::createImage() implementation. More...
| DefaultWaylandEGLGraphicsOutput (const DefaultWaylandEGLGraphicsOutputProperties &properties) |
| Constructor. More...
| DefaultWaylandEGLGraphicsOutput (const DefaultWaylandEGLGraphicsOutput &)=delete |
| Copy constructor. More...
| DefaultWaylandEGLGraphicsOutput (DefaultWaylandEGLGraphicsOutput &&) noexcept=delete |
| Move constructor. More...
bool | destroyImage (void *image) noexcept override |
| GLGraphicsOutput::destroyImage() implementation. More...
bool | dispatch () const noexcept |
| Dispatches queued Wayland events. More...
bool | dispatchPending () const noexcept |
| Dispatches queued Wayland events. More...
void | eventNotification (const WaylandEvent &event) noexcept override |
| AbstractDefaultWaylandContext::eventNotification() implementation. More...
void | gatherEvents (EventQueue &queue) override |
| EventSource::gatherEvents() implementation. More...
KZ_NO_DISCARD optional< SurfaceColorSpace > | getColorSpace () const noexcept override |
| GLGraphicsOutput::getColorSpace() implementation. More...
KZ_NO_DISCARD optional< GraphicsContextAPI > | getGraphicsContextAPI () const noexcept override |
| GLGraphicsOutput::getGraphicsContextAPI() implementation. More...
KZ_NO_DISCARD optional< void * > | getNativeContextHandle () const noexcept override |
| GLGraphicsOutput::getNativeContextHandle() implementation. More...
KZ_NO_DISCARD optional< void * > | getNativeDisplayHandle () const noexcept override |
| GLGraphicsOutput::getNativeDisplayHandle() implementation. More...
optional< NativeEventHandle > | getNativeEventHandle () const noexcept override |
| EventSource::getNativeEventHandle() implementation. More...
KZ_NO_DISCARD optional< void * > | getNativeSurfaceHandle () const noexcept override |
| GLGraphicsOutput::getNativeSurfaceHandle() implementation. More...
KZ_NO_DISCARD optional< NativeWindowHandle > | getNativeWindowHandle () const noexcept override |
| WindowedGraphicsOutput::getNativeWindowHandle() implementation. More...
KZ_NO_DISCARD GLProcPointer | getProcAddress (string_view functionName) override |
| GLGraphicsOutput::getProcAddress() implementation. More...
KZ_NO_DISCARD optional< SurfaceClientAPI > | getSurfaceClientAPI () const noexcept override |
| GLGraphicsOutput::getSurfaceClientAPI() implementation. More...
KZ_NO_DISCARD Matrix4x4 | getTargetTransformation () const noexcept override |
| GLGraphicsOutput::getTargetTransformation() implementation. More...
KZ_NO_DISCARD const WaylandDisplay & | getWaylandDisplay () const noexcept |
| Gets the WaylandDisplay. More...
KZ_NO_DISCARD optional< unsigned int > | getWindowHeight () const noexcept override |
| WindowedGraphicsOutput::getWindowHeight() implementation. More...
KZ_NO_DISCARD optional< int > | getWindowPositionX () const noexcept override |
| WindowedGraphicsOutput::getWindowPositionX() implementation. More...
KZ_NO_DISCARD optional< int > | getWindowPositionY () const noexcept override |
| WindowedGraphicsOutput::getWindowPositionY() implementation. More...
KZ_NO_DISCARD optional< string > | getWindowTitle () const noexcept override |
| WindowedGraphicsOutput::getWindowTitle() implementation. More...
KZ_NO_DISCARD optional< unsigned int > | getWindowWidth () const noexcept override |
| WindowedGraphicsOutput::getWindowWidth() implementation. More...
bool | hideWindow () noexcept override |
| WindowedGraphicsOutput::hideWindow() implementation. More...
bool | makeCurrent () override |
| GLGraphicsOutput::makeCurrent() implementation. More...
bool | makeFullscreen () noexcept override |
| WindowedGraphicsOutput::makeFullscreen() implementation. More...
bool | makeMaximized () noexcept override |
| WindowedGraphicsOutput::makeMaximized() implementation. More...
bool | makeMinimized () noexcept override |
| WindowedGraphicsOutput::makeMinimized() implementation. More...
bool | makeRegular () noexcept override |
| WindowedGraphicsOutput::makeRegular() implementation. More...
void | modeChangeNotification (int width, int height, int refresh) noexcept override |
| AbstractDefaultWaylandContext::modeChangeNotification() implementation. More...
bool | moveWindow (int positionX, int positionY) noexcept override |
| WindowedGraphicsOutput::moveWindow() implementation. More...
DefaultWaylandEGLGraphicsOutput & | operator= (const DefaultWaylandEGLGraphicsOutput &)=delete |
| Copy assignment operator. More...
DefaultWaylandEGLGraphicsOutput & | operator= (DefaultWaylandEGLGraphicsOutput &&) noexcept=delete |
| Move assignment operator. More...
bool | registerFrameCallback (function< void()> &callback) noexcept |
| Registers a frame callback in Wayland. More...
void | registryAddedNotification (uint32_t name, const char *interfaceName, uint32_t version) noexcept override |
| AbstractDefaultWaylandContext::registryAddedNotification() implementation. More...
bool | releaseCurrent () override |
| GLGraphicsOutput::releaseCurrent() implementation. More...
bool | resize (unsigned int width, unsigned int height) noexcept override |
| WindowedGraphicsOutput::resize() implementation. More...
void | resizeNotification (int windowWidth, int windowHeight) noexcept override |
| AbstractDefaultWaylandContext::resizeNotification() implementation. More...
bool | resizeWindow (unsigned int width, unsigned int height) noexcept override |
| WindowedGraphicsOutput::resizeWindow() implementation. More...
void | seatCapabilitiesNotification (uint32_t capabilities) noexcept override |
| AbstractDefaultWaylandContext::seatCapabilitiesNotification() implementation. More...
bool | setWindowTitle (string_view title) noexcept override |
| WindowedGraphicsOutput::setWindowTitle() implementation. More...
bool | showWindow () noexcept override |
| WindowedGraphicsOutput::showWindow() implementation. More...
bool | swapBuffers () override |
| GLGraphicsOutput::swapBuffers() implementation. More...
bool | swapInterval (int interval) override |
| GLGraphicsOutput::swapInterval() implementation. More...
void | updateCache (int width, int height) noexcept |
| Updates the target layout area size. More...
| ~DefaultWaylandEGLGraphicsOutput () override |
| Destructor. More...
KZ_NO_DISCARD Vector2 | getDpi () const noexcept |
| Returns the resolution of the target coordinate system in dots per inch. More...
KZ_NO_DISCARD unsigned int | getHeight () const noexcept |
| Returns the height of layout area in the target coordinate system. More...
KZ_NO_DISCARD unsigned int | getWidth () const noexcept |
| Returns the width of layout area in the target coordinate system. More...
virtual | ~GraphicsOutput ()=default |
| Destructor. More...
virtual | ~EventSource ()=default |
| Destructor. More...
virtual | ~GLGraphicsOutput ()=default |
| Destructor. More...
virtual | ~WindowedGraphicsOutput ()=default |
| Destructor. More...
| AbstractDefaultWaylandContext ()=default |
| Constructor. More...
| AbstractDefaultWaylandContext (const AbstractDefaultWaylandContext &)=delete |
| Copy constructor. More...
| AbstractDefaultWaylandContext (AbstractDefaultWaylandContext &&) noexcept=delete |
| Move constructor. More...
AbstractDefaultWaylandContext & | operator= (const AbstractDefaultWaylandContext &)=delete |
| Copy assignment operator. More...
AbstractDefaultWaylandContext & | operator= (AbstractDefaultWaylandContext &&) noexcept=delete |
| Move assignment operator. More...
virtual | ~AbstractDefaultWaylandContext ()=default |
| Destructor. More...