►Nkanzi | |
►Nandroid_ws | |
CAndroidWSInputDevice | Class representing an input device for the default Android window surface EGL graphics output |
CDefaultAndroidWSEGLGraphicsOutput | Class representing a default Android window surface EGL graphics output |
CDefaultAndroidWSEGLGraphicsOutputProperties | Struct representing the default Android window surface EGL graphics output properties |
►Nemscripten | |
CDefaultEmscriptenGraphicsOutput | Class representing a default Emscripten graphics output |
CDefaultEmscriptenGraphicsOutputProperties | The structure that represents the default emscripten graphics output properties |
►Ninterop | |
CAbstractBindingRuntimeWrapper | |
CAbstractBindingWrapper | |
CActionDirector | |
►CActivityCodeBehindDirector | |
CStatusChangeHandlerDirector | |
CBindingProcessorWrapper | |
CBitmapImageWrapper | |
CBlurEffect2DEnums | |
CBoolWrapper | |
CCallbackBindingProcessorDirector | |
CCameraEnums | |
CClassPropertyDefaultValueWrapper | |
►CCodeBehindDirector | |
CCommandHandlerDirector | |
CConditionDirector | |
CConstraintsEnums | |
CContainerWrapper | |
CContext | |
CContextDirector | |
CDataContextModifiedSubscriptionDirector | |
CDataContextModifiedSubscriptionTokenWrapper | |
CDataObjectListDirector | |
CDataSourceDirector | |
CDispatchMessageActionEnums | |
CDockLayoutConceptEnums | |
CEditorInfoWrapper | |
CEffectStack2DEnums | |
CExclusiveActivityHostConceptEnums | |
CFloatWrapper | |
CFlowLayoutConceptEnums | |
CForwardingActionDirector | |
CGridLayoutConceptEnums | |
CGridListBoxConceptEnums | |
CIntWrapper | |
CIteratorWrapper | |
CLegacyRenderPassEnums | |
CLevelOfDetail3DEnums | |
CListBoxItemGenerator2DDirector | |
CListBoxItemGenerator3DDirector | |
CMaskEffect2DEnums | |
CMatrix4x4Enums | |
CMesh_CreateInfoWrapper | |
CMessageArgumentsWrapper | |
CMessageSubscriptionDirector | |
CMessageSubscriptionTokenWrapper | |
CMessageTypeWrapper | |
CMetaclassDirector | |
CMetaclassReleaseVisitor | |
CMetaclassWrapper | |
CModuleBase | |
CNativeExceptionWrapper | Used to store a native exception ptr in a foreign language |
CNode2DDirector | |
CNode2DEnums | |
CNode3DDirector | |
CNodeComponentDirector | |
CNodeEffectTemplate2DWrapper | |
CNodeEnums | |
CObjectReference | |
CObjectWrapper | |
CObjectWrapperWrapper | |
COutlineEffect2DEnums | |
►CPageTransitionCollectionEnums | |
CTransition | |
CParallelActivityHostConceptEnums | |
CPipelineStateRenderPassEnums | |
CPluginDirector | |
CPluginHandlerDirector | |
CPropertyTargetEasingInterpolatorEnums | |
CPropertyTargetEasingTimelineEnums | |
CPropertyTypeWrapper | |
CRenderbuffer_CreateInfoWrapper | |
CRenderPassTemplateWrapper | |
CResourceAcquireTaskDirector | |
CResourceAcquireTaskWrapper | |
CResourceIDWrapper | |
CResourceLoadTaskDirector | |
►CResourceProtocolDirector | |
CResult | |
CResourceReloadProtocolDirector | |
CScreenEnums | |
CScrollViewConceptEnums | |
CShaderProgram_CreateInfoWrapper | |
CShadowEffect2DEnums | |
CSplineWrapper | |
CStaleObjectException | Exception which is thrown when a wrapper no longer points to a valid object |
CStringWrapper | |
CTaskDirector | |
CTaskDispatcherTaskDirector | |
CTextBoxConceptEnums | |
CTextFormatEnums | |
CTextureCreateInfo | Struct which contains all the parameters that are needed for texture creation |
►CTextureEnums | |
CCreateInfo | |
CTimerTaskDirector | |
CTrajectoryEnums | |
CTriggerDirector | |
CTypedIteratorWrapper | |
CValueAccumulatorBaseEnums | |
CVariantWrapper | |
►Nqnx | |
CDefaultQnxEGLGraphicsOutput | Class representing a default QNX EGL graphics output |
CDefaultQnxEGLGraphicsOutputProperties | The structure that represents the default QNX EGL graphics output properties |
CDefaultQnxInputEventContext | Structure representing the default context for an async input event |
CDefaultQnxPulseHandler | |
CQnxChannelID | Class representing Qnx communication channel ID |
CQnxConnectionID | Class representing Qnx connection ID |
CQnxContext | Class representing a Qnx context |
CQnxDisplay | Class representing a Qnx display |
CQnxEGLPBufferGraphicsOutput | Class representing a QNX EGL pixel buffer graphics output |
CQnxEGLPBufferGraphicsOutputProperties | |
CQnxEGLWindow | Class representing a Qnx EGL window |
CQnxEvent | Class representing a Qnx event |
CQnxSigEvent | Class representing Qnx sig event |
CQnxWindow | Class representing a Qnx window |
►Nwayland | |
CAbstractDefaultWaylandContext | Class that represents an interface for Wayland callbacks |
CAbstractWaylandShell | Represents a Wayland shell class interface boilerplate |
CCoreShell | Wayland Core Shell abstraction |
CDefaultIVIScreenListener | Default listener for IVIScreen |
CDefaultIVISurfaceListener | Default listener for IVISurface |
CDefaultIVIWMListener | Default listener for IVIWM |
CDefaultKeyboardListener | Default listener for WaylandKeyboard |
CDefaultPointerListener | Default listener for WaylandPointer |
CDefaultSeatListener | Default listener for WaylandSeat |
CDefaultTouchListener | Default listener for WaylandTouch |
CDefaultWaylandEGLGraphicsOutput | Class that represents the default Wayland EGL graphics output |
CDefaultWaylandEGLGraphicsOutputProperties | Default properties to use when creating DefaultWaylandEGLGraphicsOutput |
CDefaultWaylandFrameListener | Default listener for Wayland frame callback |
CDefaultWaylandIVIEGLGraphicsOutput | Class that represents the default Wayland IVI EGL graphics output |
CDefaultWaylandIVIEGLGraphicsOutputProperties | Default properties to use when creating DefaultWaylandIVIEGLGraphicsOutput |
CDefaultWaylandOutputListener | Default listener for WaylandOutput |
CDefaultWaylandRegistryListener | Default listener for WaylandRegistry |
CDefaultWaylandShellSurfaceListener | Default listener for WaylandShellSurface |
CDefaultXDGSurfaceListener | Default listener for XDGSurface |
CDefaultXDGToplevelListener | Default listener for XDGToplevel |
CDefaultXDGWMBaseListener | Default listener for XDGWMBase |
CExitRequestEvent | Event that represents a request to close the window |
CIVIApplication | IVI application wrapper class |
CIVILayer | Represents IVI layer |
CIVILayerProps | Collection of IVILayer properties |
CIVILayoutManager | An abstraction class that allows to control IVI layers and surfaces |
CIVIScreen | IVI screen wrapper class |
CIVIShell | Wayland IVI Shell abstraction |
CIVISurface | IVI surface wrapper class |
CIVISurfaceProps | Collection of IVIWMSurface properties |
CIVIWM | IVI WM wrapper class |
CIVIWMSurface | Represents IVI surface from WM point of view |
CKeyboardEnterEvent | Event that represents keyboard entering the window |
CKeyboardLeaveEvent | Event that represents keyboard leaving the window |
CKeyEvent | Event that represents a keyboard key changing state |
CKeyModEvent | Event that represents the current keyboard modifier state |
CPointerAxisEvent | Event that represents mouse scroll |
CPointerButtonEvent | Event that represents mouse button events |
CPointerEnterEvent | Event that represents mouse entering application window |
CPointerFrameEvent | Event that groups pointer events together |
CPointerLeaveEvent | Event that represents mouse leaving application window |
CPointerMotionEvent | Event that represents mouse movement |
CShellWrapper | Helper class that contains a Shell with associated listeners |
CTouchCancelEvent | Event that represents compositor taking over all touch points |
CTouchDownEvent | Event that starts a touch point |
CTouchFrameEvent | Event that groups touch events together |
CTouchMotionEvent | Event that represents touch point movement |
CTouchUpEvent | Event that ends a touch point |
CWaylandCallback | Wayland callback wrapper class |
CWaylandCompositor | Wayland compositor wrapper class |
CWaylandDisplay | Wayland display wrapper class |
CWaylandEGLWindow | Wayland EGL window wrapper class |
CWaylandEventVisitor | Visitor class that operates on different types of Wayland events |
CWaylandInterface | Represents a generic Wayland interface handle with managed lifetime |
CWaylandKeyboard | Wayland keyboard wrapper class |
CWaylandOutput | Wayland output wrapper class |
CWaylandPointer | Wayland pointer wrapper class |
CWaylandRegistry | Wayland registry wrapper class |
CWaylandSeat | Represents a Wayland seat and abstracts the underlying capabilities |
CWaylandShell | Wayland shell wrapper class |
CWaylandShellSurface | Wayland shell surface wrapper class |
CWaylandSurface | Wayland surface wrapper class |
CWaylandTouch | Wayland touch wrapper class |
CXDGPositioner | XDG positioner wrapper class |
CXDGShell | Wayland XDG Shell abstraction |
CXDGSurface | XDG surface wrapper class |
CXDGToplevel | XDG toplevel wrapper class |
CXDGWMBase | XDG WM base wrapper class |
►Nwin32 | |
CDefaultFiberContext | Structure that represents the default Win32 fiber context |
CDefaultWin32WGLGraphicsOutput | Class that represents the default Win32 WGL graphics output |
CDefaultWin32WGLGraphicsOutputProperties | Structure that represents the default Win32 WGL graphics output properties |
CWGLContext | Class that represents the WGL context |
CWin32DeviceContext | Class that represents the Win32 device context |
CWin32Display | Class that represents a Win32 display |
CWin32DynamicLibrary | Class that represents the Win32 dynamic library |
CWin32Fiber | Class that represents the Win32 fiber |
CWin32LParam | Structure that represents the Win32 LPARAM |
CWin32Window | Class that represents a Win32 window |
CWin32WindowClass | Class that represents the Win32 window class |
CWin32WParam | Structure that represents the Win32 WPARAM |
►Nwindowing | |
CPosition | Signed window position |
CPositionF | Real window position |
CPositionU | Unsigned window position |
CRegion | Region for signed and unsigned size representations |
CSize | Signed window size |
CSizeU | Unsigned window size |
►Nx11 | |
CDefaultX11EGLGraphicsOutput | Default X11 EGL graphics output |
CDefaultX11EGLGraphicsOutputProperties | Default X11 EGL graphics output properties |
CX11Deleter | An X11 deleter functor |
CX11Display | An X11 display |
CX11Window | An X11 window |
CXClientMessageData | X client message data |
CAbstractAnimation | Interface for abstract animations |
CAbstractBinding | AbstractBinding is the base class for binding classes |
CAbstractBindingRuntime | Base class for binding runtimes |
CAbstractBindingVariableSource | Abstract interface for VariableBindingSources and VariableExpressionValueSource |
CAbstractExpressionValueSource | Value source base for use in bindings with multiple sources |
CAbstractExpressionValueSourceRuntime | Runtime base class for expression value sources |
CAbstractIndexedRange | Abstract indexed range interface |
CAbstractLogger | To implement a logger, inherit from this class |
CAbstractMessageType | AbstractMessageType is a homogeneous message type handle to an existing message type |
CAbstractMessageTypeDescriptor | An instance of a AbstractMessageTypeDescriptor represents a single message type in the Kanzi message system in an abstract homogeneous form |
CAbstractNodeReference | |
CAbstractProfiler | AbstractProfiler |
CAbstractPropertyNotificationHandler | Abstract property notification handler |
CAbstractPropertyType | AbstractPropertyType is a homogeneous property type handle to an existing property type |
►CAbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor | AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor is used internally by the property type system to manage property types |
CModifierEntry | |
CModifierStorage | |
CNotificationStorage | |
CPropertyStorage | |
CRawValueSourceOwner | Owner for raw value source pointers |
CValueModifier | |
CValueSource | |
CValueSourceEntry | Entry pointing to value sources |
CValueSourceOwner | Value source owner abstracts the owner pointer of a value source |
CAbstractRange | Abstract range interface |
CAbstractRangeIterator | Abstract range iterator interface |
CAbstractRangeLocation | Location into a range |
CAbstractResourceReference | |
CAbstractValueProfiler | Abstract value profiler |
CAction | Actions are small operations that Kanzi executes when the trigger event that contains that action occurs and the trigger conditions are met |
CActionBase | Base abstraction class for Action classes |
CActivity2D | An Activity is a part of application UI that is responsible for a task |
CActivity3D | An Activity is a part of application UI that is responsible for a task |
►CActivityBrowserController | ActivityBrowserController is an interface class for implementing runtime data exchange between the Kanzi Studio Preview and the ActivityBrowser Kanzi Studio plugin |
CForceTriggerMessageArguments | Message arguments for the ForceTriggerMessage |
CNodeInfoTreeAvailableArguments | Message arguments for the NodeInfoTreeAvailableMessage |
CActivityCodeBehind | ActivityCodeBehind is code that is associated with a particular Activity node, and has access to the properties of that Activity node |
►CActivityConcept | Base class for Activity classes |
CActivityInternalMessageArguments | Class for all the internal Activity messages that do not require any message arguments |
CActivityMessageArguments | Message arguments that hold the name of the Activity included in the message |
CStartActivationInternalMessageArguments | Message arguments for the StartActivationInternalMessage |
CStatusChangedInternalMessageArguments | Message arguments for internal Activity messages related to Activity status changes |
CStatusChangedMessageArguments | Message arguments for the StatusChangedMessage |
CActivityConceptImpl | Implementation class for ActivityConcept |
CActivityElement | ActivityElement is the base class for all Activity and Activity Host classes |
►CActivityElementHistory | Encapsulates serialized data for activity elements |
CSerializedActivityProperty | Encapsulates the serialized data for a property |
CActivityElementImpl | ActivityElement implementation class |
CActivityHistoryManager | ActivityHistoryManager encapsulates functionality of serialization of activities |
►CActivityHostConcept | Base class for Activity Host classes |
CActivatingActivity | Class to manage storing and switching of Activity nodes |
CActivationMessageArguments | Message arguments for ActivateActivity and DeactivateActivity messages |
CActiveActivity | Class to manage storing and switching of Activity nodes |
CActivityInfo | Stores information that identifies an Activity node |
CActivityPrefabMessageArguments | Message arguments for ActivityPrefabAttachedMessage and ActivityPrefabDetachedMessage |
CDeactivatingActivity | Class to manage storing and switching of Activity nodes |
CRegisterActivityElementInternalMessageArguments | Message arguments for RegisterActivityElementInternal message |
CUnregisterActivityElementInternalMessageArguments | Message arguments for UnregisterActivityElementInternal message |
CActivityHostConceptImpl | Implementation class for ActivityHostConcept |
CActivityHostControllerPropertyManager | Encapsulates management of activities through a controller property |
CActivityPrefabLoader | Helper class for the Activity Host class types |
CActivitySourceController | Encapsulates the management of data provider for Data-Driven Exclusive Activity Host |
CActivityStatusAnimationFinishedHandler | Encapsulates dispatching of messages when an activating or a deactivating activity animation is finished |
CActivityStatusManager | Covers the management of the StatusProperty in the State Manager that the prefab of an Activity node uses for transition animations |
CActivitySwitchingSynchronizer | Encapsulates the synchronization of animations for activating and deactivating Activity nodes |
CAndroidLogger | |
CAnimationBindingProcessor | Animation binding processor executes an animation and calculates the value for use in expression bindings |
CAnimationBindingProcessorRuntime | Holds the runtime state of an AnimationBindingProcessor |
►CAnimationPlayer | Use the Animation Player to play back an animation timeline that you set using the TimelineProperty property in that Animation Player |
CCompletedMessageArguments | Message arguments for the Completed message |
CPauseMessageArguments | Message arguments for the Pause message |
CPlayMessageArguments | Message arguments for the Play message |
CResumeMessageArguments | Message arguments for the Resume message |
CStartedMessageArguments | Message arguments for the Started message |
CStopMessageArguments | Message arguments for the Stop message |
CStoppedMessageArguments | Message arguments for the Stopped message |
CAnimationResource | A Resource wrapper class for animations |
CApplication | Application class is the base class for Kanzi applications |
►CApplicationProperties | Configurable application properties |
CFontEngineHasher | Class that provides the hash operator for the FontEngine enumeration |
CImageLoadParameters | Parameters that Kanzi passes to third-party image libraries when loading image files |
CSlog2Config | User configurable parameters for slogger2. Default values are set in the ApplicationProperties constructor |
CAppliedStyleEntry | Applied style entry |
CApplyAction | Base abstraction for Actions for DataTrigger, such as ForwardingApplyAction and ApplyActivationAction |
CApplyActivationAction | An ApplyActivationAction keeps an Activity node activated for as long as the condition is met in a DataTrigger that contains this action |
CApplyPropertyAction | An ApplyPropertyAction sets a property to the requested value for as long as the condition is met in the DataTrigger that sets off this action |
CAutoClosingModalScope | Implements the auto-closing modal scopes |
CAutoClosingModelessScope | Implements the auto-closing modeless focus scope |
CBackEasingFunction | Changes the value back slightly before moving it toward the target |
CBezierEasingFunction | Changes the value according to a Bezier curve |
CBinaryResource | |
CBinding | Binding is the simplest form of binding |
CBindingBaseRuntime | Base runtime class for simple one-on-one bindings |
CBindingExpressionOpCode | Expression binding operation |
CBindingExpressionOpCodeParameters | Runtime Parameters for binding expression opcodes |
CBindingHostConcept | BindingHostConcept specifies an interface for adding and removing bindings to the binding host |
CBindingHostConceptImpl | Implementation class for BindingHostConcept |
CBindingLoadInfo | Use the BindingLoadInfo to create the information for a binding that you need when adding the binding to an object |
CBindingLookupContext | Lookup context for bindings |
CBindingLookupNotificationBase | Base class for notifications on binding lookup |
CBindingNodeEffect2DLookupContext | Binding lookup context for NodeEffect2D |
CBindingNodeLookupContext | Binding lookup context for Node |
CBindingProcessor | Binding processor |
CBindingProcessorRuntime | Holds the runtime state of a binding processor |
CBindingRenderPassLookupContext | Binding lookup context for RenderPass |
CBindingRenderValueLookupContext | Binding lookup context for render value associations |
CBindingRuntime | Runtime for binding |
CBindingRuntimeHandle | Handler for binding runtimes |
CBindingSource | Binding source contains all the persistent data that you need to access a source value for the binding |
CBindingSourceRuntime | Binding source runtime interface |
CBindingTargetRuntime | Binding target runtime interface |
CBindingToken | Helper class that manages the lifetime of the runtime binding owned by a Node or a RenderPass, by removing the owned binding on the destruction of that Node or the RenderPass |
CBindingTriggerLookupContext | Binding lookup context for Node |
CBindingValueSourceOwner | Owner for value source bindings |
►CBitmapFontFile | Font implementation for bitmap fonts |
CBitmapGlyphData | Derived GlyphData implementation for bitmap fonts |
CKerningPairHasher | Class providing hash operator for bitmap font kerning pairs |
CBitmapFontLoader | FontLoader implementation for bitmap fonts |
CBitmapImage | Image is the basic runtime primitive to load, hold, and convert image data in memory |
CBlendModeRenderStatePropertyNotificationHandler | Custom render state property notification handler for blend mode |
CBlendModeRenderValueBindingTargetRuntime | Custom render value binding target runtime for blend mode |
CBlitRenderPass | Use the Blit Render Pass to blit one or more textures to the screen of the current rendering context using a material |
CBlurEffect2D | Use BlurEffect2D to apply a Gaussian blur post-processing effect to 2D nodes |
CBlurEffectRenderer2D | Blur effect renderer class |
CBounceEasingFunction | Changes the value as a sequence of bounces |
CBox | Class for box volume |
CBrush | Use a brush to fill a Node2D |
CBrushRenderer | An interface for specialized brush renderers, which implement brush rendering |
CBufferObjectStream | Specifies stream to GL buffer object |
CButton2D | Use the Button 2D node to create a 2D UI control that the user can interact with through clicking, tapping, or pressing a key |
CButton3D | Use the Button 3D node to create a 3D UI control that the user can interact with through clicking, tapping, or pressing a key |
►CButtonConcept | Button nodes provide an area that receives key and touch input which Kanzi translates to state events |
CCanceledMessageArguments | |
CClickedMessageArguments | |
CLongPressMessageArguments | |
CPointerEnteredMessageArguments | |
CPointerLeftMessageArguments | |
CPressedMessageArguments | |
CToggledOffMessageArguments | Message arguments used by the ToggledOffMessage |
CToggledOnMessageArguments | Message arguments used by the ToggledOnMessage |
CToggleStateChangedMessageArguments | Message arguments used by the ToggleStateChangedMessage |
CButtonConceptImpl | Implementation class for ButtonConcept |
CCallbackBindingProcessor | Callback processor |
CCallbackProcessorRuntime | Holds the runtime state of a CallbackBindingProcessor |
CCamera | Use a Camera to define the view transform to use to render a 3D Scene |
CCharacterLayout | Structure for layout of a single character for text rendering |
CCircleEasingFunction | Changes the value using a circular function |
CClassPropertyDefaultValue | ClassPropertyDefaultValue is a helper for installing property values as class metadata |
CClearRenderPass | Use a Clear Render Pass to clear the color, depth, and stencil buffers of the current render context before passing the control to the descendants of this render pass |
CClickConcept | Use the ClickConcept properties to control how nodes handle click and double-click |
CClickConceptImpl | Implementation of base Click Concept class for derived classes |
►CClickManipulator | Click input manipulator recognizes the click and tap gestures from the incoming touch events |
CClickBeginMessageArguments | Message arguments for click gesture began message. Inherits argument properties from InputManipulator::InputMessageArguments |
CClickCancelMessageArguments | Message arguments for click canceled message. Inherits argument properties from InputManipulator::InputMessageArguments |
CClickEnterMessageArguments | Message arguments for pointer entering the node area message. Inherits argument properties from InputManipulator::InputMessageArguments |
CClickLeaveMessageArguments | Message arguments for pointer leaving the node area message. Inherits argument properties from InputManipulator::InputMessageArguments |
CClickMessageArguments | Message arguments for click gesture recognized message. Inherits argument properties from InputManipulator::InputMessageArguments |
CClickManipulatorComponent | ClickManipulatorComponent installs a ClickManipulator to a node |
CClock | Represents a monotonic, high resolution clock that advances steadily as the physical time moves forward |
CCodeBehind | Code Behind is a workflow where you associate code with an instance of a node instead of a type |
CCodeBehindRegisterGuard | RAII class for attaching code behind to an Activity or Activity Host node |
CColorBrush | Color brush class |
CColorBrushRenderer | Color brush renderer class |
CColorRGBA | Color with 4 floating point components: red, green, blue and alpha (r, g, b, a) |
CCombinerObjectSource | Combiner object source |
CCombinerObjectSourceRuntime | Runtime for combiner object source |
►CCommand | Command class defines property and message types used in implementation of commands |
CCommandMessageArguments | Represents the message arguments for command messages |
CCompositionBrush | Texture brush class |
CCompositionBrushRenderer | OpenGL texture brush renderer class |
CCompositionContentRequirements | Holds the requirements for the composition target |
►CCompositionManager | Composition manager |
CLRUTracker | Least Recently Used wrapper for different resource types |
CRequest | Composition request class |
CReuseParameters | Reuse and pruning parameters for unused composition targets |
CTarget | Composition target |
CCompositionRequirements | Composition requirements represent the required buffers for composition |
CCompositionStack | Composition stack for managing current render context |
►CCompositionTargetRenderPass | Use the Composition Target Render Pass to set one to four composition targets and render all descendant render passes to the composition targets that the Composition Target Render Pass created |
CCompositionFormatSettings | Format settings for composition target render pass |
CCompositionSizeSettings | Size settings for Composition Target Render Pass |
CCondition | Condition for triggers |
CConstraintBindingProcessor | Binding processor structure for constraints |
CConstraintBindingProcessorRuntime | Holds the runtime state of a ConstraintBindingProcessor |
CConstraints | Contains property types of Constraints |
CContainsPropertyFilter | Use the Contains Property Filter to collect 3D nodes that contain, or do not contain a specific property |
CContainsPropertyFilterRuntime | Runtime for contains property node filter |
CContentBrush | Texture brush class |
CContentBrushRenderer | Content brush renderer class |
CContentItemCollectionModel | Base class for exposing abstract access to collections of items of UI controls with content |
CContentItemModel | Base class for exposing abstract access to content of UI controls with single content item model |
CContentLayout2D | Use the Content Layout 2D node to present content in a 2D UI control as a single item |
CContentLayout3D | Use the Content Layout 3D node to present content in a 3D UI control as a single item |
CContentLayoutConcept | Use the Content Layout nodes to present complex content as one element in the UI |
CContentLayoutConceptImpl | ContentLayoutConceptImpl is an abstract class for implementing the Content Layout node concept |
CContentReference | |
CControllerPropertySource | Abstract class whose implementation encapsulates management of controller property source for an activity host controller property |
CCoutLogger | This logger class writes log messages to standard output |
CCubeMapRenderPass | Use the Cubemap Render Pass to create a cubemap texture that represents the scene from some location |
CCubicEasingFunction | Changes the value based on the cube of time using the function f(t) = t^3 |
►CCurveReparametrization | Kanzi uses curve reparametrization to subdivide a spline or a line into a series of samples |
CReparametrizationSample | A sample point (phase, length) for mapping between curve parameter and curve length |
►CDataContext | DataContext acts as a container for data |
CModifiedSubscription | Subscription entry |
CDataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost2D | A type of Exclusive Activity Host node, that uses a list of Activity nodes provided by setting a list DataObject, from a DataSource, to the ActivitySourceProperty property |
CDataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost3D | A type of Exclusive Activity Host node, that uses a list of Activity nodes provided by setting a list DataObject, from a DataSource, to the ActivitySourceProperty property |
CDataDrivenExclusiveActivityHostConcept | Base class for the Data-Driven Exclusive Activity Host classes |
CDataDrivenExclusiveActivityHostImpl | Implementation class for DataDrivenExclusiveActivityHostConcept and ExclusiveActivityHostConcept |
CDataObject | DataObject is the base class for data |
CDataObjectBool | Implementation of DataObjectTyped<bool, DataObject::Bool> |
CDataObjectEnum | Provides functions to the host, set, and get values of the given type |
CDataObjectEnumBase | DataObjectEnumBase is the base class for enum data |
CDataObjectInt | Implementation of DataObjectTyped<int32_t, DataObject::Int> |
CDataObjectList | DataObjectList is the base class for list data object |
CDataObjectReal | Implementation of DataObjectTyped<double, DataObject::Real> |
CDataObjectString | Implementation of DataObjectTyped<string, DataObject::String> |
CDataObjectTyped | Template class that you can use with the standard types |
CDataObjectTypeTraits | DataObjectTypeTraits Provides type information for how a data type should be stored, passed as a parameter, etc |
CDataObjectTypeTraits< double > | A specialization for double, because PropertyDataTypeTraits<T> does not have double |
CDataSource | Use data sources to separate the user interface from the application data and to remove the dependencies between a Kanzi Studio project and the application code which define the Kanzi application |
CDataSourceBindingSource | Data source binding source |
CDataSourceBindingSourceRuntime | Runtime for object property binding source |
CDataSourceControllerPropertySource | Implementation of ControllerPropertySource, for controller property value provided by a data source field |
CDataSourceExpressionValueSource | Data Source expression value source |
CDataSourceExpressionValueSourceRuntime | Runtime for object property expression value source |
CDataSourceListItemGenerator | |
CDataSourceListItemGenerator2D | |
CDataSourceListItemGenerator3D | |
CDataTrigger | Use a DataTrigger to apply an action to either set a property value of a target node or activate an Activity node |
CDataTriggerComponent | Base class for the DataTrigger class |
CDataTriggerTemplate | DataTriggerTemplate is the base class for the Data Trigger templates |
CDebugRenderRegistry | Use the debug render registry to register debug rendering functions for your custom Node3D nodes |
CDefaultListBoxItemContainerGenerator | |
CDefaultListBoxItemGenerator | |
CDefaultLogger | Use this class to access the Default Logger |
CDefaultProfilerRegistry | The default profiler registry placeholder |
CDispatchMessageAction | DispatchMessageAction dispatches a message of specified type to a specified target |
CDistanceFilter | Distance filter |
CDistanceFilterRuntime | Runtime for distance filter |
CDockLayout2D | Use the Dock Layout 2D node to place nodes relative to each other along the sides of a Dock Layout 2D node |
CDockLayout3D | Use the Dock Layout 3D node to place nodes relative to each other along the sides of a Dock Layout 3D node |
CDockLayoutConcept | Dock layout concept base class |
CDockLayoutConceptImpl | Dock layout concept implementation base class |
CDomain | Domain binds Kanzi subsystems and objects together |
CDomainProfilerCollection | The domain profiler collection |
►CDragAndDropManipulator | Drag-and-drop input manipulator recognizes the drag-and-drop gesture from incoming touch events |
CCanceledMessageArguments | Message arguments for the drag-and-drop cancel message |
CFinishedMessageArguments | Message arguments for drag-and-drop finished message. Inherits argument properties from InputManipulator::InputMessageArguments |
CMovedMessageArguments | Message arguments for drag-and-drop moved message. Inherits argument properties from InputManipulator::InputMessageArguments |
CStartedMessageArguments | Message arguments for drag-and-drop started message. Inherits argument properties from InputManipulator::InputMessageArguments |
CDrawObjectsRenderPass | Use the Draw Objects Render Pass to render only nodes in a Scene node provided by an object source you set in this render pass |
CDrawObjectsWithMaterialRenderPass | Use the Draw Objects With Material Render Pass to render nodes provided by an object source using a material |
CDummyBindingTargetRuntime | Runtime for dummy binding target |
CDynamicMessageType | DynamicMessageType is a handle to an existing message type |
CDynamicPropertyType | DynamicPropertyType is a handle to an existing property type |
CEffectStack2D | Use EffectStack2D to apply multiple post-processing effects to 2D nodes |
CEffectStackRenderer2D | Use the Effect Stack Renderer to render a sequence of child effect renderers |
CEGLCapabilities | EGL capabilities |
CEGLConfig | Class representing a single EGL configuration |
CEGLContext | Class representing an EGL context |
CEGLDisplay | Class representing an EGL display connection |
CEGLPBufferSurface | Class representing EGL PBuffer surface |
CEGLVersion | Struct holding EGL version information |
CEGLWindowSurface | Class representing EGL window surface |
CElasticEasingFunction | Changes the value that resembles an oscillating spring until it comes to rest |
CEmptyNode2D | Empty Node 2D can be used to group other 2D nodes |
CEmptyNode3D | |
Cenable_bitmask_operators | Enabler template for bitmask operators over an Enum class |
CEventFilter | EventFilter class |
CEventQueue | Implements a queue of Kanzi input events gathered by EventSource instances |
CEventSource | EventSource class |
CEventSourceDecorator | The EventSourceDecorator declares the interface for the EventSource decorators |
CEventSourceProperties | Configurable event source properties |
CExampleApplication | |
CExclusiveActivityHost2D | An Activity Host that displays Activity nodes one at a time |
CExclusiveActivityHost3D | An Activity Host that displays Activity nodes one at a time |
CExclusiveActivityHostBaseImpl | Implementation of common functionality of ExclusiveActivityHost and DataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost classes |
►CExclusiveActivityHostConcept | This is the base class for all Exclusive Activity Host nodes |
CActivityInExclusiveHostInfo | Stores information that identifies an Activity node under an ExclusiveActivityHost |
CExclusiveActivityHostContent | Container for the content information for an ExclusiveActivityHost |
CImplicitActivityChangeRequestMessageArguments | Base class for Exclusive Activity Host Concept message argument classes |
CExclusiveActivityHostContentHandler | Helper class used to modify the ExclusiveActivityHostContent of an ExclusiveActivityHost |
CExclusiveActivityHostImpl | Implementation class for ExclusiveActivityHost |
CExecuteLuaAction | You can use ExecuteLuaAction to run a Lua script that implements application logic |
CExponentialEasingFunction | Changes the value with an exponential function with power that you can configure |
CExpressionBinding | ExpressionBinding enables you to bind from multiple sources to one target, and to modify the values before writing them to target values |
CExpressionBindingProcessor | Expression binding processor |
CExpressionBindingRuntime | Runtime for expression binding |
CExpressionBindingSource | Expression binding source collects expression value sources and executes operations on the values to produce a read result |
CExpressionBindingSourceRuntime | Runtime for expression binding source |
CExpressionCondition | Use trigger conditions to set which conditions must be met for a Trigger to set off |
CFile | Interface class for files |
CFilterObjectSource | Filter object source |
CFilterObjectSourceRuntime | Base class for filter runtime classes |
CFixedString | String that points to a string literal |
CFlagScopeGuard | Scope guard for boolean value |
►CFloatValueAccumulator | Use a FloatValueAccumulator to increase the value of a float property type or a property field over time |
CSetAccumulatedValueBoundariesMessageArguments | Message arguments for the SetAccumulateValueBoundaries message |
CFlowLayout2D | Flow Layout 2D arranges 2D items along a line and continues to the next line when it runs out of space |
CFlowLayout3D | Flow Layout 3D arranges 3D items along a line and continues to the next line when it runs out of space |
CFlowLayoutConcept | Flow layout concept base class |
CFlowLayoutConceptImpl | Flow layout concept implementation base class |
CFocusChainIndex | Contains the focus order and focus order offset information of a node in a focus scope |
CFocusChainNode | The focus chain node of a focus scope consists of the node of the focus scope, its focus order, and the focus order offset |
CFocusFence | Implements the focus fences |
CFocusGroup | Implements the focus groups |
►CFocusManager | Focus Manager enables you to set and change the key focus between attached nodes |
CFocusEnteredFocusScopeMessageArguments | Message arguments used by the FocusEnteredFocusScopeMessage |
CFocusLeftFocusScopeMessageArguments | Message arguments used by the FocusLeftFocusScopeMessage |
CInputOutsideOverlayMessageArguments | Message arguments used by the InputOutsideOverlayMessage |
CMoveFocusMessageArguments | Message arguments used by the focus move messages |
COverlayBroughtToFrontMessageArguments | Message arguments used by the OverlayBroughtToFrontMessage |
COverlayGainedFocusMessageArguments | Message arguments used by the OverlayGainedFocusMessage |
COverlayLostFocusMessageArguments | Message arguments used by the OverlayLostFocusMessage |
COverlaySentToBackMessageArguments | Message arguments used by the OverlaySentToBackMessage |
CPostFocusMessageArguments | |
CPreFocusMessageArguments | Message arguments for the pre-focus messages |
CScopeStateChangeMessageArguments | Base message argument class for the focus scope state change message arguments |
CFocusNavigationGesture | Declares a focus navigation gesture |
CFocusNavigationManipulator | FocusNavigationManipulator converts key gestures into focus chain navigation actions to move the focus between focusable nodes |
►CFocusScope | Holds the attributes of a focus scope: |
CFocusChain | The FocusChain contains the snapshot of the focus chain of a focus scope |
CFocusScopeVisitor | Focus scope visitor for UI scene traversal of focus scopes |
►CFontEnginePlugin | FontEnginePlugin is the interface definition for font engine plugins |
CBackendProperties | Font backend properties |
CFontFamily | A font family resource contains font files |
►CFontFile | FontFile is the base class for different font file resource implementations |
CGlyphData | GlyphData contains the metrics for an individual rendered glyph and its bitmap |
CFontLoader | Use FontLoader to create FontFile objects from memory or a file |
CFontManager | Use the FontManager class to: |
CFontRuntime | Runtime font |
CFontStyleConcept | FontStyleConcept is the base class for the nodes that draw text with different font styles |
CFontStyleConceptImpl | Implementation class for FontStyleConcept |
CFontStyleDefinition | FontStyleDefinition provides a collection of font characteristics |
►CForwardingAction | ForwardingAction is the base class for the action classes that read and send arguments, such as SetPropertyAction or DispatchMessageAction |
CBindingEntry | Entry for bindings to install when the action is invoked |
CBindingRuntimeEntry | Entry for binding runtimes to execute when the action is invoked |
►CForwardingApplyAction | ForwardingApplyAction is the base class for the ApplyAction classes that read and send an argument, such as ApplyPropertyAction |
CBindingInfo | Stored info for a binding |
►CFramebuffer | Framebuffer attachment state |
CAttachmentPoint | AttachmentPoint |
CFrameDescription | Description of a frame, the remaining area of a quad with another quad cut out |
CFrameTimeQueue | Helper class for calculating the frame rate |
CFreeTypeFontEnginePlugin | FreeTypeFontEnginePlugin is the FreeType font engine plugin implementation |
CFreeTypeFontFile | Font implementation using the Freetype rasterizer |
CFreeTypeFontLoader | FontLoader implementation for the Freetype rasterizer |
CFreeTypeTextShaper | TextShaper implementation using these open source libraries: |
Cfrom_chars_result | Holds the status result of a call to from_chars |
CFromToAnimation | Template class for from-to animations |
CFromToAnimationBase | Template base class for from-to animations |
CFrustumCullFilter | Frustum cull filter |
CFrustumCullFilterRuntime | Runtime for frustum cull filter |
►CGatherLightsRenderPass | GatherLightsRenderPass is a class for generating light properties for rendering nodes |
CInstantiatorNotification | Instantiator notification information installed by the gather lights render pass |
CLightInfo | Internal information structure for storing information on lights |
►CLightRange | Light range is a range type for retrieving light values |
CLightRangeLocation | Light range location implementation |
►CGatherNearestLightsRenderPass | GatherNearestLightsRenderPass is an implementation of light gathering |
CLightDistanceInfo | Light distance information |
►CNearestLightRange | Nearest light range is an extension to light range that returns the lights in distance order to caller |
CNearestLightRangeLocation | Light range location implementation |
►CGenericResourceProfilingContext | Generic resource profiling context |
CSampler | The context sampler |
►CGeometry | Geometry represents 2D coordinate data that you can use to render 2D nodes and text |
CVertex | Vertex for geometry |
CGlBlendModeRenderValue | Custom blend mode render value implementation |
CGLBufferHandle | GLBufferHandle manages RAII ownership for GL buffer object |
CGLFramebufferHandle | GLFramebufferHandle manages RAII ownership for GL framebuffer object |
CGlGraphicsAdapter | Base class for handling calls to OpenGL family |
CGlGraphicsAdapterCallGles | OpenGL API call handler which calls the implementation from dynamically loaded GLES library |
CGlGraphicsAdapterCheckForErrors | Check for GL errors |
CGlGraphicsAdapterLogger | Logs OpenGL API calls |
CGlGraphicsLogScope | Scoped OpenGL log enable/disabler |
CGLGraphicsOutput | GLGraphicsOutput class |
CGLProgramHandle | GLProgramHandle manages RAII ownership for GL program object |
CGLRenderbufferHandle | GLRenderbufferHandle manages RAII ownership for GL renderbuffer object |
►CGlRenderState | OpenGL render state |
CRenderValueInfo | Render value information |
CRenderValueUnion | Union containing one render value to be arranged into an array |
CTextureRenderValue | Container for texture render value and the width/height uniforms |
CGlRenderValue | Individual render value container |
CGlRenderValue< TextureSharedPtr > | Specialization of GlRenderValue |
CGlRenderValueBase | Base class for render value information |
CGlRenderValueBinding | GlRenderValueBinding is a binding from shaders/materials into values in GlRenderState |
CGLShaderHandle | GLShaderHandle manages RAII ownership for GL shader object |
CGLTextureHandle | GLTextureHandle manages RAII ownership for GL texture object |
►CGlyphCache | Glyph cache renders different characters on a texture with the font and font size that you use in your Kanzi application |
CTextureCoordinates | Coordinates to the position of a single glyph in a glyph cache texture |
CGlyphCacheManager | GlyphCacheManager creates and maintains glyph caches for different font file and font size combinations |
CGlyphRun | GlyphRun contains the memory structures that are needed to render a text string |
CGPUBuffer | |
CGPUResource | GPUResource is a resource that must be deployed to the GPU |
CGraphicsOutput | GraphicsOutput class |
CGridLayout2D | Grid Layout 2D arranges 2D items in a grid |
CGridLayout3D | Grid Layout 3D arranges 3D items in a grid |
►CGridLayoutConcept | Base class for the Grid Layout nodes |
CRowColumnDefinition | Definition for the size and position of a single row or column |
►CGridLayoutConceptImpl | Implementation class for GridLayoutConcept |
CGridObjectLocationWorkspace | Information used to store the state between function calls when locating objects |
CGridListBox2D | Use the Grid List Box 2D node to create scrollable lists of 2D items arranged in a grid |
CGridListBox2DTraits | |
CGridListBox3D | Use the Grid List Box 3D node to create scrollable lists of 3D items arranged in a grid |
CGridListBox3DTraits | |
CGridListBoxConcept | GridListBoxConcept provides the common properties and messages for the GridListBox2D and GridListBox3D nodes |
CHudDebugEvent | The event toggles the head-up display debugging status |
CImage2D | Image2D node |
CImmutableIteratorRange | Iterator location range pointing to a particular location of an iterator range |
CImmutableSplitStringRange | ImmutableSplitStringRange is an analogue to the ImmutableIteratorRange for a SplitStringRange |
CImmutableString | Immutable string container |
►CIndexedPropertyAccessRange | Indexed property access range |
CIndexedPropertyAccessRangeLocation | Location implementation for indexed property access range |
►CIndexedViewRange | View over another indexed range |
CIndexedViewRangeLocation | Location class for indexed view range |
CInputEvent | Base event class providing the core functionality of the Kanzi input events |
CInputManager | Input Manager converts the events from the given event queue into input specific messages |
►CInputManipulator | The base class for the Kanzi input manipulators |
CCollection | Common functions of collections of attached InputManipulators processing a specific input event type |
CInputMessageArguments | Message arguments for input manipulator messages |
CKeyInputMessageArguments | Represents base message arguments for key input messages |
CTouchInfo | Structure to hold the state of the current touch points |
CInputMethod | The InputMethod class defines the interface of the Kanzi input methods |
CInputMethodBackend | The InputMethodBackend defines the interface of the input method backends |
CInputMethodListener | The InputMethodListener defines the communication interface of Kanzi input methods |
CInputMethodManager | The InputMethodManager keeps track of the input method backends registered in Kanzi |
►CInstantiator3D | Use the Instantiator node to replicate the appearance of a 3D node, or a tree of 3D nodes, that the Instantiator node targets |
CFinalTransformModifier | Container for property modifiers for instantiated nodes |
CInstructionBindingProcessor | Instruction binding processor is the top-level class for all instruction-like binding processors |
CInstructionBindingProcessorRuntime | Holds the runtime state of an InstructionBindingProcessor |
CInterpolatedValue | Core component for smooth interpolation in code |
CIntervalProfiler | The interval profiler |
CIntervalProfilerSampleData | The interval profiler data sample |
CIntervalProfilerSampleStatistics | |
CIntervalProfilingSampler | The main loop task profiling sampler collects interval measurement to produce IntervalProfilerSampleData sample |
►CIntValueAccumulator | Use an IntValueAccumulator to increase the value of an integer property type over time |
CSetAccumulatedValueBoundariesMessageArguments | Message argument for SetAccumulatedValueBoundaries message |
CInvalidKZBFileException | Kanzi throws this exception when it tries to load an invalid kzb file |
CIrisImageHeader | |
►CIteratorRange | Iterator is an range that references a location in another range |
CIteratorRangeLocation | Location implementation for iterator range |
CItypeFontEnginePlugin | ItypeFontEnginePlugin is the IType font engine plugin implementation |
►CItypeFontFile | Font implementation using the iType rasterizer |
CItypeGlyphData | Derived GlyphData implementation for iType |
CItypeFontLoader | FontLoader implementation for Monotype's iType rasterizer |
►CItypeTextShaper | TextShaper implementation using Monotype's WTShaper library |
CFontData | Runtime data for text layouting to be passed to WTShaper |
CJavaException | Exception class that can be used to wrap a Java generated exception |
CJavaModule | |
CJNIError | |
CJniLibrary | |
CJvmModule | |
CKanziComponentsModule | |
►CKeyboard | Keyboard declares the messages dispatched to the nodes when Kanzi handles a hardware key event |
CKeyDownMessageArguments | Message arguments used by the KeyDownMessage |
CKeyStateChangedMessageArguments | Represents base message arguments for key state change messages |
CKeyUpMessageArguments | Message arguments used by the KeyUpMessage |
CKeyEvent | The KeyEvent holds a pressed, released, or auto-repeated key event that occurs in the host operating system |
►CKeyframeAnimation | Template class for keyframe animations |
CBezierKeyframe | Use bezier keyframes to animate property value along a bezier curve |
CKeyframe | Keyframe defines a value for the animated property at a specific time in an animation timeline |
CLinearKeyframe | Use linear keyframes to interpolate animated property value linearly between keyframes |
CStepKeyframe | Use Step keyframes to keep the value of the current keyframe constant up until the following keyframe |
CKeyGestureInfo | This class defines the elements that compose a key gesture, key values, and key modifiers |
►CKeyManipulator | KeyManipulator class is a key input manipulator that detects key gestures |
CKeyCanceledMessageArguments | Message arguments used by the KeyCanceledMessage |
CKeyPressedMessageArguments | Message arguments used by the KeyPressedMessage |
CKeyReleasedMessageArguments | Message arguments used by the KeyReleasedMessage |
CKeyManipulatorComponent | The KeyManipulatorComponent node component installs a KeyManipulator to the attached node, and configures the key gesture of the manipulator |
CKeyMap | Defines the keys to map from a {LogicalKey, KeyModifier} pair to a simple LogicalKey |
CKeyMapEventFilter | The KeyMapEventFilter provides key translation in Kanzi |
CKeyRepeatGenerator | The KeyRepeatGenerator is an event source decorator that scans the event queue of the EventSource it extends for key-press events and generates from them key-press repetitions |
CKzbFile | Kzb file loader |
CKZBFileException | Kanzi throws this exception when an error occurs while loading a kzb file |
CKzbMemoryParser | Parser for kzb files |
CLegacyError | |
CLegacyEventSource | LegacyEventSource class |
CLegacyGraphicsOutput | LegacyGraphicsOutput class |
CLegacyRenderPass | Legacy Render Pass is phased out in favor of specialized render passes that perform individual operations, which are combined in a Legacy Render Pass into a single render pass |
CLevelOfDetail3D | Level of detail selector node is a 3D node that changes the appearance of its child nodes based on the viewing distance |
CLibJPEGParameters | Parameters that Kanzi passes to libjpeg to use when loading jpg image files |
CLibPNGParameters | Parameters that Kanzi passes to libpng to use when loading png image files |
CLight | Light node is a source of light for a 3D scene |
CLinearEasingFunction | Changes the value with constant velocity |
►CListBoxConcept | Properties and messages for list boxes |
CItemHiddenMessageArguments | Message arguments for the messages about item hiding in a List Box node |
CItemMessageArguments | Base class for item-related message arguments |
CItemSelectedMessageArguments | Message arguments for the messages about the item selected event in a List Box node |
CItemVisibleMessageArguments | Message arguments for the messages about the new visible item in a List Box node |
CListBoxConceptImpl | ListBoxConceptImpl provides the common base implementation for the List Box nodes, such as GridListBox2D, GridListBox3D, and TrajectoryListBox3D |
CListBoxGridPresenter | |
CListBoxItemContainer | Use the List Box Item Container prefab to create common functionality and decoration for all items in a List Box |
CListBoxItemContainer2D | List Box Item Container for 2D List Box nodes |
CListBoxItemContainer3D | List Box Item Container for 3D List Box nodes |
CListBoxItemContainerGenerator2D | |
CListBoxItemContainerGenerator3D | |
CListBoxItemContainerImpl | Implementation of base List Box Item Container class for List Box |
CListBoxItemGenerator2D | |
CListBoxItemGenerator3D | |
►CListBoxScrollingConcept | Messages for the List Box nodes that implement scrolling |
CScrolledMessageArguments | Message arguments for the messages about the scrolled event in a List Box node |
CScrollFinishedMessageArguments | Message arguments for the messages about the scroll finished event in a List Box node |
CScrollMessageArguments | Base class for scroll-related message arguments |
CScrollStartedMessageArguments | Message arguments for the messages about the scroll started event in a List Box node |
CTargetChangedMessageArguments | Message arguments for the messages about the changed scroll target in a List Box node |
CUserScrollFinishedMessageArguments | Message arguments for the messages about the user scroll finished event in a List Box node |
CUserScrollStartedMessageArguments | Message arguments for the messages about the user scroll started event in a List Box node |
CListBoxScrollPresenterConceptImpl | ListBoxScrollPresenterConceptImpl is the base class concept implementation for the List Box presenters that use Scroll View in their presentation |
►CListBoxTrajectoryPresenter | |
CKzuTrajectoryLayoutSnapInfo | |
►CLongPressManipulator | Long-press input manipulator recognizes the long-press gesture from the incoming touch events |
CLongPressCancelMessageArguments | Message arguments for long-press canceled message |
CLongPressMessageArguments | Message arguments for long-press gesture recognized message. Inherits argument properties from InputManipulator::InputMessageArguments |
CLongPressManipulatorComponent | LongPressManipulatorComponent installs a LongPressManipulator to a node |
CLuaInstance | Loads and runs Lua scripts |
CLuaModule | The Lua plugin enables you to program Kanzi applications using the Lua programming language |
CMainLoopProfiler | MainLoopProfiler implements profiling for tasks of MainLoopScheduler |
CMainLoopProfilingAggregateData | MainLoopProfilingAggregateData implements profiling data aggregation for MainLoopProfiler |
CMainLoopProfilingSampleData | MainLoopProfilingSampleData implements profiling sample data for MainLoopProfiler |
CMainLoopProfilingSampler | MainLoopProfilingSampler implements profiling sampler for MainLoopProfiler |
►CMainLoopScheduler | MainLoopScheduler implements the Kanzi application main loop in form of a customizable sequence of stages, each consisting of a sequence of tasks, where a task is any callable, including functions, function objects, and lambdas |
CTaskInfo | TaskInfo is a structure containing information related to a task |
CManualBinding | Manual binding is a one-to-one binding that caches the value that was written to the target |
CManualBindingRuntime | Runtime for binding |
CManualBindingSource | Manual binding source |
CManualBindingSourceRuntime | Runtime for manual binding source |
CManualBindingTargetRuntime | Runtime for manual binding target |
CMaskEffect2D | Use MaskEffect2D to apply a mask to 2D nodes |
CMaskEffectRenderer2D | Mask effect renderer class |
CMaterial | A material is an instance of a material type (ShaderProgram) that contains the property values for the material type properties |
CMaterialBrush | Freeform shader brush |
CMaterialBrushRenderer | Material brush renderer |
CMaterialSetupRenderPass | Use the Material Setup Render Pass to set properties to a material for further render operations using that material |
CMatrix3x3 | Matrix with 3x3 elements |
CMatrix4x4 | Matrix with 4x4 elements |
CMemoryParser | |
CMemoryWriter | |
►CMesh | Mesh stores the geometry data for rendering Model3D nodes |
CBone | Definition of mesh bone that is used for mesh skinning |
CCluster | Cluster has a material, primitive type (currently always triangles), and handle for GPU memory buffer where primitive indices are stored |
►CCreateInfo | Use Mesh::CreateInfo to describe and create meshes |
CCluster | Parameters for Mesh::Cluster creation |
CMappedBuffer | Mapped buffer is a container for GPU memory that is mapped into CPU memory |
CSkeleton | Skeleton is for animating mesh with bones |
CMeshVertexAttribute | MeshVertexAttribute describes how Kanzi stores mesh vertex and instance data in memory |
►CMessageArguments | MessageArguments is the base class for arguments passed in messages |
CArgumentEntry | Linked list entry containing arguments type and value |
CMessageBindingSource | Message binding source |
CMessageBindingSourceRuntime | Runtime for message binding source |
CMessageBindingTargetRuntime | Runtime for message binding target |
CMessageTrigger | Message handler trigger |
CMessageType | An instance of a MessageType represents a single message type in the Kanzi message system |
CMetaclass | Metaclass provides type inspection mechanism for Kanzi classes |
CMetaclassAbstractBase | |
CMetaclassAbstractImpl | |
CMetaclassImpl | |
CMetaclassStaticBase | |
CMetaclassStaticImpl | |
CMetadataGeneratedName | This class is used to disambiguate a constructor which takes a non-literal string argument from an overload which takes a string-literal i.e. FixedString |
CMetaMethod | MetaMethod provides method invocation mechanism for Kanzi classes |
CMetaObject | MetaObject is the base class for classes that provide type reflection |
CMethodArgument | Holds argument type and value information |
CMethodArguments | Holds arguments applied on metamethod invocation |
CModalScope | Implements the modal scopes |
CModel3D | Node for rendering meshes in 3D space |
CModelessScope | Implements the modeless overlay focus scopes |
CModule | Module is a class representing a functional module with its own metadata about the types it contains |
CModuleDeleter | Module deleter for shared_ptr |
►CMorph | |
CDataTextureInfo | Data texture information structure |
CMorphMeshAttributeRef | Reference to mesh and vertex attribute index for a morph target |
CMorphRuntime | Contains morph weights for a morph |
CMorphWeightTimeline | Timeline for animating morph weights |
CMorphWeightTimelinePlayback | Timeline Playback for morph timeline |
CMoveFocusAction | Use the MoveFocusAction action to transfer focus from the currently focused item to another focusable item in the focus navigation chain |
►CMultiClickManipulator | Multi-click input manipulator recognizes multi-click and multi-tap gestures from incoming touch events |
CCanceledMessageArguments | Message arguments for multi-click cancel message |
CMultiClickMessageArguments | Message arguments for the multi-click gesture recognized message. Inherits argument properties from InputManipulator::InputMessageArguments |
CMultiClickManipulatorComponent | MultiClickManipulatorComponent installs a MultiClickManipulator to a node |
CNamedIntervalProfiler | The named interval profiler |
CNamedIntervalProfilerSampleData | The named interval profiler data sample |
CNamedIntervalProfilerSampler | This sampler collects interval measurement to produce NamedIntervalProfilerSampleData sample |
CNamedIntervalProfilerSampleStatistics | Named Interval profiler sample statistics |
►CNamedResourceProfilingContext | Named resource profiling context |
CSampler | The context sampler |
CNativeDeploymentTarget | Reference to a backend implementation specific memory storage type for deployment |
CNativeDesktopProperties | Properties for a desktop |
CNativeWindowProperties | Properties for a window |
CNavigationGesture | Declares a navigation gesture |
►CNavigationManipulator | The NavigationManipulator supports these navigation directions and default keyboard keys for them: |
CKeyNavigationMessageArguments | |
CNavigationManipulatorComponent | The NavigationManipulatorComponent node component installs a NavigationManipulator to a node, and configures the navigation key gestures of the manipulator |
CNinePatchImage2D | A nine-patch image is a 3x3 grid of images |
►CNode | Base class for Kanzi nodes |
CMessageSubscriptionToken | Message subscription token for nodes |
CNodeComponentEntry | Object node component entry |
►CNode2D | Node2D is the base class of 2D nodes |
CClippingArea | Clipping information carried from parents |
►CNode3D | Base class for all 3D nodes |
CRenderEntryParameters | Render entry parameters |
►CNodeComponent | NodeComponent is the base class for all node components |
CNodeComponentSourceMessageArguments | Base class for message arguments that are sent by a node component |
CNodeComponentTargetMessageArguments | Base class for message arguments that are sent to a node component |
CNodeComponentTemplate | NodeComponentTemplate is the base class for all node component templates |
►CNodeCompositor2D | Composition functionality for 2D nodes |
CCompositionState | CompositionState defines the state held by the compositor while Kanzi performs the composition, that is, between calls to beginComposition and blitComposition |
CGeometryState | GeometryState defines the state used for rendering a quad |
CNodeEffect2D | Use node effects to apply post-processing effects to 2D nodes |
CNodeEffectPrefab2D | Use node effect prefabs to create node effects that define post-processing effects for 2D nodes |
►CNodeEffectRenderer2D | Node effect renderer class |
►CEffectPass | Effect pass configuration |
CInput | Effect pass input configuration |
►CEffectRenderState | Render state configuration to use with an effect pass |
CInput | Render state texture input configuration |
CNodeEffectTemplate2D | Use NodeEffectTemplate2D to instantiate a node effect |
CNodeList | NodeList is a container that works as input and output node listing for filtering and rendering |
CNodeListRenderPass | Use the Node List Render Pass to filter and hold a list of nodes that you want to render using other render passes |
CNodePropertyNotificationHandler | Node property notification handler |
CNodeReference | Provides functionality for a reference to any attached node that you can access using a relative path |
►CNodeVisual2D | Data and functionality required for rendering Node2D visuals |
CBrushState | State associated with brush rendering |
CNullBrush | Null brush class |
CNullGraphicsOutput | NullGraphicsOutput class |
Cnullptr_t | Nullptr_t is the type of the null pointer literal, nullptr |
CObject | Object is the base class for Kanzi UI classes that implement association with a Domain |
CObjectControllerPropertySource | Implementation of the ControllerPropertySource, for ControllerProperty value provided as a property field, either on the Activity Host node or, if the Activity Host node does not have that property, its nearest ancestor that does have that property |
CObjectFactory | |
CObjectLoader | ObjectLoader loads objects from KZB |
CObjectPropertyBindingSource | Object property binding source |
CObjectPropertyBindingSourceRuntime | Runtime for ObjectPropertyBindingSource |
CObjectPropertyExpressionValueSource | Object Property expression value source |
CObjectPropertyExpressionValueSourceRuntime | Runtime for object property expression value source |
CObjectPropertyListenerImpl | Object property listener implementation |
CObjectSource | Structure for object source |
CObjectSourceRuntime | Runtime for an object source |
CObjectTypeFilter | Use the Object Type Filter to collect 3D nodes based on their type |
CObjectTypeFilterRuntime | Runtime for object type filter |
COnAttachedTrigger | On Attached Trigger |
COnPropertyChangedTrigger | Invokes associated actions on setting of a property type, specified by SourcePropertyTypeProperty, on a source node, specified by SourceNodeProperty |
COrientationChangedEvent | Specialized event that reports the orientation change of a window |
COrientedBoundingBox | An oriented bounding box represents a bounding box that has been transformed by a transformation matrix |
COutlineEffect2D | Use OutlineEffect2D to apply an outline to the content of 2D nodes |
COutlineEffectRenderer2D | Outline effect renderer class |
COverlayScope | Implements the base of overlay focus scopes |
►CPage | Use Page nodes to create the structure of an application user interface |
CActivatedMessageArguments | Represents message arguments of Activated message |
CDeactivatedMessageArguments | Represents message arguments of Deactivated message |
CNavigateMessageArguments | Represents message arguments of Navigate message |
CNavigateParentMessageArguments | Represents message arguments of NavigateParent message |
CNavigationActivatedMessageArguments | These messages are used by the page navigation logic internally |
CNavigationDeactivatedMessageArguments | Represents message arguments of NavigationDeactivated message |
CRegisterToNavigationMessageArguments | Represents message arguments of RegisterToNavigation message |
CUnregisterFromNavigationMessageArguments | Represents message arguments of UnregisterFromNavigation message |
►CPageHost | Use a PageHost node to group Page and PageHost nodes, and to manage navigation requests and transitions in a tree of Page nodes under a PageHost node |
CNavigateNextMessageArguments | Represents message arguments of NavigateNext message |
CNavigatePreviousMessageArguments | Represents message arguments of NavigatePrevious message |
CNavigationFinishedMessageArguments | Represents message arguments of NavigationFinished message |
CNavigationStartedMessageArguments | Represents message arguments of NavigationStarted message |
►CPageTransitionCollection | Transition collection is used to define transitions within a Page Host |
CRuntime | Runtime class that is instantiated per page. Drives the internal state manager that is used to animate transitions |
CTransition | Describes transition from one page to another |
CTransitionAnimation | Entry in transition animation array |
►CPanManipulator | Pan input manipulator recognizes a pan gesture from the incoming touch events |
CBaseMessageArguments | Base message arguments for pan gestures that contain movement information |
CCanceledMessageArguments | Message arguments for pan cancel message |
CEnteredMessageArguments | Message arguments for pan gesture entered node area message |
CFinishedMessageArguments | Message arguments for pan gesture finished message |
CLeftMessageArguments | Message arguments for pan gesture left node area message |
CMovedMessageArguments | Message arguments for moved message sent during pan gesture |
CStartedMessageArguments | Message arguments for pan gesture started message |
CPanManipulatorComponent | PanManipulatorComponent installs a PanManipulator to a node |
CParallelActivityHost2D | An Activity Host that can display multiple Activity nodes at a time |
CParallelActivityHost3D | An Activity Host that can display multiple Activity nodes at a time |
►CParallelActivityHostConcept | This is the base class for Parallel Activity Host nodes |
CActivityInParallelHostInfo | Stores information that identifies an Activity node under a ParallelActivityHost |
CActivityInParallelHostPrefabLoader | Extends ActivityPrefabLoader with a specialized behavior for child Activity nodes of a ParallelExclusiveActivityHost |
CParallelActivityHostContentHandler | Helper class used to modify the ParallelActivityHostContent of a ParallelActivityHost |
CParallelActivityHostImpl | ParallelActivityHostConcept implementation class |
CParallelTimeline | Kanzi animation system consists of animations and timelines: |
CParallelTimelinePlayback | Playback control class for parallel timelines |
CPatchingNotificationHandler | Patching notification handler interface |
CPerformanceInfo | HUD class allows drawing information on top of tests |
CPerformanceInfoProperties | Configurable performance info display properties |
►CPinchManipulator | Pinch input manipulator recognizes the pinch gesture from the incoming touch events |
CCanceledMessageArguments | Message that notifies about the cancellation of the pinch gesture |
CFinishedMessageArguments | Message arguments for pinch gesture finished message. Inherits argument properties from InputManipulator::InputMessageArguments |
CMovedMessageArguments | Message arguments for moved message sent during pan gesture. Inherits argument properties from InputManipulator::InputMessageArguments |
CStartedMessageArguments | Message arguments for pinch gesture started message. Inherits argument properties from InputManipulator::InputMessageArguments |
CPipelineStateRenderPass | Use the Pipeline State Render Pass to set for its child render passes the depth and stencil testing, transparency, and culling |
CPlane | The equation of a plane in 3D space is defined with a normal vector (perpendicular to that plane) and a known point on the plane |
CPlanePlaneIntersection | Stores the intersection of two planes |
CPlaneRayIntersection | Stores the result of an intersection between a plane and a ray |
CPlugin | |
CPointerEvent | The event holds a pointer event data and typically originates from a mouse or other pointing device |
CPortal | Portal node |
CPosixDynamicLibrary | POSIX dynamic library |
CPowerEasingFunction | Changes the value with a configurable power function using the function f(t) = t^p, where p is equal to the power parameter |
CPrefabTemplate | A prefab template contains information that is required to create a tree of Node instances |
CPrefabTemplateNode | A prefab template node contains information that is required to create node instances: the metaclass of the node, the (initial) property values of the node, information about the bindings and node components of the node, and the list of of child nodes |
CPrefabView2D | Prefab view 2D node |
CPrefabView3D | Prefab view 3D node |
►CPrefabViewConcept | Prefab view concept class |
CAsynchronousLoadCompletedMessageArguments | Message arguments |
CLoadAsynchronouslyMessageArguments | Message arguments |
CPrefabViewConceptImpl | Base class for prefab views |
CPreviewTimeline | Preview timeline, |
CPreviewTimelinePlayback | Preview timeline playback controls child timeline playbacks based on preview instructions |
CProfilerRegistry | Profiler registry |
CProfilingCategory | Represents the runtime state of the profiling category |
CProfilingScopeHelper | The profiling scope helper |
CProgressiveRenderingViewport2D | Progressive rendering viewport 2D is a viewport which splits rendering its scene across multiple frames |
►CPropertyAccessRange | Property access range wraps the access of properties from another range |
CPropertyAccessRangeLocation | Location implementation for property access range |
CPropertyAnimationTimeline | The Kanzi animation system consists of animations, which define how to animate properties, and timelines, which map animations to time and to the objects that you want to animate |
CPropertyAnimationTimelinePlayback | Playback class for PropertyAnimationTimeline |
CPropertyDataTypeTraits | |
CPropertyDataTypeTraits< AbstractRangeSharedPtr > | |
CPropertyDataTypeTraits< bool > | |
CPropertyDataTypeTraits< ColorRGBA > | |
CPropertyDataTypeTraits< float > | |
CPropertyDataTypeTraits< int > | |
CPropertyDataTypeTraits< Matrix3x3 > | |
CPropertyDataTypeTraits< Matrix4x4 > | |
CPropertyDataTypeTraits< ResourceSharedPtr > | |
CPropertyDataTypeTraits< SRTValue2D > | |
CPropertyDataTypeTraits< SRTValue3D > | |
CPropertyDataTypeTraits< string > | |
CPropertyDataTypeTraits< Vector2 > | |
CPropertyDataTypeTraits< Vector3 > | |
CPropertyDataTypeTraits< Vector4 > | |
CPropertyDataTypeTraits< void * > | |
CPropertyDrivenAnimationPlayer | Use Property Driven Animation Player when you want to use a property type to control a keyframe animation |
►CPropertyFieldAnimationTimeline | Kanzi animation system consists of animations and timelines: |
CEntry | Structure holding the property field which is to be animated, and its associated animation |
CPropertyFieldAnimationTimelinePlayback | Playback control class for Property Field Animation timelines |
CPropertyFieldTargetInterpolationTimelinePlayback | Playback for property target interpolation timeline for interpolating specific property field |
CPropertyIsEqualFilter | Use the Property Is Equal Filter to collect 3D nodes that contain, or do not contain a specific property whose value matches a specific value |
CPropertyIsEqualFilterRuntime | Runtime for contains property node filter |
CPropertyListener | |
CPropertyModifierBindingTargetRuntime | Base class for property modifier binding target runtimes |
CPropertyObject | PropertyObject is the base class that supports setting and retrieving of property types |
CPropertyObserver | Helper class for observing certain property in nodes |
►CPropertyTargetEasingInterpolator | Use a Property Target Easing Interpolator when you want to create a smooth transition between the current value of a property and a value that you set dynamically |
CSetEnabledMessageArguments | Message arguments for the PropertyTargetEasingInterpolator::SetEnabledMessage message |
CPropertyTargetEasingTimeline | Property Target Easing Timeline interpolates a property gradually from its old value to a new value using an easing curve each time a new value is set to the property |
CPropertyTargetEasingTimelinePlayback | Playback for PropertyTargetEasingTimeline |
CPropertyTargetInterpolationTimeline | Property target interpolation timeline is a timeline that gradually interpolates specified property from its old value to new one each time new value is set to the property |
CPropertyTargetInterpolationTimelinePlayback | Playback for property target interpolation timeline |
►CPropertyTargetInterpolator | Use a Property Target Interpolator when you want to dynamically set the target value of a property and want to interpolate the current value to the target value over time |
CCompletedMessageArguments | Message arguments for Completed message |
CPropertyType | An instance of a PropertyType represents a single property type in the Kanzi property system |
►CPropertyType< Type, typename enable_if< is_enum< Type >::value >::type > | Specialization for PropertyType for enums. See PropertyType |
CTraits | |
►CPropertyTypeDescriptor | PropertyTypeDescriptor is used internally by the property system to implement all operations required for property types that have the same data type |
CTypedModifierEntry | |
CTypedModifierStorage | |
CTypedNotificationEntry | |
►CTypedNotificationStorage | |
CCleanupFunctor | Functor for cleaning up stale notification entries |
CTypedValueSource | |
►CPropertyTypeEditorInfo | Editor information for metadata |
CAttributeDictionary | |
CQnxLogger | |
CQuadDescription | Use QuadDescription to create renderable quad geometry |
CQuadraticEasingFunction | Changes the value based on the square of time using the function f(t) = t^2 |
CQuarticEasingFunction | Changes the value based on the 4th order polynomial using the function f(t) = t^4 |
CQuaternion | Quaternions represent rotation around an axis, defined by quaternion components x, y, z and w |
CQuaternionLongerPath | Quaternion for interpolating rotation along longer path |
CQuinticEasingFunction | Changes the value based on the 5th order polynomial using the function f(t) = t^5 |
CRangeAccumulateBindingProcessor | Runs a binary operation for each value in a range in sequence |
CRangeAccumulateBindingProcessorRuntime | Holds the runtime state of a RangeAccumulateBindingProcessor |
CRangeBindingProcessor | Range binding processor is a binding processor for accessing properties from property objects in ranges |
CRangeBindingProcessorRuntime | Holds the runtime state of a RangeBindingProcessor |
►CRangeConcept | RangeConcept represents a number range with an optional step |
CCommonMessageArguments | |
CValueChangedMessageArguments | |
CValueChangeFinishedMessageArguments | |
CValueChangeStartedMessageArguments | |
CRangeConceptImpl | |
CRay | Ray can be mathematically defined as a point (the origin of the ray in space) and a direction |
CRayBoxIntersection | Stores the result of an intersection between a box and a ray |
CReadOnlyDiskFile | Implements the File interface for files residing on a disk |
CReadOnlyMemoryFile | (read-only) file interface to a block of memory |
CRectangle | 2-dimensional integer rectangle |
CReferenceCountScopeGuard | Reference count scope guard |
CRelativeNodeResolver | Enables you to get the current node in relative path |
►CRenderbuffer | Renderbuffers provide the images that can be rendered to by attaching them to the framebuffer as color or depth stencil images |
CCreateInfo | Renderbuffer creation parameters |
►CRenderEntry3D | Host container for render states for 3D rendering |
CMorphHandles | Cached morph handles |
CRenderEntryRegistry | Registry used to keep track of DrawObjectsRenderPass objects that contain render entries |
►CRenderer | |
CRendererSettings | Settings structure for the renderer construction |
►CTextureUnitInfo | Texture unit information structure |
CBoundTextureHandle | Structure for tracking bound texture handles |
CRenderer3D | Renderer is the core component for assigning lights, meshes, cameras, skin animations etc. to lower level rendering |
CRendererStatisticsScope | |
►CRenderPass | RenderPass is the base class for Kanzi render passes |
CCameraSettings | Camera settings structure |
CRenderPassPrefab | Use render pass prefabs to create render pass trees that define how Kanzi renders 3D content in your project |
CRenderPassTemplate | Use RenderPassTemplate to instantiate a single render pass |
CRenderPassView | Use the Render Pass View to instantiate a RenderPassPrefab |
CRenderPropertyBindingSource | Render property binding source |
CRenderPropertyBindingSourceRuntime | Runtime for RenderPropertyBindingSource |
CRenderPropertyExpressionValueSource | Render property expression value source |
CRenderPropertyExpressionValueSourceRuntime | Runtime for render property expression value source |
CRenderStatePropertyNotificationHandler | Render value updater for render state |
CRenderValueBindingTargetRuntime | Runtime for render value binding target |
CResource | Represents the base class for all resources |
CResourceBindingProcessor | Resource binding processor creates a resource reference that is used to resolve a string into a resource |
CResourceBindingProcessorRuntime | Holds the runtime state of a ResourceBindingProcessor |
CResourceBindingSource | Resource binding source |
CResourceBindingSourceRuntime | Runtime for object property binding source |
CResourceDictionary | A resource dictionary is a container that maps resource IDs to resources |
CResourceDictionarySelector | A resource dictionary selector is a type of a resource dictionary that redirects resource queries to its only nested dictionary |
CResourceID | Resource ID |
CResourceLoaderFactory | Factory for resource loader tasks |
CResourceLoaderThreadContext | Resource loader thread local data |
►CResourceManager | Use the resource manager to access and use resources in kzb files |
CAcquireTask | Load task for a group of resources |
CFinishingQueue | Collection of resource loading tasks that have been already been loaded by a loader thread and are waiting to be finished by the main thread |
CLoadTask | Use this base class to implement the load tasks that load new resources |
CResourceProfiler | The resource profiler |
►CResourceProfilingAcquireContext | The profiling context of resource acquirement |
CSampler | The context sampler |
CResourceProfilingAttributes | Container for resource profiling attributes |
CResourceProfilingContext | The resource profiling context |
►CResourceProfilingContextFactory | Resource profiling context factory |
CAbstractSampler | Abstract resource profiling context sampler |
►CResourceProfilingDataSample | The resource profiling data sample |
CFactory | The resource factory |
►CResourceProfilingDeployContext | The profiling context of resource deployment |
CSampler | The context sampler |
►CResourceProfilingLoadContext | The profiling context of resource loading |
CSampler | The context sampler |
CResourceProfilingLoadTask | Resource profiling wrapper for load task |
►CResourceProfilingMainLoopContext | The main loop resource profiling context |
CSampler | The context sampler |
CResourceProfilingPtreePopulator | Resource profiling ptree populator |
CResourceReference | |
►CSampler | Sampler provides the sampling parameters, such as minification and magnification filters, mipmap mode, and texture addressing mode for textures |
CCreateInfo | |
CScene | Scene is a 3D node that is the root node for other 3D nodes |
CSceneGraphTimelinePlaybackContext | Helper class to resolve objects for animation timelines |
CScopedRefCounter | Scoped reference counter, which takes an unsigned integer value as argument on construction to track |
CScopeValue | ScopeValue template class sets a value to a variable of Type for the lifetime of the ScopeValue object, and restores the previous value of the variable when destroyed |
►CScreen | The screen represents the metrics of the target device and acts as the root node for the whole node tree |
CActivateThemeMessageArguments | |
CScrollView2D | Use the Scroll View 2D node to create an input plane to enable user input from gestures |
CScrollView3D | Use the Scroll View 3D node to create an input plane to enable user input from gestures |
►CScrollViewConcept | ScrollViewConcept is the base class that provides the functionality for the ScrollView2D and ScrollView3D classes |
CScrollDirectionMessageArguments | |
CScrollDownMessageArguments | Message arguments used by the ScrollDownMessage |
CScrollEdgeMessageArguments | |
CScrolledMessageArguments | |
CScrollEndMessageArguments | Message arguments used by the ScrollEndMessage |
CScrollFinishedMessageArguments | |
CScrollHomeMessageArguments | Message arguments used by the ScrollHomeMessage |
CScrollLeftMessageArguments | Message arguments used by the ScrollLeftMessage |
CScrollMessageArguments | |
CScrollPageDownMessageArguments | Message arguments used by the ScrollPageDownMessage |
CScrollPageMessageArguments | |
CScrollPageUpMessageArguments | Message arguments used by the ScrollPageUpMessage |
CScrollPositionMessageArguments | |
CScrollRightMessageArguments | Message arguments used by the ScrollRightMessage |
CScrollStartedMessageArguments | |
CScrollTargetMessageArguments | |
CScrollUpMessageArguments | Message arguments used by the ScrollUpMessage |
CSetScrollMessageArguments | |
CSetScrollTargetMessageArguments | |
CSnapMessageArguments | |
CSnapRequestMessageArguments | |
CUserScrollFinishedMessageArguments | |
CUserScrollStartedMessageArguments | |
CZoomedMessageArguments | |
CScrollViewConceptImpl | Implementation class for ScrollViewConcept |
CSetPropertyAction | SetPropertyAction sets the value of a property of a target node based on: |
►CShaderProgram | ShaderProgram defines programmable vertex and fragment operations done by the GPU for a draw call |
CBindingInfo | Binding info |
►CCreateInfo | Struct that contains all the parameters that Kanzi needs to create a ShaderProgram |
CBinaryShaderStage | One shader stage in binary format |
CShaderStage | One shader stage in source code format |
CCreateInfoProgramBinary | ShaderProgram creation parameters for initialized from vendor specific GL program binary |
CCreateInfoShaderBinary | ShaderProgram creation parameters for initialized from vendor specific GL shader binary |
CCreateInfoShaderSources | ShaderProgram creation parameters for initialized from shader source code strings |
CFixedUniformFunctionInfo | Information on fixed uniform function |
CSamplerInfo | |
CUniformProperty | |
CShaderTextureUniform | Specifies single texture uniform entry |
CShaderVertexAttribute | ShaderVertexAttribute describes the attributes that shader program will read when executed by graphics device |
CShadowEffect2D | Use ShadowEffect2D to apply drop- and inner-shadow post-processing effects to 2D nodes |
CShadowEffectRenderer2D | Shadow effect renderer class |
CSharedImmutableString | Shared immutable string container |
CSineEasingFunction | Changes the value with a sine formula |
CSlider2D | Use the Slider 2D node as a building block for a 2D UI control that lets the application user change a numerical value using a visual indicator between a minimum and a maximum value |
CSlider2DConceptImpl | |
CSlider3D | Use the Slider 3D node as a building block for a 3D UI control that lets the application user change a numerical value using a visual indicator between a minimum and a maximum value |
CSlider3DConceptImpl | |
CSliderConcept | SliderConcept contains the trajectory ResourceID property |
CSliderTrajectoryPresenter | |
CSmootherStepEasingFunction | Changes the value quickly without instant changes in velocity |
CSmoothStepEasingFunction | Changes the value quickly without instant changes in velocity |
CSortByShaderObjectSource | Sort by shader object source |
CSortByShaderObjectSourceRuntime | Runtime for sort by shader object source |
CSortByZObjectSource | Z-sorting object source |
CSortByZObjectSourceRuntime | Runtime for z-sort object source |
CSortObjectSource | Sort object source |
CSortObjectSourceRuntime | Base class for sort runtime classes |
Cspan | |
CSpeedMeasurer | Speed measurer estimates the rate of change from a series of measurements |
CSpline | Spline is a piecewise polynomial curve that defines a path in a 3-dimensional space |
►CSplitStringRange | SplitStringRange is a range that iteratively performs a string split |
CSplitPosition | String position |
CSplitStringRangeLocation | Location implementation for split string range |
CSRTValue2D | A structure that describes the scale, rotation and translation transformation in 2D space |
CSRTValue3D | A structure that describes the scale, rotation and translation transformation in 3D space |
CSRTValue3DLongerPath | |
CStackLayout2D | Stack Layout 2D arranges its items on a line along the axis you specify in the DirectionProperty |
CStackLayout3D | Stack Layout 3D arranges its items on a line along the axis you specify in the DirectionProperty |
CStackLayoutConcept | Stack layout concept base class |
CStackLayoutConceptImpl | Stack layout concept implementation base class |
CStage | Stage instances represent a Stage in the Kanzi main loop |
CStandardMaterial | Contains property types of Standard material |
CStandardPbrMaterial | Contains property types for the Kanzi Physically Based Rendering (PBR) shaders |
CStartupProfilerRegistry | The registry of startup profilers |
►CStateManager | State manager for managing states of nodes or application |
CEasingArguments | Easing function arguments |
CEnteredStateMessageArguments | Represents message arguments of EnteredState message of state manager |
CGoToDefinedStateMessageArguments | Represents message arguments of GoToNextDefinedState message of state manager |
CGoToNextDefinedStateMessageArguments | Represents message arguments of GoToNextDefinedState message of state manager |
CGoToPreviousDefinedStateMessageArguments | Represents message arguments of GoToPreviousDefinedState message of state manager |
CGoToStateMessageArguments | Represents message arguments of GoToState message of state manager |
CLeftStateMessageArguments | Represents message arguments of LeftState message of state manager |
CState | |
CStateChangeMessageArguments | |
CStateGroup | |
CStateGroupRuntime | State group runtime |
CStateManagerMessageArguments | Represents base message arguments of state manager messages |
CStateManagerRuntime | |
CStateObject | |
CStateObjectRuntime | State object runtime |
CStateRuntime | State runtime |
CStateTransition | |
CStateTransitionAnimation | |
CTargetObject | TargetObject |
CTransitionFinishedMessageArguments | Represents message arguments of TransitionFinished message of state manager |
CTransitionMessageArguments | |
CTransitionStartedMessageArguments | Represents message arguments of TransitionStarted message of state manager |
CStepEasingFunction | Changes the value instantly |
CStopWatch | Stop watch is a class for measuring time |
►CStyle | Style applying properties, node components and bindings to nodes |
CBindingInfo | Stored info for a binding |
CSurface | Surfaces provide images for Framebuffers where to render to |
CTag | Tag represents a mark that can be added to a node to mark that the node is of certain kind |
CTagFilter | Use the Tag Filter to collect 3D nodes that have a specific tag assigned |
CTagFilterRuntime | Runtime for tag filter |
CTaskDispatcher | Task dispatcher |
CTaskDispatcherBase | Base class for TaskDispatcher implementation |
CTextBlock2D | Text Block 2D displays a small amount of text in 2D |
CTextBlock3D | Text Block 3D displays a small amount of text in 3D |
CTextBlockConcept | Base class for the Text Block nodes that you can use to show a small amount of text in your application |
CTextBlockConceptImpl | Implementation class for TextBlockConcept |
CTextBox2D | TextBox2D provides the required overrides to handle 2D rendering and gesture handling for the 2D text input |
CTextBox2DTraits | |
CTextBox3D | TextBox3D provides the required overrides to handle 3D rendering and gesture handling for the 3D text input |
CTextBox3DTraits | |
►CTextBoxConcept | Use the Text Box nodes to add single-line text input to your application |
CCursorPositionMessageArguments | Message arguments for messages that contain the information about the position index of the cursor position |
CDeleteSelectionMessageArguments | Message arguments for messages that delete the portion of the text that is selected |
CEditingStateChangedMessageArguments | Message arguments for the messages about changing the editing state of a Text Box node |
CEraseCharactersMessageArguments | Message arguments for messages that erase the characters at the cursor position |
CInputMethodActionMessageArguments | Message arguments for the message about the input method action execution received on a Text Box node |
CInputMethodAvailableMessageArguments | Message arguments for the InputMethodAvailableMessage and InputMethodUnavailableMessage |
CModifyEditingStateMessageArguments | Message arguments for the messages that modify the editing state |
CModifySelectionMessageArguments | Message arguments for the messages that modify the cursor position for a selection |
CMoveCursorMessageArguments | Message arguments for messages that move the cursor position |
CSelectedTextMessageArguments | Message arguments that hold the information about the selected text in the buffer of a Text Box node |
CTextChangedMessageArguments | Message arguments for the messages about the content change of a Text Box node |
CTextCompositionStateMessageArguments | Message arguments for the messages about the text composition state change of a Text Box node |
CTextContentMessageArguments | Message arguments for the messages about the content of a Text Box node |
CTextInsertionMessageArguments | Message arguments that hold the information for inserting text to a Text Box node |
CTextRangeMessageArguments | Message arguments that hold the information for operations that target a text range, such as selecting or deleting text in a Text Box node |
CTextBoxConceptImpl | TextBoxConceptImpl is an abstract class for implementing the Text Box node concept |
CTextBreakIterator | |
►CTextConcept | TextConcept is the base class for the nodes that implement text rendering |
CTextFormatParameters | Structure that holds the parameters that TextConceptImpl::prepareTextFormat() needs |
CTextConceptImpl | TextConceptImpl provides the common base implementation for text rendering nodes |
CTextEditBuffer | TextEditBuffer is a model for text input |
CTextFormat | Text format combines the data required for text layouting and the data required for rendering the text |
CTextInputGesture | The text input key gesture |
CTextInputLayout | Use TextInputLayout to precalculate information on text layout properties, such as glyph directionality, width, buffer index to glyph mapping, and so on |
►CTextInputManipulator | The text input manipulator handles key gestures used with TextBox nodes to move the cursor, select text, and delete text, and provides the basics of text editing capabilities in Kanzi |
CCursorMovedMessageArguments | Message arguments used by the CursorMovedMessage |
CInputMethodActionMessageArguments | Message argument used by the InputMethodActionMessage |
CInputMethodAvailableChangedMessageArguments | Message argument used by the InputMethodAvailableChangedMessage |
CInputMethodsDisconnectedMessageArguments | Message argument used by the InputMethodsDisconnectedMessage |
CInputTypeChangedMessageArguments | Message argument used by the InputTypeChangedMessage |
CReadOnlyStateChangedMessageArguments | Message argument used by the ReadOnlyStateChangedMessage |
CSelectionChangedMessageArguments | Message arguments used by the SelectionChangedMessage |
CTextChangedMessageArguments | Message argument used by the TextChangedMessage |
CTextCompositionStateMessageArguments | Message argument used by the CompositionTextChangedMessage, CompositionTextCommittedMessage and TextCompositionCanceledMessage |
CTextLayout | Structure for layout of arbitrary number of characters for text rendering |
►CTextLayouter | Use the TextLayouter to create layouts for display text strings, including line breaks, bidirectional text shaping, and similar |
CCharacterInfo | Intermediate structure for layout of a single character |
CIntermediateLayout | Intermediate structure for the layout of the text where the characters have not yet been positioned |
CLineInfo | Structure for holding data about text lines |
CTextManager | Use the TextManager class to: |
CTextResource | Text resource |
CTextShaper | TextShaper encapsulates different shaping libraries, used by TextLayouter to perform BiDi layouting, text shaping and glyph substitution |
►CTexture | Textures provide images that can be used with image nodes, texture brushes and materials for use in 3D rendering or material brushes |
CCreateInfo | Struct which contains all the parameters that are needed for texture creation |
CCreateInfo2D | Texture creation parameters for two dimensional texture |
CCreateInfoCubemap | Texture creation parameters for cubemap texture that is initialized from six images |
CCreateInfoCubemapRenderTarget | Use Texture::CreateInfoCubemapRenderTarget to create a Cubemap Render Target Texture resource |
CCreateInfoHostCopy2D | Texture creation parameters for two dimensional texture that is updated from the CPU |
CCreateInfoNode2DRenderTarget | Texture creation parameters for texture that can be used as render target for 2D nodes |
CCreateInfoRenderpassRenderTarget | Texture creation parameters for texture that can be used as render target for renderpasses |
CTextureBrush | Texture brush class |
CTextureBrushRenderer | Texture brush renderer class |
CTextureSwizzleMask | Use the texture swizzle mask to reorder the color channel values returned by the texture function in a shader |
CTimeInterval | Interval in time specified as start and end timestamps |
CTimeline | The Kanzi animation system consists of animations and timelines: animations define how the values of specific type change in time, and timelines map the animations to properties of objects you want to animate |
CTimelineClock | Use TimelineClock to update a Timeline based on time |
CTimelinePlayback | Playback object for Timelines |
CTimelinePlaybackContext | Use TimelinePlaybackContext helper interface class to defines the context of an animation playback |
CTimelineResource | A Resource wrapper class for animation timelines |
CTimerTrigger | Use the TimerTrigger to execute actions at the time interval that you set with the IntervalProperty |
CToggleButton2D | Use the Toggle Button 2D node to create a 2D UI control that the user can interact with through clicking, tapping, or pressing a keyboard key, and that has multiple toggle states |
CToggleButton3D | Use the Toggle Button 3D node to create a 3D UI control that the user can interact with through clicking, tapping, or pressing a keyboard key, and that has multiple toggle states |
CToggleButtonGroup2D | Toggle Button Group 2D allows users of your application to select only one option from a set of options that are mutually exclusive |
CToggleButtonGroup3D | Toggle Button Group 3D allows users of your application to select only one option from a set of options that are mutually exclusive |
►CToggleButtonGroupConcept | Use a Toggle Button Group to control a collection of Toggle Buttons so that only one Toggle Button can be toggled on at a time |
CToggleButtonGroupConceptMessageArguments | |
CToggledMessageArguments | |
CToggleButtonGroupConceptImpl | Implementation class for ToggleButtonGroupConcept |
CToSourceBinding | To Source bindings are one-way bindings that have an extra source to which to write the result value |
CToSourceBindingRuntime | Runtime for ToSourceBinding |
►CTouchEvent | The event holds the information about a touch event occurrence |
CTouchPoint | Holds information about a touch point, such as a finger |
CTouchPoint | The structure describes the attributes for a touch point or mouse hit |
CTouchPointIdEquals | Helper predicate functor which you can use to search for a touch point within a touch point container using the identifier of a touch point |
CTouchPointStateEquals | Helper predicate functor which you can use to search within a touch point container using the state of a touch point |
CTrajectory | Trajectory defines a series of points following a geometrical path |
CTrajectory2DInputHandler | |
CTrajectory2DInputLogic | |
CTrajectory3DInputHandler | |
CTrajectory3DInputLogic | |
CTrajectoryLayout2D | Trajectory Layout 2D arranges its items along a trajectory |
CTrajectoryLayout3D | Trajectory Layout 3D arranges its items along a trajectory |
CTrajectoryLayoutConcept | Base class for TrajectoryLayout classes |
CTrajectoryLayoutConceptImpl | TrajectoryLayoutConceptImpl provides the common base implementation for Trajectory Layout nodes |
CTrajectoryListBox3D | Use the Trajectory List Box 3D node to create scrollable lists of items arranged along a Trajectory |
CTrajectoryListBox3DTraits | |
CTrigger | Trigger is the base class for defining events, conditions and actions for content-driven logic programming |
CTriggerTemplate | TriggerTemplate is the base class for trigger templates |
CTrySetFocusAction | Use the TrySetFocusAction action to transfer focus to any focusable item in a node tree |
CTwoWayBinding | Two-way binding causes changes to either the source value or the target value to automatically update the other |
CTwoWayBindingRuntime | Runtime for two-way binding |
CTypedManualBindingSourceRuntime | Typed runtime for manual binding source |
CTypedManualBindingTargetRuntime | Typed runtime for manual binding target |
CTypedMessageBindingSourceRuntime | Runtime for message binding source |
CTypedMessageBindingTargetRuntime | Typed runtime for message binding target |
CTypedObjectPropertyBindingSourceRuntime | Runtime for object property binding source |
CTypedObjectPropertyExpressionValueSourceRuntime | Typed runtime for object property expression value source |
CTypedPropertyModifierBindingTargetRuntime | Specialized binding target for property modifiers installed to objects |
CTypedRenderPropertyBindingSourceRuntime | Runtime for render property binding source |
CTypedRenderPropertyExpressionValueSourceRuntime | Typed runtime for render property expression value source |
CTypedRenderStatePropertyNotificationHandler | Specialized property notification handler for render state |
CTypedRenderStateRangePropertyNotificationHandler | Specialized notification handler for render state |
CTypedRenderValueBindingTargetRuntime | Typed runtime for render value binding target |
►CTypedValueRange | TypedValueRange is a template class for holding one type of object in a range |
CTypedValueRangeLocation | Location implementation for typed value range |
CTypedValueSourceBindingTargetRuntime | Specialized binding target for value sources where the binding target itself is the value source |
CTypedVariableBindingSourceRuntime | Typed runtime for variable binding source |
CTypedVariableBindingTargetRuntime | Typed runtime for variable binding target |
CTypedVariableExpressionValueSourceRuntime | Typed runtime for variable expression value source |
CUnableToOpenFileException | Kanzi throws this exception when it tries to load a file that cannot be opened or does not exist |
CUsingIntrusivePtr | Class that should be inherited by objects using intrusive_ptr |
►CValueAccumulatorBase | ValueAccumulatorBase is the base class for the Value Accumulator implementations for different data types |
CPauseMessageArguments | Message arguments for the Pause message |
CResumeMessageArguments | Message arguments for the Resume message |
CStartMessageArguments | Message arguments for the Start message |
CStopMessageArguments | Message arguments for the Stop message |
CValueAccumulatorTimeline | Use ValueAccumulatorTimeline to create an animation that continuously adds the value of the input property to the target property |
CValueAccumulatorTimelinePlayback | Playback for ValueAccumulatorTimeline |
CValueAnimation | Interface template for value animations |
CValueBindingSource | Constant value as binding source |
CValueBindingSourceRuntime | Runtime for ValueBindingSource |
CValueControlledExclusiveActivityHostConcept | Base class for the Exclusive Activity Host classes |
►CValueRange | ValueRange is an abstract range implementation that stores variant values |
CValueRangeLocation | Location implementation for typed value range |
CValueSourceBindingTargetRuntime | Base class for value source binding target runtimes |
CVariableBindingHost | Binding variable host |
CVariableBindingSource | Variable binding source |
CVariableBindingSourceRuntime | Runtime for variable binding source |
CVariableBindingTargetRuntime | Variable binding target runtime |
CVariableExpressionValueSource | Variable expression value source |
CVariableExpressionValueSourceRuntime | Runtime for variable expression value source |
CVariant | Union container for manipulating an object from a heterogeneous set of types in a uniform manner |
CVector2 | Vector with 2 floating point components: (x, y) |
CVector3 | Vector with 3 floating point components: (x, y, z) |
CVector4 | Vector with 4 floating point components: (x, y, z, w) |
CVertexAttribute | Base class for the vertex and instance attributes of mesh and shader program |
CViewport2D | Use a Viewport 2D to set the size of a render target surface onto which content is projected |
CViewport3D | Use the Viewport 3D node to render 2D nodes in 3D space |
►CViewRange | View over another range |
CViewRangeLocation | Location class for indexed view range |
CViewRangeImpl | View range internal implementation class |
CVisitorFunction | Wraps a focus scope visitor function into a FocusScopeVisitor |
CVulkanGraphicsOutput | VulkanGraphicsOutput class |
CWatermark | Watermark |
CWin32DebugLogger | This logger class writes log messages to the Windows debugger console |
CWindowedGraphicsOutput | WindowedGraphicsOutput class |
CWindowEvent | Holds window specific events |
CWindowPlacementRequestEvent | Specialized window event with InputEvent::WindowPlacementRequest type |
CWindowRedrawRequestEvent | Specialized window event with InputEvent::WindowRedrawRequest type |
CWindowResizedEvent | Specialized window event with InputEvent::WindowResized type |
CWindowResizeRequestEvent | Specialized window event with InputEvent::WindowResizeRequest type |
CWindowsIme | |
CWindowsImeBackend | |
CWriteLogAction | Use the WriteLogAction class to attach logging functionality to a trigger |
CWriteOnlyDiskFile | Implements the File interface for writing files to a disk |
►NOHOS | |
Chash< kanzi::AbstractPropertyType > | Specialization of std::hash for AbstractPropertyType |
Chash< kanzi::ResourceID > | |
Chash< kanzi::string_view > | Hash for string_view |
CKzsDesktop | Desktop object |
CKzsDisplay | Display device object |
CKzsInputDevice | Input device object |
CKzsInputDeviceNative | Native implementation of input device |
CKzsResourceFile | Resource structure |
CKzsSurface | Surface for graphics output |
CKzsSurfaceConfiguration | Configuration data for surfaces and windows |
CkzsSurfaceConfigurationNativeFunctions | |
CkzsSurfaceNativeFunctions | |
CKzsSurfaceProperties | Properties for a surface |
CKzsWindow | Kanzi window structure |
CKzuEngine | Structure for graphics engine core functionality |
CKzuVirtualItemIterator | Iterator for KzuVirtualItemList |
CKzuVirtualItemList | A virtual collection of items that supports iteration |