System Service

Use the System Service to access the system data. This service is also a storage for placeholder runtime data you can use for demonstrations and in example applications.

Runtime data

  • Time, 12 h. For example, 11:52.

  • Time, 24 h. For example, 23:52.

  • Time period. AM or PM.

  • Date. For example, June 22 2018.

  • Temperature. Mockup values.

  • Weather type. Mockup values.

  • Left seat climate temperature. Mockup values.

  • Right seat climate temperature. Mockup values.

  • Charge. Mockup values.

  • Range. Mockup values.

  • Location. Mockup values.

Interface definition

The interface definition XML file for the System Service is <KanziConnectInstallation>/SDK/interfaces/definitions/system_interface.xml.

Fully qualified name for the System Service is Connect.Service.System.

Supported platforms

This service is supported on all platforms that Kanzi Connect supports.