
class kanzi::connect::PolicyContextInterface : public MetaObject

Policy context interface.

Public Functions

inline virtual ~PolicyContextInterface()


virtual bool acceptClientConnection(ConnectedClientSharedPtr client) = 0

Determines whether policy allows client connection to be accepted.


true if connection is to be accepted.

  • client: contains information about connected client

virtual bool acceptPluginLoading(const string &plugin) = 0

Invoked to check whether loading of a plugin is allowed.


true if plugin loading should be allowed. false if not. Plugin loading might be disallowed for example because plugin signature mismatch.

  • plugin: the plugin that is to be loaded. This might be relative or absolute path to the plugin

virtual void addClient(ConnectedClientSharedPtr client) = 0

Adds a client reference into a collection of clients.

ToDo: Consolidate with accept, no need for two methods !!

  • client: the client identifiers.

virtual PolicyControllerInterfaceSharedPtr getController() = 0

Retrieve policy controller instance.


policy controller instance.

virtual void initialize(ConnectDomain *domain) = 0

Optional two phased constructor (used when domain is not available construction time)

  • domain: connect domain.

virtual bool registerClientMeasurements(DiagnosticsManagerSharedPtr diagnostics, ConnectedClientSharedPtr connectedClient) = 0

Register diagnostics values for service identified by connectedclient to be available for policies.


true on success

  • diagnostics: Pointer to the diagnostics mechanism.

  • connectedClient: Pointer to the connecting client.

virtual void registerConnection(const string &interfaceId, ConnectedClientSharedPtr connectedClient) = 0

Register mapping between client and service.

  • interfaceId: The name of the service to which to connect.

  • connectedClient: Pointer to the connecting client.

virtual void registerDataToPolicy(AbstractServiceSharedPtr service) = 0
virtual void registerDataToPolicy(string serviceName) = 0
virtual void registerServerQueueRTSAccessors(WorkItemDispatcher *queue) = 0

Create the policy RTS accessors for message queues.

virtual bool registerServiceMeasurements(DiagnosticsManagerSharedPtr diagnostics, const string &interfaceid) = 0

Register diagnostics values for service named interfaceid to be available for policies.


true on success

  • diagnostics: Pointer to the diagnostics mechanism.

  • interfaceid: The name of the interface, corresponds to service name.

virtual void removeClient(int clientId) = 0

Removes a client with specific client identifier.

ToDo: Should be symmetrical to adding new clients (i.e. shared ptr instead of token)

  • clientId: the client identifier to remove.