
class kanzi::connect::RuntimeDataInternalizer

Internalization functionality.

Public Functions

inline RuntimeDataInternalizer(RuntimeDataDispatcher &dispatcher)

C++ constructor.

  • dispatcher: dispatcher where to forward the visited items.

bool internalize(RuntimeExternalizerContextBase *context, const string &stream)

Main entry point.

Processes incoming stream and invokes dispatcher methods accordingly


true if success, false on error.

  • context: user defined context object passed to callbacks

  • stream: serialized runtimedata stream that contains the information

void visitList(RuntimeExternalizerContextBase *context, uint32_t hash, RuntimeStreamContentDataList list)

Dispatches the provided list content.

  • context: Context as passed to the dispatch* callback invoking this.

  • hash: The hash of the object.

  • list: The list to be visited.

void visitObject(RuntimeExternalizerContextBase *context, uint32_t hash, RuntimeStreamContentDataList object)

Will dispatch the provided list content.

  • context: Context as passed to the dispatch* callback invoking this.

  • hash: The hash of the object.

  • object: the object to be visited.

Public Static Functions

static bool internalize(const string &stream, RuntimeDataObjectSharedPtr base)

Internalizes the received datastream.


true if no errors met.

  • stream: the received data stream

  • base: the base object that defines the local structure that is updated.