
Composite Shape nodes

Use the Composite Shape nodes to combine shape nodes using Boolean operations on the geometry of the nodes. The Composite Shape node renders this composite geometry.

See Using the Composite Shape nodes.

Ellipse nodes

Use the Ellipse nodes to draw arcs, ellipses, circles, circle sectors, and segments.

See Using the Ellipse nodes.


Use fill to adjust the appearance of a shape.

See Filling a shape.

Line nodes

Use the Line nodes to draw straight lines.

See Using the Line nodes.

Linear Gradient Brush

Use a Linear Gradient Brush to paint the fill or stroke of a 2D shape node with a linear gradient.

See Painting a 2D shape node with a linear gradient.

Linear Gradient Material

Use the LinearGradientMaterial to paint the fill or stroke of a 3D shape node with a linear gradient.

See Painting a 3D shape node with a linear gradient.

Path nodes

Use the Path nodes to draw arbitrary shapes based on SVG 1.1 compliant path data.

See Using the Path nodes.

Radial Gradient Brush

Use a Radial Gradient Brush to paint the fill or stroke of a 2D shape node with a radial gradient.

See Painting a 2D shape node with a radial gradient.

Radial Gradient Material

Use the RadialGradientMaterial or SimpleRadialGradientMaterial to paint the fill or stroke of a 3D shape node with a radial gradient.

See Painting a 3D shape node with a radial gradient.

Rectangle nodes

Use the Rectangle nodes to draw rectangles.

See Using the Rectangle nodes.


Use stroke to define the appearance of a line or outline of a shape.

See Using stroke.

SVG Image nodes

Use the SVG Image nodes to show SVG images in your application.

See Using the SVG Image nodes.

Sweep Gradient Brush

Use a Radial Gradient Brush to paint the fill or stroke of a 2D shape node with a radial gradient.

See Painting a 2D shape node with a sweep gradient.

Sweep Gradient Material

Use the SweepGradientMaterial to paint the fill or stroke of a 3D shape node with a sweep gradient.

See Painting a 3D shape node with a sweep gradient.