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kzu_raypick.h File Reference

Ray picking utility. More...




KANZI_API kzsError kzuRayPick (const kanzi::Renderer3D *renderer, const struct KzcVector2 *limits, const kanzi::Scene *scene, kanzi::Camera *cameraNode, kzInt positionX, kzInt positionY, kzFloat *out_distance, kanzi::Node **out_objectNode, struct KzuTransformedObjectNode **out_transformedNode, struct KzcVector3 *out_offsetFromOrigin, struct KzcRay *out_ray)
 Finds ObjectNode positioned in 3d space on a ray shot from point on near clip plane at viewport x,y to the direction of viewport x,y on far clip plane. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuRayPickFromRenderTarget (const kanzi::Renderer3D *renderer, const kanzi::RenderTarget &renderTarget, const kanzi::Scene *scene, kanzi::Camera *transformedCameraNode, kzInt positionX, kzInt positionY, kzFloat *out_distance, kanzi::Node **out_objectNode, struct KzuTransformedObjectNode **out_transformedNode, struct KzcVector3 *out_offsetFromOrigin, struct KzcRay *out_ray)
 As kzuRayPick, but take the limits from a render target. More...
KANZI_API kanzi::NodekzuInputHitTest (const struct KzcVector2 *limits, const kanzi::Scene *scene, kanzi::Camera *camera, kzInt positionX, kzInt positionY, struct KzcRay *out_ray, kzFloat *out_distance)
 Input hit testing. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuRayPickCalculateRay (kzInt pointerX, kzInt pointerY, const struct KzcVector2 *limits, kanzi::Camera *cameraNode, struct KzcRay *out_ray)
 Calculates a ray in world space from active window and given pointer coordinates. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzuRayPickCalculateRayFromRenderTarget (kzInt pointerX, kzInt pointerY, const kanzi::RenderTarget &renderTarget, kanzi::Camera *camera, struct KzcRay *out_ray)
 As kzuRayPickCalculateRay, but take limits from a render target. More...

Detailed Description

Ray picking utility.

Copyright 2008-2020 by Rightware. All rights reserved.

Function Documentation

KANZI_API kzsError kzuRayPick ( const kanzi::Renderer3D renderer,
const struct KzcVector2 limits,
const kanzi::Scene scene,
kanzi::Camera cameraNode,
kzInt  positionX,
kzInt  positionY,
kzFloat out_distance,
kanzi::Node **  out_objectNode,
struct KzuTransformedObjectNode **  out_transformedNode,
struct KzcVector3 out_offsetFromOrigin,
struct KzcRay out_ray 

Finds ObjectNode positioned in 3d space on a ray shot from point on near clip plane at viewport x,y to the direction of viewport x,y on far clip plane.

After the call: If object was hit:

  • out_distance will contain the distance from camera to object bounding box hit position.
  • out_node will contain the node hit
  • out_vector_to_origin will contain the vector from object's origin to hit position

If object was not hit

  • out_distance will be KZ_FLOAT_MAXIMUM
  • out_node will be KZ_NULL
  • out_vector_to_origin will will be a vector with all components set to KZ_FLOAT_MAXIMUM
sourceObject source used for picking. It can be used to invalidate parts of scene from picking.
out_transformedNodeTransformed node of the hit object. Can be KZ_NULL
KANZI_API kzsError kzuRayPickFromRenderTarget ( const kanzi::Renderer3D renderer,
const kanzi::RenderTarget renderTarget,
const kanzi::Scene scene,
kanzi::Camera transformedCameraNode,
kzInt  positionX,
kzInt  positionY,
kzFloat out_distance,
kanzi::Node **  out_objectNode,
struct KzuTransformedObjectNode **  out_transformedNode,
struct KzcVector3 out_offsetFromOrigin,
struct KzcRay out_ray 

As kzuRayPick, but take the limits from a render target.

KANZI_API kanzi::Node* kzuInputHitTest ( const struct KzcVector2 limits,
const kanzi::Scene scene,
kanzi::Camera camera,
kzInt  positionX,
kzInt  positionY,
struct KzcRay out_ray,
kzFloat out_distance 

Input hit testing.

Finds the closest visible node that was pointed.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuRayPickCalculateRay ( kzInt  pointerX,
kzInt  pointerY,
const struct KzcVector2 limits,
kanzi::Camera cameraNode,
struct KzcRay out_ray 

Calculates a ray in world space from active window and given pointer coordinates.

KANZI_API kzsError kzuRayPickCalculateRayFromRenderTarget ( kzInt  pointerX,
kzInt  pointerY,
const kanzi::RenderTarget renderTarget,
kanzi::Camera camera,
struct KzcRay out_ray 

As kzuRayPickCalculateRay, but take limits from a render target.