kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass Class Reference

Use the Pipeline State Render Pass to set for its child render passes the depth and stencil testing, transparency, and culling. More...

#include <kanzi/core.ui/graphics3d/pipeline_state_render_pass.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass:
kanzi::RenderPass kanzi::Resource kanzi::Object kanzi::MetaObject kanzi::PropertyObject

Public Types

enum  ViewportMode { ViewportModeAbsolute, ViewportModeRelative }
- Public Types inherited from kanzi::RenderPass
typedef vector< RenderPassSharedPtrChildContainer
- Public Types inherited from kanzi::PropertyObject
typedef intrusive_ptr< AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::PropertyStoragePropertyStoragePtr
typedef vector< PropertyStoragePtrPropertyStorageContainer
typedef PropertyStorageContainer::iterator PropertyStorageIterator
typedef PropertyStorageContainer::const_iterator PropertyStorageConstIterator
typedef PropertyStorageContainer::reverse_iterator PropertyStorageReverseIterator

Static Public Member Functions

static PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr makeEditorInfo ()
static PipelineStateRenderPassSharedPtr create (Domain *domain, string_view name)
 Create a Pipeline State Render Pass. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::RenderPass
static PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr makeEditorInfo ()
static RenderPassSharedPtr create (Domain *domain, string_view name)
 Create a render pass. More...
static ResourceManager::LoadTaskSharedPtr createLoadTask (string_view name, KzbFile *kzbFile, unique_ptr< ReadOnlyMemoryFile > file)
 Factory function for RenderPass Load Task, which loads a RenderPass from a kzb file. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::Object
static const MetaclassgetStaticMetaclass ()
 Returns the metaclass of Object class. More...
static PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr makeEditorInfo ()
 Default implementation that returns empty editor info. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::MetaObject
static const MetaclassgetStaticMetaclass ()
 Returns the metaclass of Object class. More...
static PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr makeEditorInfo ()
 Default implementation that returns empty editor info. More...

Protected Member Functions

 PipelineStateRenderPass (Domain *domain, string_view name)
 Constructor. More...
bool pushColorBlend (CompositionStack &compositionStack)
 Push the color or blend state into the composition stack. More...
bool pushDepthStencil (CompositionStack &compositionStack)
 Push the depth or stencil state into the composition stack. More...
bool pushRasterization (CompositionStack &compositionStack)
 Push the rasterization state into the composition stack. More...
bool pushViewportScissor (CompositionStack &compositionStack)
 Push the Viewport 2D scissor state into the composition stack. More...
virtual void renderOverride (Renderer3D &renderer, TransformedScene3D &transformedScene, CompositionStack &compositionStack) KZ_OVERRIDE
 RenderPass::renderOverride() implementation. More...
virtual CompositionRequirements getCompositionRequirements () const KZ_OVERRIDE
 RenderPass::requiresDepthBuffer() implementation. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from kanzi::RenderPass
 RenderPass (Domain *domain, string_view name)
 Constructor. More...
virtual void onLoaded ()
 Override function called by createLoadTask(), after loading render pass. More...
void loadChildRenderPassesFromKZB (ResourceManager &resourceManager, KzbMemoryParser &parser)
 Load child render passes from a kzb file. More...
void loadProperties (KzbMemoryParser &parser)
 Reimplementation of the loadProperties from parser to accommodate paths in properties. More...
kzsError readProperties (struct KzcInputStream *inputStream, const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo *file, ResourceManager *resourceManager)
 Reimplementation of the property reading to accommodate paths in properties. More...
kzsError readProperty (struct KzcInputStream *inputStream, const struct KzuBinaryFileInfo *file, ResourceManager *resourceManager)
 Reimplementation of reading a single property to accommodate paths in properties. More...
void renderChildren (Renderer3D &renderer, TransformedScene3D &transformedScene, CompositionStack &compositionStack)
 Render all child render passes of a render pass. More...
CompositionRequirements combineChildCompositionRequirements (CompositionRequirements requirements) const
 Iterates the children for composition requirements. More...
CompositionRequirements getChildCompositionRequirements () const
 Iterates the children for composition requirements. More...
virtual void renderMeshOverride (Node3D &node, Morph *morph, Mesh &mesh, unsigned int clusterIndex, MaterialRenderer &materialRenderer)
 Mesh rendering that is specific for a render pass. More...
virtual TextureSharedPtr getCompositionResultOverride (Framebuffer::AttachmentPoint attachmentPoint)
 Acquiring of composition target specific to the RenderPass class. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from kanzi::Resource
virtual void reloadOverride ()
virtual void reloadFromKzbOverride (KzcInputStream *inputStream, const KzuBinaryFileInfo *file)
virtual void reloadFromKzbOverride (KzbFile &kzbFile, ReadOnlyMemoryFile &file, KzbMemoryParser &parser)
virtual void reloadFromFileOverride (string_view filePath)
virtual unsigned int getCPUMemoryUsageOverride () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from kanzi::Object
void initialize ()
void onCopy (const Object &other)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from kanzi::MetaObject
 MetaObject ()
void initialize ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from kanzi::PropertyObject
void addPropertyValueSource (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor, AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ValueSource *valueSource, PropertyValuePrecedence precedence, void *owner)
void removePropertyValueSource (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor, AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ValueSource *valueSource, void *owner)
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ValueSourceEntrygetTopValueSourceEntry (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::PropertyStorage &propertyStorage) const
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ValueSourceEntrygetTopValueSourceEntry (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor) const
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ValueSourcegetTopValueSource (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor) const
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ValueSourcegetFinalValueSource (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor) const
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ValueSourcegetNonClassValueSource (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor) const
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ValueSourcegetClassValueSource (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor) const
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ValueSourceEntryfindLocalValueSourceEntry (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::PropertyStorage &propertyStorage)
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ValueSourceEntryconstructLocalValueSourceEntry (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor, AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::PropertyStorage &propertyStorage)
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ValueSourceEntryacquireLocalValueSourceEntry (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor, PropertyStoragePtr &propertyStorage)
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::PropertyStoragefindPropertyStorage (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor) const
PropertyStoragePtr findPropertyStoragePtr (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor) const
 Gets property storage intrusive pointer that can be used to hold a reference until end of operation. More...
PropertyStoragePtr constructPropertyStorage (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor)
PropertyStoragePtr acquirePropertyStorage (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor)
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ModifierStorageacquireModifierStorage (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor, AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::PropertyStorage &propertyStorage)
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ModifierStoragefindModifierStorage (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor)
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::NotificationStorageacquireNotificationStorage (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor)
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::NotificationStoragefindNotificationStorage (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor)
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptorfindPropertyTypeDescriptorByUnqualifiedNameAndDataType (string_view unqualifiedName, PropertyDataType dataType)
void validatePropertyModifiersAndNotifyHandlers (PropertyStoragePtr &propertyStorage)
void copyLocalValue (const AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::PropertyStorage &otherPropertyStorage)
 Copy local value from property storage. More...
PropertyStorageContainer::iterator beginPropertyStorage ()
PropertyStorageContainer::iterator endPropertyStorage ()
virtual void notifyPropertyHandlers (PropertyStoragePtr &propertyStorage, PropertyNotificationReason reason)
void onCopy (const PropertyObject &other)


static PropertyType< GraphicsBlendModeBlendModeProperty
 Use the Blend Mode property to override the blend mode set in each node that this render pass renders. More...
static PropertyType< GraphicsColorWriteModeColorWriteModeProperty
 Use the Color Write Mode property to set which channels the render pass writes to the color buffer. More...
static PropertyType< GraphicsCompareFunctionDepthTestFunctionProperty
 Use the Depth Test Function property to control whether the depth test discards a fragment. More...
static PropertyType< bool > DepthWriteEnabledProperty
 Use the Depth Write Enabled property to set whether the render pass writes to the depth buffer. More...
static PropertyType< GraphicsCompareFunctionStencilTestFunctionProperty
 Use the Stencil Test Function property to control whether the stencil test discards a fragment. More...
static PropertyType< int > StencilReferenceValueProperty
 Use the Stencil Reference Value property to set the reference value for the stencil test. More...
static PropertyType< int > StencilMaskProperty
 Use the Stencil Mask property to set a mask on which the AND operation is executed with both the reference value and the stored stencil value when the test is done. More...
static PropertyType< GraphicsStencilOperationStencilFailOperationProperty
 Use the Stencil Fail Operation property to set the operation that the render pass performs when the stencil test fails. More...
static PropertyType< GraphicsStencilOperationStencilPassDepthFailOperationProperty
 Use the Stencil Pass Depth Fail Operation property to set the operation that the render pass performs when the stencil test passes, but the depth test fails. More...
static PropertyType< GraphicsStencilOperationStencilPassDepthPassOperationProperty
 Use the Stencil Pass Depth Pass Operation property to set the operation that the render pass performs when both, the stencil and the depth test, pass. More...
static PropertyType< bool > StencilWriteEnabledProperty
 Use the Stencil Write Enabled property to set whether to enable writing to the stencil buffer. More...
static PropertyType< GraphicsCullModeCullModeProperty
 Use the Cull Mode property to set the culling of the triangle faces in the rendered meshes. More...
static PropertyType< Vector4ViewportProperty
 Use the Viewport property to modify the current rendering Viewport 2D node. More...
static PropertyType< ViewportModeViewportModeProperty
 Use the Viewport Mode property to set the coordinate type for the Viewport 2D node. More...
static PropertyType< Vector4ScissorProperty
 Use the Scissor property to set the scissor test within the current rendering Viewport 2D node. More...
static PropertyType< ViewportModeScissorModeProperty
 Use the Scissor Mode property to set the scissor test coordinate mode. More...
GraphicsBlendMode getBlendMode () const
 Gets the value of the BlendModeProperty property. More...
void setBlendMode (GraphicsBlendMode value)
 Sets the value of the BlendModeProperty property. More...
GraphicsColorWriteMode getColorWriteMode () const
 Gets the value of the ColorWriteModeProperty property. More...
void setColorWriteMode (GraphicsColorWriteMode value)
 Sets the value of the ColorWriteModeProperty property. More...
GraphicsCompareFunction getDepthTestFunction () const
 Gets the value of the DepthTestFunctionProperty property. More...
void setDepthTestFunction (GraphicsCompareFunction value)
 Sets the value of the DepthTestFunctionProperty property. More...
bool isDepthWriteEnabled () const
 Gets the value of the DepthWriteEnabledProperty property. More...
void setDepthWriteEnabled (bool value)
 Sets the value of the DepthWriteEnabledProperty property. More...
GraphicsCompareFunction getStencilTestFunction () const
 Gets the value of the StencilTestFunctionProperty property. More...
void setStencilTestFunction (GraphicsCompareFunction value)
 Sets the value of the StencilTestFunctionProperty property. More...
int getStencilReferenceValue () const
 Gets the value of the StencilReferenceValueProperty property. More...
void setStencilReferenceValue (int value)
 Sets the value of the StencilReferenceValueProperty property. More...
int getStencilMask () const
 Gets the value of the StencilMaskProperty property. More...
void setStencilMask (int value)
 Sets the value of the StencilMaskProperty property. More...
GraphicsStencilOperation getStencilFailOperation () const
 Gets the value of the StencilFailOperationProperty property. More...
void setStencilFailOperation (GraphicsStencilOperation value)
 Sets the value of the StencilFailOperationProperty property. More...
GraphicsStencilOperation getStencilPassDepthFailOperation () const
 Gets the value of the StencilPassDepthFailOperationProperty property. More...
void setStencilPassDepthFailOperation (GraphicsStencilOperation value)
 Sets the value of the StencilPassDepthFailOperationProperty property. More...
GraphicsStencilOperation getStencilPassDepthPassOperation () const
 Gets the value of the StencilPassDepthPassOperationProperty property. More...
void setStencilPassDepthPassOperation (GraphicsStencilOperation value)
 Sets the value of the StencilPassDepthPassOperationProperty property. More...
bool isStencilWriteEnabled () const
 Gets the value of the StencilWriteEnabledProperty property. More...
void setStencilWriteEnabled (bool value)
 Sets the value of the StencilWriteEnabledProperty property. More...
GraphicsCullMode getCullMode () const
 Gets the value of the CullModeProperty property. More...
void setCullMode (GraphicsCullMode value)
 Sets the value of the CullModeProperty property. More...
Vector4 getViewport () const
 Gets the value of the ViewportProperty property. More...
void setViewport (Vector4 value)
 Sets the value of the ViewportProperty property. More...
ViewportMode getViewportMode () const
 Gets the value of the ViewportModeProperty property. More...
void setViewportMode (ViewportMode value)
 Sets the value of the ViewportModeProperty property. More...
Vector4 getScissor () const
 Gets the value of the ScissorProperty property. More...
void setScissor (Vector4 value)
 Sets the value of the ScissorProperty property. More...
ViewportMode getScissorMode () const
 Gets the value of the ScissorModeProperty property. More...
void setScissorMode (ViewportMode value)
 Sets the value of the ScissorModeProperty property. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::RenderPass
RenderPassSharedPtr lookupRenderPass (string_view path)
 Resolve a render pass by path. More...
void render (Renderer3D &renderer, TransformedScene3D &transformedScene, CompositionStack &compositionStack)
 Recursively render RenderPass and all of its child render passes. More...
void renderMesh (Node3D &node, Morph *morph, Mesh &mesh, unsigned int clusterIndex, MaterialRenderer &materialRenderer)
 Use this function to render a mesh owned by a node using the material renderer that the node owns. More...
void addChild (RenderPassSharedPtr childRenderPass)
 Adds a render pass as the last child of the render pass you set. More...
void insertChild (size_t index, RenderPassSharedPtr childRenderPass)
 Adds a render pass as a child render pass at given index of the render pass you set. More...
void removeChild (RenderPass &childRenderPass)
 Removes a child render pass. More...
void removeAllChildren ()
 Removes all child render passes from a render pass. More...
RenderPassSharedPtr getParent () const
 Gets the parent of a render pass. More...
void setParent (RenderPassSharedPtr parent)
 Sets the parent of a render pass. More...
RenderPassSharedPtr getChild (size_t index)
 Gets a child render pass at the given index. More...
size_t getChildCount () const
 Returns the number of child render passes. More...
ChildContainer::const_iterator beginChildren () const
 Returns an iterator to the beginning of the container of child render passes. More...
ChildContainer::const_iterator endChildren () const
 Returns an iterator to the end of the container of child render passes. More...
TextureSharedPtr getCompositionResult (Framebuffer::AttachmentPoint attachmentPoint)
 Gets color composition target that was used for rendering. More...
size_t getTextureBindingCount () const
 Gets the number of texture bindings. More...
ResourceBinding getTextureBinding (size_t index) const
 Gets a texture binding by index. More...
void addTextureBinding (AbstractPropertyType propertyType, string_view path, bool fromKzb)
 Adds a texture binding. More...
void addTextureBinding (AbstractPropertyType propertyType, string_view path)
 Adds a texture binding. More...
bool removeTextureBinding (AbstractPropertyType propertyType)
 Removes the texture binding. More...
void removeKzbTextureBindings ()
 Removes the resource bindings loaded from kzb files. More...
void restoreResourcesRecursive ()
 Recursively calls restoreResources for a RenderPass and all its children. More...
virtual void restoreResources ()
 Restore resources after suspend. More...
virtual void loadFromKZB (const ResourceLoaderThreadContext *threadContext, KzcInputStream *inputStream, const KzuBinaryFileInfo *file) KZ_OVERRIDE
 Resource::loadFromKZB() implementation. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::Resource
KzcMemoryManagergetMemoryManager () const
 Resource (Domain *domain, string_view name)
virtual ~Resource ()
virtual void unloadOverride ()
 Unload function for resource. Releases all CPU memory taken by the resource except the resource loader. More...
virtual unsigned int getCPUMemoryUsage () const
 Function for getting the memory usage of a resource. More...
void setKZB (const KzuBinaryDirectory *binaryDirectory, string_view path)
 Set the binary directory and path of the resource. More...
const string & getName () const
 Gets the resource name. More...
const string & getUrl () const
 Gets the resource URL. More...
void setUrl (string_view url)
 Sets the resource URL. More...
void setNotLoaded ()
bool isFromKZB () const
void reload ()
void reloadFromKzb (KzcInputStream *inputStream, const KzuBinaryFileInfo *file)
void reloadFromKzb (KzbFile &kzbFile, ReadOnlyMemoryFile &file, KzbMemoryParser &parser)
void reloadFromFile (string_view filePath)
void load ()
void unload ()
bool isLoaded () const
void kzuResourceLoad_private (const ResourceLoaderThreadContext *threadContext)
 Private function for kzuResourceLoad() with specified thread context. More...
void kzuResourceFinishLoading_private (const ResourceLoaderThreadContext *threadContext)
 Private function for finishing the loading of the resource. More...
bool isKeepAlive () const
 Tells if the resource has keep alive flag set. More...
void setKeepAlive (bool keepAlive)
 Sets the keep alive flag. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::Object
 Object (Domain *domain)
virtual ~Object ()
DomaingetDomain () const
 Returns the domain the object belongs to. More...
KzuTaskSchedulergetTaskScheduler () const
 Returns the task scheduler of the object. More...
KzuMessageDispatchergetMessageDispatcher () const
 Returns the message dispatcher of the object. More...
ResourceManagergetResourceManager () const
 Returns the resource manager of the object. More...
virtual const MetaclassgetDynamicMetaclass () const KZ_OVERRIDE
 Returns the metaclass of the dynamic type of the object. More...
AppliedStyleEntrySharedPtr applyObjectStyle (kanzi::StyleSharedPtr style)
 Applies a style to an object. More...
void unapplyObjectStyle (AppliedStyleEntrySharedPtr appliedStyleEntry)
void applyObjectStyles ()
 Apply all styles for an object node. More...
void unapplyObjectStyles ()
 Unapplies and removes all applied styles. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::MetaObject
virtual ~MetaObject ()
bool isTypeOf (const Metaclass *objectType) const
 Determines if the type of this object is the given type or derived from it. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::PropertyObject
 PropertyObject ()
virtual ~PropertyObject ()
template<typename DataType >
void setProperty (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ParameterType value)
 Sets the local value of a property. More...
void removeKzbProperties ()
template<typename DataType >
PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ReturnType getProperty (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType) const
 Returns the current value of a property. More...
template<typename DataType >
optional< typename PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ReturnType > getOptionalProperty (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType) const
 Evaluates the property value in the same way as the overload above but does not default to the value in property metadata if there are no inputs to the property value. More...
template<typename DataType >
PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ReturnType getPropertyBase (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType) const
 Returns the current value of a property disregarding modifiers. More...
template<typename DataType >
void setAbstractProperty (AbstractPropertyType abstractPropertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ParameterType value)
template<typename DataType >
PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ReturnType getAbstractProperty (AbstractPropertyType abstractPropertyType) const
template<typename DataType >
PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ReturnType getAbstractPropertyBase (AbstractPropertyType abstractPropertyType) const
template<typename DataType >
optional< typename PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ReturnType > getOptionalAbstractProperty (AbstractPropertyType abstractPropertyType) const
void setPropertyFlag (AbstractPropertyType propertyType, uint32_t flag)
bool isPropertyFlagSet (AbstractPropertyType propertyType, uint32_t flag) const
void clearPropertyFlag (AbstractPropertyType propertyType, uint32_t flag)
bool hasValue (AbstractPropertyType propertyType) const
 Evaluates whether there are any inputs into the property value. More...
bool hasBaseValue (AbstractPropertyType propertyType) const
 Evaluates whether there are any inputs into the property value, disregarding modifiers. More...
bool hasLocalValue (AbstractPropertyType propertyType) const
 Evaluates whether there is a local value set for the property. More...
bool hasNonClassValue (AbstractPropertyType propertyType) const
 Evaluates whether there is a value of any precedence higher than class default value set for the property. More...
void removeLocalValue (AbstractPropertyType propertyType)
 Removes the local value associated with the property. More...
void copyLocalValue (const PropertyObject &other, AbstractPropertyType propertyType)
 Copies local value of single property from another object. More...
void copyLocalValues (const PropertyObject &other)
 Copies all local values from another object. More...
virtual void onPropertyChanged (AbstractPropertyType propertyType, PropertyNotificationReason reason)
 Virtual function to handle property change notifications. More...
template<typename DataType >
void addPropertyValueSource (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Descriptor::TypedValueSource *valueSource, PropertyValuePrecedence precedence, void *owner)
template<typename DataType >
void removePropertyValueSource (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Descriptor::TypedValueSource *valueSource, void *owner)
template<typename DataType >
void addPropertyModifier (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Descriptor::ModifierCallback callback, void *owner)
template<typename DataType >
void removePropertyModifier (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Descriptor::ModifierCallback callback, void *owner)
void validatePropertyModifiers (AbstractPropertyType propertyType)
template<typename DataType >
void addPropertyNotificationHandler (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Descriptor::NotificationCallback callback, void *owner)
template<typename DataType >
void removePropertyNotificationHandler (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Descriptor::NotificationCallback callback, void *owner)
template<typename DataType >
size_t getPropertyNotificationHandlerCount (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType)
 Gets number of current notification handlers for given property type. More...
- Protected Types inherited from kanzi::Object
typedef vector< AppliedStyleEntrySharedPtrAppliedStyleContainer
 Applied style container. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from kanzi::Object
AppliedStyleContainer m_appliedStyles
 Listing of applied styles applied to this object. More...

Detailed Description

Use the Pipeline State Render Pass to set for its child render passes the depth and stencil testing, transparency, and culling.

This render pass sets the rendering state before passing the control to its descendants. After the descendant render passes of a Pipeline State Render Pass execute, Kanzi restores the rendering state. If a Pipeline State Render Pass does not have any descendants, Kanzi does not apply the rendering state you set in that render pass.

You change the rendering state by setting the properties in a Pipeline State Render Pass. The default settings in a Pipeline State Render Pass that you can set are:

Kanzi groups the rendering state combinations that a Pipeline State Render Pass applies into these state stacks:

  • Color and blend state
  • Depth and stencil state
  • Composition (viewport and scissor) state
  • Rasterization state

If you do not set a property, Kanzi uses the default or previously set value. See CompositionStack.


To turn on stencil test and only render where stencil buffer value is not 0:

// Enable stencil test and set the test function to not equal.
// Set everything except 0 to pass. Set the reference value to 0 and mask to 0xFF (255).
// Do not change the stencil buffer state.

To render only the back faces of objects:

// Cull the front faces instead of the back faces.

To turn off alpha blending:

// Disable blending.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Absolute viewport - pixel coordinates.


Relative viewport - percentage of current render context size.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::PipelineStateRenderPass ( Domain domain,
string_view  name 


nameName of the Pipeline State Render Pass.

Member Function Documentation

GraphicsBlendMode kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::getBlendMode ( ) const

Gets the value of the BlendModeProperty property.

See also
void kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::setBlendMode ( GraphicsBlendMode  value)

Sets the value of the BlendModeProperty property.

See also
GraphicsColorWriteMode kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::getColorWriteMode ( ) const

Gets the value of the ColorWriteModeProperty property.

See also
void kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::setColorWriteMode ( GraphicsColorWriteMode  value)

Sets the value of the ColorWriteModeProperty property.

See also
GraphicsCompareFunction kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::getDepthTestFunction ( ) const

Gets the value of the DepthTestFunctionProperty property.

See also
void kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::setDepthTestFunction ( GraphicsCompareFunction  value)

Sets the value of the DepthTestFunctionProperty property.

See also
bool kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::isDepthWriteEnabled ( ) const

Gets the value of the DepthWriteEnabledProperty property.

See also
void kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::setDepthWriteEnabled ( bool  value)

Sets the value of the DepthWriteEnabledProperty property.

See also
GraphicsCompareFunction kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::getStencilTestFunction ( ) const

Gets the value of the StencilTestFunctionProperty property.

See also
void kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::setStencilTestFunction ( GraphicsCompareFunction  value)

Sets the value of the StencilTestFunctionProperty property.

See also
int kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::getStencilReferenceValue ( ) const

Gets the value of the StencilReferenceValueProperty property.

See also
void kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::setStencilReferenceValue ( int  value)

Sets the value of the StencilReferenceValueProperty property.

See also
int kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::getStencilMask ( ) const

Gets the value of the StencilMaskProperty property.

See also
void kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::setStencilMask ( int  value)

Sets the value of the StencilMaskProperty property.

See also
GraphicsStencilOperation kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::getStencilFailOperation ( ) const

Gets the value of the StencilFailOperationProperty property.

See also
void kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::setStencilFailOperation ( GraphicsStencilOperation  value)

Sets the value of the StencilFailOperationProperty property.

See also
GraphicsStencilOperation kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::getStencilPassDepthFailOperation ( ) const
void kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::setStencilPassDepthFailOperation ( GraphicsStencilOperation  value)
GraphicsStencilOperation kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::getStencilPassDepthPassOperation ( ) const
void kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::setStencilPassDepthPassOperation ( GraphicsStencilOperation  value)
bool kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::isStencilWriteEnabled ( ) const

Gets the value of the StencilWriteEnabledProperty property.

See also
void kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::setStencilWriteEnabled ( bool  value)

Sets the value of the StencilWriteEnabledProperty property.

See also
GraphicsCullMode kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::getCullMode ( ) const

Gets the value of the CullModeProperty property.

See also
void kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::setCullMode ( GraphicsCullMode  value)

Sets the value of the CullModeProperty property.

See also
Vector4 kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::getViewport ( ) const

Gets the value of the ViewportProperty property.

void kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::setViewport ( Vector4  value)

Sets the value of the ViewportProperty property.

ViewportMode kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::getViewportMode ( ) const

Gets the value of the ViewportModeProperty property.

void kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::setViewportMode ( ViewportMode  value)

Sets the value of the ViewportModeProperty property.

Vector4 kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::getScissor ( ) const

Gets the value of the ScissorProperty property.

void kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::setScissor ( Vector4  value)

Sets the value of the ScissorProperty property.

ViewportMode kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::getScissorMode ( ) const

Gets the value of the ScissorModeProperty property.

void kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::setScissorMode ( ViewportMode  value)

Sets the value of the ScissorModeProperty property.

static PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::makeEditorInfo ( )
static PipelineStateRenderPassSharedPtr kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::create ( Domain domain,
string_view  name 

Create a Pipeline State Render Pass.

domainThe domain to use.
nameThe name of the Pipeline State Render Pass.
The created Pipeline State Render Pass.
bool kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::pushColorBlend ( CompositionStack compositionStack)

Push the color or blend state into the composition stack.

compositionStackComposition stack to use.
True if state was pushed.
bool kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::pushDepthStencil ( CompositionStack compositionStack)

Push the depth or stencil state into the composition stack.

compositionStackComposition stack to use.
True if state was pushed.
bool kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::pushRasterization ( CompositionStack compositionStack)

Push the rasterization state into the composition stack.

compositionStackComposition stack to use.
True if state was pushed.
bool kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::pushViewportScissor ( CompositionStack compositionStack)

Push the Viewport 2D scissor state into the composition stack.

Effectively pushes new composition area.

compositionStackComposition stack to use.
True if state was pushed.
virtual void kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::renderOverride ( Renderer3D renderer,
TransformedScene3D transformedScene,
CompositionStack compositionStack 

RenderPass::renderOverride() implementation.

Reimplemented from kanzi::RenderPass.

virtual CompositionRequirements kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::getCompositionRequirements ( ) const

RenderPass::requiresDepthBuffer() implementation.

Reimplemented from kanzi::RenderPass.

Member Data Documentation

PropertyType<GraphicsBlendMode> kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::BlendModeProperty

Use the Blend Mode property to override the blend mode set in each node that this render pass renders.

The default value is GraphicsBlendModeOpaque.

See also
setBlendMode(), getBlendMode()
PropertyType<GraphicsColorWriteMode> kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::ColorWriteModeProperty

Use the Color Write Mode property to set which channels the render pass writes to the color buffer.

To disable the color write, set the property to None. The default value is GraphicsColorWriteModeRGBA.

See also
setColorWriteMode(), getColorWriteMode()
PropertyType<GraphicsCompareFunction> kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::DepthTestFunctionProperty

Use the Depth Test Function property to control whether the depth test discards a fragment.

The default value is GraphicsCompareFunctionLess.

See also
setDepthTestFunction(), getDepthTestFunction()
PropertyType<bool> kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::DepthWriteEnabledProperty

Use the Depth Write Enabled property to set whether the render pass writes to the depth buffer.

The default value is True.

See also
setDepthWriteEnabled(), isDepthWriteEnabled()
PropertyType<GraphicsCompareFunction> kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::StencilTestFunctionProperty

Use the Stencil Test Function property to control whether the stencil test discards a fragment.

The default value is GraphicsCompareFunctionDisabled.

See also
setStencilTestFunction(), getStencilTestFunction(), StencilReferenceValueProperty
PropertyType<int> kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::StencilReferenceValueProperty

Use the Stencil Reference Value property to set the reference value for the stencil test.

The default value is 0.

See also
setStencilReferenceValue(), getStencilReferenceValue(), StencilTestFunctionProperty
PropertyType<int> kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::StencilMaskProperty

Use the Stencil Mask property to set a mask on which the AND operation is executed with both the reference value and the stored stencil value when the test is done.

The default value is 255.

See also
setStencilMask(), getStencilMask()
PropertyType<GraphicsStencilOperation> kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::StencilFailOperationProperty

Use the Stencil Fail Operation property to set the operation that the render pass performs when the stencil test fails.

The default value is GraphicsStencilOperationKeep.

See also
setStencilFailOperation(), getStencilFailOperation()
PropertyType<GraphicsStencilOperation> kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::StencilPassDepthFailOperationProperty

Use the Stencil Pass Depth Fail Operation property to set the operation that the render pass performs when the stencil test passes, but the depth test fails.

The default value is GraphicsStencilOperationKeep.

See also
setStencilPassDepthFailOperation(), getStencilPassDepthFailOperation()
PropertyType<GraphicsStencilOperation> kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::StencilPassDepthPassOperationProperty

Use the Stencil Pass Depth Pass Operation property to set the operation that the render pass performs when both, the stencil and the depth test, pass.

The default value is GraphicsStencilOperationKeep.

See also
setStencilPassDepthPassOperation(), getStencilPassDepthPassOperation()
PropertyType<bool> kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::StencilWriteEnabledProperty

Use the Stencil Write Enabled property to set whether to enable writing to the stencil buffer.

The default value is True.

See also
setStencilWriteEnabled(), isStencilWriteEnabled()
PropertyType<GraphicsCullMode> kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::CullModeProperty

Use the Cull Mode property to set the culling of the triangle faces in the rendered meshes.

Set to:

  • Back to render the triangles whose normal points towards a Camera node
  • Front to render the triangles whose normal points away from a Camera node The default value is GraphicsCullModeBack.
    See also
    setCullMode(), getCullMode()
PropertyType<Vector4> kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::ViewportProperty

Use the Viewport property to modify the current rendering Viewport 2D node.

You can define the Viewport 2D node in either relative or absolute coordinates, the default is relative. Use the ViewportModeProperty property to set the coordinate type.

See also
setViewport(), getViewport(), ViewportModeProperty
PropertyType<ViewportMode> kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::ViewportModeProperty

Use the Viewport Mode property to set the coordinate type for the Viewport 2D node.

See also
setViewportMode(), getViewportMode(), ViewportProperty
PropertyType<Vector4> kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::ScissorProperty

Use the Scissor property to set the scissor test within the current rendering Viewport 2D node.

You can define the scissor in either relative or absolute coordinates, the default is relative. Use the ScissorModeProperty property to set the coordinate type.

See also
setScissor(), getScissor(), ScissorModeProperty
PropertyType<ViewportMode> kanzi::PipelineStateRenderPass::ScissorModeProperty

Use the Scissor Mode property to set the scissor test coordinate mode.

See also
setScissorMode(), getScissorMode(), ScissorProperty

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