Kanzi Framework  3.9.0
Java API
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 CAbstractMessageTypeAbstractMessageType is a handle to an existing message type
 CAbstractMetaclassAbstractMetaclass is a handle to an existing metaclasses
 CAbstractPropertyTypeAbstractPropertyType is a homogeneous property type handle to an existing property type
 CActionActions are small operations that Kanzi executes when the trigger event that contains that action occurs and the trigger conditions are met
 CActionBaseBase abstraction class for Action classes
 CAssertA class that can be used to analyze the correctness of the program's behavior
 CBitmapImageBitmapImage is the basic runtime primitive to load, hold, and convert image data in memory
 CButton2DA class that implements a 2D button UI control
 CCachingModeCaching modes for nodes
 CColorRGBAColor with 4 floating point components: red, green, blue and alpha (r, g, b, a)
 CConditionCondition for triggers
 CDataContextDataContext acts as a container for data
 CDataObjectDataObject is a node in a tree of data
 CDataObjectBoolDataObjectBool is a specialization of DataObject for data of Boolean type
 CDataObjectIntDataObjectInt is a specialization of DataObject for data of Integer type
 CDataObjectListDataObjectList is a specialization of DataObject for list data
 CDataObjectRealDataObjectReal is a specialization of DataObject for data of Double type
 CDataObjectStringDataObjectString is a specialization of DataObject for data of String type
 CDataObjectTypeType enumerations for different data object types
 CDataSourceUse data sources to separate the user interface from the application data and to remove the dependencies between a Kanzi Studio project and the application code which define the Kanzi application
 CDomainDomain binds Kanzi subsystems and objects together
 CDynamicPropertyTypeDynamicPropertyType is a handle to an existing property type of known data type
 CEditorInfoEditor information for metadata
 CEditorInfoAttributeEditor information attribute for custom editor information for metadata
 CEmptyNode2DEmpty Node 2D can be used to group other 2D nodes
 CForwardingActionForwardingAction is the base class for the action classes that read and send arguments, such as SetPropertyAction or DispatchMessageAction
 CGPUResourceMemoryTypeMemory upload and RAM preservation strategy for GPU resources
 CGraphicsCompareFunctionRenderer stencil modes
 CGraphicsFormatGraphicsFormat specifies format of graphics data used for example in textures and vertex attributes
 CImage2DA class that implements a 2D image UI control
 CInvalidKzbFileExceptionException class to indicate a KZB File is invalid
 CKanziObjectObject is the base class for Kanzi UI classes that implement association with a Domain
 CMatrix3x3Matrix with 3x3 elements
 CMatrix4x4Matrix with 4x4 elements
 CMessageArgumentsMessageArguments is the base class for arguments passed in messages
 CMessageRoutingMessage routing modes
 CMessageTypeAn instance of a MessageType represents a single message type in the Kanzi message system
 CMetaclassMetaclass provides type inspection mechanism for Kanzi classes
 CMetaclassRegistryA container class for Java metaclasses and proxies
 CMetadataThe Metadata annotation specifies property, message type or nested classes to be automatically registered when the containing class is registered to Domain with registerClass or overrideClass
 CNodeBase class for Kanzi nodes
 CNode2DNode2D is the base class of all 2D nodes
 CNode3DNode3D is the base class of all 3D nodes
 CNodeComponentNodeComponent is the base class for all node components
 CNodeComponentStateState indicating if component is attached to a node, detached from any node
or in process of attaching/detaching
 CObjectNotFoundExceptionException class to indicate that an Object was not found
 CObjectRefThe ObjectRef class is used to store an owning reference to a KanziObject instance
 CPlatformHolds information about the current platform
 CPluginRepresents the abstract base class for all plugins
 CPrefabTemplateThis class represents a prefab (prefabricated template) resource that is a description of a scene graph that can be instantiated at runtime
 CPropertyDataTypeEnumeration of data types that can be stored as properties
 CPropertyNotificationReasonProperty notification reason
 CPropertyTypeAn instance of a PropertyType represents a single property type in the Kanzi property system
 CPropertyTypeChangeFlagEach property type has a set of property change flags that indicate the effects that changing a property has
 CQuaternionQuaternions represent rotation around an axis, defined by quaternion components x, y, z and w
 CQuaternionLongerPathQuaternion for interpolating rotation along longer path
 CResourceRepresents the base class for all resources
 CResourceManagerThe resource manager maintains kzb files and provides mechanisms to load resources from kzb files
 CSceneScene is a 3D node that is the root node for other 3D nodes
 CSRTValue2DA structure that describes the scale, rotation and translation transformation in 2D space
 CSRTValue3DA structure that describes the scale, rotation and translation transformation in 3D space
 CStaleObjectExceptionException class to indicate attempts to use a KanziObject which no longer refers to a valid native object
 CTextBlock2DText Block 2D displays text in 2D
 CTextureA Texture provides an image that you can use in Image nodes, Texture Brushes, materials for use in 3D rendering, or Material Brushes
 CTextureBuilderTextureBuilder is a class used for setting up properties to initialize textures
 CTextureCreateInfoStatusStatus tells if texture creation parameters can be used to create a texture
 CTextureTypeTexture type
 CTriggerTrigger is the base class for defining events, conditions and actions for content-driven logic programming
 CVector2Vector with 2 floating point components: (x, y)
 CVector3Vector with 3 floating point components: (x, y, z)
 CVector4Vector with 4 floating point components: (x, y, z, w)