Using the Navigation Data Source

The Navigation Data Source provides information about the navigation state, such as turn-by-turn instructions.

Learn how to use the Navigation Data Source by completing a tutorial. See Tutorial: Route progress and navigation instructions.



The Kanzi Maps assets include the KanziMaps_Navigation Navigation Data Source. See Using the Kanzi Maps assets.

To create a Navigation Data Source:

  1. In the Data Sources window, click Create Data Source and set the Data Source Type to Kanzi.Maps.NavigationDataSource.

    ../../_images/create-data-source2.png ../../_images/create-navigation-data-source.png
  2. Next to the Navigation Data Source that you created, click reload-data-source to create these data objects:

    • WorldPositionX contains the latitude coordinate of a world position in target projection meters.

    • WorldPositionZ contains the longitude coordinate of a world position in target projection meters.

    • WorldPosition2cmX: contains the latitude coordinate of a world position in target projection meters multiplied by 50, that is, in project 2cm coordinates.

    • WorldPosition2cmZ: contains the longitude coordinate of a world position in target projection meters multiplied by 50, that is, in project 2cm coordinates.

    • WorldPositionLat contains the latitude coordinate of a world position.

    • WorldPositionLon contains the longitude coordinate of a world position.

    • WorldPositionLatLon contains the latitude-longitude coordinates of a world position in string format. For example, “30.0,50.4”.

    • WorldRotationY contains a rotation clockwise from north in radians.

    • RouteLength contains the total length of a route in meters.

    • RouteTime contains the estimated travel time of a route in seconds.

    • RouteGeometryLength contains the total length of a route geometry.

    • RouteGeometryOffset contains the traveled distance along route geometry from the start of the route.

      To calculate route progress relative to the rendered geometry, use the RouteGeometryLength and RouteGeometryOffset.

    • RouteOffset contains the traveled distance along a route from the start of the route.

    • RouteTimeOffset contains the traveled time on a route from start. The time is based on the estimated value.

    • ManeuverDistance contains the distance to the next maneuver in meters.

    • NextStep contains data about the next navigation step:

      • Maneuver contains the next navigation maneuver of the next step. See Navigation maneuvers.

      • ManeuverInstruction contains a human-readable maneuver instruction.

      • ManeuverModifier contains a maneuver modifier. See Maneuver modifiers.

      • StepGeometry contains the geometry for the next step in GeoJSON format. In the Route Renderer node, the Route Geometry property uses this.

      • CurrentRoad contains the road name of the next step.

      • StepLatLon contains the latitude-longitude coordinates of the next step in string format.

    • Maneuver contains the next navigation maneuver. See Navigation maneuvers.

    • ManeuverInstruction contains a human-readable maneuver instruction.

    • ManeuverModifier contains a maneuver modifier. See Maneuver modifiers.

    • StepGeometry contains the geometry for the current navigation step in GeoJSON format. In the Route Renderer node, the Route Geometry property uses this.

    • CurrentRoad contains the road name of the current navigation step.

    • StepLatLon contains the latitude-longitude coordinates of the current navigation step in string format.

    • RemainingSteps contains a list of remaining step items:

      • instruction contains human-readable maneuver instructions.

      • maneuver contains the navigation maneuver at the end of this step.

      • modifier contains a maneuver modifier. See Maneuver modifiers.

      • road contains the road name of the current step.

      • geometry contains the geometry for the next step in GeoJSON format. In the Route Renderer node, the Route Geometry property uses this.

      • duration contains the duration of the step in seconds.

      • length contains the length of the step in meters.

    • FirstWaypoint contains a human-readable name of the first waypoint on a route. This is typically an address.

      • Lat contains the latitude coordinate of the first waypoint.

      • Long contains the longitude coordinate of the first waypoint.

      • LatLonString contains the latitude-longitude coordinates of the first waypoint in string format.

    • LastWaypoint contains a human-readable name of the last waypoint on a route. This is typically an address.

      • Lat contains the latitude coordinate of the last waypoint.

      • Long contains the longitude coordinate of the last waypoint.

      • LatLonString contains the latitude-longitude coordinates of the last waypoint in string format.

  3. You can use these actions to control the simulation and routing of navigation:

    • Set Route Waypoint sets a route waypoint as a WGS85 latitude-longitude coordinates.

      In the Action, set the Waypoint Index property to 0 for the start waypoint and to 1 for the last waypoint.

    • Set Route Snap Radius sets radius in meters within which the current GPS location is on the route. The default is 20 meters.

    • Set Car Location for Navigation (WGS84 lat/lon) sets the location of the car in WGS84 latitude-longitude coordinates, including the heading of the car.

    • Set Car Location for Navigation (Proj 2cm) sets the location of the car in projected 2 cm coordinates, including the heading of the car.

    • Set Car Location for Navigation (Proj meter) sets the location of the car in projected meter coordinates, including the heading of the car.

    • Set Navigation Simulation State sets the state of the navigation simulation.

      In the action, set the Simulation State to:

      • Reset to reset the location of the car to the start of the route and stop the simulation.

      • Pause to pause the simulation retaining the location of the car.

      • Start/Continue to start or continue the simulation.

    • Set Navigation Simulation Speed and Time Scale sets the speed of the navigation simulation.

      In the action, set:

      • Simulation Speed Scale to the value by which you want to multiply the speed of the car.

      • Simulation Time Scale to the value by which you want to multiply the simulation time. This value does not affect the reported speed.


Maneuver modifiers

These maneuver modifiers are available:

Maneuver modifier



A reversal of direction.


A sharp turn to the right.


A normal turn to the right.


A slight turn to the right.


No relevant change in direction.


A slight turn to the left.


A normal turn to the left.


A sharp turn to the left.

See also

Tutorial: Route progress and navigation instructions

Using the Kanzi Maps assets

Using the Geocoding Data Source

Using the Route Data Source

Using the Tile Data Source

Using the XML Data Source