Using the SVG Image nodes

Use the SVG Image nodes to show SVG images in your application.

The SVG Image nodes implement a subset of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1. See SVG 1.1 elements and attributes supported by the SVG Image nodes.

Showing an SVG image

To show an SVG image:

  1. In Windows Explorer store the svg file, which contains the image that you want to show, in the Tool_project/Generic directory of your project.

    Kanzi Studio shows the svg file in the Library > Resource Files > Generic.

  2. In the Node Tree or Prefabs press Alt and right-click the node where you want to create an SVG Image node and select either SVG Image 3D, or SVG Image 2D.

    Note that you can create a 3D node only inside 3D nodes, and a 2D node only inside 2D nodes.

  3. In the Properties set the SVG File property to the svg file whose content you want to show.

    Make sure that your svg file uses only elements and attributes supported by the SVG Image nodes. See SVG 1.1 elements and attributes supported by the SVG Image nodes.

    Kanzi creates in the SVG Image node a hidden node tree that renders the content of the svg file.

    ../_images/svg-file-property.png ../_images/settings-icon-in-preview.png
  4. (Optional) To adjust the appearance of the SVG image, in the Properties add and set:

    • Layout Width and Layout Height to set the size of the SVG Image node

    • Content Horizontal Alignment and Content Vertical Alignment to align the SVG content inside the SVG Image node

    • Align View Box to disabled to ignore the SVG viewBox attribute and instead use the content bounds to align the image

      In an svg file the viewBox attribute of the svg element defines the position and size of the SVG viewport. By default Kanzi uses the view box to align an SVG image.

    • Modulate Color to the color with which you want to tint the SVG image.

      Kanzi Shapes multiplies all color values in the SVG image by this color.

    ../_images/svg-image-properties.png ../_images/svg-image-properties-preview.png

Setting the input area for an SVG Image 2D node

When you enable hit testing for a node with the Input > Hit Testable property, the entire area of that node receives input by default.

To make only the area formed by the composited geometry of the shapes in a 2D shape node receive input, in the Node Tree or Prefabs select that node and in the Properties add and enable the Shape > Exact Hit Test property.

../_images/hit-testable-enabled.png ../_images/exact-hit-test-enabled.png

To learn about handling user input in Kanzi, in the Kanzi framework documentation see Working with > Input.

SVG 1.1 elements and attributes supported by the SVG Image nodes

The SVG Image nodes implement a subset of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1.

The SVG Image nodes support these elements:





cx, cy, r


Parsed for id elements


cx, cy, rx, ry



x1, y1, x2, y2


x1, y1, x2, y2





The same as polyline but closes the path




cx, cy, fx, fy, r


x, y, width, height, rx, ry


stop-color,stop-opacity, offset


width, height, viewBox

The attributes describe the size of the parent element, needed to convert relative length values from percentage units to pixels.


xlink:href, x, y

The SVG Image nodes support these attributes:




Sets the color of the fill in these formats: URI, hex, HSL, RGB, CSS extended color keywords.


Sets the opacity of the fill.


Converts relative length units other than percentage. The default font size is 12. The ‘em’ unit is implemented with font-size.


Sets the coordinate system for the attributes that define a gradient vector. Available values are userSpaceOnUse and objectBoundingBox.


Applies a translate, scale, skew, rotate matrix to the current path transformation.


Sets a unique ID for an element, usable for links that use the xlink:href attribute to define a reference to a resource.


Sets how to fill a region with a gradient that starts or ends inside the bounds of the region. Available values are pad, repeat, and reflect.


Sets the color of the stroke in these formats: URI, hex, HSL, RGB, CSS extended color keywords.


Sets the pattern of dashes and gaps in the stroke.


Sets the position along the SVG path where the dash of the stroke begins.


Sets the shape of the stroke at the ends of a path. Available values are butt, round, and square.


Sets the style of the area that is formed by two strokes whose ends meet or overlap. Available values are miter, round, and bevel.


Sets a limit on the ratio of the miter length to stroke-width. When the limit is exceeded, stroke-linejoin falls back to bevel.


Sets the opacity of the stroke.


Sets the width of the stroke.


Limited CSS2 style support for these attributes:

  • fill

  • fill-opacity

  • offset

  • stop-color

  • stop-opacity

  • stroke

  • stroke-linecap

  • stroke-linejoin

  • stroke-miterlimit

  • stroke-opacity

  • stroke-width


Defines a list of transform definitions to apply to the current path transformation.