Using the Route Data Source

The Route Data Source provides data about routes.

Learn how to use the Route Data Source by completing a tutorial. See Tutorial: Navigation.



The Kanzi Maps assets include the KanziMaps_Route Route Data Source. See Using the Kanzi Maps assets.

To create a Route Data Source:

  1. In the Data Sources window, click Create Data Source and set the Data Source Type to Kanzi.Maps.RouteDataSource.

    ../../_images/create-data-source.png ../../_images/create-route-data-source.png
  2. Next to the Route Data Source that you created, click reload-data-source to create these data objects:

    • primary contains the index of the primary route.

      Use this to separate the primary route from alternative routes.

    • routes contains a list of routes where each route contains:

      • geometry

      • duration (seconds)

      • length (meters)

      • leg (for each leg of the route)

        • geometry

        • duration (seconds)

        • length (meters)

        • step (for each step of the leg)

          • duration

          • length (meters)

          • name (road or path name)

          • geometry

          • maneuver

            • instruction

            • modifier

            • type


See also

Tutorial: Navigation

Using the Kanzi Maps assets

Using the Route Renderer node

Using the Geocoding Data Source

Using the Navigation Data Source

Using the Tile Data Source

Using the XML Data Source