Actions and messages reference

Here you can find the reference for the actions you can use with triggers in Kanzi Studio. To learn more about triggers, see Using triggers.

Activity Host actions

You can use the Activity Host actions to set an Activity Host to activate or deactivate a specific Activity.



Activate Activity

Activate Activity activates the child Activity that you set in this action. On successful activation, Exclusive Activity Host automatically deactivates the previously active Activity.

Deactivate Activity

Deactivate Activity deactivates the child Activity that you set in this action. You can use this action only to deactivate an Activity in a Parallel Activity Host.

To learn more about using Activities and Activity Hosts, see:

Apply actions

Use an Apply action when you want to apply a value to a property or activate an Activity node only when a condition expression in an Data Trigger evaluates to true. When the condition expression in that Data Trigger no longer evaluates to true, Kanzi reverts the changes that you set in an Apply action.

You can use an Apply action only in a Data Trigger.



Apply Property Action

Apply Property Action sets a property to the requested value for as long as the condition expression is met in the trigger that sets off this action. When the trigger condition expression is no longer met, Kanzi rolls back the value of that property to the value before this action was applied, or to the value set while Kanzi was applying this action.

Apply Activation Action

Apply Activation Action keeps an Activity node activated for as long as the condition expression is met in a trigger that contains this action. When the trigger condition expression is no longer met, Kanzi rolls back the state of the Activity node to the state before the action was applied. See Activating Activities with an Apply Activation Action.

To learn more about data triggers, see Data Triggers.

To learn more about the Activity nodes, see Activities.

Animation actions

You can use the animation actions to play, pause, or stop an animation in the application.



Pause Animation Playback

Pause Animation Playback action pauses a running animation.

Resume Animation Playback

Resume Animation Playback action resumes an animation.

Start Animation Playback

Start Animation Playback action starts an animation.

Stop Animation Playback

Stop Animation Playback action stops a running animation.

To learn more about animation actions, see Using keyframe animations.

Exclusive Activity Host actions

You can use the Exclusive Activity Host actions to set an Activity Host to navigate to an Activity.



Navigate To Next Activity

Navigate To Next Activity navigates to the next Activity in an Exclusive Activity Host.

Navigate To Previous Activity

Navigate To Previous Activity navigates to the previous Activity in an Exclusive Activity Host.

To learn more about using Activities and Activity Hosts, see:

Focus actions

You can use the focus actions to set the application to set focus to a node or to move the focus in the focus chain.



Move Focus

Move Focus action moves focus to the next focusable node in the focus chain direction that you set in this action.

Move Scope Focus Forward

Move Scope Focus Forward action moves focus to the next focusable node in the forward direction within the focus scope node that you set in this action.

Move Scope Focus Backward

Move Scope Focus Backward action moves focus to the next focusable node in the backward direction within the focus scope node that you set in this action.

Try Set Focus

Try Set Focus action sets focus to the node that you set in this action.

To learn more about using focus actions, see Using focus.

General actions

You can add the general actions to triggers in Kanzi Studio to create interactions based on user input.



Activate Theme

Activate Theme action activates the theme you set in the action.

Set Property

Set Property action sets the value of the property you set in the action.

Write Log

Write Log action writes to the Log window.

To learn more about using themes, see:

To learn more about properties and the Log window, see Tutorial: Getting started with Kanzi Studio.

Page and Page Host actions

You can use the page and page host actions to set the application to navigate to a specific Page node.



Navigate to Page

Navigate to Page action navigates to the Page you set in the action.

Navigate to Parent

Navigate to Parent action navigates to the parent Page of the Page you set in the action.

Navigate to Next

Navigate to Next action navigates to the next subpage under the Page Host node you set in the action.

Navigate to Previous

Navigate to Previous action navigates to the previous subpage under the Page Host node you set in the action.

To learn more about using the Page and Page Host nodes, see:

Prefab actions

You can use the prefab actions to load resources asynchronously from a prefab in your Kanzi project.



Start Asynchronous Load

Start Asynchronous Load action starts the asynchronous loading of resources from the prefab you set in the action.

To learn more about loading prefabs asynchronously, see Using node prefabs.

Scroll actions

You can use the scroll actions to set the application to scroll in a specific direction or position.



Scroll Down

Scroll Down action sets the scroll delta to one step down and starts scrolling in that direction. You can use this action to scroll a Scroll View node or a Grid List Box node.

Scroll End

Scroll End action sets the scroll delta to the end and starts scrolling in that direction. You can use this action to scroll a Scroll View node or a Grid List Box node.

Scroll Home

Scroll Home action sets the scroll delta to the beginning and starts scrolling in that direction. You can use this action to scroll a Scroll View node or a Grid List Box node.

Scroll Left

Scroll Left action sets the scroll delta to one step left and starts scrolling in that direction. You can use this action to scroll a Scroll View node or a Grid List Box node.

Scroll Page Down

Scroll Page Down action sets the scroll delta to one page down and starts scrolling in that direction. One page equals the layout height of the node that this action targets. You can use this action to scroll a Scroll View node or a Grid List Box node.

Scroll Page Up

Scroll Page Up action sets the scroll delta to one page up and starts scrolling in that direction. One page equals the layout height of the node that this action targets. You can use this action to scroll a Scroll View node or a Grid List Box node.

Scroll Right

Scroll Right action sets the scroll delta to one step right and starts scrolling in that direction. You can use this action to scroll a Scroll View node or a Grid List Box node.

Scroll Up

Scroll Up action sets the scroll delta to one step up and starts scrolling in that direction. You can use this action to scroll a Scroll View node or a Grid List Box node.

Set Scroll

Set Scroll action sets the scroll position of a Scroll View node.

Set Scroll Target

Set Scroll Target action sets the scrolling target of a Scroll View node.

To learn more about using the Scroll View nodes, see:

To learn more about using the Grid List Box nodes, see:

State Manager actions

You can use the state manager actions to set the application to enter or leave a specific state.



Go to State

Go to State action sets a state manager to the state that you define in the action.

Next State

Next State action sets a state manager to the next state in the state group that you define in the action.

Previous State

Previous State action sets a state manager to the previous state in the state group that you define in the action.

To learn more about using state managers, see Using state managers.

Value Accumulator messages

Use a Value Accumulator to increment a value of a property type over time. You can use the Value Accumulator messages to control the playback of Value Accumulators.



Value Accumulator: Pause

Pauses the animation applied by a Value Accumulator to its target property value.

Value Accumulator: Resume

Resumes the paused animation applied by a Value Accumulator to its target property value.

Value Accumulator: Start

Starts the animation applied by a Value Accumulator to its target property value.

Value Accumulator: Stop

Starts the animation applied by a Value Accumulator to its target property value and resets the value of the target property to its initial value.

To learn more about using Value Accumulators, see Incrementing the value of a property type.

Text Box actions

You can use the Text Box actions to select and edit text in Text Box nodes.



Backspace At Cursor

Backspace At Cursor action deletes a character using backspace.

For example, in a text that uses a left-to-right script this action deletes the character on the left side of the cursor.

Backspace Word At Cursor

Backspace Word At Cursor action deletes the characters until the next word boundary using backspace.

For example, in a text that uses a left-to-right script this action deletes the characters between the cursor position and the closest word boundary on the left side of the cursor.

Clear Selection

Clear Selection action clears the current text selection.

Cancel Text Composition

Cancel Text Composition action discards the composition text that the user produced in an Input Method Editor (IME).

This action works only when the Text Box node is in the editing state.

Commit Composition Text

Commit Composition Text action commits the composition text that the user produced in an Input Method Editor (IME).

This action works only when the Text Box node is in the editing state.

Delete At Cursor

Delete At Cursor action deletes a character using delete.

For example, in a text that uses a left-to-right script this action deletes the character on the right side of the cursor.

Delete Selection

Delete Selection action deletes selected text.

Delete Text

Delete Text action deletes the text between the character indexes that you set in the action using the Start Position and End Position properties.

Delete Word At Cursor

Delete Word At Cursor action deletes the characters until the next word boundary using delete.

For example, in a text that uses a left-to-right script this action deletes the characters between the cursor position and the closest word boundary on the right side of the cursor.

Enter Editing State

Enter Editing State action makes a Text Box node enter the editing state.

Leave Editing State

Leave Editing State action makes a Text Box node leave the editing state.

Insert Text

Insert Text action inserts text at the character index that you set in the action using the Position property.

Insert Text At Cursor

Insert Text At Cursor action inserts text at the cursor position.

In the Insert Text At Cursor action set the value of the Text property to the text that you want to insert.

Move Cursor Backward

Move Cursor Backward action moves the cursor one character backward.

Move Cursor Forward

Move Cursor Forward action moves the cursor one character forward.

Move Cursor Home

Move Cursor Home action moves the cursor ahead of the first character of the text content.

Move Cursor To End

Move Cursor To End action moves the cursor after the last character of the text content.

Move Cursor To Next Word

Move Cursor To Next Word action moves the cursor forward to the next word boundary.

Move Cursor To Previous Word

Move Cursor To Previous Word action moves the cursor backward to the previous word boundary.

Move Selection End Backward

Move Selection End Backward action moves the handle that marks the end of a text selection one character backward.

Move Selection End Forward

Move Selection End Forward action moves the handle that marks the end of a text selection one character forward.

Move Selection End One Word Backward

Move Selection End One Word Backward action moves the handle that marks the end of a text selection one word backward.

Move Selection End One Word Forward

Move Selection End One Word Forward action moves the handle that marks the end of a text selection one word forward.

Move Selection Start Backward

Move Selection Start Backward action moves the handle that marks the beginning of a text selection one character backward.

Move Selection Start Forward

Move Selection Start Forward action moves the handle that marks the beginning of a text selection one character forward.

Move Selection Start One Word Backward

Move Selection Start One Word Backward action moves the handle that marks the beginning of a text selection one word backward.

Move Selection Start One Word Forward

Move Selection Start One Word Forward action moves the handle that marks the beginning of a text selection one word forward.

Select All

Select All action selects all text in a Text Box node.

Select Text

Select Text action selects the text between the character indexes that you set in the action using the Start Position and End Position properties.

Select To End

Select To End action selects text from the cursor position until the end of the text.

Select To Home

Select To Home action selects text from the start of the text until the cursor position.

Select Word At Cursor

Select Word At Cursor action selects a word.

To learn more about using the Text Box nodes, see Using the Text Box nodes.