Class LightMetadata

Defines properties and message types for Light.

Inherits properties and message types from Node3DMetadata.

Property Types

See also PropertyType

The property type name of the light.


Sets the color of the Directional Light. Use the Intensity (I) property field to adjust the brightness of the light.


A hidden property that identifies directional light direction and contains related metadata.


Sets the color of the Point Light. Use the Intensity (I) property field to adjust the brightness of the light.


Sets the effect that this Point Light has on nodes that are farther away. Distance of light from the lighted surface is input in a quadratic function, the 3 components are the constant, linear and quadratic coefficients for the distance variable.


A hidden property that identifies point light position and related metata.


Sets the distance at which the intensity of the Point Light reaches zero. For infinite distance, set the property value to 0.


Sets the distance at which the intensity of the Spot Light reaches zero. For infinite distance, set the property value to 0.


Sets the color of the Spot Light. Use the Intensity (I) property field to adjust the brightness of the light.


Sets the effect that this Spot Light has on nodes that are farther away. Distance of light from the lighted surface is input in a quadratic function, the 3 components are the constant, linear and quadratic coefficients for the distance variable.


Sets the angle of the light cone in degrees.


Sets the inner angle of the light cone in degrees.


A hidden property that identifies the spotlight cone parameters and contains related metadata.


A hidden property that identifies spotlight direction and contains related metadata.


Defines how fast a fully lit area at the center of the light cone turns into an unlit area.


A hidden property that identifies spotlight position and contains related metadata.

Message Types

See also MessageType

Message Arguments

Message arguments classes define message arguments used for different message types. Each class defines a number of property types - arguments - together with getter and setter functions for them.