Class ParallelActivityHostConceptMetadata

Defines properties and message types for ParallelActivityHostConcept.

Property Types

See also PropertyType

Sets whether to show the activated Activity in front within its Parallel Activity Host. This property affects the z-order of the activated Activity within the same Activity priority layer:

  • When enabled, the Activity is shown in front.
  • When disabled, the z-order of the activated child Activity is determined by the order in which you added that Activity to the parent Parallel Activity Host. This is the default behavior.

Describes the content of a Parallel Activity Host. The Parallel Activity Host uses this content to instantiate Activity prefabs and control the status and lifetime of its child Activities. This property is not directly editable by a Kanzi Studio user. The ActivityBrowserController sets the value of this property according to the changes done to the state of the Activity Tree in the ActivityBrowser. The expected format for the property value is a list of Activity descriptions. Each of this Activity description contains:

  • The name of the Activity.
  • A boolean value describing whether the Activity is going to be active on the Parallel Activity Host activation. When set to true the Activity is going to be active, when set to false, the Activity is not going to be active.
  • The path to the prefab of the Activity.
  • The priority layer value of the Activity. The priority layer value decides the z-order of the child Activity. The child Activity with a higher priority value, is displayed on the top of a child Activity with the lower priority value. The z-order of the child Activities with the same priority value depends on their order of addition to the Activity Host. The latest added child Activity is always displayed on top on the existing child Activities with the same priority value. The values in this property must be separated by a comma. For example, {{name1,1,path1,0},{name2,0,path2,1}}.

Sets the policy that a Parallel Activity Host uses to decide whether it tries to set the key focus to an activating Activity:

  • When Host Has Focus: If the Activity Host has the focus, it tries to set the focus to the Activity. This is the default.
  • Always: The Activity Host always tries to set the focus to the Activity.
  • Never: The Activity Host never tries to set the focus to the Activity.

Set this property in an Activity in a Parallel Activity Host.

Message Types

See also MessageType

Message Arguments

Message arguments classes define message arguments used for different message types. Each class defines a number of property types - arguments - together with getter and setter functions for them.