Defines properties and message types for PropertyDrivenAnimationPlayer.
Inherits properties and message types from NodeComponentMetadata.
PropertyDrivenAnimationPlayerMetadata.TimelineProperty¶ | The target animation timeline for property driven animation. |
PropertyDrivenAnimationPlayerMetadata.TimePropertyTypePropertyProperty¶ | The type of property on the node whose value is taken by the player as input time for timeline playback. |
PropertyDrivenAnimationPlayerMetadata.RelativePlaybackProperty¶ | Specifies whether animations are applied in relative manner by adding animated value to target property value instead of replacing the property value. |
PropertyDrivenAnimationPlayerMetadata.EnabledProperty¶ | Specifies whether animation timeline is applied. |
Message arguments classes define message arguments used for different message types. Each class defines a number of property types - arguments - together with getter and setter functions for them.