Class TextConceptMetadata

Defines properties and message types for TextConcept.

Property Types

See also PropertyType

Sets the color of the text in a 3D text node.


Sets the material whose shader is used to render the text. The shader must use the ContentTexture uniform which is automatically filled with glyph data.


Sets the text content that the text node renders. To create a line break press Shift+Enter.


Sets the horizontal alignment of the text.


Sets the vertical alignment of the text.


Sets the padding spaces between the content and the left and right boundaries of the Text node.


Sets the padding spaces between the content and the top and bottom boundaries of the Text node.


Sets the characters that represent the truncated text when the text does not fit in this node. The default value is '...'. By default, Kanzi truncates the text at the end. Use the Truncation Direction property to set the part of the text that you want to truncate.


Sets how Kanzi truncates text when either Truncation or Overflow property is set and the text does not fit in this node:

  • None disables text truncation.
  • At character truncates text character by character. Default value.
  • At word truncates text by entire words.

Sets which part Kanzi truncates when either the Truncation or Overflow property is set and the text does not fit in this node:

  • Trailing truncates single- and multiline text at the end. Default value.
  • Center truncates single-line text in the middle. For multiline text, truncates entire lines from the middle, if the text does not fit in the height of this node, and clips text that does not fit in the width of this node.
  • Leading truncates single-line text in the beginning. For multiline text, truncates entire lines from the beginning, if the text does not fit in the height of this node, and clips text that does not fit in the width of this node.

Whether to position the leftmost characters of left-aligned text and rightmost characters of right-aligned text exactly within the boundary of the text node.


Whether to horizontally scale the glyphs to make them fit into the Layout Width of the Text Block. To adjust the scale, use the Horizontal Fit Scale Limits property.


When the Horizontal Fit property is enabled, sets the minimum and maximum scale for glyphs when the width of text in a Text Block does not match the Layout Width of that Text Block. For example:

  • Min property field set to 1.0 does not squeeze the glyphs, while 0.5 squeezes the glyphs to half their size.
  • Max property field set to 1.0 does not stretch the glyphs, while 2.0 stretches the glyphs to double their size.

Message Types

See also MessageType

Message Arguments

Message arguments classes define message arguments used for different message types. Each class defines a number of property types - arguments - together with getter and setter functions for them.