Defines properties and message types for PanManipulator.
Inherits properties and message types from InputManipulatorMetadata.
PanManipulatorMetadata.StartedMessage¶ | Occurs when the user presses down their finger on the node. If the user lifts their finger before exceeding the position change threshold, Kanzi cancels the pan gesture. |
PanManipulatorMetadata.MovedMessage¶ | Occurs when the user changes the position of their finger and that change exceeds the recognition thresholds. Arguments: PanManipulatorMetadata.MovedMessageArguments |
PanManipulatorMetadata.FinishedMessage¶ | Occurs when the user lifts their finger after Kanzi recognizes a pan gesture. |
PanManipulatorMetadata.CanceledMessage¶ | Occurs when focus moves away from the node during the pan gesture. |
PanManipulatorMetadata.EnteredMessage¶ | Occurs when the pan gesture enters the node to which the Pan Manipulator is attached. |
PanManipulatorMetadata.LeftMessage¶ | Occurs when the pan gesture leaves the node to which the Pan Manipulator is attached. Arguments: PanManipulatorMetadata.LeftMessageArguments |
Message arguments classes define message arguments used for different message types. Each class defines a number of property types - arguments - together with getter and setter functions for them.
PanDeltaProperty¶ | Holds the change in pan position since the last update in global screen coordinates. Example
PanVelocityProperty¶ | Holds the current estimate of the pan velocity in global screen coordinates. Example