Defines properties and message types for MaskEffect2D.
Inherits properties and message types from NodeEffect2DMetadata.
MaskEffect2DMetadata.MaskProperty¶ | Sets the mask texture. The default is no texture. |
MaskEffect2DMetadata.WidthProperty¶ | Sets the width of the mask to use in a layout. This value overrides the width of the texture that you use as the mask. |
MaskEffect2DMetadata.HeightProperty¶ | Sets the height of the mask to use in a layout. This value overrides the height of the texture that you use as the mask. |
MaskEffect2DMetadata.HorizontalAlignmentProperty¶ | Sets the horizontal alignment of the mask effect:
MaskEffect2DMetadata.VerticalAlignmentProperty¶ | Sets the vertical alignment of the mask effect:
MaskEffect2DMetadata.OffsetProperty¶ | Sets the mask offset along the X and Y axes in pixels. Kanzi applies the mask offset after stretch, alignment, and scale. |
MaskEffect2DMetadata.ScaleProperty¶ | Sets the factor by which to scale the mask. Kanzi applies the scale after stretch and alignment. |
MaskEffect2DMetadata.ScreenSpaceProperty¶ | Whether to layout the mask relative to the screen instead of the node. |
MaskEffect2DMetadata.StretchProperty¶ | Sets the stretch mode of the mask effect:
MaskEffect2DMetadata.ChannelProperty¶ | Sets the texture channel to use as the input for the mask:
MaskEffect2DMetadata.InvertProperty¶ | Whether to invert the mask so that transparent areas become opaque and opaque areas become transparent. |
MaskEffect2DMetadata.StrengthProperty¶ | Sets the strength of the mask effect in the range from 0 to 1:
Message arguments classes define message arguments used for different message types. Each class defines a number of property types - arguments - together with getter and setter functions for them.